Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 863: Fire fighting

Zhao Yan froze, "What risk do I need to take?"

Lin Zhen sneered: "Don't pretend to be confused with me. Do you think that if you call the door, I have to endure it obediently? You can question my ability, but I don't have the time to play with you for nothing. Are you capable? Okay, but what if you lose? Do you still want to pat your **** and leave?"

"Then what do you want?"

"It's very simple, lose money! I lose and close the business, if you lose, accompany me 100 million!"

Zhao Yan suddenly hesitated.

He is a sixth-rank alchemist, and he believes that the means of manipulating flames are not bad, and he dared to gamble with Lin Zhen, because they believed that Lin Zhen was a fake, and he could not have too advanced alchemy.

But what if they make a mistake? Is Lin Zhen really a holy alchemist?

Wouldn't it be shameful and shameful.

Moreover, Lin Zhen lion opened his mouth. If he loses, he will have to give out 100 million. This is not a small amount. Although he has a net worth of more than 1 billion, it is very difficult to come up with 100 million in cash.

Seeing that Zhao Yan was a little bit confused, Li Nian said, "Betting with him, but Lin Zhen, since you opened this hole, not only Zhao Yan is the only one who wants to bet with you, but also the owner of Xuanhutang. With me and my friends, we all want to learn and teach your alchemy, you must all follow."

Lin Zhen glanced over a few people on their side. Zhao Yan and Boss Ma were both sixth-rank alchemists, Li Nian was seventh-rank, and there was another person who covered all his body, head and face with a black robe. Clear face.

Lin Zhen's mental strength swept over, feeling that this person's breath was a little gloomy, and he felt something in his heart.

He pondered for a moment: "Is every round one hundred million?"

Li Nian and several people discussed quietly for a while, but Li Nian said, "No, the price of each round is doubled. If you have the courage, you can accept it. If you don’t have the courage, you can admit that you are a liar, a holy alchemist, no May not have the courage to accept the challenge of a few of us."

As he said, he still said to Lin Zhen: "My friend, like me, is also a seventh-rank alchemist. None of the four of us is holy. Do you dare to accept it? But the ugly words are in front. If you lose one of them If the bureau is closed, then we have to close our doors and cease business, and we will always get out of the Tianfang City Medicine Market!"

Before Lin Zhen could speak, Klinsmann was a little anxious, and ran to Lin Zhen's side: "Boss, you can't be fooled. They are obviously a trap. Even a holy alchemist cannot be proficient in all alchemy. Dao Famen, the price of each round is doubled. As long as you win the next round, you will even earn back your profits. You can't afford to lose a round!"

A clerk he hired beside also said: "Yes, boss, this is obviously a scam, you can't be fooled!"

Lin Zhen's supporters also shouted, saying that Li Nian and these people deliberately set up a game to cheat Lin Zhen, how could there be such an unfair gambling agreement.

There is a specialization in the art industry. The four of them must be proficient in one technique of alchemy. There is too much possibility that Lin Zhen will lose with four people.

But those who questioned Lin Zhen triumphantly refuted at this time: "What do you know, this kid claims to be a holy alchemist, do you know the difference between holy and sixth and seventh levels? It's like the difference between a teacher and a student The gap, is it because the four students asked the teacher and the teacher would not answer? If the answer is not available, it means that the teacher is simply fake!"

"Yeah, yes! Even the challenge of the sixth or seventh-level alchemist is not daring to accept, and he claims to be a saint-level, so quickly close the door!"

The following group of people followed Li Nian, and they all followed Li Nian. They were clearly organized and had a loud voice.

The faces of Klinsmann and others were a little pale, and today's things had a bad ending.

When the scene calmed down, Lin Zhen slowly said, "Since you have a good idea, then sign a contract in the dimensional universe. No one can go back!"

This time it was Li Nian's turn that several people had no idea, but Lin Zhen actually agreed!

This is somewhat different from their plan. In their plan, Lin Zhen must be a fake holy level.

But at the moment, it's a bit difficult to ride a tiger, and more importantly, they feel that they can't lose.

Their plan is extremely detailed, even if Lin Zhen really has the strength of the Saint Grade, the chance of winning is very small.

Li Nian gritted his teeth: "Hey! Since you are so courageous, then sign it, no one wants to go wrong."

Lin Zhen, Li Nian, Zhao Yan, Matthew, and another black-robed man named La Lati, the five of them collectively signed the contract.

Lin Zhen is one side, and the other four are one side. Both sides gambled on the technique of alchemy. Li Nian proposed the content of the gambling. The first round of gambling was 100 million, and the amount doubled in each round!

200 million in the second game, 400 million in the third game, and 800 million in the fourth game!

During this process, Lin Zhen only had to lose one of the rounds, the money he won would be returned, and Jindanfang would be closed down!

A few people signed and slapped, and the gambling agreement was established. It is impossible for anyone who wants to repay the bill.

The onlookers moved away from the middle of the hall, leaving a space for them.

Like every major event, the scene of the gambling battle between the two sides began to be broadcast live and soon became a hot spot.

Countless people are leaving comments. It is conceivable that if Lin Zhen wins this gambling battle, then the medicine industry in Tianfang City will instantly stand firm and occupy the commanding heights, and no one else can compete with him.

Zhao Yan came out first.

Facing Lin Zhen, Zhao Yan confidently said: "Lin Zhen, what I want to test with you is the fire control technique."

"How to compare?" Lin Zhen asked.

"I wonder if you have heard of Fire Fighting Technique?"

Lin Zhen's eyes narrowed slightly: "Oh! Do you still know Fire Fighting Technique?"

This fire fighting technique is a fire control skill of alchemists. Two alchemists use an ice heart pill each. This kind of pill is very fire-fighting inside, but there is a fireproof layer on the outside. If this fireproof layer is broken , Then the pill will melt.

The alchemist wraps the pill with spiritual power, makes this ice heart pill the heart, and then drives the flame to attack the opponent.

The opponent can also resist with flames and counterattack at the same time. Whoever can quickly break the opponent's ice heart pill will win.

Moreover, one party allows the flame to form a certain attack, and the other party can no longer transform this kind of thing, and must follow the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint, and whoever repeats it will be judged negative.

This method not only tests the alchemist's spiritual level, fire control level, but also tests the alchemist's imagination.

For example, if one party condenses the flames into a short knife, it may be restrained by the other party's flame spear.

So the alchemist's imagination occupies half of the winning factor, and the level of mental power and flame intensity also account for half.

Looking at Zhao Yan's confidence, Lin Zhen knew that this guy must often play this kind of game.

But Lin Zhen was not afraid of him. Qian Tong had played Huo Doushu before, and he played well. With Lin Zhen's own flame strength and mental power factors, he could definitely defeat this Zhao Yan.

"Okay, then fire fighting technique, get ready to start."

Zhao Yan clapped his hands, and someone brought a huge crystal cover, and the fire fighting technique of the two people was held inside the crystal cover.

Bingxin Pill is also used to resolve the side effects of the pill. It is not a rare pill. Lin Zhen Jin Pill has two pills, one for each person.

Zhao Yan activated his mental power to wrap this pill, and then the flames covered it, forming a round fireball.

The flame showed a light blue color and was extremely hot.

The light cyan flame is already very strong for ordinary alchemists, but of course Lin Zhen would not see it.

There are medium cyan, dark cyan, and then bright cyan on top of light cyan. Depending on Zhao Yan's flame level, he may never advance to dark cyan, let alone bright cyan.

As soon as Lin Zhen raised his hand, the same light cyan flame rose. Since he was playing with fire fighting, the difference in flame intensity between the two sides would be boring.

Zhao Yan and the others saw Lin Zhen's flame intensity showing joy. It seems that Lin Zhen really knows how to make alchemy, but he is definitely not a holy alchemist!

"Lin Zhen, you can be scammed and kidnapped on the ground of the Metaverse, but you absolutely can't do it here. Today I will let you know the gap between the ground of the Metaverse and Tianfang City!"

The flames controlled by mental power suddenly twisted, turning into a small sparrow, and pecking at Lin Zhen's fireball!

He concentrated the flame power on the sparrow's beak. As long as he hit the fireball, he might be able to break the surface of the ice core pill, because the surface was very fragile and could not withstand attacks.

Lin Zhen sneered, Zhao Yan's spiritual power was the peak of dark gold, and he was completely different from him, and he could crush it with strength.

But he also played a little bit at the moment, showing too much strength at the beginning, which is not good for subsequent betting.

With a thought, the fireball in his hand also changed.

A flame goshawk transforms in the air, spreads its wings, and is about to swallow the opponent's sparrow.

As the goshawk restrains the sparrow, Zhao Yan must respond.

This kind of control requires meticulous mental power and rich experience. Seeing Lin Zhen can easily transform flames, Zhao Yan's expression changed: "There are two more things, look at this!"

The sparrow spun in the air and turned into a crane.

The long beak and the long claws are about to attack the goshawk.

Lin Zhen's mental power moved again, and the goshawk turned into a green dragon, swallowing clouds and mist, and attacked the crane again.

"Green Jiao is not a dragon after all, let you see my real dragon!"

His crane shook his body and turned into a five-clawed golden dragon, and once again swooped down on the blue dragon.

Lin Zhen smiled faintly, and before the Qing Jiao turned around, he had already turned into a golden-winged roc.

Golden-winged Roc, feeds on dragons!

By this time, Zhao Yan had already seen sweat on his forehead, and Lin Zhen's manipulation and adaptability made him extremely uncomfortable, and gradually felt a little powerless.

But he couldn't admit defeat, and once again exerted his strength, the golden dragon became a stubborn.

"Although your Dapeng bird is strong, you don't want to devour my squat beast!"

Lin Zhen remained silent, and the Dapeng once again transformed into a jade unicorn.

Seeing this, Zhao Yan looked happy, and Suan turned into a black hole beast.

"Hahaha, Lin Zhen, the black hole beast is the king of the beasts, don't you know that as a black hole beast? I think what else you can do to restrain me this time? You lose!"