Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 853: Klinsmann

There was a flash of light and shadow in front of him, and Lin Zhen, who was still in the hotel bed last moment, had already entered another world.

At the foot is a soft sandy beach, with silver waves splashing on the sand, and white foam appears.

Looking far away, there is a blue sea in the distance, spreading to the end of the horizon.

A few seagulls passed by in the distant sky, making a crisp call, but they gave people a feeling of being out of reach.

Lin Zhen can clearly feel that he is very far away from the birds, far to the point of inaccessibility, because this virtual space is forbidden, cannot fly and teleport, or even tear the space, just to prevent people from cheating.

Everyone has to rely on his own feet to climb the towering mountain behind him.

The sandy beach forms a sprawling area, rising higher and higher towards the mountain.

Far away, other contestants also appeared.

After entering the virtual space, Lin Zhen received a prompt from the dimension universe.

"All participants, please note that the virtual battlefield is now officially started. It is now everyone’s location. They are all on the beach around the island. The beach will rise once every hour. The rising tide is one thousand meters above sea level. Seventy-two times, the sea will rise to the top of the mountain."

"On the top of the mountain, there can only be a maximum of 10,000 people. After 72 high tides, the virtual battlefield is over. By that time, all those who survive will pass the virtual battlefield test and be eligible to go to the eye of the storm."

"The virtual battlefield is banned in the air and cannot fly and teleport. Those who are submerged by sea water will be sentenced to be eliminated. There are no other restrictions. Good luck!"

When the tone was over, Lin Zhen looked back at the mountain behind him.

The height of this mountain is absolutely far above the highest peak of the earth, Mount Everest.

Climbing Mount Everest on the earth is not a simple matter. Although these people are martial artists and have plenty of energy, according to the system prompts, the height of this mountain should be more than 72,000 meters. If you want to climb it in a short time, it is Can't do it.

Besides, there are still battles on the road. It can be said that any person here is an enemy.

"The high tide is one kilometer at a time, so I have to climb to a height of one kilometer within an hour to ensure safety. The task is not easy, I have to hurry up."

Lin Zhen turned around and started to move towards the mountain.

Every step of the road under the feet is upward, and it is not easy to walk.

The entire island is a huge circle. Everyone goes to the middle and they will meet each other gradually.

Lin Zhen quickly met the first person.

From a distance, everyone here is roughly divided into three kinds of clothing.

Like Lin Zhen, a martial artist of Baihutang, with a white tiger symbol on his chest.

The person who came across was the symbol of three swords. This should be a gladiator of the Sanxia Guild.

As for the other organization Velociraptor, the logo on the chest should be a running terrain dragon.

This warrior with three swords in front of his chest was in the peak of Sanhua, and when he saw Lin Zhen appear, a smile appeared on his face.

"Hehe, when I came, I was still thinking about what kind of opponent I would be the first person I met? In fact, in my heart, I hope to meet someone who is spiritually minded because of this challenge. For me, your strength is really a bit...not worth mentioning."

As he said, this warrior even carried his hands on his back and looked at Lin Zhen grinningly: "I am usually used to let my opponent three strokes in the ring. Come on, you can make a move first, and give you three chances."

Lin Zhen smiled and walked over, and at the same time raised his hand, the Emperor Tianjian appeared in his hand: "Then I will be welcome."

"You're welcome, I don't need it."

Lin Zhen's expression remained unchanged, and his sword fell!

The body, the shot, the movement, and the whole action are connected in only one thousandth of a second!

If it weren't for slow playback with a high-power camera over a hundred times faster, Lin Zhen's movements would not even be visible at all, as if Lin Zhen hadn't shot at all and had been walking forward.

However, after Lin Zhen walked out a few tens of meters, this warrior in the three-flowering stage broke his body from the middle!

Two breaks!

Only the boss whose eyes were still staring, he didn't know how he died to death.

The murderer Lin Zhen is as simple as breathing. Killing such an opponent is really nothing to be proud of.

Before he knew it, Lin Zhen's growth had reached an amazing height.

After walking a few steps, Lin Zhen met the second person.

This opponent has the symbol of a white tiger on his chest. Standing not far from him, he raised one foot and stayed in the air, but he dared not fall. It seemed that if this foot fell, it would alarm Lin Zhen and attract him. The same attack.

Lin Zhen was also shocked, and then a smile appeared on his face, because he had also seen this warrior, the opponent that Sanhu arranged for him to fight with him in dozens of consecutive battles.

This guy is also very interesting. From the moment he came on stage, he would choose to surrender or abstain. Lin Zhen didn't get a chance to attack in dozens of games. It was a very current affairs.

But at this moment, the kid opened his mouth as if he could put an egg in, staring at Lin Zhen blankly, with an expression of seeing a ghost.

Lin Zhen didn't want to attack him immediately, but smiled and said, "This world is really small, how about it? It's useless if you surrender or abstain this time."

This warrior suddenly showed a distressed look on his face, and put down the feet that he dared not put down. The whole person collapsed, and he sat down on the beach: "Oh! What a bad luck!"

Lin Zhen was amused by this guy's behavior. The original thought of planning to meet people and weed out was a little weaker, and said condescendingly, "It can't be considered bad luck. At least the two of us are old acquaintances. If you can name one The reason for me not to eliminate you, maybe I just let you go.

The martial artist's eyes lit up suddenly, and a flattering smile appeared on his face: "What counts?"

"of course!"

Hearing Lin Zhen's assurance, he seemed to come back to life in an instant. He jumped up like a spring under his butt, and ran to Lin Zhen's side familiarly: "Boss Lin Zhen, I have inside information."

"Let's talk about it." Lin Zhen actually likes to deal with people like this. Knowing current affairs is also an advantage.

"That's it. Just before coming in, Sanhu announced to all of our gladiators that everyone in the White Tiger Hall would come and kill you. If anyone can knock you out, he will give 10 million. And help him level up to a five-star warrior."

Lin Zhen calculated the time. When Sanhu released the news, it should be after he refused him.

"I'm really willing to pay for it, so what do you think? Faced with my gleaming goal, you never thought of doing it?"

When Lin Zhen spoke, his gaze was fixed on his eyes. With Lin Zhen's mental power, he could even see through the fluctuations of the person's soul. If he wanted to lie or deceive, he definitely couldn't hide it from Lin Zhen.

But this warrior nodded straightforwardly: "When I first saw you and the Three Gorges guild gladiator, I thought about it. I thought if you were the same in the fight, I would look for a chance to attack, but now I completely give up. Now, boss, your strength is too strong. I'm not enough to go up and down. Maybe those top gladiators have hope, but I'll save it."

The person's eyes were open and his soul did not fluctuate, proving that he had not lied yet.

Lin Zhen nodded in satisfaction: "What's your name?"

"Boss, my name is Klinsmann."

"Okay, tell me, how strong is the top gladiator here?" Lin Zhen asked.

Klinsmann's feeling was very keen. He felt that Lin Zhen's murderous intentions had faded, and his courage became bold. He said: "Boss, you haven't met any masters in the arena. There are actually a lot of players in the arena. The strong, but mainly depends on the star level. Among the three major arenas, the real masters are the five-star fighters. Those who can reach the four-star and five-star are basically the strong in the God Realm stage."

"Oh! Are there no six-star and seven-star fighters in the arena?"

"Basically there will be none. Those who can reach six stars and seven stars are basically in the realm of God Stone. People in the realm of God Stone rarely go to the arena. They have all gone to the depths of the endless battlefield to experience. Six stars want to upgrade. Seven stars, seven stars still want to enter the Hall of Fame. Entering the Hall of Fame is the strongest medal for warriors under the gods."

Lin Zhen nodded to express his understanding. He had heard about the Hall of Fame a long time ago. Among the martial arts groups without becoming gods, the Hall of Fame is indeed the representative of the strongest.

The minimum standard for entering the Hall of Fame is seven stars, and it requires a huge amount of points. It is definitely not possible to enter by fluke. It must be obtained after countless years of battle and battle.

Klinsmann continued: "Take Baihutang as an example. The strongest warrior is the five-star warrior Fu Qingfeng. The boss, you must be careful of this person. It is said that he has already spoken and must eliminate you."

Lin Zhen frowned slightly: "He is already a five-star fighter, what's the point of eliminating me?"

"Because the three tigers said, if you are the five-star warrior eliminated, Baihutang will support and give ten times the reward, nearly 100 million, and help upgrade to six-star."

Klinsmann solemnly said: "The boss must be careful. Not to mention Fu Qingfeng's strength, there are four four-star warriors under him, all of whom are masters of the God Realm period, and basically no one dares to offend this person. , Even Sanhu dare not offend and pay Qingfeng."


"Because his Qingfeng's teacher is a master of the Hall of Fame. His name is Xiao Cangsheng, a powerful demigod, who dares to offend him!"

Lin Zhen didn't care too much, what about the Hall of Fame? What about demigods? Those who are still far from themselves, it is impossible to fly to the virtual battlefield to eliminate themselves.

What's more, he just took away the first kiss of the fiancee of Emperor Juetian, how could he care about a demigod.

To be courageous, Lin Zhen is not targeting anyone. Everyone in the Metaverse is spicy chicken.

Klinsmann introduced the situation almost, and then he smiled: "Boss Lin Zhen, I can go now."

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhen turned back and said: "No, you just follow me. I'm not very happy during this period of time, and I don't bother to fight with others. If someone on the road speaks harshly to me, I will be responsible for doing it, and you will be responsible for calling me back. At this point, I will eliminate you."

Klinsmann's face suddenly turned into bitter gourd.