Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 838: Arena

"Chrissy, what's the matter with the tall building opposite?"

Kris quickly answered.

"Master, there is the arena of Tianfang City, a place dedicated to boxing matches."


"Yes, according to the data, the arena is a way to earn points. Winning battles in this way can also increase your star rating."

"Oh! There is such a saying!" Lin Zhen's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Xiaogua, let's go and take a look there. If we can participate in the arena competition, maybe we can break the current dilemma."

Lin Zhen decided to give it a try. At present, Baihutang's detrimental moves were indeed a bit embarrassing for him. He couldn't sit on the street every day to practice, and that was simply unrealistic.

When he called Xiaogua, the little fox hugged one of his arms and shook his arms there, obviously protesting the name, and resolutely sat and struggled with Lin Zhen.

Ignoring the cuteness of Xiaogua, Lin Zhen took it straight to the arena.

The scene here is unusually hot and crowded.

Watching gladiatorial fights is an important leisure activity for the people of Tianfang City. When people here are not fighting with endless races, they will pay attention to boxing matches, trading and betting. Many people make money here, and more people lose their fortunes.

If the gladiator wins, he will have a lot of bonuses, and every time he wins a game, he can get points in the dimension universe. If the points are higher, the star of the fighter can also be improved.

It’s just that there are very few points here. One victory is just a few points, but in Lin Zhen’s opinion, it is already possible. As long as he can win a hundred games, he can become a one-star fighter. At that time, all the constraints on him are If it fails, he can do whatever he wants. No one can restrain him.

So although there are many people here, Lin Zhen still patiently waits in line here, as long as he can participate in the boxing match, he must win 100 matches.


"Haha, Brother Sanhu, see who this person is?"

At the top of the arena, in a hall, on a dark rocky floor, a white tiger head logo hung in the center of the wall.

This was the headquarters of Baihutang. The arena itself was Baihutang's property, but Lin Zhen didn't know it.

On the surveillance screen here, a man is pointing at Lin Zhen and speaking to Sanhu.

"Oh! This is not the Lin Zhen we are looking for, this guy has really come to the arena."

"Hey, Brother Sanhu is really clever, knowing that this Lin is really a stubborn guy, he will definitely not give in so easily, let us be aware that this person may come back to the arena, he has really come."

Sanhua leaned on the sofa and spoke quite proudly: "This is easy to understand. I checked the information of Lin Zhen. This person is very famous on the ground of the Metaverse, and he also won a champion of the star of the gods. It also comes from the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake, it can be said to be the proud child of heaven. How can such a person easily succumb?"

"But our ban is also very useful. If he wants to survive in Tianfang City, he has to find a way. He can't buy or sell, and no one dares to hire him to work. He can't make a cent. He must come in the end. He tried it here in the arena, but he didn't even know that the arena is also our industry. He can only come here to win the net."

His subordinates said: "Brother Sanhu, is this Lin really worthy of attention?"

"Huh! What do you know, this forest is really worth too much. This person is a holy alchemist, and he can refine Nine Ranks Golden Core. That is the magic medicine that can make people resurrect in seven days. You say we If everyone in Baihutang is equipped with one of these drugs, then whether it is fighting endless races or fighting for territory with the Sanxiahui and Velociraptors, we will all have an unparalleled advantage!"

His subordinates' eyes gleamed: "That's amazing. It means that our people have become immortal. Anyway, we can survive if we die. Then, who else is our opponent?"

Sanhu smiled and nodded: "You understand, so this Lin Zhen, we have to hold it in our hands anyway. Since he has come to the arena on the initiative, we will arrange for him and leave it completely!"

"Brother Sanhu, don't worry, you have set up a net of heaven and earth, and I can still make him run. Since he is here, it is impossible to escape from our palms."

"Be careful, don't be caught by those in the council in the contract. As long as we win Lin Zhen, we can unify the three big gangs in Tianfang City. At that time, we may not need to look at the council's face anymore."

"No problem, if this kind of thing can still go wrong, unless he is really a god!"


The line finally reached Lin Zhen's position.

"I want to participate in the arena competition."

"Okay, let me introduce to you first..."

"My dimensional universe seems to have a problem. I wonder if I can become a gladiator?"

The staff member checked the situation of Lin Zhen's dimensional universe and waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay, our arena is an official business, and it doesn't involve trading or anything. Your situation in the dimensional universe can be a gladiator. "

"That's great!" Lin Zhen waved his hand excitedly.

"Do you want to be an amateur gladiator or a professional gladiator?"

"Does this make a difference?"

Now Lin Zhen's dimensional universe's authority has been weakened, and Chrissy knows very little. Lin Zhen has to ask about everything, otherwise she doesn't understand at all.

"Amateurs only participate occasionally. After the victory, they don't get points rewards. They can only get some bonus rewards. The risk of participating in gladiatorial fights is relatively low."

"Professional gladiators are permanent in our arena. You can get bonuses and bonus points if you win. You can sign a contract. For example, if you want to become a one-star gladiator, then you can sign a contract after winning 100 games. You can't leave here until you have a hundred victories."

Lin Zhen figured it out. Now even if he is asked to leave, he has no place to go. He doesn't even have a place to live outside, and he doesn't even have a place to practice.

It would be better to stay here patiently for a while, and then it would be better to go after a hundred victories, to become a one-star fighter, and everything is convenient.

"What are the targets of professional gladiators? In what range?"

Lin Zhen had to ask clearly, he didn't want to encounter a God Realm Change, a God Stone Change, or a semi-god powerhouse here, it was basically the same as seeking death.

"The battle object is random, and the level of the opponents is also restricted. For example, you can tell in advance what level of the strongest person you want to meet in the battle. We can limit your opponent to this range. "

Lin Zhen felt relieved when he heard this, "Well, my opponent's upper limit is the mid-stage of the change of mind. I won't participate if it exceeds this range."

"Okay, I will draw up a contract for you now."

The staff moved quickly, and a contract came out in a while.

Lin Zhen took it and took a closer look.

The contract was very detailed, saying that Lin Zhen volunteered to become a gladiator in the arena and obeyed the arrangement of the arena. Before earning 100 points and becoming a one-star fighter, he voluntarily stayed in the arena and was not allowed to leave.

The Arena is responsible for his living, board and lodging, and arranges for him to fight against each other. The upper limit is the mid-stage of the spiritual change.

Lin Zhen paid special attention to the upper limit of his opponent. In the mid-stage of his spiritual mind change, he was almost certain. No matter how high he was, Lin Zhen couldn't handle it at all.

Seeing that the upper limit was in the mid-term of the divine consciousness change, Lin Zhen was relieved, and he raised the pen to sign and slap, and the contract took effect.

Before signing, the staff member said: "This is like a contract, you have to think about it."

Lin Zhen smiled and said it's okay, and started signing.

Xiao Gua poked his head out of Lin Zhen's arms and kept screaming at the opposite staff.

"Haha! What a spiritual little guy." The staff wanted to touch the melon, but Lin Zhen stopped him. He didn't want the melon to bite people again. Now he has no money to pay.

After the signing was completed, the staff member took a look and immediately took Lin Zhen to the inside of the arena.


On the top floor, Sanhu said to his men next to him: "This fox is a bit evil. Xiaojuan's hand was bitten by this guy a few days ago. It is indeed spiritual."

"That's useless, the signature has been completed, Lin Zhenshi has become a gladiator, and now he has nothing to do with him."

Soon, Lin Zhen's contract was sent to Sanhu.

Sanhu took it and gently wiped The writing on the paper suddenly changed a little.

In the middle of the divine mind change, that word became a boundary word.

"Brother Sanhu is a good method. No matter what Lin Zhen's strength is, he can't be the opponent of God Realm change. For these hundred victories, as long as we don't want him to complete, he will never be able to complete it. Then he will notice that something is wrong. It's too late and I can only ask Brother Sanhu for help. If he asks for help, he can only be obedient."

"Yes, there is no problem with this contract. Now there is one more thing, that is, the room where Lin Zhen is located must be designed, and the sleeping potions must be arranged so that he can sleep immediately in his free time, without any time to practice. In order to completely sever one's hope."

"Understand, we are familiar with this kind of thing, and we will never give Lin Zhen a chance to turn over, and we are all under surveillance. If Lin Zhen is alert, we can take care of him at any time."

"Well, I can't make it clear, otherwise the trouble is not small, and remember, what we want is a living Lin Zhen, not a dead Lin Zhen. The dead Lin Zhen is of no value to us."


Lin Zhen came to a sealed room under the leadership of the staff.

"Okay, the place where you live is here. This will be where you live in the future. Before you become a one-star warrior, this will be where you live."

"When will I be scheduled to participate in the battle?"

"Don't be impatient, you will be notified in advance when you are about to join the war within these two days."

The staff left after speaking, the iron gate was closed tightly, and they were absolutely unable to leave.

Lin Zhen sat on the bed for a while, originally intending to practice, but somehow, there was a sense of drowsiness.

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