Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 812: The demons from the endless star sea!

After cultivating to longevity, Lin Zhen did not relax completely.

Because he was observing the body, after his black hole swallowed the new black hole, it also mutated!

A black hole can only have one naked singularity.

When two naked singularities appear in the same black hole, no one knows what will happen.

When Lin Zhen swallowed this naked singularity, he didn't take into account too much. He just hoped that he could continue to increase his energy to make his breakthrough stronger.

This naked singularity just entered Lin Zhen's dantian and became a part of his black hole.

But the two naked singularities have some conflicts.

The original repels the newcomer, the newcomer does not want to destroy, but also wants to swallow the original.

Of course Lin Zhen couldn't allow the new to swallow the old. With his help, the old Naked Singularity won.

But the new one is not destroyed.

The indestructible result is surrender, and Lin Zhen has assimilated the naked singularity.

The method of assimilation is that Lin Zhen uses the dark star principle to hide the new naked singularity behind the old naked singularity and become a shadow-like existence.

Lin Zhen couldn't ask anyone about this matter. He could only move forward. The result of this was that the black hole mutated.

Two powerful energies clash, and the new naked singularity becomes an illusory shadow.

Under the gaze of mental power, there is a twisted space barrier between the two naked singularities, which exist with each other without affecting each other.

At this time, the entire black hole has become very huge, basically reaching the peak of a star-level black hole. If new energy is injected, it will become a super-star-level black hole.

Lin Zhen tried to release the black hole and swallow it, but the old naked singularity appeared.

Lin Zhen called him Naked Singularity One.

As for the Naked Singularity No. 2, this almost virtual state is not released like this.

Number Two can appear anywhere within Lin Zhen's vision, as if it could teleport.

Lin Zhen's vision at the moment can only be described as abnormal. He didn't feel much when he was on the ground of the Metaverse, but in the endless void, Lin Zhen could even see the twinkling stars in the distance.

Not simply seeing, but like a high-powered astronomical telescope, seeing things that are millions of kilometers, tens of millions of kilometers, or even hundreds of millions of kilometers away!

For example, the mountains and canyons on the planet are unobstructed!

Within his vision, Naked Singularity 2 can appear anywhere, and then send out terrifying death waves!

This is the special ability produced after the black hole mutates, teleporting and swallowing!

It's just that Naked Singularity No. 2 is an accessory, he doesn't have the powerful devouring ability of No. 1.

The swallowing power of Number One can swallow anyone with a star power that is twice as long as Lin Zhen, that is to say, a star power below 250 million cannot withstand Lin Zhen's black hole storm.

And the devouring power of No. 2 is the same as the star power of Lin Zhen's body, and it can swallow anyone under 125 million, which is also considered a long-range weakening.

But this is enough for Lin Zhen, at least no one who is not as strong as him can escape his vision.

This breakthrough caused Lin Zhen's strength to undergo an earth-shaking change.

In addition to the strong promotion of the body and the strong mutation of the black hole, Lin Zhen has an even more remarkable change.

That is the change of clone.

While the five-element Kylin broke through the body, it also broke through the barriers and entered the realm of Sanhua.

Before Lin Zhen's clone had 90 million star power, entering Sanhua, his star power increase was not as terrifying as his body, only 30 million.

After all, it is not a real life form, and the increase of 30 million is already quite remarkable.

But afterwards, he entered the sixth level of three flowers all the way, each level can increase 10 million star power, making his star power directly reach the terrifying number of 170 million!

Although the overall growth rate is not as good as the main body, Lin Zhen is already extremely satisfied.

If this continues, this can at least accompany Lin Zhen to the peak of God Transfiguration, which is already the best result for the clone.

With such a body clone, Lin Zhen has enough confidence to fight against the early stage of the transformation without losing.

After breaking through the frenzy, it took a while to stabilize the realm. Lin Zhen didn't move here, allowing the surging star power in his body to gradually calm down.

In the endless starry sky, a long convoy is moving forward.

These vehicles are not ordinary vehicles, they are all prison vehicles!

Each car is pulled by a black triangle bull. These bulls are black all over, with three horns on their heads, and their only eyes are blood-red, up to ten meters high, with muscles and whips like steel. The tail flicked, looking like a wild beast.

There was a coachman in front of the car, and every coachman was a master of the Sanhua realm, holding a thorn whip in his hand, driving the triangular bull.

The car is a metal frame, but there is no metal guardrail in the middle, but laser beams driven by energy to form a protection for the car.

These laser beams are extremely high temperature and corrosive, and they are not allowed to be approached at all.

Every prison car holds a prisoner.

The identities of these prisoners are very special, because they all have one thing in common, that is, they all wear dragon robes!

These prisoners are all emperors!

This even includes Emperor Zhu Ziheng of the Great Qin Empire!

Zhu Ziheng is also a three-flower warrior, but at this moment his head is placed outside the prison car, firmly fixed, his body is in the prison car, and he can't move without moving.

The demeanor of the former emperor was completely gone, his head was closed, his face was ashes, his dragon robe was tattered, and there were many injuries on his body that could not be treated at all.

Behind him, there are emperors of many countries.

Dahan, Datang, Daming, Da Zhao...each of them is the emperor of the main countries of the Metaverse, and there is no such small country as the Emperor Nanliang.

The fleet of prison vehicles spread over a dozen kilometers, a full of thousands of prison vehicles!

Next to the prison vehicle, there are escorted troops, and the lowest-level soldiers are in the realm of longevity.

It's just that these soldiers look tall and mammoth, with hideous faces, with curved horns on their heads and exposed fangs, which are even more terrifying than the orcs in the Metaverse.

If anyone who knows the endless sea of ​​stars sees it, they will recognize that these escorted troops belong to the demons.

The demons are a race dependent on the existence of the emperor. They are cruel and combative by nature and exterminate humanity. They were the public enemy of mankind in ancient times.

Later, the Demon Clan was subdued by the Emperor Clan. After the defeat of the ground race war with the Metaverse, the Demon Clan entered the endless sea of ​​stars with the Emperor Clan, and basically disappeared from the ground.

Only in some folk circuses, performance venues, etc., you occasionally see a weak demons slave, and these vigorous, powerful troops are completely different from each other.

At the end of the team, there are several three-headed hellhounds.

These hellhounds are huge and amazing, pulling a large luxury vehicle behind them, and the carriage is a small palace.

Inside the palace, a demon warrior with double horns on his head is closing his eyes and resting.

By his side, there were a group of human races. Although the clothes on these human races were messy, they knew at first glance that they were all people with status and status in the Metaverse.

Among them were eunuchs, officials, palace guards, and even the emperor’s concubines.

They are all human beings, but they have a common clone, which is the undercover of the endless star sea in the metaworld!

One of the pretty imperial concubines bowed to the demon martial artist Yingying, and said: "Master Ji Tiru, ​​according to your instructions, we have captured all the emperors of the nation with the strongest resistance against the endless Xinghai race in the Metaverse. Thousands of people!"

Gitilu opened his eyes slightly: "Are they all caught?"

"For the most part, these countries are the most active in resisting us, pushing the country against us. Of course, Metaverse resists us by far more countries, but it is too difficult to catch too many people at once. Pick key players to capture."

"Well, we did a good job. The emperors of these countries were taken away by us. Their successors must not dare to act like them, brazenly against the endless sea of ​​stars."

After receiving Jitiru’s compliment, this imperial concubine beamed her eyebrows: “Yes, when we change into a group of mediocre ones, the threat to us will be much smaller and the degree of defense will decrease. One day we will be able to lead the army back. The earth is gone!"

"That's not what you should care about." Kittiru's face fell cold.

The people who originally wanted to claim credit all shrank back, lest they be touched on the mold and cause murder.

However, Gitilu was in a good mood today, and did not chase these humble human races.

For this day, they arranged for too long.

Even since tens of millions of years ago, they have been in the Metaverse, placing them one by one.

Countless of these inner should have been inserted, some of them succeeded, and even achieved the position of emperor, such as Qin Wushang.

Some people became ministers, some became guards, and others became imperial concubines. Some even became eunuchs in the palace tens of millions of years ago, and they were trusted by the emperor.

Successful internal They are trained at the end, in order to one day capture the emperor.

This operation was very successful, arresting more than a thousand emperors. After these people were captured, I believe that the defense and resistance to the endless sea of ​​stars in this large area will be greatly weakened.

It may not be long before the endless star sea race will return to the ground.

"You fought desperately against Metaverse masters on the battlefield, but how do you remember the great contribution to my Jitilu? This time I return to the endless sea of ​​stars. I will definitely get a great reward!"

Just when Kittyru was immersed in the illusion of the good days in the future, his intelligent life suddenly reminded him.

"Master, there is an unknown radio wave coming from nearby. It seems that there is news about the endless sea of ​​stars. Do you want to receive it?"

"Huh? There are still people releasing radio waves in this barren land where birds don't shit? Take a look. Maybe we can catch a big fish or two before we leave."

Gitilu sat a little straighter. As a super master of spiritual change, he was very confident. There were too few people on this land that could resist him.