Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 837: Melon

After Lin Zhen had exchanged the money, the first thing he thought about was to go out and find a place to open a pill shop. With his own holy grade alchemist's ability, he would surely be able to quickly become famous in Tianfang City.

At this moment, I suddenly heard the scolding of the woman next to him.

"Little beast! You bit me!"

Lin Zhen looked back and saw that the white hairs of the little fox exploded, and the woman at the window issued a low warning cry.

And the woman's finger was bitten by the little fox somehow, dripping with blood.

Lin Zhen was stunned for a moment. Since he took the little fox with him, this little guy is still very good, and has never done anything to hurt people. Moreover, in Lin Zhen's view, the little fox has no ability to hurt people at all.

The woman at this window is also in a long life, how could she be bitten by a little fox?

When did the little fox have this kind of lethality?

But no matter what, when the little fox bit someone, Lin Zhen couldn't ignore it, and hurriedly went over and caught the little fox back.

The little fox was in Lin Zhen's arms, still screaming at the woman, as if facing a life and death enemy.

The woman wanted to kill the little fox, but she waved to nothing. Now Lin Zhen took the little fox away again, her face was even more ugly, and said to Lin Zhen, "Your pet hurts people. I'm still a one star. Soldier, you, as the master, are guilty of such offensive behavior. Now you can compensate me."

Lin Zhen didn't shirk responsibility either: "Yes, how can I compensate?"

"One million! One penny less, I will let you go to jail. The civilians in the whiteboard of Tianfang City cannot offend the star fighters. This is the rule!"

Lin Zhen let out a sigh of relief. This woman is about to rip off, but now Lin Zhen has no way to deny the account. He is new to the place where he is unfamiliar, and he is not suitable for many incidents.

The big deal is to exchange another million of start-up funds, Lin Zhen really has no shortage of money now.

One million was transferred to the woman's account. During this period of time, the woman seemed to have been communicating with people in the dimensional universe, and the little fox did not stop neighing the woman.

After the woman received the money, she ignored Lin Zhen again.

Lin Zhen was going to exchange another million to open a shop, but the person who exchanged the coins informed him that he now had a criminal record and could no longer exchange coins.

"I regret to inform you, Mr. Lin Zhen, that you are currently involved in the murder of pets and cannot exchange money for the time being."

"Then when can I exchange it?" Lin Zhen asked.

"This restriction will only be cancelled after you have the star rating." The staff mechanically replied.

Lin Zhen was rather helpless, and took the little fox out.

"You, you can really cause me trouble. I didn't know you still have such a great ability to bite an immortal martial artist without being hurt by the opponent's attack. Why do you bite?"

The little fox shrank into Lin Zhen's arms and hummed a few times, seemingly aggrieved.

"Oh! There is no money, the plan to open the shop is shelved."

Walking on the streets of Tianfang City, Lin Zhen didn't know where to go.

It is impossible to go anywhere without money, and Lin Zhen hasn't felt so embarrassed for a long time.

Just when he wanted to see and find a place to sell some medicinal materials, a group of people suddenly came.

This group of people had the symbol of the White Tiger on their chests. Lin Zhen knew at a glance that this was the White Tiger Hall, which belonged to one of the three major powers in Tianfang City.

A bald man who took the lead, from the top of his head to his neck, also had a white tiger tattoo, covering most of his face, looking extremely sturdy.

When this person came in front of Lin Zhen, a powerful breath came to his face.

This is a super master who has become a god!

The bald head stood in front of Lin Zhen with a fierce light in his eyes, and said faintly: "Are you Lin Zhen?"

"Yes, I don't know what's the matter?" Lin Zhen immediately thought of the woman who had just been bitten by the little fox. There was no doubt that she had attracted these people from Baihutang.

One million is not enough, do you still want to find someone to get revenge?

The bald head continued: "I heard that you are a holy alchemist, our Baihutang currently lacks a holy alchemist, come to Baihutang, you can give you one million every month, you help Baihutang refine the holy grade Pill."

Lin Zhen shook his head: "I have no intention of joining Baihutang."

"Sure enough, he is a rookie who just came to Tianfang City. He doesn't know the rules at all. If you live in Tianfang City for a period of time, maybe you will understand that at the request of our Baihutang, you have no right to say no."

Faced with such a powerful enemy, Lin Zhen secretly guarded, but his face remained silent: "If Baihutang lacks the medicine, then when my medicine is released, Baihutang can buy it first."

"Haha! It seems that you still don't understand my bald soldier. That's fine. There is a contract here. You can check it first. If you agree, let's talk about it."

After finishing speaking, the bald soldier threw a piece of paper to Lin Zhen with a few rules written on it.

Lin Zhen took the paper and looked at it.

The above requirements are very simple. For Lin Zhen to become Baihutang's lifelong alchemist, Baihutang is responsible for all of Lin Zhen's daily necessities, food, shelter, and transportation. Lin Zhen can also become an official member of Baihutang. He is guaranteed to refine a holy pill every day, every month. Give Lin Zhen one million, the contract period is... one hundred years!

Lin Zhen shredded the paper and threw it away. It was impossible for him to agree to such a contract.

The bald head sneered and looked at Lin Zhen: "Very well, it seems that you need to know the rules of Tianfang City."

As he said, he looked behind him, "Captain Horse, what rules does Tianfang City have for such a person?"

Behind him walked out a warrior who had become the pinnacle of divine consciousness, with a uniform on his body, unexpectedly the commander of the defensive army of the Tianfang City.

"Lin Zhen's origin is unknown, and it is also an unstable factor. Now in Tianfang City, he will be prohibited from opening shops, working, and trading transactions, and he is prohibited from leaving the city until his situation is investigated. These."

The bald head looked at Lin Zhen at this time: "Have you heard? You don’t have a penny now? As a suspicious civilian on a whiteboard, you can’t open a shop. You can’t make money even if you have alchemy. What’s your treasure? It can’t be sold. No one will trade with you. Your Dimensional Universe is already registered. Unless you can increase your star rating, these prohibitions will disappear."

Speaking of this, a bald meal: "But if you want to upgrade your star, you must go out of the city and fight endless races. You don't have the right to go out of the city, so... you can only beg in the city. Hahaha! A holy alchemist begs for food, I see how long you can hold on!"

Hearing what the bald head said, Lin Zhen was extremely annoyed. These guys were absolutely lawless.

The bald head continued: "It's easy to change this situation. Did you see the contract on the ground that was torn apart by you? When you think about it, pick up the contract and glue it, then sign and take it. In front of me, maybe there will be no ban on you at that time."

After finishing speaking, the bald head turned and left: "Remember, I was in Baihutang, and I went there to find Brother Sanhu."

The bald group of people left, and Lin Zhen was notified by Kris in the Dimensional Universe.

"Master, my authority is restricted. You are now an unstable factor in Tianfang City. You can't do many things, and you have been forbidden to leave."

"How can they prevent me from leaving? Can't I teleport out?"

"No, Tianfang City has a city defense system, and teleportation is impossible to enter, unless it is a god."

Lin Zhen sighed: "I don't believe that I can still be embarrassed by them. I want me to join Baihutang to make alchemy for them, and there is no hope in my next life."


But Lin Zhen quickly learned the insidiousness of the other party's method.

With the Dimensional Universe, Lin Zhen couldn't do anything except to check some news.

He cannot exchange coins, cannot open a shop, or sell anything. Once he wants to trade with people, his dimensional universe system will prohibit the transaction.

Later, Lin Zhen thought about going to work in other pill shops, even if he said the name of a holy alchemist, as soon as others added his dimensional universe, he immediately retreated.

Even if he wanted to live in a store, his dimensional universe could not be registered.

"Damn! Is it really stumped by such nasty means?"

After staying in Tianfang City for three days, Lin Zhen finally gave up some unrealistic fantasies. He can't even get a penny now.

"Do you want to do something illegal?"

Lin Zhen quickly dispelled this idea. There are too many masters here, and there must be something wrong with chaos.

"Little guy, why are we going now?"

There was a little fox squatting at Lin Zhen's feet. He gently touched the little fox's head. After a few days of getting along with each other, he became more and more aware that the little fox was not ordinary and very spiritual.

Now think about it, when the little fox bit the woman's it was when the woman communicated with the people of Baihutang and leaked her information, otherwise Baihutang couldn't take it so quickly. .

But how did the little fox notice it? Lin Zhen thought it was amazing.


The little fox raised his head and called a few times.

"Choose a name for you."

Lin Zhen thought, writing lightly on the ground, wanting to give the little fox a name.

"Xiaoxue?" The little fox went over and wiped the name off with a paw.

"Xiao Bai?" The little fox yelled a few times and wiped off another paw.

"Snow Mountain Flying Fox?" Lin Zhen wrote tentatively, but the result was still a paw.

Several little foxes in a row didn't like it, and Lin Zhen didn't know what he was starting, so he gently wrote the words little fox on the ground.

"Should I be called the little fox?"

The little fox still turned out two paws, as if he didn't want Lin Zhen to name it.

Lin Zhen lowered his head and wanted to give up, but suddenly saw that the last two strokes of the little fox, he erased the fox character, and also erased the part of the fox character.

There are still two words left on the ground, melon!

Lin Zhen's eyes lit up suddenly: "Great! It's your own choice. The name is kind, haha! Little boy, little fool, little fool! That's it."

Lin Zhen looked very happy when he grabbed the little fox.

On the contrary, Xiao Gu, who had just obtained the name, had a dazed face. For a long while, he suddenly covered the small face of the fox's slap with his claws.

Seeing Xiao Gu's extremely depressed look, Lin Zhen's depressed mood just improved a lot.

Looking up, he saw a tall building in the distance.

There is a sign of sword fighting on it, which proves that this is a duel field!

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