Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 815: Just practice your hands!

After Lin Zhen fired the unicorn cannon, Gitilu realized that Lin Zhen was definitely not as weak as he imagined.

Maybe it’s going to kick to the iron plate today!

However, as a super-powerful person with divine mind change, Gitilu couldn't believe that he was not a long-lived opponent. He needed to prove it with his own swords and guns.

His weapon is a mountain axe, he drew out the axe, the person is still in the air, the axe has already been chopped down!

"Human race is a race that is not even worthy of slaves, so why do you occupy the rich metaworld land, Lin Zhen, die!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Zhen's face was cold.

This Gitilu is dead today!

took out the empty sword in his hand, Lin Zhen stepped forward: "Looking for death!"

The mountain slashed down with an axe, Lin Zhen stepped on a shadowless step, dodge the blow of the opponent lightly, and flicked back with a sword in his hand.

Ji Tiru felt that Lin Zhen disappeared and knew it was not good, but he did not panic at all, his body fell, and his axe moved backwards like lightning.

Lin Zhen has disappeared again!

The shadowless step is not one step, but it has many changes. The first picture has one step, the second picture has three steps, and the third picture has ten steps.

Lin Zhen has mastered six pictures of shadowless steps, with tens of thousands of steps under his feet.

When fighting against someone, as long as Lin Zhen doesn't want to be attacked, the opponent can't even touch the corners of his clothes.

Ji Tiru unfolded with brute force and turned into a shadow of axe in the sky, but Lin Zhen walked in the shadow of the axe as if walking in the garden, no matter how Gitilu roared again and again, he would never hurt him.

The less he can't fight, the less Gitilu dare to stop, because he knows that facing such a strangely paced opponent, he won't be able to let his opponent have a chance to make a move. Once the opponent makes a move, he can defend or dodge. It's too late and can only continue to put pressure on it.

Another thing that worries him is Lin Zhen's domain. Maintaining a high-intensity attack is also a way to crack the domain. As long as his every blow can tear the space, Lin Zhen's domain will not be released.

But the continuous pressure will consume a lot of star strength and physical strength, just like that, after a minute of crazy attacks on Gitilu, he is already sweating!

At this moment, he even regrets that his weapon is a heavy weapon. If it were a sword, he would definitely not be so embarrassed.

What made him even more incomprehensible was that Lin Zhen was only a realm of longevity, how could he be forced to this level.

There was a miserable dog barking in the distance, and a three-headed **** dog fighting with nine lions finally couldn't resist it, and was bitten to death by the nine lions.

Ji Tiru was shocked, if nine lions killed three hellhounds, and in turn besieged him with Lin Zhen, that would be troublesome.

I can no longer hide my personal secrets anymore, and I took out my ability to press the box.

"Sky Demon Overlord~!"

With a roar, his body bulged up like a balloon, and his muscles began to swell rapidly, incredibly strong.

On the face and neck, the veins and veins burst up high, terrifying.

This is a trick to stimulate physical strength, which can greatly increase combat effectiveness.

"Lin Zhen! If I can force me to use this trick, you are worthy of death!"

The big axe in his hand is raised, and he will launch the most violent attack.

A cold light flashed before his eyes.

"God Burial~!"

The Heavenly Demon Overlord body that was just aroused was actually cut off an arm by Lin Zhen's sword!

"Idiot, knowing that I use Shadowless Walk, you still dare to stop the fast attack, wouldn't it be death!"

Lin Shinichi succeeded, and his body rushed forward again like lightning, the light of the shuriken sword flew by, and the sword gun appeared.

A sword swept across the top of Gitilu's head again, and the other party screamed, and a devil's horn was chopped off by Lin Zhen alive!

Losing an arm and a horn, Jitilu finally realized the fact that he was not Lin Zhen's opponent.

Although I still can't understand why Lin Zhen is so powerful, that surging star power and powerful mental power are all above him.

But this does not prevent Kittyru from making a choice, which is to escape.

Since he is not an opponent, of course he can't stay here to die. He has a more important task, which is to go back to the rescue team and leave here with the more than one thousand emperors.

"Everyone, get on me, kill Lin Zhen, life and death!"

Ji Tiru issued an order, and all the Demon warriors who were still watching the battle were killed, including his coachman, which was also the pinnacle of the three flowers.

There were even the human races in the palace carriages, and all the traitors of these human races were ordered to play by Jitiru.

Thousands of people attacked from all directions, and the momentum was huge.

And Jitilu saw that Lin Zhen didn't seem to have any intention of pursuing him, so he immediately wiped the soles of his feet.

"Sister Xiao'e, the subordinates are not shy, it is that I still have a convoy escorted here, so there must be no problems.

The face of the woman named Xiao'e was green: "I understand, you move faster. I don't think your subordinates will be able to resist it for a while. It is indeed a worthy person under the prestige. This Lin Zhen is not a small name, and his methods are quite powerful. ."

Ji Tiru covered the broken horn of his head with one hand, fled in embarrassment, and quickly left the battlefield.

Before    left, he even heard the screams of the second Hellhound, knowing that the battle was irreversible.

galloped back to the front of the convoy, and when he was approaching, he suddenly stopped.

thought he actually saw that, except for the prisoners in the prison car, everyone else was gone!

There are tens of thousands of people in the **** team this time, and he took a thousand people to chase Lin Zhen. Where are the remaining nine thousand?

twitched his nose twice, he smelled a faint smell of blood.

is the blood of the same race!

They are dead!

After discovering this situation, Gitilu’s eyes suddenly showed fear. Even for himself, he couldn’t kill nine thousand demon warriors in such a short time, who was it?

While    was terrified, he seemed to see a ghost, seeing Lin Zhen holding a long spear and appearing from behind a prison car.

"Jitilu, these men of yours really don't have any challenges, it's too easy to deal with."

"Lin Zhen! Why are you here? Where are my men?"

"Hehe! You dare to capture more than a thousand emperors in the Metaverse, why can't I appear here? As for your men..."

Lin Zhen suddenly opened his mouth to Jitilu, sending out a bullet of light like a storm, hitting Jitilu in a rush, and even suffered a few severely.

"I just did it for a while, and it was all resolved."

At this time, Gitilu finally saw some doorways.

When Lin Zhen fired the unicorn spear, he felt that the opponent's star power was absolutely above him!

No wonder it's not an opponent.

It was too late when I realized this. Lin Zhen had already deceived himself like a ghost, and his spear burst out with deadly spears, swept in with powerful firepower!

The fire of summer!

The flames ignited in the void, it is simply unstoppable!

Ji Tiru waved his axe with one hand, and after a few embarrassing resistance, he had been poked into several transparent holes, and the flame of the wound even spread.

A trace of fierceness appeared on Ji Tiru's face. He can't take these emperors. If he can't take them, kill them all!

Killing these emperors, this time the mission is considered to be more than half completed, anyway, these emperors brought back to the endless star sea, after interrogation will be executed.

With a thought, he took out a remote control from his arms.

As long as you press the button above, the hole on the prison car that separates the body and the head will be closed, cutting off everyone's heads!

Lin Zhen saw this scene, of course it was impossible for him to do what he wanted, and the spear rushed like a dragon, so he had to pin his hand!

But Gitilu had made up his mind and was prepared for this. A red light flashed from his chest, and a group of masks were placed outside, actually resisting Lin Zhen's life-threatening shot!

Lin Zhen didn't stop at all, the **** infant went out of his body, completely ignoring the obstruction of the mask, and went straight to Jitiru's spiritual consciousness to kill!

Ji Tiru wanted to kill those emperors at this time, he would have to be killed by Lin Zhen Shen Ying, he was unwilling to die like this, this time he made a great contribution, he would go back to claim credit, how could he die here.

"Lin Zhen! Goodbye, take these headless emperors home for burial!"

With a bang, Jitilu disappeared into a piece of green smoke.

Shadow Demon Teleport!

This is a unique method of the demons. It is different from the teleportation of mental power. It is their talent teleportation method, and they can go out 100,000 kilometers in an instant!

One hundred thousand kilometers away, Kittiru appeared, with the remote control in his hand.

"Lin Zhen, just let you fight for nothing!"

He pressed the button fiercely!

At this moment, Xiao'e, who has been in communication with him in the dimensional universe, suddenly screamed: "Be careful on the top of your head!"

Ji Tiru looked up and immediately ruined his intestines.

because he saw a black hole!

Above the head, a black hole hovered, just born.

He saw it, as long as he saw a black hole, don't even think about running away.

The remote control in Jitiru’s hand was sucked by the pulling force of the black and Jitiru couldn’t control his body at all. His star power was as high as 120 million. I couldn't do it even if I stood still, screaming, my body fell into the depths of the black hole spinning!

Even more sad, is that he was still in communication with Xiao'e during this period of time.

"Sister Xiao'e! Help me! I don't want to die...!!!"

Seeing Gitilu's dying struggle, Xiao'e felt a chill in her heart. She didn't understand how Lin Zhen did it.

Ji Tiru, ​​a master of mind-changing mind, is so insatiable that he hardly even has the qualifications to fight Lin.

"Jitilu, you can rest assured, I will report this incident to Di Ji, and the people in the endless sea will definitely avenge you!"

"No! I don't want to me...!"

The signal of the dimensional universe was interrupted, and was completely isolated by the black hole. Gitilu's body was also pulled by the black hole force, shattered, and completely dissipated between the sky and the earth! )!!