Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 864: Female Alchemist God 2nd Generation

Zhao Yan's fireball turned into a black hole beast and swallowed it at Lin Zhen's jade unicorn.

Lin Zhen seemed to have nothing to do at this time, the jade unicorn shivered and turned into a fireball, swallowed by the black hole beast!

Zhao Yan laughed, he won this fire fight!

The three people behind don't have to play, it's over!

Lin Zhen also had a smile on his face.

"No... Your Ice Heart Pill is not damaged!" Zhao Yan's face suddenly changed color.

With Lin Zhen's heart moving, the fireball turned into a huge balloon, rapidly expanding inside Zhao Yan's black hole beast.

The belly of the black hole beast bulged quickly and began to expand infinitely. Finally, it couldn't bear the balloon's expansion, and it exploded with a bang.

Bing Xin Dan was damaged and melted by the flames of Lin Zhen, Zhao Yan lost!

"This...this is impossible!" Zhao Yan yelled in disbelief.

Lin Zhen's mouth brought a hint of sarcasm: "There is nothing impossible. You dare to turn a fireball into a black hole beast. Don't you know that you can only imitate the black hole beast, but not its god. The black hole beast is powerful because of him. A black hole in the body, and why do you simulate a black hole?"

"The human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant. Just remember to imitate, but it has no ability to swallow it. Your black hole beast is just a slick paper tiger! Go on!

Zhao Yan's face was gray and defeated. He only knew that the Black Hole Beast was powerful, but he couldn't imitate the Black Hole Beast's abilities at all, and he was imitating in front of the real Black Hole Beast, Lin Zhen.

He obediently handed over one billion, and Zhao Yan retreated in despair.

Seeing that Zhao Yan lost, Li Nian was a little bit conflicted.

They both hope that Lin Zhen will fail, but also that Lin Zhen will lose in their own hands. Now that Zhao Yan has lost, they don't know if they are more happy or disappointed.

Only those supporters of Lin Zhen desperately applauded and cheered for Lin Zhen.

The second person to appear is Boss Ma, Matthew.

Matthew is a thin man. He came to Lin Zhen and said, "Lin Zhen, you are really good at controlling fire, but alchemy is not just enough for fire. It requires years of accumulation. I want to compete with you. Grab the medicine."

Lin Zhen nodded, "Okay."

The two came to the front of Lin Zhen's herbal medicine counter. Matthew and Lin Zhen jointly wrote down the names of thirty herbs and the amount to be grabbed.

"Lin Zhen, we only use 30 seconds. Whoever can accomplish the most, the best and the most accurate will win."

"Then let's start."

A scale was placed in front of each of the two people, and as time began, they moved at the same time.

In this regard, Matthew believed that he had reached the pinnacle. It took countless years of accumulation to grasp the medicine to be able to develop skillfully. He did not believe that Lin Zhen could surpass himself at a young age.

Even if Lin is really a saint-level alchemist, his time will definitely be immersed in the refining of the pill, and he will not spend too much time practicing the skill of grasping medicine, which is not very useful.

But only after comparing it did he know that there are people outside and there are heaven outside.

Lin Zhen's speed can be described as a ghost, like a breeze flying in front of the counter medicine cabinet, every time he shoots, he quickly grabs every medicine.

Originally Matthew was also very good, but he was completely suppressed by Lin Zhen.

Every time Lin Zhen stood in front of him intentionally or unintentionally, he slowed down his grasping speed and lost his rhythm. His performance was getting worse and worse. Lin Zhen was about to finish, but he only caught the five herbs. .

The people around looked at it and shook their heads. The two people's ability to grasp medicine was too far behind.

Lin Zhen is not only pure skill than him, but also moves too fast. After all, Lin Zhen is also very powerful as a warrior, completely squeezing Matthew to the back.

Thirty seconds were approaching, and Lin Zhen finished the last grabbing of the medicinal materials and put them on the scale.

Before Lin Zhen could speak, Matthew over there suddenly weighed Lin Zhen.

Matthew is also a long-lived warrior. His strength is not weak. With a single blow, he knocked all the medicinal materials on Lin Zhen's scale to the ground!

"Hahaha! Time is up, Lin Zhen, Lin Zhen, you are too innocent, we are better than grasping medicine, but there is no restriction on manual destruction. You don't have any medicine now, so what can you compare with me?"

Seeing Matthew's arrogant appearance, people around him scolded.

"Old bastard! You can't afford it!"

"Yes, what's this? Don't you admit it if you lose?"

"It's simply relying on the old to sell the old, it doesn't count, this old guy cheated."

But there were also people who supported Matthew. They were all the people they brought. They shouted at each other with Lin Zhen's supporters, thinking that the time had come. Whoever had more medicinal materials on the scale would win.

Lin Zhen lowered his head at this time, watching the medicinal materials that had just filled the air fall, some of them still fell back on the scale.

Lin Zhen pointed out: "Since this round is established, I still have medicinal materials on my scale now. Does this mean I won."

Matthew stunned: "What is your scum? There are so many on my scale...Ah! Where is my medicine?"

As soon as Matthew lowered his head, he suddenly found that his scale was empty. There was no medicinal material left, not even a slag, which was cleaner than washed with water.

The others were also shocked. Everyone kept looking at Lin Zhen's scale, and no one noticed when Matthew's medicinal materials were gone.

At this time, Lin Zhen suddenly raised his left hand. On the palm of his left hand, all the medicinal materials seemed to be sucked by a sucker, and it was firmly turned into a ball in his palm.

"All here!"

"Ah! When did this happen?" Matthew was shocked.

"Just when you started with my medicinal materials, I took all of your medicinal materials, but I didn’t say anything, because my medicinal materials exploded, and they would fall when they floated up, but yours Not at all."

Lin Zhen sneered, and suddenly said sharply: "Matthew, you lose to me when you talk about catching drugs, and you are far from cheating. You are actually playing this set in front of me. You are looking for death by yourself, don't talk nonsense. Now, immediately hand over the two hundred million, and..."

Lin Zhen suddenly smashed the medicinal materials in his hand on Matthew's face: "You deliberately damaged my medicinal materials, and now pay me compensation at the price. If you can't do it, I will let you I know how powerful the strongest gladiator is in Tianfang City!"

Matthew was smashed directly by Lin Zhen's bunch of medicinal materials. Using Lin Zhen's method, even a piece of paper was thrown out by him, and it was able to play the power of a missile. Matthew suddenly had a blue nose and a swollen face and blue eyes.

After getting up, he murmured to speak, but Li Nian and others didn't seem to see him.

Li Nian was also annoyed in his heart. If he lost, he lost. There is him behind. Matthew wanted to do these crooked ways. Lin Zhen grabbed the handle and screamed. He was impressed. He even looked at Matthew now. No matter what his predicament is.

Matthew wilted like an eggplant beaten by the cream, and now finally realized that Lin Zhen is not just an alchemist, he is also a powerful warrior, and he is definitely not able to contend.

Obediently pay the money and compensate Lin Zhen for the herbs. Those hired guys are also eye-catching. They just calculated the price of several thousand yuan for these herbs, and Matthew can only dare I dare not speak with anger.


Lin Zhen won two games in a row. Three hundred million of money was already in his hands. He was secretly happy. When he was in urgent need of money, these guys broke out. If he is lucky, he even hopes to get fifteen today. Billion!

Originally, Lin Zhen thought that the third person to appear might be Li Nian, but he did not expect that the third person would be the mysterious black-robed man Lalati.

This Lalati is not tall, even wearing a black robe, standing in front of Lin Zhen still looks a little petite.

When this person spoke, everyone knew that this was a woman.

Among the people who came to trouble this time, the realm of Lalati was still the highest, and it was actually in the middle stage of the God Realm, and the strength was considered very powerful.

Although she was only a seventh-rank alchemist, Lin Zhen felt that this woman was also very powerful, and I am afraid that she would also have the hope of advancing to the Saint level in the future.

In Lin Zhen's opinion, her strength should be higher than that of Li Nian, but she did not expect to be the third player.

The woman stood in front of Lin Zhen, turning around, watching for a while before speaking slowly.

The sound is very nice, but the tone is not so nice.

"Lin Zhen, before I compete with you, I will give you a chance. You are willing to become my exclusive alchemist. I can provide you with the best alchemy environment and ensure that no one dares to offend you, like a white tiger. Tang this kind of gang, I can destroy them with just one word, are you willing?"

"Oh! So amazing?"

"More than that, if you agree, I can also equip you with two demi-god-level guards. Don’t you want to enter the eye of the storm? These two demi-god guards can go with you to protect you the whole time and let you Something inside, and then come out safely."

Lin Zhen looked up and down Lalati a few times: "Did you forget to take your medicine in the morning?"

When Lalati heard this, a hint of anger suddenly appeared: "Lin Zhen, if you know my identity, you would not dare to say such a thing."

Lin Zhen didn't like this kind of indifferent response that used his identity to suppress others: "If you know my character, I am afraid you would not say such a thing."

At this time Klinsmann suddenly ran to Lin Zhen and said in a low voice, "Boss, I think this woman's identity is not simple."

"What's her identity?"

Klinsmann said: "Boss, there is a group of powerful people in the endless battlefield. They may not be the strongest, but almost no one dares to offend. You feel that no, this woman is definitely not more than 10,000 years old. , Is actually a powerhouse in the God Realm, or a seventh-rank alchemist, I am afraid I can't do this without a strong backing. In my opinion, this is a second generation of God!"

"The second generation of God?" Lin Zhen was taken aback.

"Yes, the so-called second generation of gods are the children of those powerful gods. These people may not have the skills of Lao Tzu, but because of their special status, no one dares to provoke them. I think this woman is like, maybe in the second generation of gods. It's a person of great identity."

Lin Zhen waved his hand: "No matter who she is, since she has come here, she can't bear it."

Klinsmann nodded, he had already said what should be said, and then it was Lin Zhen's own business.