Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 766: Difficult pass

Ning Qingxuan came to Lin Zhen's side, showing a confusing smile.

"Lin Zhen, I am proud of you."

"Hehe, Xuan'er started to be proud before the battle in the afternoon started, in case I lose."

"It's okay if you lose. Yin Tianhuo's strength is already very strong. I just hope you don't fight fiercely. If you can't, you will give up. You can enter the yellow squad. You have completed the task perfectly."

"It depends on the situation, try to fight for it, maybe I will pass the level again in case."

"Well, don't force it, your divine body is very powerful, almost equal to the immortal body, I believe no one can kill you in seconds, even if you lose, you can withdraw calmly."

Ning Qingxuan was very relaxed. In her opinion, Lin Zhen was a failure at best and would not have any life concerns.

Lin Zhen didn't say anything, he looked at the match schedule.

In this round, there is still no duel between super powers, such as Michel, Dongfang Yu, and Zhao Lihua who have not met each other.

Now there are only 64 people. If half of them are eliminated, there will be only 32 people. Those few surviving longevity periods and a few poor Sanhua will undoubtedly be eliminated.

Even if he can defeat Yin Tianhuo, his opponent in the next round is undoubtedly a strong one.

"How long is the interval between the afternoon matches?"

Ning Qingxuan thought for a moment: "The interval between each game is ten minutes."

Lin Zhen nodded silently, ten seemed to be able to do something.


"Please rest assured, Master Lin, I know Lin Zhen's strength very well. He is definitely not a subordinate opponent."

With wild red hair, Yin Tianhuo looked extremely sturdy and wild. He was talking to the national teacher Qian Tong in the dimensional universe.

"Don't be careless, Lin Zhen is not without the hole cards at the bottom of the box. Don't forget that he is still an alchemist, and he has not used the pill that enhances star power."

Yin Tianhuo froze for a moment, feeling a little nervous.

Lin Zhen's current strength is already enough to make people pay attention, if he swallows the pill again, I am afraid it will really be a little troublesome.

"I will give you a pill that can increase your star power by 40% for ten minutes. If you feel troubled, remember to swallow it. You must defeat Lin Zhen!"

"The national teacher...does the pill have side effects?" Yin Tianhuo was a little anxious. Even if he defeated Lin Zhen, under the side effects, his road to promotion would be completely blocked.

"Fool! If you can't beat Lin Zhen, can you still advance? Defeating Lin Zhen is at least advancing to the Profound Class. Don't you understand this little truth?"

Yin Tianhuo hurriedly agreed. The national teacher was right. If you can't get through this one, then there is nothing to say, at least it would be good to win one more game.

Soon, someone sent a pill to Yin Tianhuo.

The two hours at noon passed quickly, and it was time for the game to start in the afternoon.

With full of hope, Qin people watched Lin Zhen's game again.

The people of the Qin country had also worked very hard for the past three days, cheering other players hoarsely, but no one could stand up for it.

Seeing every player being eliminated by Lin Zhen, they are more painful than anyone else.

What else is uncomfortable for watching an annoying person go all the way and go forward?

However, they still can't do anything. They can only pray that Lin Zhen will be eliminated from the strong when they encounter the strong. This is the driving force that supports the people of Qin to continue to watch.

Fortunately, Lin Zhen's good fortune was over. When he met Yin Tianhuo, he was the first strong man Lin Zhen met in the true sense, and belonged to the first group of strong men.

Although other people have good strengths, they are still worse than Yin Tianhuo by more than one grade.

This one can be said to be the most promising one to eliminate Lin Zhen.

The fighting time is up and the game begins.


Lin Zhen was teleported to the ring and looked at Yin Tianhuo on the opposite side.

Yin Tianhuo's weapon is a fiery red war knife, which is also of the Lingbao level. At the level of Sanhua Warrior, most people already have Lingbao.

After taking the stage, neither of them spoke much, and immediately began a fierce battle.

Lin Zhen held the Zhankong Divine Sword, the lotus on his body was open, the elements surged, and he fought Yin Tianhuo to one place.

This was the first time Lin Zhen faced such a strong man.

Yin Tianhuo's strength was obviously higher than Lin Zhen's. Once the battle started, Lin Zhen was at a disadvantage.

Lin Zhen's star power is 48 million, and Yin Tianhuo's star power is almost 70 million. Although Lin Zhen is not as good as the opponent, it is difficult for the opponent to win in a short time.

The reason is simple, Lin is really immortal!

The snow lotus on his body can resist damage. Lin Zhen's tactics are mainly to fight, not to kill the enemy, but to consume time.

Yin Tianhuo is also very annoyed. Lin Zhen's sword can withstand his long sword, guaranteeing that he won't be severely injured like hands and feet. As for the other injuries, Lin Zhen doesn't care at all. Heal quickly.

This is the power of the immortal spirit body. You can't kill Lin Zhen quickly, and the battle will not end quickly. If it takes a long time, Lin Zhen may even come back.

"Damn crap, do you think you can win me by delaying time? Stop dreaming, I'm not Shaping, I won't let you delay, die!"

Yin Tianhuo's star power exploded, and he was about to release a big move.

Lin Zhen knew that at the critical moment, he didn't want to understand what Yin Tianhuo's bottom-pressing skill was. He would not allow the opponent to release this trick.

With a sword in his hand, Lin Zhen showed off the stunt he had just learned.

Black bone's powerful blow!

Take Yin Tianhuo's chest with one sword!

This sword is the essence of Hei Bone Bisheng's learning. With one sword, the distance of space is shortened at this moment, and the power of the whole body is concentrated, and the star power is gathered at one point, and it burst out!

If Lin Zhen's Xingli and Yin Tianhuo are similar, one sword is enough to kill the opponent in seconds!

But even if Lin Zhen's star power is more than 20 million behind him, Yin Tianhuo is still in a mess with Lin Zhen's sword.

This sword can be said to have forced out Yin Tianhuo's trump card. He worked hard and tried his best, and finally left a wound on his chest before he escaped from Lin Zhen's move.

Although he was slightly injured, his stunt was interrupted, and Lin Zhen's idea of ​​trying to solve Lin Zhen quickly went to nothing.

The battle entered a stalemate again, and Lin Zhen fought Yin Tianhuo with all his strength, delaying as much as possible.

Whenever Yin Tianhuo wanted to use his stunt, Lin Zhen would make a powerful blow. He expected that Yin Tianhuo would not dare to die with him, and this trick would be unsatisfactory.

The ring battles everywhere are over.

Sixty-four people now only have thirty-three people left. Thirty-one of them who are promoted are waiting for the result of their two battles.

Although Lin Zhen fought extremely hard, he was also observing the situation in other arenas.

Seeing that all the battles were over, Lin Zhen decisively swallowed the divine power pill!

The Shenli Pill has side effects, but at this moment Lin Zhen can't wait, if he doesn't swallow the Shenli Pill, he is not Yin Tianhuo's opponent after all.

48 million star power, after swallowing Shenli Dan, immediately soared to 67.2 million!

This star power is very close to Yin Tianhuo!

After seeing Lin Zhen taking the pill, Yin Tianhuo sneered, "Do you think you are the only one who has the pill?"

He also took out a pill and swallowed it!

The effect of this pill was similar to Lin Zhen's divine power pill, both increased by 40%, causing his star power to skyrocket by nearly 30 million in an instant.

Two million short, his star power will be hundreds of millions!

Because of his higher base, the star power gap with Lin Zhen at this moment even reached 30 million!

"Hahaha! Lin Zhen, you have been guarded against this trick a long time ago, now is your real time of death!"

Lin Zhen was expressionless and decisively opened Kaihua.

At the same time as Kaihua, Lin Zhen used all his methods.

Sword Gang, elemental power, gravity, Taiyuan swordsmanship, star falling five styles, as well as some personally comprehensible methods of Hei Bone, were all used!

The body strength couldn't resist, so he sent the **** infant to battle.

If the **** infant fails, he will perform a powerful blow!

When the strength couldn't keep up, Lin Zhen would rather run away.

When the enemy's bombardment came in front of him, Lin Zhen would still bloom snow lotus, and the petals saved Lin Zhen's life after another.

In short, Lin Zhen just refused to admit defeat or crush the talisman. In the face of Yin Tianhuo who was attacking frantically, he was very stubbornly supporting!

Just don't let Yin Tianhuo cut himself in half!

With such a rogue-like style of play, Lin Zhen abruptly delayed the time a little bit!

The people of Qin country cheered countless times, and countless times thought that Lin Zhen was no longer good enough, but he was always able to persevere stubbornly, and all kinds of novel combat methods were incredible.

Three minutes..... Five minutes...!

Seven minutes..... Eight minutes...!

Others don't know why Lin Zhen insisted so madly, but Yin Tianhuo knew that the effect of his pill was about to pass!

Lin Zhenzheng is too difficult to deal with. There are many ways to fight, and through various elemental powers, time and space have comprehend, and even domains, ice, fire, thunder and light are also cultivated by several methods. He actually can't win the opponent!

If there are five more minutes, he is confident that he can win, but after all, time is not waiting.

Hundreds of knives were hit all over, but Lin Zhen insisted on it for ten minutes!

Ten minutes later Yin Tianhuo's medicine lost its efficacy!

And Lin Zhen has been waiting for this time point. His divine power pill has been improved and is definitely the best pill on the market. Although Qian Tong is a holy alchemist, the divine power pill is definitely not as good as him!

After Yin Tian's fire was over, Lin Zhen, who had been hit hard, made a decisive blow!

At this moment Yin Tianhuo entered a period of weakness, his star power dropped by 50%, and more importantly, Lin Zhen's star power did not decline.

So when the effect of the medicine passed, Yin Tianhuo crushed the talisman immediately.

With full of unwillingness, he was wrapped in a protective cover and went out.

"Lin Zhen! Let's wait and see!" He shouted through the shield!

Lin Zhen didn't even look at him. After arriving at the Holy Land, he didn't care about Yin Tianhuo any more. What he cared about now was time.

After fighting for ten minutes, there is still ten minutes of rest in the midfield. His magical pill is effective and can support the next one!