Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 814: Welcome to Yuanjie

The Demon Race team finally approached Lin Zhen.

After knowing that the opponent was Lin Zhen, the soldiers of the Demon Race were even a little excited.

It’s better to kill or capture someone they hate than to kill an unknown person.

So when they surrounded Lin Zhen, everyone wanted to be the first to rush out and capture Lin Zhen.

Everyone is waiting for Ji Tiru's order.

This is the first time Ji Tiru has seen Lin Zhen.

The word    Lin Zhen is just a symbol in the eyes of some people in the endless Xinghai.

A small person who is not strong, but has accidentally ruined their plan.

Because the two sides are in a hostile relationship, the information between the endless star sea and the metaverse ground is not interoperable. The ground race does not know the things inside the endless star sea, and the endless star sea does not know the situation of the ground race.

The buffer zone of 10,000 light years and the endless battlefield of tens of billions of light years completely isolate the ground and the interior of the endless star sea.

At least in the eyes of ordinary people, the surface of the Metaverse is a very remote place, so far away that they may never reach it.

After Qin Jianfeng's failure, he and Qin Wushang and his son returned to the endless Xinghai. They had specifically told Lin Zhen about Lin Zhen, so Lin Zhen still had a small reputation in the endless Xinghai.

After seeing Lin Zhen, Gitilu felt that this was actually just a lucky weak, and he could kill it with his finger.

was about to give orders, suddenly the dimensional communication rang.

The Dimensional Universe Company of Endless Xinghai and the Dimensional Universe Company of Metaverse Ground are not part of the same, but the technologies are similar and they are not interoperable.

Connected to the Dimensional Universe, and a woman appeared on the opposite screen.

"I have seen sister Xiaoe!"

This woman is dressed in a lake-green dress. The dress is not luxurious, but she has a cold face with a superior aura.

Although her realm is only Sanhua, and although she is just a maid, Gitilu must be respectful, because she belongs to the ruler of the endless star sea, the emperor.


Xiao'e's faint voice sounded.

"Has your convoy set off? Was the operation going well this time?"

"Returning to Sister Xiao'e, she has successfully completed the mission. This time, we have captured a total of 1,400 emperors of the Metaverse, all of whom are emperors of major countries. They have all been driven into prison vehicles and are currently traveling in the buffer zone. Spent the buffer zone in 17 hours."

"That's not right!" Xiao E snorted from her nostrils. "I have already asked about your departure time. You started thirty-six hours ago. There was no battle along the way. At the speed of the triangle bull, Forty-five percent of the distance has been traveled at this time. Excluding the transmission of the teleportation array, it will take up to 45 hours to pass through the buffer zone. What are you doing in the extra two hours? Are the beauties of the human race looking for fun?"

Xiao'e's face turned cold as he said, "Jitiru, you better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise I will report the matter to Qingqiu Mountain and let Di Ji decide it personally."

Ji Tiru hurriedly defended: "Sister Xiao'e, you must listen to my explanation. I am really not delaying the march. I also know how important this group of prisoners is, but we encountered something in the middle... .."

Ji Tiru told me about the mechanical playback of the CD, and Balabala explained all the way.

"Finally... we came here and saw this person named Lin Zhen."

As he said, Ji Tiru connected the Dimensional Universe screen: "Look, sister Xiao'e, this is the guy who has a lot of controversy in the Metaverse. It is said that he is still the most wanted criminal in the Metaverse, but after joining the Holy Land of Falling Star No one dared to trouble him anymore."

The woman named Xiao'e obviously knew Lin Zhen.

When she saw Lin Zhen sitting in the void in the dimensional universe, light suddenly appeared in her eyes.

"Oh! This person is the one who caused Qin Jianfeng to be eliminated, okay! I won't hold you accountable for changing the schedule this time. You immediately take action and take this person to me."

"Understand Sister Xiao'e, that... is it dead or alive?"

"Of course you want to live, don't tell me you don't have the ability to do it."

"Sister Xiao'e put a hundred hearts, a realm of longevity in a mere realm, and it's easy to catch!"

expressed intention in front of Xiao'e, Gitilu waved his hand to his hand: "Go, catch Lin Zhen! To live! If anyone accidentally killed him, I will take him to feed the dog!"

The impatient group of demons who had been waiting for a long time received the order and immediately rushed towards Lin Zhen with a roar.

The weapons of the demons are powerful, such as warhammers, giant axes and so on.

At this time, if you change to anyone, I am afraid that you will get up to meet the enemy, but Lin Zhen still sits there, motionless.

This made the demons who wielded weapons and shouted and killed a bit at a loss. Lord Kittiru wanted to catch alive, so naturally they couldn't hit them with weapons, but they didn't know what to do when they came to Lin Zhen.

"Tie it up! Tie it up with a rope!"

A small demon leader shouted, and the surrounding demon tribes hurriedly pulled out the rope and prepared to tie it to Lin Zhen.

At this moment, the sudden change!

The surrounding starry sky suddenly changed.

The surrounding starry sky existed in a vacuum-like form, and there were no celestial bodies in sight, or even any dark energy.

If the realm of these warriors were not high, they would not even be able to survive here, this is a barren land without any vitality.

And now, a starry sky suddenly appeared around!

Within ten thousand meters in diameter, the planet is looming!

One by one, colorful or halo planets appeared.

"What did you do?" The little leader of the demon clan froze for a moment, put on a defensive posture, but did not feel any discomfort.

"Don't worry about this, just catch Lin Zhen."

The demons continue to do it.

Before the rope was put on Lin Zhen, something terrible happened.

The demons located within the starry sky, at the same time felt a lot of huge and incredible powers coming from all directions!

The power of this power is fundamentally uncontestable. The only thing they can feel is that the source of the power is the planets, but why these planets emit such a power is beyond their comprehension, and there is no time to understand.

Because under the squeeze of many huge forces, they died!

did not make any resistance, even without a word, was squeezed by countless huge forces, and everyone instantly turned into blood!

is like a pile of beans, squeezed by countless huge discus, directly into thin slices, incredibly thin, a little bit of wind and grass, directly vaporized and disappeared!

There were about five hundred demon martial artists who entered this starry sky. These five hundred people just disappeared!

You don’t need to slow down thousands of times, and you can’t see how they died.

People are dead, and the stars are still there!

This terrifying scene shocked everyone.

Ji Tiru was in the car pulled by the Hellhound, and pointed to the front incredibly: "This, this...this is the realm!"

As a super master of the change of mind, he can still see that the other party has used the domain, and the others can't even see the domain.

Maybe someone can see it, but they can't believe that Lin Zhen can release such a powerful field!

And Xiao'e, who has been watching, is also hard to look at this time: "I'm sure there is a master in Lin Zhen who has reached the realm of **** change, Ji Tiru, ​​can you handle it?"

"Sister Xiao'e don't worry, it's not so easy for us Demon Warriors to give in!"

Ji Tiru pointed to the coachman: "Let the Hellhound go over, let me see what Lin is really famous for!"

The coachman shook off the reins and issued an order. Several Hellhounds immediately roared to kill Lin Zhen.

These Hellhounds are very powerful. Although they have a low IQ, their strength is definitely higher than that of the Sanhua Warrior. These three three-headed Hellhounds work together, and they must be careful to deal with changes in mind.

Hellhounds broke into the starry sky and flickered at an extremely high speed. Although those gravitational forces were strong, the speed of their release was definitely not up to the speed of light. As long as there were no other disturbances, they could escape.

But at this moment, only a loud roar was heard, and a huge nine-headed lion appeared!

These nine lions are so mighty, with black manes on their necks hunting and flying, and a huge body that is more than forty meters long. It turns out to be a super galaxy beast with a spiritual transformation realm!

This is Lin Zhen’s mount, a mutant super galaxy beast, nine lions, and nine spirits!

The nine spirits killed the Hydra in Lin Zhen’s body. There are similarities between the nine lions and the Hydra. They are a great tonic for each other. They swallowed up the Hydra and actually let The Nine Spirits evolved directly and entered the divine transformation period!

As soon as the nine lions appeared, the three three-headed hellhounds shivered.

The strength of the nine lions is slightly higher than them, and the Hellhound is a little afraid.

Driven by the coachman, the three hellhounds still rushed up and bite at the nine lions.

Each hellhound has three heads, and when three of them work together, it is impossible for ordinary galaxy beasts to block their bites.

But the nine lions are different. This guy has nine heads. The big head shook, and each head appeared, actually suppressing the hellhound's offensive, and the four giant beasts were fighting in the void!

Seeing this situation, Gitilu finally couldn't sit still.

"Sister Xiao'e, I was a little miscalculated about this matter. I didn't expect Lin Zhen to have a nine-headed lion I didn't do it myself, the Hellhound would not be able to resist it."

"Go, you must not miss it. Remember, Qingqiu Mountain is still waiting for the prisoners to return."

"Understood! I will go over in person and capture Lin Zhen and the lion."

Ji Tiru stood up fiercely, and was about to rush out of the palace.

Before he came out, a thick beam of light suddenly blasted over!

"not good!"

Ji Tiru felt a chill on his back, so he jumped up into the sky, smashed the roof of the palace and escaped!

But his palace carriage was blasted away by this blow!

The palace was torn apart, and Lin Zhen over there finally opened his eyes and slowly closed his mouth. The beam of light just came from his mouth.

"Welcome to Metaverse, the ugly monsters of the endless star sea!"
