Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 852: parting

Lin Zhen fell in front of Bai Susu, raised his palm, and attached gold to his sword!

The golden light flashed, and the Lingbao-level diamond ring broke!

"Little melon, I'm here a bit..."

Before Lin Zhen had finished speaking, the little fox's tender body rushed into his arms, crying loudly.

Lin Zhen stroked her long hair with a smile.

But the fragility of the little fox didn't last long, and it was impossible for a too fragile emotion to appear on the warrior for a long time.

"Lin Zhen, you saved me again." The little fox leaned in his arms and said softly.

"Don't say that, aren't we friends."

The little fox was silent for a while, and suddenly said bitterly: "I think this is not easy. The warriors of the Demon Race dare to attack me. My sister's Dimensional Universe has never stopped answering my call. , There may be a problem."

"Then what are you going to do? Do you want to go back to Qingqiu Mountain?" Lin Zhen asked.

In his opinion, the little fox should give up his heart from now on.

Unexpectedly, the little fox said, "Of course I have to go back, but it is not so simple to go back. I have to figure out what happened first."

Lin Zhen thought for a moment: "Don't be rash, otherwise you will still be in danger."

The little fox seems to have matured a lot after experiencing this time. She is inherently intelligent. At this time, she calmly said: "I know, but I have to go back, Qingqiu Mountain, it is impossible for anyone to cover the sky with one hand."

Lin Zhen sighed, knowing that the little fox had decided to go, feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

The little fox left Lin Zhen’s arms, his face was a little hot, he took advantage of the opportunity to arrange his clothes to cover up his emotions, and then said: "Lin Zhen, I am leaving, don’t worry about my safety. I wanted to go back. Qingqiu Mountain will only encounter danger. After recovering to the transformation, there is actually another way for me to return to my master, but my master is fine and does not allow me to go back. Now I don’t have to worry so much."

Lin Zhen nodded: "Well, by the way, the big monster just now seemed to be quite fierce, and I took a lot of risk."

The little fox suddenly pursed his mouth and smiled: "Lin Zhen, I think I underestimated you, in fact, you are a great hero."

Lin Zhen smiled bitterly: "Heroes often don't have any good results. If I can choose, I would rather want something practical than be a hero."

The little fox showed an unbearable look. At this moment, she suddenly felt that Lin Zhen was very pitiful. At least during the time he spent with herself, he actually didn't gain much. Even if his dreaming ability helped him, he also helped him. Lost myself.

"Then... Then I will give you some money."

Lin Zhen raised his head and looked up at the starry sky: "Forget it, don't use money to blaspheme the relationship between you and me, besides, I am a holy alchemist and I don't need money."

"Then... I will give you my dual spirit swords."

Lin Zhen sneered and grabbed the diamond ring that was cut off by himself, "I can break this ring of spirit treasure that imprisoned you, do you think your spirit treasure is useful to me?"

Bai Susu was a little embarrassed.

About to say goodbye to Lin Zhen, but she felt very sorry for Lin Zhen, but she really had nothing to give Lin Zhen.

With a far-fetched smile on Lin Zhen's face, he walked slowly to Bai Susu's body and stroked her long hair: "Let's go, follow your path, just like you have been, you and me. Think of the acquaintance between them as a dream."

After speaking, Lin Zhen waved his hand to Bai Susu: "Goodbye, the melon that once belonged to me alone."

Stepping on the streamer, Lin Zhen headed towards the depths of the starry sky.

Behind him, Bai Susu's tears blurred his eyes, and his silver teeth bit in secret. Suddenly, as if he had made some determination, he chased him up like a gust of wind.

Lin Zhen turned around, Feiyan's little beauty had already rushed into her arms, and her hot fragrant lips were stamped on Lin Zhen's lips.

Born to be charming and erosive, Bai Susu, the best vixen, is enough to drive any man crazy.

After Lin Zhen was stunned, he also responded fiercely.

After a while, the misty Bai Susu in his eyes struggled to push Lin Zhen away.

"Lin Zhen, give me your dimensional universe number."

Lin Zhen reported the Dimensional Universe number, but Bai Susu did not immediately add it. Instead, he resolutely turned to leave and waved to Lin Zhen: "Goodbye, my hero, if there is an afterlife, Susu is willing to stay with you forever!"

The tears fell, and Bai Susu's figure gradually disappeared.

Lin Zhen stood there and didn't move, nor did he pursue it. He knew that Bai Susu's heart had opened a gap.

She is the fiancée of the emperor Tiandi, and may even be the woman with the highest status in the metaworld. It is not easy to be able to make this step today.

Bai Susu is an arrogant woman. If Qingqiushan's affairs are not resolved, she will not have the mind to do other things, and it is impossible to keep her by her side.

There is still a long time to come, and Lin Zhen believes that they will see each other again.

Turning around, Lin Zhen headed towards the sky city.

There, there are more important things waiting for him.

When Lin Zhen returned to the arena, it was time for the virtual battle in the arena to begin.

In this virtual battle, all the gladiators in the three major arenas of Tianfang City were assembled.

The virtual environment is a mountain in the sea. The sea is constantly rising, and the sea will easily swallow everyone, irresistible.

The sea water forces everyone to climb to the top continuously, and when the sea water rises to the limit, the peak can only accommodate 10,000 people.

People must fight and climb non-stop, and the last ten thousand people left are the ten thousand people who have obtained the qualification of the eye of the storm.


Lin Zhen doesn't even need to go back to his room in Baihutang, because of his status as a gladiator, he can automatically enter the virtual battlefield through the intelligent system of the Dimensional Universe.

After arriving at the Tianfang City, Lin Zhen first glanced at the Dimensional Universe. There was a countdown to the beginning of the battle on it, and there was less than an hour left.

Lin Zhen did not return to the Baihutang Arena, but found a tavern and had a drink by himself.

Just sitting down, the dimensional universe rang.

Lin Zhen was a little surprised, because there were very few people who knew that he was in the dimensional universe of the endless star sea. Could it be that the little fox added himself as a friend?

After hurriedly opening the Dimensional Universe, Lin Zhen discovered that the person who added him was actually Sanhu.

Because Sanhu knew the information of Lin Zhen's gladiators, it was not surprising that he knew Lin Zhen's dimensional universe number.

Seeing that it was three tigers, Lin Zhen was a little disappointed at once, and connected to the other party's invitation.

"Lin Zhen, where have you been these days?" Sanhu asked aggressively when he came up.

Lin Zhen snorted from his nostrils, "I'm a gladiator. I can go on stage when I fight. There has been no fighting in the arena these days. I can go wherever I want. Should I report it to you?"

Lin Zhen was in an unhappy mood, Bai Susu had just left, and now this annoying guy jumped out to be an eyesore, and his tone of voice was not at all polite.

When Sanhu heard Lin Zhen's tone, Lin Zhen could even see the blue veins on his forehead jump a few times.

"Lin Zhen, don't be too arrogant. If you think you are a holy alchemist, can you not put the White Tiger Hall in your eyes? Could it be that the Sanxia Guild or the Velociraptor threw the olive branch at you? I advise you It's best to die this heart. You can't go anywhere except Baihutang, otherwise I won't let you go!"

Lin Zhen sneered disdainfully: "It's really not ashamed. If you Baihutang can cover the sky in Tianfang City, you don't need to use this trick. I can tell you clearly now that I want to go where it has nothing to do with you. When this virtual battle is over, we have nothing to do with it."

With that said, Lin Zhen gestured to the medal on his chest.

The two gold stars above were shining brightly, and Lin Zhen was already a two-star fighter now.

One-star fighters can achieve 100 points, and two-star fighters can achieve 1,000 points.

Lin Zhen killed five demon races of the Divine Consciousness Stage, one demon race of the Divine Realm Stage, and obtained 1,500 points, so he was automatically promoted to the two-star warrior.

After becoming a star warrior, Lin Zhen will no longer be punished. Three Tigers and others who say that Lin Zhen offends them and cannot do this and that will all be annulled.

Seeing Lin Zhen becoming a star warrior, Sanhu suddenly panicked.

"You actually became a star warrior, and you are also a two-star warrior, how did you do it?"

"You don't need to worry about this. In short, you'd better understand it to me from now on. I won't be restrained by Baihutang in the future."

Sanhu’s face was gloomy: "Even if you become a star warrior, don’t you want to go to the eye of the storm? If you are willing to sign a contract with me, I can guarantee that you can pass this virtual world battle. If you don’t agree, Then you will definitely be eliminated in this virtual battle. If you lose this opportunity, you will not be able to sign up for the eye of the storm a second time."

Lin Zhen squeezed his fists: "Don't talk nonsense. Opportunities are always in my own hands instead of listening to you talking nonsense here. Go away!"

With that, Lin Zhen directly closed the Dimensional Universe.

Picking up the wine on the table and taking a sip, Lin Zhen found a hotel to live in and patiently waited for the virtual battlefield to begin.

As the picture in front of him went Lin Zhen disappeared, and Sanhu smashed the table in front of him with a hateful punch.

"Damn! Shameless, I really thought that his holy alchemist could despise our Baihutang."

It seemed that after an angry lion had rotated around the room a few times, Sanhu resolutely issued an order.

"After the notice, all the gladiators belonging to the White Tiger Hall, in the virtual battlefield, the first priority is to kill Lin Zhen. Whoever can eliminate Lin Zhen out of the game, I will give him 10 million, and Bai Hutang will assist him in upgrading to Five-star warrior!"

The order was passed on quickly, and the gladiators who got the news became excited.

Ten million, five-star warriors, these are all crazy things, and Bai Hutang is really generous this time.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the entire virtual battlefield, one third of which are from Baihutang. It seems that Lin Zhen is in trouble this time.

As the countdown to the virtual battlefield ends, the battle begins!