Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 813: Delivered

Gitilu switched on the radio wave.

The content of the radio wave was received in the dimensional universe.

This radio wave is a propaganda film. Like many propaganda films on the ground of Metaverse, it promotes the cruel, ugly, and dirty of the endless Xinghai race.

scenes of war scenes, all races in the endless star sea have become synonymous with despicableness. They burned, killed, looted, and committed no evil, posing a great threat to the people on the surface of the metaworld.

Mozu played the role of a clown in it, and was even portrayed as a dog led by the Emperor. The dog’s head is a standard Mozu person, which looks a bit similar to Kittiru.

After looking at it for a while, Gitilu's face became more and more ugly.

"Check it out! Check the source of this radio wave!"

"Yes, my lord, the source of the radio waves is nearby. It should not be far away from us. You can find it soon."

"Damn it! If I find out, I will definitely break these despicable corpses!"

Feeling irritated by the losing face, Gitilu immediately began to trace the source of the radio waves.

The person who sent the radio wave was very arrogant and did not make any concealment, and he quickly determined the location.

"My lord, the source of the radio waves is four million kilometers on the left."

"Order the convoy to stop, and the first team will follow me to see who is doing the trick here!"

A thousand demons warriors followed behind Kittiru’s palace car and whizzed towards the source of the radio waves.


The demons came very fast, the strides of those Hellhounds are amazing, and one step is thousands of miles!

It didn't take long for the machine to send out the radio waves. He didn't even know if anyone would come, but he really wanted to do so with revenge, but he didn't expect to attract such a group of guys.

When the demons appeared in his field of vision, he didn't even have time to escape.

The huge Hellhound rushed over. At this moment, Mechanic even forgot that he wanted to die with Lin Zhen. Faced with the terrifying look of the Hellhound, he turned and ran.

But the Hellhound won't give him a chance to escape, a Hellhound with a probe, bit the machine directly in his mouth!

The huge fangs close up and down, sparks are splashed around the waist of the machine, the metal is twisted, and the body of this machine will be crushed!

Mechanic didn't feel pain, but he knew that he would definitely be eaten by Hellhounds. In an emergency, the machine shouted loudly: "You can't kill me, I'm here to help you!"


Inside the palace carriage, Jitilu waved his hand slightly, and the Hellhound stopped devouring it.


The gate of the palace opened, and the big head of the hellhound dangled the machine and sent it directly to the gate of the palace.

Machinery saw many human races standing side by side in the palace, and in the center sat a very strong high-level demons.

"What did you just say to help us? Speak clearly. If there is one thing I am not satisfied with, you will be fed to the dog!"

"Yes, yes~!"

Machinery saw the hope of survival, and the courage that Lin Zhen had to die before had already flown out of the clouds: "My lord, you come from the endless sea of ​​stars."

"Of course, have you ever seen such a powerful army on the surface of the Metaverse?" A human scolded him.

Machinery even met this person. This person seems to be a chief guard in the Qin Palace. I don't know why he is here.

It's not the time to investigate these things, and the machine eagerly said, "Since it comes from the endless sea of ​​stars, I wonder if you have heard of Lin Zhen?"

"Lin Zhen! Which Lin Zhen do you mean?" Gitilu froze for a while, then stood up from his seat. As soon as he raised his hand, the machine was pulled from the Hellhound's mouth to him.

The machine fell to the ground, and his neck twisted and lifted up: "Which Lin Zhen is there? Of course, it is Lin Zhen who eliminated Qin Jianfeng in the Star of Punishment and exposed the identity of the Qin family's father and son.

"I know this Lin Zhen, what are you going to say?" Ji Tiru asked.

"I am tired of the life on the surface of the Metaverse. As long as you let me enter the endless sea of ​​stars, I will tell you the location of Lin Zhen. He is nearby and he is likely to leave."

Ji Tiru was silent on the face, but his heart was already overwhelmed.

It turns out that Lin Zhen is nearby, which is really great.

The Qin Jianfeng incident at the time made the endless Xinghai side a little passive, and the best chess piece arranged was thus discarded.

Among the undercover in the endless star sea, Qin Wushang is the best, the emperor of the largest empire on the ground, what an important position, it is a pity that something went wrong with his son.

Regardless of whether Lin Zhen intentionally or unintentionally, he is the enemy of Endless Xinghai.

If Lin Zhen can be captured, then this will definitely be a great achievement.

As for the thing that can't tell whether it's a human or a machine, he doesn't count anything in his eyes. It doesn't matter if you keep it, you can be executed at any time.

"Can you find Lin Zhen's location now?"

"I can try."

Ji Tiru signaled that the machine could start, and the machine was overjoyed, which proved that Ji Tiru had believed his words. He was very likely to avenge smoothly without having to die.

He cast his gaze in the direction where Lin Zhen was, which was where the black hole was before.

The black hole that was terrifying before has completely disappeared, and no trace can be seen.

The mechanical eyeballs rolled, a metal compound eye appeared at the center of the eyebrows, a faint red light flashed, and his eyesight greatly improved.

The blurry starry sky scene advances layer by layer, his eyes are like high-powered astronomical telescopes.

Ji Tiru and others all looked at the machine with great interest. This robot is a bit interesting.

"Oh, I am here, Lin Zhen!"

In his compound eyes, he saw that in the distant void, Lin Zhen was sitting cross-legged there, as if cultivating.

"My lord, I have seen him!"

When the machine raised his hand, a virtual screen appeared, showing what he saw.

The scene in the picture was very clear, and they could even see Lin Zhen's hateful face.

"My lord! It really is Lin Zhen, it really is him. I came from the ground and I know this man."

"Yes, yes, I can also confirm that His Majesty Qin Wushang had to leave the State of Qin because of this person. At that time, I was still an ordinary guard of the Qin Palace."

Ji Tiru’s face showed a ferocious smile: "Okay! This trip really didn't go in vain, and finally we got a big fish. Let's set off now to get Lin Zhen back."

"Everyone listens to my order, and immediately move forward, don't let him startle by crying and howling, quietly lay a net of heaven and earth, I will catch alive this time!"

The three-headed Hellhound was driven by the coachman, roaring loudly, spreading his paws to speed up, and leaping towards Lin Zhen.

The warriors of the Demon Race wielded weapons such as large axes, warhammers, steel forks, etc., coming out from both sides, preparing to block Lin Zhen's escape route.

Machinery took a long breath there, thinking that he had finally survived.

At this time, Gitilu looked at him, and suddenly a hint of coldness flashed.

"This person sent a radio wave to insult my endless Xinghai race. His sin is unforgivable. Pull him out to feed the dog!"

A few demon tribe warriors immediately rushed up with hands and feet, grabbed the machine and went out.

"My lord! You just accepted my suggestion, but I brought Lin Zhen news."

"Huh! What you have done is not enough to forgive your sins. You have to thank you that you are not a flesh and blood life, otherwise I will let the children tear you to pieces!"

The machine was desperate, and no longer made any resistance, letting the demon generals drag it out.

When he saw the open mouth of the Hellhound bite, the machine whispered: "Yehua, my father finally avenged you!"


The restlessness of the world inside Lin Zhen finally calmed down.

After entering the longevity, his internal world has not expanded. If it has changed, it is that the aura here has changed.

The world before    was roughly equivalent to the New Territories. It was not an excellent place for cultivation. The world's highest person could give birth to a realm king, and it would be impossible for longevity to emerge.

And now his world is equivalent to the level of the Metaverse, it is a holy place for cultivation.

In the dantian, inside the black hole, pearl-like beads are suspended in the black hole.

One of them is the biggest and brightest. This is Lin Zhen’s Kirin Bead, which is the planet God Bead previously obtained. When the new black hole merges in, a large amount of dark energy and dark matter gathers, making this God Bead more dense. Big.

And the small beads around can't be Every bead is the neutron of a black hole, and the density is extremely compressed.

Every bead, big or small, is a planet.

His spiritual power is swimming between these beads, and he is doing a great practice.

Transform your own galaxy realm!

Lin Zhen’s previous galaxy realm was a planet that relied on mental power to condense. Although it could explode, it was not powerful and had been abandoned by him for a long time.

What he will do this time is to let these unicorn beads replace the virtual planet.

There is no need to explode, as long as gravity twists it!

Different from the ordinary gravity field, this gravity distortion is more terrifying than the sharpest knife in the world.

Just think about what the people inside would be like when being squeezed by the gravity of two stars.

Besides, there are more than two stars. In Lin Zhen’s black hole, there are hundreds of these neutrons!

Even if Lin Zhen can't drive all of them for the time being, there is no problem driving more than a dozen of them.

Spiritual power is constantly cruising, trying.

"It's almost the limit, twenty-eight. It is the limit at which I can manipulate the unicorn beads, but I can still arrange a starry sky."

Lin Zhen retracted his hand and cast his gaze to the distance, where the demon came from. )!!