Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 811: Longevity!

At the request of Zhushan, the machine ran far behind a large meteorite, waiting for the result of their battle.

But when he saw the death ripples of the black hole in the distance spreading past, swallowing Lin Zhen and Zhushan together, the machine almost freaked out.

Of course, with a metal machine, he can't pee anymore.

The machine immediately turned and fled, but since you saw the black hole, don't think about running away.

Fortunately, a meteorite blocked it, and the machine entered the black hole death ripple a little later.

But he was desperate, it didn't make any difference whether it was a while earlier or a while later, the star power was exhausted, and there was a dead end.

But just when the machine was about to give up resistance, a miracle happened.

The roaring black hole stopped for some reason, and the death ripple seemed to suddenly lose its strength and quickly retreated.

The rest of the machine tried to call Zhushan, but the other party had no news.

The machine ran away in a panic, and when he saw the shrinking black hole, his unwillingness emerged again.

"Why should I run? This black hole has such a weird situation. There is no case that it is Lin Zhen's ghost."

"In a frontal battle, he is not Zhushan's opponent. He may have used the power of the black hole to kill the enemy. Others will undoubtedly die in the black hole, but Lin Zhen will not, because he himself is a black hole beast!"

"My son is dead, and I can't have another son. Lin Zhen saw me and Zhushan just now. When he returns to the Holy Land, he will tell Jinnuo about! He may Now I have told Jin Nuo through the Dimensional Universe that there will be no good fruits for me when I return to the Holy Land, and I cannot go back anymore."

Mechanic quickly analyzed his situation. If Lin Zhen was in the field squad, he still had the confidence to say nothing to Lin Zhen, but since Lin Zhen won the first place in the freshman, Mechanic has never been with Lin again. Zhen Zheng thought about it, and it was obvious that Jin Nuo paid more attention to Lin Zhen.

"I have no retreat. If that's the case, I'll just keep doing it, Lin Zhen, I am a person without a future, what else can I care about, I will pull you back together when I die!"

Crazy flashed in the machine's eyes, and he simply took out the CD that Zhushan gave him, started playing it through the intelligent life, and spread the radio waves outside.

He believed that this was a buffer zone, and there could not be only people on the ground of the Metaverse, and there would be races of endless stars.

And the endless star sea race that dared to enter the buffer zone, the strength is absolutely extraordinary!

As long as those people are attracted, he or Lin Zhen will die!

This is the last madness of machinery!

Lin Zhen was facing the most important breakthrough in his life at this time.

A hundred people have a hundred personalities.

Some people are strong-willed and tenacious, used to climb the summit, but such people can only be very few.

For most people, the pursuit is relatively low.

But there is a process that everyone is looking forward to, and that is the realm of longevity.

Entering longevity, as long as you are not killed by others, it is basically equivalent to having eternal life.

99.999999% of warriors, the goal they pursue in their lifetime is nothing more than longevity.

As long as they can reach the realm of longevity, most warriors choose to start enjoying life. They will build their own temples of longevity, settle down in various places in the Metaverse, and then enjoy people's incense offerings. money.

Either hiding in the market and enjoying life, or starting a new life based on the hobbies that I had to suppress because of studying martial arts.

Some people have become poets, some have become calligraphers, and some have become painters, various enthusiasts, and enthusiasts, because they have a lot of time to spend, but they will create amazing things in various fields. Achievement.

It can be said that many star-level figures in Metaverse are Changsheng!

There are several most important factors in martial arts cultivation.

One is the entry stage, which determines whether you are qualified to become a martial artist. This step is the most critical.

One is the astral stage. Whether you can enter the astral realm from the God of War is also very important and determines how far you can go in the future.

Of course, there is no such two processes in the Metaverse, because the baby in the Metaverse will have a star core in his body if he makes a sound.

There is also the black hole period. Whether it can cross the black hole period and enter the galaxy period is a disaster for the martial artist. After ten thousand years of life can be enjoyed, it will be wiped out if it fails.

Furthermore, it is longevity, which is the ultimate dream of most warriors.

It is also one of Lin Zhen's dreams, but only one. Lin Zhen has a higher pursuit. He belongs to the very few people with extremely strong will.

When the day came, Lin Zhen was still uncontrollably excited!

Only after a long life can you be qualified to pursue the peak, and you don't even have the qualification to pursue it.

"Longevity realm, here I am!"

"I not only want to be a longevity, but also the most powerful longevity!"

With the surging in of black hole power, Lin Zhen's power is skyrocketing.

He was repressing at this moment, suppressing the overflow of power, and let his breakthrough come as slowly as possible.

But he couldn't suppress it for too long at all, because the breakthrough of star power had reached an unstoppable level. After absorbing about one third of the black hole's power, longevity had arrived!

The barrier that blocked the limit of the human body was broken!

At this time, Lin Zhen's body's medicinal properties had all been resolved, he took out the pill and star crystal he had prepared without hesitation, and swallowed it in one mouthful!

Since we are going to make a breakthrough, let us make the strongest breakthrough!

The double increase in the power of the black hole of medicine has brought Lin Zhen's realm to fly!

Black and bright before his eyes, his body formed a wonderful cycle!

All the organs have changed at this moment. Those organs will no longer fail and will no longer be constrained by birth, old age, sickness and death. As long as Lin Zhen's soul is not destroyed and his body is not broken, the organs will continue to operate forever!

The toxins, impurities, and all the bad things in the body disappeared when the breakthrough occurred.

Xingli began to soar wildly, an unprecedented soaring!

Lin Zhen's previous star power was 52 million, of which the star power of his body and the star power of the world in his body accounted for almost half of each.

The body is 26 million, and the internal world is 26 million.

The first breakthrough was Lin Zhen's ontology!

Lin Zhen has found the law, this kind of perfect breakthrough with overflowing star power can directly double the star power.

So when Lin Zhen broke the last barrier, his body star power soared into the sky, directly reaching 52 million!

Coupled with the star power of the inner world, his star power has reached 78 million!

But this is not the limit.

Every time the realm of the realm king increases by one level, the star power increases by 2 million, and every time the longevity realm increases by one level, the star power increases by 5 million, which is Lin Zhen's level.

The base is high, and the promotion is also high.

Under the dual effects of black holes and medicinal power, his realm cannot be limited to the longevity level, and it continues to soar.

But at this time, Lin Zhen's evil star was finally lit up!

When the Star Breaking Army was lit last time, it gave Lin Zhen a five million star power.

And the star power of the Star Breaking Army, still can't be compared with the plan.

The corner of the star of Jidu above the dark star has been uncontrollably uncovered, and the total amount of huge star power hangs upside down like a Tianhe, surging into the body world.

Two million two million star power~!

This one star gave Lin Zhen a star power of up to 20 million and 2 million!

In this way, the world star power in Lin Zhen's body also reached 48 million, plus the body, the total amount reached exactly 100 million!

From the peak of the realm king to the realm of longevity, Lin Zhen's star power finally exceeded 100 million!

Lin Zhen once heard a legend that the lowest standard for entering the realm of God Transformation is 100 million star power, but now in the realm of Longevity, is he already comparable to the worst God Transformation?

Lin Zhen knew that he must not be the worst, because his breakthrough had not yet been completely completed.

The star power is still extremely powerful, enough to support him to continue climbing the peak!

Starting from the first level of longevity, Lin Zhen started a breakthrough all the way.

The first level enters the second level, and the star power is 105 million!

Entering the second level to the third level, the star power reached 110 million!

When Lin Zhen broke through from the realm king to the realm king, he reached the third level of the realm king, but this time with the power of the black hole behind it, Lin Zhen would not stop at the third level!

After reaching the third level, the power of the black hole had not been exhausted, and Lin Zhen was directly sent to the fourth level of longevity!

Star power 115 million!

Lin Zhen's fingers were trembling slightly with excitement. This is the middle longevity!

But strictly speaking, the fourth level is not the real mid-term, the fifth level is the mid-term.

While Lin Zhen thought so, he actually reached level five!

Star power 120 million!

This was something Lin Zhen couldn't imagine before the breakthrough. He actually went straight to the fifth level of Longevity. At this time, the power he swallowed the black hole was finally coming to an end.

"Give me a little more strength and let me reach the mid-level peak!"

Lin Zhen thought about working hard, swallowing the naked singularity that was almost exhausted!

The naked singularity contains the last power of the black hole, and is also the strongest power. After this one bite, a miracle really appeared!

The realm that was supposed to be stagnant, soared again like crazy, straight to the sixth level!

Star power 125 million!

Unprecedented power agitated in Lin Zhen's body, this power was so powerful that it seemed to destroy the world!

With long hair flying and swaying in the air, this black hole has completely disappeared. Between the sky and the earth, only Lin Zhen is sitting there, surrounded by an endless vacuum!

At this moment, he looks like a demon!

From the past life to this life, after more than two thousand years, the path to the pinnacle of martial arts has finally achieved a good result.

So far, Lin Zhen will live forever!