Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 870: succeed!

The Pursuit of Soul King's purpose is also very clear. He came to this auction house to fight for the **** crystal.

He is very self-aware. With his aptitude, he can reach the limit of the strength of the king. It is impossible to enter the Hall of Fame, and it is even more impossible to rely on his own ability to break through to become a god.

So there is only one path for him, and that is to buy **** crystals and rely on refining **** crystals to become gods.

But Shenjing is almost impossible to meet, and auction houses do not often have it. He has been preparing for countless years and has been accumulating money, waiting for the time to buy Shenjing.

According to past experience, this kind of **** crystal can get about 5 billion, so this time he has accumulated more than 6 billion, and he came to the Tianfang auction house full of confidence, but he was cut off by the ruthless king.

If there is no money in the card, you can't even hold the placard, because it will be cashed on the spot, and you will be compensated if you don't pay.

The Ruthless King is slightly stronger than him, and he has more money.

Soulchaser Wang Qi's face turned red. If it weren't for the auction house, he would even dare to turn his face with Ruthless Wang on the spot.

Broken God Crystal, this is a big hatred!

The Ruthless King didn't care about the appearance of the Soul Chaser, and said coldly: "Isn't it screaming? Who will show that face?"

The Soul Chaser finally sat down somewhat depressed, a penny stumped the hero, and it was still able to stump the mighty warrior.

Jerry urged on it again and again, but the purchase of Shenjing was over, and no one bid any more.

Not everyone has Lin Zhen's abilities. Lin Zhen's alchemy skills are also outstanding among the holy alchemists. He belongs to the holy alchemist at the peak.

Even Lin Zhen had mastered the Rank Nine Golden Pill, and by chance, he managed to get six pill shops, only to have today's seven billion.

If you were a general saint-level alchemist, it would be amazing to be able to earn millions and tens of millions every day.

The Ruthless King successfully took down this crystal.

Lin Zhen silently watched the bidding of the two powerful kings, what he envied in his heart was their strength.

I don't know how long it will be before I can reach the level of being a king. Maybe I have time to comprehend the time law of the ethereal divine clock, maybe this day will not be far away.

The auction was still going on, but the general merchandise did not arouse Lin Zhen's interest at all. The two demigods did not participate in any bidding, but neither did they leave.

The auction of all kinds of small things gradually ended, and finally came to today's finale.

Misty clock!

The two staff members carefully carried a bronze bell to the auction stage.

"Dear friends, let me introduce the last auction item today, the ethereal clock."

"I don't know how many friends have studied the law of time, but those who have studied it must know that the law of time is one of the most difficult laws to learn. Time accelerates, time decelerates, time stands still, and even legends have time back."

"If time can really go back, then time and space can be reversed, what a magical ability this is."

"Today's ethereal divine clock no longer belongs to the ranks of Lingbao, it belongs to a supreme treasure. What is called the supreme treasure? That is the supreme treasure! It is the strongest treasure on the top of the Yuan Realm."

"It is said that this ethereal divine clock belongs to a top god’s treasure. The divine clock contains the deity’s lifelong training efforts and contains the profound meaning of the law of time. If the practitioner can understand the profound meaning of the law, then you can even let Time stops, let the moment you like last forever!"

"Divine crystals and supreme treasures are both of great value. For those who don’t have divine crystals, divine crystals may be more precious, but for those who have divine crystals, supreme treasures are the most precious because they are used by gods. The items have fallen into our Tianfang City. This is everyone's chance and great luck!"

"The auction is now starting. Like Shenjing, the starting price of this treasure is one billion yuan, and the price will be increased by at least 100 million yuan each time. Let's act!"

Jerry started shouting hoarse, and the atmosphere of the scene was mobilized again.

There is no need for Jerry to explain so much, everyone at the scene also knows the value of this treasure, but for most people, this ethereal clock is of no use to them.

Because they don't have the ability to understand the law of time, it's too difficult and too difficult.

But there will always be someone who needs it. There are hundreds of people on the spot, and a dozen people on the spot participated in the bidding.

The price has risen very quickly, exceeding 3 billion in a short time.

After more than 3 billion, some people started to withdraw. Although the treasure is good, it is impossible to get it without money.

The scholar and the savage were also in the ranks of bidding, and when the price reached 4.5 billion, they were left alone.

At this time, the Soul Chaser shot again.

"five billion!"

Although he didn't win the Shenjing, this treasure of the Soulchaser didn't want to miss it again. Maybe there is a chance to exchange the Shenjing with the treasure.

If you get to the depths of the endless battlefield, the soul chaser can guarantee that the price of the treasure is definitely above the **** crystal. He believes that sooner or later he will meet people who know the goods.

But just after he finished shouting, the ruthless king over there spoke again.

"Six billion!"

The soul chaser's eyes widened at once: "Ruthless, you are too much, you have robbed my **** crystal, and now you are still robbing my treasure, did you come against me today?"

"Soul chasing, don't look too high on yourself. I don't have the mood to fight against you, and you are not worthy at all. I am here to buy what I want today. If you say it is right, whoever bids with me is against me! "

The scholar and the savage over there sat down again, and the two demigods again carried them. They had no financial resources nor ability to compete with each other.

The King of Soulchaser gritted his teeth, and a sentence came out from between his teeth: "6.5 billion!"

"6.6 billion!" This time the Ruthless King only added 100 million. He had already figured out how much the Soul Chaser has, and the price was called out. It was impossible for the Soul Chaser to increase the price.

Sure enough, the Soulchaser encountered Waterloo again, and he was already powerless in the face of a price of 6.6 billion.

On the auction table, Jerry shook his head slightly, seeming to have won mercilessly again.

Just as he was about to drop the hammer, another voice rang out.

"Seven billion!"


The person sitting next to Ruqing shuddered all over, and the temperature around him instantly fell below freezing.

Looking ruthlessly at the place where the sound was made, he saw Lin Zhen sitting there.

There was a loud noise in the room: "It turned out to be Saint Master Lin Zhen!"

"When did the saint master come? How did you go inside the corner?"

"Holy Master, I'm going to explore the depths of the endless battlefield in a few days. I urgently need a Rank Nine Golden Pill to spare. I wonder if I can order a Rank Nine Golden Pill from the Holy Master? Dan’s price has been rising steadily, and the supply is in short supply. I can’t even photograph it!"

"Me too. I need to order two. Can I buy more at a discount?"

Lin Zhen smiled at everyone, "Everyone, it's auction time now, shall we not overpower the guests?"

These strong men also knew this rule, but they were a little anxious, and they all stopped talking, but in their hearts they were thinking about how to establish a relationship with the upstart Lin Zhen in order to buy the pill.

Looking up and down Lin Zhen ruthlessly for a while, his face like an iceberg did not fluctuate at all, and he slowly said, "It turns out that it is the newly-rising holy alchemist Lin Zhen. You are quite famous. I heard about it in Futian City. You’ve passed your name, but you’re still a bit short of competing with me."

"Eight billion!" The ruthless tone was just like his person, with a feeling of ice scum when he spoke, making people feel that the bones were chilling.

I have to say that Ruthless is very rich.

As the first person in Futian City, ruthless assets are very strong. He has just spent 7 billion to buy Shenjing, but he can actually spend 8 billion to buy the magic clock. This kind of financial power is amazing.

Lin Zhen doesn't have 8 billion now, and he doesn't have the ability to increase the price.

But Lin Zhen had his ideas.

Lin Zhen turned his attention to the Soul Chaser: "Soul Chaser, can you lend me some money so that I can win this auction?"

The Soul Chaser frowned slightly: "Why? Although you are a holy master, you are not a person of our level. You can't get the things I need. Why should I help you?"

"Well, since the Soul Chaser said so, I wonder if the Soul Chaser needs this thing?"

As he said, Lin Zhen lifted his palm, and a gleaming **** crystal appeared in his palm.

"Ah! You actually have a crystal! How much? I bought it!" The Soulchaser was overjoyed, no one could see his movements clearly, and he had already come to Lin Zhen's side.

Lin Zhen smiled: "Six billion."


The Soul Chaser didn’t hesitate, and transferred the money on the spot. The six billion came to Lin Zhen’s hands, and he got the crystal and happily added Lin Zhen’s Dimensional Universe friend: "Lin Zhen, let’s not say anything extra. In Tianfang City, you are my brother, except for the city lord, anyone who wants to trouble you, you can give me the name of chasing the soul!"

"Thank you, buddy, but it shouldn't be necessary in Tianfang City. The mountains and rivers meet, we still have time to see you again.

The Soul Chaser nodded: "Yes, that's right, but now that I get the crystal, I will find a place to retreat, goodbye brother!"

After speaking, the Soulchaser walked out of the auction house eagerly, obviously he couldn't wait.

After Lin Zhen got the six billion from the Soul Chaser, Kari's amount had reached 13 billion.

He once again faced the Ruthless King and said faintly: "The Ruthless King, if people don't speak secretly, I only have 13 billion here. If you exceed this price today, then I will give up, 10 billion!"

A one-time increase of 2 billion and Lin Zhen also included a psychological tactic here. If he wanted to fight for this treasure ruthlessly, it would cost at least 13 billion.

Nobody's money is coming from a strong wind, so you have to think twice if you are ruthless.

Lin Zhen didn't know whether Ruoqing had the financial resources to carry him to the end, but Ruthless stopped the bid.

"Lin Zhen, you won, but I want to ask, do you want to participate in the eye of the storm in the future?"

Lin Zhen was shocked: "Not bad."

"Very good..... Then you can keep the ethereal clock, don't lose it."

After speaking, the ruthless king stood up and left the auction house.

Lin Zhen sneered at the corner of his mouth and walked to the auction stage.

Jerry waved the small hammer down excitedly: "Now let us congratulate, our Tianfangcheng pill industry giant Lin Zhensheng, for a price of 10 billion, bought the ethereal divine clock, the transaction!!!"