Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 855: Kill the first!

"Beyond the nickname, the two-star Gladiator of Baihutang, Lin Zhen, slaughtered all quarters in the virtual battlefield, raising the banner to challenge everyone!"

"The most arrogant gladiator in history is freshly released, the most arrogant in history, no one, pay attention! No one!"

"Click on the link to enter the battle video, Lin Zhen's invisible sword kills the master of spiritual mind in seconds, it is impossible to defend."

"Live broadcast, Lin Zhen is pressing step by step, hundreds of gladiators are losing every day, recharge one hundred yuan, and enjoy VIP glory!"

"The first big suspense of the virtual battlefield has been born. Who is the white tiger hall martial artist Lin Zhen terminator, the prize quiz begins now."

Each article is full of exaggerated language, creating eye-catching video titles.

The name Lin Zhen was the first time he swiped the screen in Tianfang City.

He never knew who Lin Zhen was from the Celestial City, and started to click on the video to watch Lin Zhen's fighting video.

I don’t know, but at a glance, the controversy was born.

Many sane warriors think that Lin Zhen is looking for death, a warrior in the three-flowering stage, even if you are exceptionally talented and superior in strength, there is a limit.

You can kill Sanhua in seconds and defeat Divine Sense, but that's the end of it. What about geniuses with the same Divine Sense period?

What about the masters of the God Realm period?

What about the geniuses who meet the gods?

I'm afraid I don't even know how to die.

Someone immediately made a speech. If he was Lin Zhen with such a strong ability, walked forward in a low-key manner, made a fortune with a muffled voice, he would probably be in the top 10,000, but this way, he would be exposed to people’s eyes. , Will definitely be eliminated.

Because Lin Zhen's act of weeding out people at sight is too arrogant. People are all cautious in the virtual battlefield. Who is going forward holding the banner like him? Ordinary warriors have no strength to eliminate him, but the top gladiators in the three major arenas will definitely not let him go.

If Lin Zhen arrogantly walked all the way to the top of the mountain, where would the faces of the other gladiators go?

This kind of speech occupies the majority, but there are also different opinions.

There are also many warriors who support Lin Zhen.

They believe that when a martial artist has cultivated to a certain level, if he looks forward and backward and fears the end, then it will be difficult to become a master after all, and his achievements will be limited.

Pursuing one's heart has always been a difficult thing to do, because martial artists are also humans, and people must have such concerns and cannot completely let go of the body and mind.

Obviously in their opinion, they also think that Lin Zhen's strength is not enough to run rampant in the virtual battlefield, but he just dared to do so. This is obviously very rare, so there are many people who support Lin Zhen.

The other part is simply seeing Lin Zhen behaved very handsomely and coolly. He did things that many people wanted to do but didn't dare to do, and thus became a fan of Lin Zhen's brains.

"Lin Zhen, just for what you did today, even if you are eliminated, Brother Arena will buy you to win in the future!"

More people watched silently, wanting to see where Lin Zhen could go.

In their opinion, if Lin Zhen succeeded in doing this, it would be a big fire, and if he was eliminated, it would be foolish.

The winner, the king, the loser, the monkey, is the unbreakable truth.

As time goes by, the first high tide on the island is coming.

Although it is the rising tide of the virtual environment, it is far more terrifying than the rising tide in reality.

The huge wave can no longer be described as monstrous, it is simply broken!

A gust of wind blows from the sea, and the wave rises to a height of kilometers, roaring between heaven and earth.

The turbid waves completely obscured the view, like a rapidly advancing mountain, instantly spreading across the beach and beginning to advance towards the foot of the mountain.

Lin Zhen glanced at the rapidly approaching wave, and said to Klinsmann beside him: "Go, rush over!"

Klinsmann had no doubt about Lin Zhen at this time. Although there were more than 30 warriors blocking the road, he believed that Lin Zhen would be able to defeat them.

Raising the flag in their hands, the two rushed forward quickly.

"Stop him! Don't let him rush over!"

"As long as he guards this line, he will be swallowed by the wave, and maybe everyone will have rewards at that time."

Those who can become gladiators are also brave and ruthless people. These people stand in front of Lin Zhen and they plan to trap Lin Zhen to death under the wave.

Lin Zhen shook his hand, replaced the two swords with the Lantis spear, and stabbed out with a star drop!

Ahead of the wave, a huge star swiftly advanced, and smashed it rumblingly.

"It's nothing great, let's work hard together and blast it back!"

Dozens of people shot together, and Lin Zhen's move was a pity.

Rumble~~~! ! !

A huge fireball bloomed from the top of the island.

The star exploded!

Just like the atomic bomb bombing of Hiroshima, the entire mountain seemed to shake, and a cloud of mushrooms rose above the front contact point.

A huge wave of light and heat swept across, clearing a vacuum in a radius of 100 meters.


Lin Zhen turned into a streamer and quickly ran up the mountain. Klinsmann's escape speed was also very fast. At this moment, he didn't even want to be shocked by Lin Zhen's move to cause such damage, so he followed closely with his banner.

Passing the place where the mushroom cloud rises, the two people were not hindered by any obstacles, and they went all the way unimpeded.

Wow~~! !

The waves slapped over, the silver sand beach and the buffer zone below disappeared, and the sea level rose a thousand meters.

Everything below the sea level disappeared at this moment, only the endless water flooded, and gradually subsided.

Klinsmann stopped, looked back at the sea, and then looked at Lin Zhen with a look of monsters.

Lin Zhen seemed to be okay, putting away his spear and moving forward slowly: "Let's go, this is just an appetizer, there must be stronger enemies in front of me blocking my way, and there are still some fighting."

In everyone's dimensional universe, you can see the general situation of this virtual battlefield, such as the number of remaining people.

In addition to the remaining number, there is also a kill list, which records the person who killed the most opponents.

The number of people who participated in the virtual battlefield was 500,000 when they came in. After a round of fighting, about 30,000 people were lost. However, when the first wave hit, many people were unprepared. There were seven to eighty thousand. People were swallowed by the wave.

Now the total number of people remaining on the battlefield is only 370,000.

Many of them have climbed to a height of nearly two kilometers, forming the first group.

The number of people in the first group is very large. Everyone is pursuing speed at the moment, and the chance of meeting is also great. Fights between each other often occur.

Just before Lin Zhen issued a starburst, the person who killed the number one on the list was Fu Qingfeng from Baihutang.


On the steep mountain wall, a sword-backed warrior is advancing quickly. This is Fu Qingfeng of the White Tiger Hall, the apprentice of the Hall of Fame powerhouse who laughs at the common people, and now the ace gladiator of the White Tiger Hall arena.

He turned his head and could even see the first wave coming down below.

To his left, a lean warrior climbed up quickly like an ape.

Fu Qingfeng's name is more poetic, but the person is extremely cruel and cold. Holding a vine on the cliff in his hand, he swung towards the warrior.

The warrior of the speed dragon rider saw Fu Qingfeng hit, and his soul suddenly flew out: "Fu Qingfeng, we live together in peace, is it not good to go forward together?"

"Sorry, I don't like being disturbed by someone around me."

Cang~~~! !

A sword light passed by, and the thin warrior fell on his head and was eliminated.

"It's the twenty-eighth one, and my top kills list has stabilized a lot. This time I go to the Eye of the Storm. Not only will I qualify, but I must also qualify. No one can surpass me, so I won’t fall. My master’s reputation as a strong man in the Hall of Fame."

The first wave of the next wave arrived, and Fu Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief and paused for a while, then glanced at the kill list with a slight expression.


His pupils dilated, because he saw that Lin Zhen, who was not far behind him in the previous ranking, jumped to the first position, and the number of kills reached 62!

"Lin Zhen..... This guy must be below, and then the chances of those rookies besieging him have opened up."

"Damn it, dare to exceed me, no, I will never allow this to happen."

Fu Qingfeng stopped and waited for a while, when a strong gladiator climbed up.

The gladiator was stunned when he saw Fu Qingfeng: "Boss, why aren't you leaving? You know that Chen Yuan of the Three Heroes and Hillman of Speed ​​Dragon will not stop."

"I'm just waiting for you." Fu Qingfeng looked at this martial artist, this person is his capable subordinate, one of the four Qingfeng heroes, Bai Yunfei.

"What's the boss' order?"

"You don't have to climb up, go back down and kill someone for me."


"You should be no stranger to this person, Sanhu also informed us before, Lin Zhen."

Bai Yunfei froze for a while, then glanced at the kill list, and immediately understood what Fu Qingfeng meant.

"Boss, it's okay for me to kill Lin, but I'm afraid this will delay the progress of climbing the mountain, if I fail to enter the top 10,000..."

Fu Qingfeng said faintly: "Don't worry about this. The first ten thousand will definitely have your position. I will keep climbing speed. After reaching the top of the mountain first, I can let him come up at any time. Falling down, as long as I am willing, the number of people at the top will never reach 10,000."

Hearing Fu Qingfeng's assurance, Bai Yunfei was overjoyed: "Then thank you boss, I will go back, Lin Zhen, the jumping clown, I will let him know what is the power of the gods."

"Go back quickly. If you meet three other people, you can join forces with them. Lin Zhen might not be so easy to deal with."

"Boss rest assured, no matter how difficult it is to deal with, it is just a three-flower, and it can turn the sky over!"

Bai Yunfei replied indifferently, turning around and jumping down.

He jumped several tens of meters, fell on a raised rock, jumped again on another rock, and soon went down.

After Fu Qingfeng explained, he turned and continued to climb to the top of the mountain.

"I want to win the first place and succeed. I am a member of the endless battlefield hall of fame in the future. How can I be compared to a little-known kid? No one!"