Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 869: 2 demigods

Hearing these words, Lin Zhen's heart moved secretly.

It turned out that Shenjing was so expensive, even though Lin Zhen made seven billion yuan, it felt easy, but that was because he gained fame and basically monopolized nearly half of Tianfang City's pill sales.

It's very difficult for someone else to make 700,000, let alone seven billion.

Moreover, 5 billion is only the starting price, and the final transaction price of a Shenjing is almost the same as 10 billion.

After asking, Lin Zhen got up and walked into the auction house.

The auction is about to begin. Lin Zhen entered the scene to see that Lin Zhen is now a hot character in Tianfang City, but he is not yet qualified to sit in the front row of the auction house. His ticket can sit in the second row, but Lin Zhen Did not go, but found a corner to sit down, not conspicuous.

The decoration here is very luxurious, lying on a huge lounge chair, you can see the auction table from an oblique angle.

There are drinks and fruits on hand, and a number plate. Raising the card once means an increase in price.

One after another, guests began to come in.

This is a grand gathering for the strong!

One by one, sturdy and powerful warriors walked into the venue. Among them, the realm of Changsheng and Sanhua were not visible at all, at least it was a spiritual change.

There aren't even many people in the divine consciousness period, most of them are in the divine realm period, and among them there are even strong people in the divine stone realm constantly appearing.

In the front row, the God Realm Stage is not qualified to sit, all are in the God Stone Realm.

"Let us warmly welcome below, we are the strong man who is going out in Tianfang City, the half-god strong man who has gained a reputation in the endless battlefield, the soul chaser is on the stage~~~~!!!"

There was cheerful music on the scene, and surrounded by a few maids of the spiritual stage, a majestic middle-aged man appeared on the stage.

Lin Zhen couldn't help but look up at this time. This was the first time he had seen a powerful man at the rank of king.

The strongest man is a terrifying super strong on the endless battlefield.

The gods do not participate in the battle of the endless battlefield, so the strongest in the endless battlefield is the hall of fame.

However, there are only two hundred people in the Hall of Fame of the Ground Race and the Hall of Fame of the Endless Race. The chances of encountering in the endless battlefield with a diameter of more than 100 million light years are too small and too small, and may not be encountered in their lifetime. To a.

Therefore, in the common perception of people, the strongest person is the strongest in the endless battlefield!

According to some statistics and rumors, in the entire Metaverse, the strongest man will not reach six figures!

In Metaverse, where the population is impossible to count, this is an extremely small number, almost negligible.

So when the Soulchaser came on stage, many people at the scene really stood up and applauded, even taking off their hats to salute.

"Your Excellency, the King of Soul Chaser, I am very glad to meet you. You look so good today."

"It's an honor to meet you, I am your admirer."

The King of Soul Chaser walked over without squinting his eyes, and did not even look at those powerhouses in the Divine Consciousness Period or the Divine Realm Period, and even when someone greeted him, he would not even lift his eyelids.

After walking to the front row, the Soul Chaser sat down in a VIP position.

Looking left and right, the Soulchaser nodded slightly to some of the gods and stones, and it was considered hello. Those who are the gods and stone are all beaming. Obviously it is a very honorable thing to be able to get the nod of the soulchaser. .

After the Soulchaser sat down, the auction did not start immediately. After another five minutes, another guest came in.

"Next, let us welcome the distinguished guests from Futian City, the pride of Futian City, the demigod powerhouse, the ruthless king~~~!!!"

The temperature at the scene seemed to have dropped several degrees, and a warrior with white hair and white hair walked in.

Unlike the appearance and pomp of the Soulchaser King, this ruthless king is just alone.

Lin Zhen was stunned. He didn't expect to see two powerful kings at the auction today, and he glanced over.

The Ruthless King is like a moving iceberg. Not only his clothes are white, his hair is white, and even his eyebrows are white.

He carried a white long sword behind him, as if cast by frost, exuding a strong chill.

The person's eyes were faintly glowing with red light between the open and closed eyes. It was obviously a very handsome face, but when he glanced at it, there would be a kind of creepy feeling.

"Wow! Ruthless King! This is the number one powerhouse in Futian City, four million light-years away."

"I've also heard that this person entered the Taoist way by killing. When the cultivation technique was successful, the six relatives didn't recognize him and killed everyone around him, including his lover who loved him for thousands of years, so he won the title of Ruthless King. "

"Yes, it is said that this person's strength even faintly overwhelms the Soulchaser King of our Tianfang City, and some people even say that he has the hope of entering the Hall of Fame."

"Is it that exaggerated? The Hall of Fame is said to be the strongest below the gods, he is actually so strong!"

"It's usually difficult to see a powerful king-sealing player. I didn't expect to see two king-sealing demigods today. I wonder how these two masters can appear at the same time?"

"Then I need to ask, their goal is either a misty divine clock or a divine crystal. I guess the divine crystal is more likely. As a demigod, if you want to become a god, the divine crystal is the only hope."

The Ruthless King walked all the way to the front row and sat in another VIP seat, facing the Soulchaser King.

The two looked at each other, and there seemed to be a spark conflict in their eyes.

After the ruthless king appeared on the stage, the auctioneer soon appeared on the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, first introduce myself. My name is Jerry. I am the auctioneer of Tianfang Auction House. Thank you very much for coming. Everyone gathers in a city on the other side of the day and meets on the edge of the endless battlefield. It is all of us. Because of the fate, let me first toast everyone and wish my friends eternal life!"

Picking up a glass of red wine, Jerry toasted.

Most people gestured with their glasses and took a sip.

"Okay, let's start our first auction item today. This is amethyst from Tuoba Planet, which can be used for..."

The following auction sounds began to bid one after another. Lin Zhen kept his head down. Although some things aroused his interest, he knew exactly what he came for. He would not waste money elsewhere. Obtaining the magic clock is the only thing you want.

During the auction process, when the Soulchaser King occasionally shot, whenever the Soulchaser King shot, the price of this item would stop no matter how hot it was. Basically no one dared to bid with him.

After the ruthless king came in, he didn't say a word, and even kept his eyes closed in front, no matter what auction items could not make him feel.

Until the time when Shen Jing appeared.

"Guests, here is the highlight of today's auction, a crystal!"

"Shen Jing must be known to everyone. Only after the death of the god, the **** crystal formed by the heart of the **** stone in his body can flow out. How many thousands of years will there be a god? I am afraid there are not many gods in the entire Yuan realm. Jing, every **** crystal is the most critical place for the qualitative change of the martial artist, and it is the ultimate dream of all martial artists!"

"And now, there is a God Crystal here at auction. The starting price is one billion, and the price increase is at least 100 million. Do you want to become a God? Then you must reserve a God Crystal. This is your future! Now! Start bidding, everyone is welcome to bid."

After Jerry's instigation, today's highlight finally came.

The King of Soul Chaser raised the sign in his hand first, "Billion!"

After holding up the sign, his gaze was still looking around the audience, showing a threat to some people, indicating that he was determined to win this crystal.

But other warriors can let other things, but the treasure of Shenjing is related to everyone's future, and there is no concept of letting go.

Experts in the Divine Stone realm reach the peak, and they can become gods by getting a crystal. Once they become gods, who cares about your demigods?

"One billion!" Immediately there was a strong **** stone following the bid.

"1.2 billion!"


"1.5 billion!"

The voices of bidding came one after another, and soon rose to two billion, which did not give the soul chaser king any face.

The face of the soul chaser is not pretty, but facing the competition from so many sacred stone powerhouses, he has no way to lose his temper, coldly snorted, and once again raised his placard and said: "2.5 billion!"

This one-time increase of 500 million yuan finally had some effect, and several competing gods and stones retreated.

But this price was not enough to scare everyone away, and there was a scholar and a savage god-stone expert who still did not give up.

"Two and six billion!"

"Two thousand eight billion!"

The King of Soul Chaser raised his card again: "Three billion!"

"Three and two billion!"

"3.3 billion!"

The Soul Chaser raised his card again, "3.5 billion!"

Hearing this price, the Savage finally couldn't bear it, and took the initiative to sit down, which meant giving up.

But the scholar was still there, and continued to increase the price without fear: "3.8 billion!"

The Soul Chaser looked at the scholar with a knife-like gaze: "Muling, you haven't reached the peak of the sacred stone, and there is still a chance to get the sacred crystal in the eyes of the storm. It is best not to do things too much, otherwise it will not be good for you, four One billion!"

Hearing the naked threatening words of the Soulchaser King, the scholar named Muling finally retreated.

After hesitating for a long time, the price was still a little beyond his tolerance, and Mu Leng sat down sullenly, giving up the competition for Shenjing.

The soul chaser showed a smug look on his face, and he wanted to collect the fruits of victory.

On the stage Jerry began to shout loudly: "Your Excellency Soulchaser bid four billion! Is there anything beyond this price? Four billion first time ~ ~ four billion second time, four billion No...."

"five billion!"

In the audience, the ruthless king who has not spoken finally raised his placard for the first time, and he increased the price by one billion at a time!

"Ruthless, do you really want to fight with me?" The soul chaser showed an angry expression on his face.

Ruthlessly said indifferently: "Nonsense, if I don't sell good things, why should I run all the way to Tianfang City? I must take down everything I like!"

"Humph! Who wouldn't say anything big, do you think I would give up like this? Five and a half billion!"

"Six billion!"

"6.5 billion!"

"Seven billion!"

When the Ruthless King shouted the price of 7 billion, the Soulchaser finally changed his face, because his caliber was only 6.6 billion!