Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 856: Live tear

On a gentle **** in the mountain, a group of people from Baihutang gathered.

A strong warrior who took the lead, holding a shield in one hand and a battle axe in one hand, his body was surging with star power, and it was Bai Yunfei.

Beside Bai Yunfei, six or seven gladiators of the pinnacle of spiritual consciousness gathered here.

"Brother Bai, what is Lin Zhen's background? It's worthy of us doing so?"

"I heard that it was from the New Territories. It seems that there has been a lot of noise on the ground in the past few years, and the strength is good."

"These are not the key points. The key point is that this kid seems to be a saint-level alchemist. Sanhu wants to bring him into the group. If he gets the top ten thousand, what's the matter?"

These people were talking babbledly, and in the distance of sight, a blood-red flag was moving here.

They stared at the banner, waiting for Lin Zhen to arrive.

Before Lin Zhen came, a man with a sword came up.

The man was dressed in black and appeared like a ghost. His arrival seemed to make the temperature drop a lot.

"The Three Heroes Club ace gladiator Chen Yuan!"

The complexions of several people in Bai Yunfei suddenly became difficult to look.

Among the three big gangs in Tianfang City, the Three Swordsmen Association is ranked first, and the arena of the three big gangs is also the first among the Three Swordsmen Association.

Chen Yuan is the trump card of the Three Heroes in the arena. Although he is only a five-star fighter, he has a record of defeating a six-star fighter.

You know that six-star warrior, but a warrior who turned into a **** stone!

Regardless of Fu Qingfeng being Baihutang's ace gladiator, but compared to Chen Yuan, Fu Qingfeng is still a bit worse.

As Fu Qingfeng's subordinate, Bai Yunfei naturally regarded Chen Yuan as a great enemy. When he saw him walking here, he dared not make a sound or act rashly, hoping that Chen Yuan would just pass by.

But contrary to his wishes, Chen Yuan stopped, came to a big rock and sat down, and then took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms.

Cigarettes are not a patent of the earth, and there are many in Metaverse.

This cigarette called "Goddess" is very popular on the endless battlefield, and there is a picture of a lady of Qingqiushan's wife.

The atmosphere was immediately suppressed, and the White Tiger Hall warriors who were present were silent.

After a long time, seeing that Lin Zhen is about to arrive, Bai Yunfei finally couldn't bear it and said: "Boss Chen Yuan, we have no intention of offending you. We are here only to solve an internal affairs of Baihutang, so I hope you don't interfere. ."

Chen Yuan took a fiercely smoked cigarette, went out a smoke ring in the air, flew more than ten meters, and remained condensed.

"You don't need to tell me about your affairs. I don't need to tell you what I want to do. You can't control it either."

Bai Yunfei was choked and couldn't say anything. He didn't dare to say more, and could only wait for Lin Zhen to arrive.

The blood-red banner appeared in the field of vision, and Klinsmann and Lin Zhen arrived.

Seeing Bai Yunfei and others, Klinsmann stopped, his face solemnly said: "Boss, we may be in a bit of trouble. This person is called Bai Yunfei. He is one of Fu Qingfeng’s four great generals. The masters of, the rest are also the pinnacles of the spiritual mind stage, and they are all famous figures in the arena."

"No matter who he is, since he dares to stop him, he must be mentally prepared to be eliminated."

Lin Zhen was ready to fight, Chen Yuan suddenly stood up and came to Lin Zhen's side.

"Are you from the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake?" Chen Yuan asked.

Lin Zhen was stunned. The person in front of him was a warrior in the late stage of the God Realm. His body was surging with star power, standing like a mountain, he was definitely a super expert.

Lin Zhen nodded: "That's right."

"It's great. After so long, I finally saw the people from Falling Star Lake again. I also came from the Heavenly Squad of Falling Star Lake. It has been 120,000 years since I came to Tianfang City. How about Brother Five now?"

Hearing that Chen Yuan was also a martial artist in the Starfall Lake Tianban, Lin Zhen suddenly felt a lot of intimacy.

"Senior Brother Five is very good and treats me very well."

Chen Yuan nodded: "I think so, your potential qualifications can definitely enter the eyes of Senior Brother Five, so let's talk while we two walk, and you can also tell me about Falling Star Lake."

With that, Chen Yuan took Lin Zhen and walked forward.

A slight voice came to Lin Zhen’s ears: "Lin Zhen, I know you are not afraid of these people, but you can’t waste time on these endless harassment. The second high tide is coming soon, and now the speed is fast. People have reached a height of more than 3,000 meters. If you are a little bit hurry, you will not have your share of the top 10,000."

Lin Zhen was also alert when he heard this. He wanted to be famous, but he could never be eliminated. Everything must be based on a smooth promotion.

"Thank you Brother Chen for reminding me, let's go."

Lin Zhen waved to Klinsmann, and Klinsmann immediately followed Lin Zhen carrying the banner, passing through the white tiger hall martial artist.

Bai Yunfei and the others looked at each other, completely wondering what to do.

Seeing that Lin Zhen's figures were about to disappear, Bai Yunfei finally couldn't help it, and shouted from behind: "Lin Zhen, you only have to do these two things. You can live with the protection of others. If you don't have that ability , It’s best to break your broken flag and throw it away. It’s embarrassing to hit it."

Lin Zhen stopped and said to Chen Yuan, "Brother Chen, wait for me for a minute."

Chen Yuan frowned slightly, "Brother, sometimes a momentary struggle is completely unnecessary. Knowing how to choose is the way to survive."

"Brother Chen is right, but I have my reasons."

Lin Zhen explained, turned and walked back.

Bai Yunfei was overjoyed when he saw that Lin Zhen was energized to return the Fa, and he waved to the people around him: "Everyone, move faster and solve Lin Zhen as quickly as possible. Even if we complete the task, we will disperse each other. Don't let Chen Yuan. Catch up."

The surrounding martial artists nodded, but before they could make any response, Lin Zhen on the opposite side suddenly accelerated and reached Bai Yunfei in the blink of an eye at the speed of light.

"Some people have escaped the catastrophe, but they just think they are afraid of him. This is called seeking death!"

Kaihua, with gold!

A blow to tear the space!

There is no way to tear the space in the virtual battlefield, but it does not hinder the sharpness of Lin Zhen's attack!

It's too fast!

too fast!

Quick dodge is impossible at all!

Bai Yunfei can only block with a shield in his hand!

Click~~~! ! !

Lin Zhen smashed the shield abruptly with both hands, and passed directly through it!

Bai Yunfei was so guilty that he couldn't believe that Lin Zhen could actually do this, but it was definitely too late to avoid it at this time.

The only thing he can do is to slash at Lin Zhen with his right axe!

The battle axe hit Lin Zhen's shoulder, and the sound of metal collision rose from Lin Zhen's body, and Bai Yunfei's Lingbao battle axe only left a shallow mark on it!

Lin Zhen's expression turned cold into steel, and his hands were now fiercely inserted into Bai Yunfei's chest.

He didn't have Lin Zhen's invulnerable armoring ability, and he was hit through his chest!

The chest cavity is shattered, and the internal organs become blood!

The powerful vitality of Bai Yunfei God Realm's transformation was vividly manifested at this moment. Not only did he not die immediately, he still had the power to grab Lin Zhen's hands!

"Lin Zhen! Even if I die, I will take you with you!"

"You dream!"

A mental shock hit Lin Zhen's head head-on, but it shattered like an egg hit a stone.

"Die together!"

Bai Yunfei didn't expect Lin Zhen to have almost no weakness. After a mental shock failed, he knew it was going to be over, and immediately wanted to blew up and drag Lin Zhen to die together.

It's a pity that it's too late, Lin Zhen's hands suddenly exerted strength, one point left and right!

Lin Zhen's physical power has now entered the maturity stage of the black hole beast. It is incredibly powerful, and Bai Yunfei's body is directly torn into two pieces by Lin Zhen like a paper!

With blood flying in the sky, Lin Zhen grabbed Bai Yunfei's two corpses and smashed them at several other Baihutang martial artists.

A warrior couldn't dodge, and was hit by a petitioner, but when he got up, he backed away in fear, as if Lin really was some kind of monster.

One move can tear apart Bai Yunfei in the early days of the God Realm alive, so they can hide as far as they can from the realm of Divine Sense.

Lin Zhen shook his hand, the armored state was lifted, and finally looked like a normal person.

The warriors in the White Tiger Hall took a long sigh. It seemed that Lin Zhen was going to stop, so their lives would be saved.

But just when they relaxed their vigilance, Lin Zhen's heart sword issued again!

Om~~! !

A piece of invisible sword net completely enveloped the gladiators at the pinnacle of spiritual consciousness, because there was no defense, Lin Zhen's attack was particularly easy.

puff! !

The few people who were still alive just now turned into pieces of meat in the blink of an eye.

After doing this, Lin Zhen turned around and returned to Chen Yuan's side: "Senior Brother Chen, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. Now I think there should be a lot less people blocking me in front."

Chen Yuan looked at Lin Zhen with the look of a monster for a while before he let out a long sigh: "Junior Brother, it seems that I was worried a little bit earlier. Your strength is basically comparable to a five-star warrior. Now In this virtual battlefield, there will never be more than five people qualified to be your opponent."

"I think there is no one now, because Brother Chen is by my side, who would dare to stroke the tiger's beard without opening his eyes?"

Chen Yuan laughed loudly: "Junior Brother Lin, with talents like you, the day when we rise to the Falling Star Lake Holy Land seems to be not far away! From now on, Brother, I will borrow your light from Brother."

Both of them laughed, and Chen Yuan's attitude towards Lin Zhen also had a subtle change.

He did come here to help Lin Zhen before, but now that he saw Lin Zhen's methods and style of action, all his contempt was lost.

Maybe Lin Zhen's current strength is not as good as him, but Lin Zhen is only in a three-flowering period. It may not take too long to surpass him in strength. Even now, if he fights life and death, Chen Yuan is not sure to retreat in front of Lin Zhen. .

This is his first time from a low-level warrior,

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