Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 795: Capture the 4 spirits!

When the photoelectric team broke through Lin Zhen's line of defense against water, fire, and wind, the Nine Spirits had been firmly captured by the fire Qilin people, tied into a zongzi, and there was no possibility of breaking free.

Photoelectric's eyelids twitched slightly, and he didn't expect Lin Zhenqiang to reach this point, and his energy level would defeat the Nine Spirits with the strongest combat effectiveness.

Thanks to the Nine Spirits who came first, if a few of them came, the result would definitely not be better.

"Lin Zhen, don't be too complacent. It's nothing more than defeating the Nine Spirits, but everything you have now is nothing but a mirror image. As long as you are defeated by a few of us, you will lose everything."

Lin Zhen shook the Lantis gun: "It's better to say a few words like this and save effort. I have never been used to being scornful, so what can I do?"

"Okay, Lin Zhen, you are going to die."

Optoelectronic did not dare to get too close to Lin Zhen, but instead greeted the other three companions to come together.

The four people walked roundabout and surrounded Lin Zhen in the center.

"Hehe, the four sacred beasts are able to enjoy this kind of treatment. It seems that I have fun today."

Lin Zhen faced the Four Great Sacred Lands Sanhua, without fear, strode straight to the sword evil on the right!

Dao Sha belonged to the Baihu clan, and he was very confident in himself before, but seeing the scene of Lin Zhen fighting the Nine Spirits, his confidence disappeared.

Nine Spirits also use a knife, and the strength is still higher than that of him. Lin Zhenhai was slapped by Lin Zhenhai, let alone him.

If it's solo, he will definitely turn around and run, but right now he won't, because he still has companions.


Dao Sha yelled, and Mount Tai, which was next to him, suddenly approached.

A huge black shield emerged, just blocking Lin Zhen's attack route!

Lin Zhen's spear shook, and the golden Lantis spear shook the wind and thunder, slamming it on the shield!

The power of this gun was even greater than when fighting the Nine Spirits. After a loud noise, Lin Zhen actually returned without success!

Behind the shield, Taishan appeared in figure, his left and right hands each held a huge shield.

The shield had fine lines on it, and looking at it was not gold or iron, it was made of no material, but it actually blocked Lin Zhen's blow without the slightest damage.

Lin Zhen squinted his eyes slightly: "The shield formed from two turtle shells is really strong."

Taishan's face turned dark: "Lin Zhen, I hate others calling me a tortoise in my life. You have to pay for this sentence today!"

"If you want a price, you must have the consciousness to pay the price!"

Lin Zhen stopped talking nonsense and swung the spear to kill again.

The photoelectric and the Red Witch also started to cover up from behind, and Taishan resisted Lin Zhen's offensive in the front, and the sword shame launched a thunderous attack from one side!

At first, Lin Zhen thought that if the four people joined forces, the cooperation between them must be a problem, but he did not expect that the power of these four people would increase exponentially.

The weapon of Qinglong is a painted halberd, and the weapon of the Red Witch is a burning whip.

The weapon of Shasha is a long sword, while Tarzan's weapon is a shield made of turtle shells on both sides.

I don't know how many times the four people have cooperated. They have a basis for advancing and retreating, and offensive and defensive are integrated. When everyone attacks Lin Zhen, there must be one person to support him.

Everyone encounters an attack, and someone must rescue from one side.

When everyone's offensive slows down, someone must continue their firepower. This coordination can be described as a perfect match.

Moreover, the core of the tactics is Taishan. Regardless of his huge body, Taishan can always appear where he should appear most, blocking Lin Zhen's powerful killer moves with the two-sided extremely strong shield.

Lin Zhen's planet fell and the stars fell, but he could not break through the defense of Mount Tai.

Under the cover of Mount Tai, the other three attacked as much as they wanted, and they had the upper hand!

The surrounding area was like rain with swords and guns, and the shadow of the whip was stunned. Lin Zhen was caught off guard by the sky attack!

"Hahaha! Lin Zhen, do you think you can fight against us if you defeat the Nine Spirits? You are too naive."

"The four of us came from the squad in the Holy Land of Liberty City. We have cooperated with each other for tens of thousands of years. Lin Zhen, you two are still far away!"

Optoelectronics finally found a chance, taking advantage of Lin Zhen's resistance to the attack of the sword, with a halberd and lightning in his hand!

The continuous speed of light strikes, and more than 8,000 attacks have been stabbed at the same point!

Lin Zhen felt a pain in his waist and was injured!

Injuries in this kind of battle are very fatal. Several people on the other side seized the opportunity to start, and Lin Zhen soon suffered several injuries.

Although not fatal, it is a sign of failure.

"No! I can't fight back without breaking Tarzan's shield."

At this time, Lin Zhen could no longer have any reservations. He had to break the tortoise shell that was always blocking him.

"Four spirits strike together, this is the end!"

With a thought to Lin Zhen, the Planet God Orb he had brought from his body shot out.

A streamer shot out in Lin Zhen's hands, hitting Mount Tai's shield!

When Taishan saw the streamer hitting, he instinctively defended with his left shield.

But he didn't know the mystery of this planet's divine bead, a small bead that seemed to be the weight of a star!

Taishan only felt that an unstoppable force was coming, and the shield hummed and automatically retracted into his body, and the whole person was completely overwhelmed by the planetary orb!

With a bang, a human-shaped pit appeared under Mount Tai, and the person sank under the ground.

As soon as Mount Tai was abolished, Lin Zhen's pressure was greatly reduced.

Without the stumbling block, he can finally fight back.

With the Red Witch on her side trying to rescue Taishan by attacking, Lin Zhen turned around, Lantis's spear brought infinite power, and Xia Zhiliu became angry!

Suzaku's nature is fire, also commonly known as Firebird, second only to Phoenix in playing with fire.

Seeing Lin Zhen's long spear driving the flames, the Red Witch sneered: "Lin Zhen, you are like an axe!"

"Really? It's a pity that my axe is bigger!"

"Fell me down!"

The two torrents of flames collided, and under the impetus of the flower of the four elements, the bright blue flame was like a torrent, instantly engulfing the Red Witch.

The spear followed the flame and pierced the red witch's chest!

The Red Witch only felt as if she was in a stove, she was doing her best to resist, feeling Lin Zhen's long spear attacking, and her hand held a horizontal whip, locking the tip of the spear like a spark.

"Save me~!"

Seeing that the Red Witch was in a crisis, Guangguang and Dasha all resorted to rescue.


The Flower of the Four Elements once again became powerful, and Lin Zhen's body appeared in the energy element under the rush of earth, water, fire and wind.

Lin Zhen has been waiting for this time for a long time, as long as he defeats one person again, he will win the battle, and this time difference depends on his body to fight for it.

The energy element is just a barrier to prevent anyone from seeing the mystery of his clone's body. His body appears in the energy element and can only be seen by a few people around him who are fighting with him.

In Lin Zhen's plan, they saw that it didn't matter.

The body swallowed a divine power pill, and the star power instantly soared to 71.2 million!

Fully exerting its star power, after the main body took the pill, it was almost equal to the combat power of the clone.

The lotus flickered to block the photoelectric's lightning raid, and the sword gang condensed in the hands of the body, and it shot!

Senluo swordsmanship!

This kind of stunt from the Holy Land of Locking God Platform smashed the attack of the sword with one blow, and cut off his arm with one sword!

Dao Sha dreamed that there would be a second Lin Zhen during the battle. He was caught off guard by Lin Zhen's success. Before he could scream out, the main body made a star drop and directly blasted Dao Sha's scream back into his stomach.

Beast-bound spirit lock, bind!

The body was divided into mind and body, and it was better than the cooperation of a few of them. A beast-bound spirit lock directly tied the sword to a strong, and slammed it towards the camp of the fire unicorn.

"Catch it!"

"it is good!"

Lin Chuang and the others let out a loud roar, rushed forward with all their hands, and completely held down the struggling Dao Sha in the uniform.

But the elemental power has not dissipated, the body has disappeared, and he returned to the inner world of the clone to continue practicing.

The main body made a successful attack, and Lin Zhen's star power bloomed, and the Red Witch who was still resisting directly flew upside down.

Behind him, the photoelectric still wanted to chase, Lin Zhen turned around and waved the autumn wind, and the wind element roared out, cooperating with the gun, and blasted the photoelectric far away with one blow.

He followed with a stride, shook his spear, and smashed it at the Red Witch!

The Red Witch was about to finish watching, her heart was cold, she showed a pitiful expression to Lin Zhen, hoping that Lin Zhen could pity Xiangxiyu and spare her because she was a beautiful woman.

Lin Zhen let out a A shot was struck on her neck, and she fainted directly.

The third beast-bound spirit lock was released, and the Red Witch was also **** firmly.

"Catch it! The third one!"

After taking down the Red Witch, Lin Zhen once again violently attacked the photoelectric that had been slowing down.

This time Lin Zhen breathed out a series of fierce attacks, killing the previously majestic photoelectric without any power to fight back.

Lantis’s marksmanship is indeed extremely powerful, and the last ice cold of winter is an attack with ice elements. The strong freezing gas effectively limits the speed of the photoelectric.

Under the freezing of the ice element, the speed advantage of the photoelectric could no longer be released. Within two minutes, Lin Zhen stabbed and shot tens of thousands of shots, and he fell into embarrassment when he was almost inhuman.

Lin Zhen unceremoniously stepped on Guang's back, and took out the fourth beast-bound spirit lock, which tied him up like a pig.

"Catch it! The fourth one!"

Lin Chuang excitedly pressed the photoelectric, and the few fire unicorn young men he cooperated with were already proficient in their movements. He found the metal rope from nowhere, and could not show the photoelectric eyes.

After capturing the photoelectric, the battle was basically over. Lin Zhen stepped to the front of the deep pit, retracted the **** orb, and a gravitational force pulled the dying Taishan mountain up.

"Haha! The four spirits have joined forces and don't have the ability to fight on the planet above their heads, so they are all superficial in front of me!"

The last beast-bound spirit lock also firmly bound Mount Tai, and Lin Zhen personally dragged him back to the front of the Fire Qilin tribe.

Throwing Taishan to Lin Chuang and the others, Lin Zhen faced a longevity martial artist who was still shooting boldly in the void and said, "Holy Master, thank you for these ropes. Lin Zhen will definitely reward you heavily in the future! "

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