Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 794: Beastmaster Lin Zhen!

After Lin Zhen finished speaking, he waved his hand to the surrounding Huoqilin tribesmen: "All tribe members listen to my orders and enclose these people for me to open the sky fire formation, so that no one of them can escape!"

The surrounding clansmen suddenly agreed.

The Fire Qilin clan has a formation method, which is also a guarantee for the existence of a race. At this moment, Lin Zhen ordered that even Elder Li and the others would not refuse to follow, and all the clan members would automatically disperse.

Not far apart, there is a fire unicorn, relying on each other, and the flames all over the body rise up, forming a flame cage that is as high as a kilometer!

The flame of Burning Heaven rises like a volcano, and the strong fire element makes it impossible to approach at all. Even if someone is not afraid of the power of the flame, they will be attacked by the fire unicorns hidden in the flame.

Seeing Lin Zhen put in such a battle, the faces of several people in Optoelectronics changed drastically.

"Lin Zhen! Didn't you claim that our battle would not allow your people to intervene? How come back?"

Lin Zhen sneered: "Now my people have not interfered. They are just preventing you from escaping suddenly. If you have the ability to defeat me, I guarantee that they will let you go unconditionally. If you can't even beat me, then you may have to. left behind."

"During the battle, did they not interfere?"

Lin Zhen shook his head: "Absolutely not!"

After that, he ordered the Huoqilin tribe again that everyone was not allowed to participate in their own battles, otherwise they would be severely punished.

Seeing that Lin Zhen had given such a guarantee, several people from Optoelectronics heaved a sigh of relief.

If only this is the case, they are really not afraid of Lin Zhen. Don’t look at Lin Zhen’s previous gunfire, and the 10,000 immortal warriors who killed them fell into the water, but the battle with the holy land warriors will ultimately be able to solve the battle. , It has to be its own hard power.

Their five holy land martial artists at the peak of the three flowers, do not believe that they can't deal with a realm king in Lin Zhen district.

"What should we do? Should we try this guy's details first?" Optoelectronics turned and faced several people.

Nine Spirits, Red Witch, Taishan, and Dao Sha looked at each other, and Nine Spirits stood up.

"I know that the four of you are from the Sifang Saint Beast clan, Qinglong Baihu Suzaku Xuanwu, there should be a means of pressing the bottom of the box, so let me try Lin Zhen, try this arrogant kid how arrogant capital? "

Seeing Jiuling take the initiative to ask for a fight, several people in Optoelectronics nodded and agreed.

Although the five of them are the leaders of Optoelectronics, it does not mean that the strength of Optoelectronics exceeds the nine spirits.

In fact, the Nine Spirits are the strongest inside. The reason why Optoelectronics can lead other people to fight together is mainly because he is the head of the Four Spirits, the Eastern Blue Dragon clan!

As the sacred beasts of the four directions, the four clans have a covenant. Although the Qinglong clan belongs to the dragon clan, in fact they are closer to the other three clans, and the four people often cooperate together.

To talk about fighting alone, the four of them are not as good as Nine Spirits, including Qinglong Optoelectronics.

And if one of the four of them goes out first and loses, the four of them can't join forces, so they can't take apart.

Jiuling took the initiative to stand up, just in line with the four of them.

Nine Spirits came in front of Lin Zhen, his tall body resembling a hill, and a sturdy breath came to his face.

"Haha, nine lions, it seems that there are not many people of your race?" Lin Zhen said.

"You are wrong. I belong to the Demon Lion clan. There are many people in the Demon Lion clan, and the nine lions are a mutation of the Demon Lion, just like you, Lin Zhen, the Black Hole Beast is a mutation of the Fire Qilin."

"Yes, it's a rare star river beast. Since it's rare, its strength should be good. Now that you are out, let's start!"

"Lin Zhen! Pay the price for your arrogance!"

With the roar of the Nine Spirits, a strong stench came upon his face!

His weapon is a long knife, the blade is dark and shiny, and it is slashed down with an unmatched momentum. This is the sword technique in the holy land!

Lin Zhen sneered, and shot Landis' gun in his hand: "Give it to me!"

The huge impact sound is like thunder, bursting in the air!

Jiuling's body retreated two steps, and then struck again as if stepping on a spring.

Lin Zhen's Xingli did not have any advantage over Nine Spirits.

The strength of this veteran Sanhua pinnacle really should not be underestimated, at least in terms of star power, Lin Zhenqiang is very limited.

However, after this blow, Lin Zhen had a bottom in his heart. As long as the opponent's star power did not crush him, Lin Zhen was not afraid of him, not to mention that his spear was a heavy weapon, and he had an advantage in close combat.

With a swing of the spear in his hand, the long-lost feeling came back, and the tip of the spear turned into thousands of peach blossoms, covering the vitals of Nine Spirits!

The fierce counterattack has begun!

Nine Spirits Sword Technique followed a fierce route, but today he ran into Lin Zhen who was more fierce than him.

After the spear was attached with gold, its lethality was simply outrageous. When facing the attack, Nine Spirit's long knife did not take the slightest advantage, but fell in the midst of repeated violent collisions.

Star power is slightly inferior, physical strength is slightly inferior, and weapons are a bit inferior. These factors add up enough to make Nine Spirits unable to turn over.

Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng~~! ! !

Sparks shot in all directions like iron strikes, and the Nine Spirits kept retreating during the continuous bombardment, and their arms and weapons were somewhat unable to withstand such a fierce bombardment.

Seeing that this is not going to work, Nine Spirits gritted his teeth and the strongest sword technique turned out!

Hundreds of battles~!

The shadow of the sword in the sky turned into a cold star, a little bit of light flashing, three flowers blooming on the top of the head, all the spirits and spirits gathered on the knife, and came to kill!

Seeing Nine Spirits' tricks to press the bottom of the box, Lin Zhen's figure turned, and the spear drew a mysterious trajectory.

The memory of Landis emerged, and Lin Zhen used the ancient marksmanship he had just learned.

The land of spring!

A warm wind blew by the fire element, and in the eyes of Jiuling, it seemed to see the arrival of spring, the revival of everything, and the earth exuding vitality!

This is not an illusion, but a real vitality.

Because the earth seemed to have life, sharp stone pillars rose up into the sky, forming ground thorns, rumbling toward the nine spirits!

The countless blade lights were consumed in the raids of these ground spikes, and Lin Zhen's spear still turned into a straight line, directly covering his chest, rushing forward!

The cloud of death hung over Jiuling's head, and when Lin Zhen used this shot, he knew that he could never resist it.

With an extremely strong marksmanship in conjunction with the earth element's attack, he hadn't seen such a strong marksmanship in the Holy Land for so long, and he didn't know where Lin Zhen learned it.

Between life and death, the Nine Spirits were considered ruthless enough, and directly poured all the star power into Lin Zhen's note with a long knife in his hand. Without blocking it, a huge lion head turned out and bit Lin Zhen fiercely. Long spear!

With a bang, the lion's head was stabbed to pieces by Lin Zhen, and his body was thrown away, suffering serious injuries, but he saved his life.

The injured lion is also very dangerous. The fierce aura of the Nine Spirits is stimulated, and the body rolls on the spot, turning into a huge magic lion, one lion head grows out, a total of nine.

One of them had closed his eyes. This was the one who had just been injured, but he still had eight lion heads to use, and his huge head shook, and he went forward to bite Lin Zhen!

"Lin Zhen! I will eat you alive!"

Attacking with the Galaxy Beast itself, the Nine Spirits is also the last resort.

Lin Zhen laughed and said, "It's ridiculous! Although nine lions are rare, but they want to fight me but dream, I don't need a spear today, I can take care of you!"

The body shook, and a five-color unicorn appeared.

People's eyes stared at the boss, because what they saw was not the original black hole beast, at least the color was wrong.

This unicorn has entered the maturity stage, and his body is even larger and mighty. With Lin Zhen's roar, a faint golden light possessed his body, making his scales seem to be gilded.

After being nearby, Lin Zhen rushed over with a roar, letting the heads of the nine lions attack directly, and when their heads lowered, the two antler-like horns suddenly trembled, directly knocking the Nine Spirits to the ground.

With a roar, he rushed forward, and bit the throat of Jiuling in one bite!

The Nine Spirits bit Lin Zhen frantically, but the golden scales' defenses were so strong that they were abnormal. His biting was like a child's play, and he couldn't help it.

On the contrary, Lin Zhen's lock-throat attack made him increasingly weak, and he could only struggle to get rid of it.

The two giant beasts roared and roared on the ground, their manes were flying, and blood was splashing. This kind of primitive fighting is The transformation of nine lions is very powerful. But he was unlucky today and ran into nemesis Lin Zhen.

The nine lions are also a variant of the lion, and the lion belongs to the group of beasts. Among all the beasts, the most powerful is the unicorn.

The scaly dragon is the king, the flying bird phoenix is ​​the king, and no galaxy beast can cross the unicorn.

Qilin’s body was born for battle. It has sharp teeth and claws, and its mouth is bigger and terrifying than other beasts. Its defensive scales have sharp horns on the top of its head, and there are weapons all over the body. Not to mention Lin is really a mutated four-element unicorn. , And there is gold spirit possessed, it is simply invulnerable!

The fierce biting battle lasted for five minutes, almost all the earth was turned up under their fight, and the Nine Spirits finally exhausted their physical strength under Lin Zhen's continuous attack, and their body gradually softened.

Lin Zhen's fangs and claws left countless scars on him, almost killing him. If he fights on, he will definitely die!

Seeing that the nine spirits were no longer working, the photoelectric people at the back couldn't care about anything anymore, they immediately swarmed!

Lin Zhen roared, the flower of the four elements in his body turned, the earth, water, fire and wind rushed, blocking the photoelectricity several people at once.

With a flick of the huge head, the Nine Spirits were thrown out, and the body turned into a human form. With one hand raised, a long rope soared into the sky, binding the Nine Spirits directly into rice dumplings!

Beast-bound spirit lock!

The body and soul of the Nine Spirits were all bound by the Beast Spirit Lock!

"Show him to me, and absolutely not allow him to break free, this is my trophy for your patriarch!"

Throwing the Nine Spirits to the crowd of Fire Qilin, Lin Chuang shouted and agreed, and immediately rushed to suppress the Nine Spirits, and there was no possibility of escape!

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