Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 765: 4 consecutive victories

Lin Zhen is always able to refresh people's cognition. Before the battle, the general analysis believed that Lin Zhen would be completely suppressed.

The fighting king of the arena said that he has experienced hundreds of battles and said that he is less, and he has experienced hundreds of millions of battles.

Lin Zhen is so old, even if he fights in the womb, he cannot be Lei Ba's opponent.

But the actual battle scenes are completely different.

Lin Zhen Jian Gang is not a physical entity, but it has extremely powerful damage to the human body. Moreover, when facing the opponent's four golden hammers, they can be reunited immediately after being broken up, without eating the opponent's heavy weapons.

Moreover, Lin Zhen's combat experience seems to be above Thundermaster!

In the process of fighting between the two, Lin Zhen's grasp of the fighters and the grasp of the battle situation were obviously better. As time went on, he completely suppressed Lei Pa!

Lin Zhen himself is a fighting genius, and he has absorbed the memories of several people. It can be said that he has experienced more battles than anyone present!

Especially Hei Bone, this is a purer warrior than Thunder Ba, his combat experience and methods far exceed Thunder Ba!

Even if compared with star power, Lin Zhen's current 48 million star power is absolutely outstanding in the realm of longevity!

Compared with Lin Zhen, Lei Pa did not have any advantage.

Others are very surprised how Lin Zhen is getting stronger and stronger. Seeing his current fighting methods, it is not even a little bit stronger than when he just started.

But Lin Zhen couldn't explain anything. As the battle progressed, his memories had gradually merged and absorbed, and he completely controlled the situation on the field. He even started to practice with Thunder Ba.

When Leiba's gilt sledgehammer smashed Lin Zhen's sword gang, there was a sense of helplessness of anti-aircraft cannons hitting mosquitoes.

In the past, relying on powerful forces to blast off opponents' weapons was no longer feasible, leaving him in an extremely passive situation.

Regardless of raids, selling flaws, or direct impact, these fighting methods would not work in front of Lin Zhen.

After the battle lasted ten minutes, Leiba finally made an unexpected move.

Smash the talisman and recognize the output game!

"Lin Zhen, I'm not afraid of you, but your style of play completely restrained me. When I learn new skills in the Holy Land, I will come to you to compete."

The light flashed and the system announced that Lin Zhen had won and was promoted to Hongban!

Lin Zhen left the ring without any shock. After absorbing the memory of Black Bone, his strength had already climbed a step. If he let him fully use the martial arts of the Holy Land, the battle would have ended long ago.

Lin Zhen can now say that facing the longevity martial artist, as long as he is not a holy land martial artist, he has no opponents.


Lei Ba, who had high expectations from the people, was eliminated in this way, disappointing the people of Qin.

One thousand and twenty-four warriors became five hundred and twelve.

Now everyone can see that the immortal warrior may not be able to stop Lin Zhen from advancing. If you want to eliminate Lin Zhen, you must have the Sanhua warrior.

It's just that the number of Sanhua Warriors among the contestants is very small, because most of the Sanhua Warriors are very old, and they have participated in the selection of the Holy Land.

For Lin Zhen to encounter Sanhua, it still depends on luck.

After defeating Lei Pa, Lin Zhen had very good luck, and in the second round he encountered a long life again.

The strength of this person was similar to that of Lei Ba, and his star power was even worse than Lin Zhen, and he was easily defeated by Lin Zhen.

After another round, there are only 256 remaining martial artists. Lin Zhen is no longer a Hongban student, which is equivalent to getting the qualification to enter the Zhouban.

In the third round, Lin Zhen's luck was overwhelmed again, and the martial artist he encountered was not even as strong as Lei Ba, and he was still in the realm of longevity.

There is still no suspense, Lin Zhen easily won and entered the 128th place!

One hundred and twenty-eight, this is a student of Yuban!

The Qin people looked desperately at Lin Zhen's promotion again, feeling a little numb.

Take a look at the large list of promoted personnel, one hundred and twenty-eight people, more than half of them are Sanhua warriors, and there are only less than 50 longevity warriors.

And Lin Zhen, a lone realm king, looked even more dazzling.

"Absolutely can't let him advance! This time, Lin Zhen will definitely get a Sanhua Warrior."

"Yes, there are only more than forty longevity, I don't believe his luck will be so good!"

People's eyes fell on the draw. In order to prevent artificial control of the battle, the next round of draws will be conducted at the end of each round.

Under the attention of everyone, Lin Zhen once again took out a small ball from the box.

This round of drawing is not bad. Lin Zhen's opponent is indeed a three-flower powerhouse, and he is also a guest from the national teacher Qian Tong.

After a round of elimination of all Keqing under Qian Tong, there are still two left.

Among them is Yin Tianhuo who is particularly strong. Qian Tong even reported to him that he hoped to enter the Tianban and was the number one seed.

The one Lin Zhen faced now was called Shaping.

At the peak of Sanhua's early stage, the strength was good, but in the fourth round, it was not bad for Lin Zhen to be able to draw such a lottery.

After the draw was over, Lin Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and his luck was okay.

On the back of the blue whale, people are discussing the battle with each other.

Guo Shi Qian Tong held a gray hill in his hand, and looked at the small and exquisite, like a toy.

Zhu Ziheng chatted with Qian Tong and occasionally his eyes fell on the hill where Qian Tong was playing.

This is Qian Tong's treasure. It is said that a star fell into the Falling Star Lake. The quality is high and the density is very high. It was refined by a super refiner to make it look like this.

Under the urging of the star power, this hill can have the weight of a planet, which is extremely magical.

This was Qian Tong's exchange for the holy pill that he refined. Zhu Ziheng wanted to borrow it for fun, but Qian Tong didn't even lend it to him, which shows how much he cares.

While we were discussing, the lottery was over, and when Lin Zhen was drawn again, Qian Tong's face was hard to look at.

This Lin Zhen has eliminated Qian Tong's two guest qings. It can be said that Qian Tong's eyes are thorny. I don't know if his guest qing will be upbeat this time.

However, it seems that the hope of winning is not particularly great, and now Lin Zhen is a little confused.

Every time he feels that he is just like this, he can always give people new surprises.


The fourth round of battle started, and this is the last one in the morning. After this one, there will be a break.

Lin Zhen fought against Sha Ping. This battle lasted a full half an hour. It was a long battle.

Sha Ping was also very depressed. His strength was equal to that of Lin Zhen, and he even beat Lin Zhen by a bit, but it was only one point. He didn't kill Lin Zhen's strength in seconds.

Lin Zhen's ability to resist is too strong. He was severely injured several times and it didn't matter. He still continued to fight vigorously. It is not so much that he lost to Lin Zhen in the end, it is better to lose to Lin Zhen's super-lasting fighting power. .

After half an hour, Sha Ping was a bit exhausted, and was finally defeated by Lin Zhen, crushing the talisman to leave the field.

So far, Lin Zhen passed the four rounds of challenges in the morning safely and entered the yellow class!

And the number of warriors remaining is only 64.

When Lin Zhen entered the yellow squad, Ning Qingxuan and Lin Zhen's supporters took a sigh of relief.

Entering the top four classes, it can be said that the ultimate goal set at the beginning has been completed, and Ning Qingxuan feels satisfied.

The fourth round of the battle was over, and the fifth round of draws was immediately conducted.

Among the sixty-four people, sixty three-flower warriors, three longevity warriors, and one realm king.

Lin Zhen's drawing of Changsheng was basically out of play, and this time his good luck seemed to run out, and finally he was drawn to a strong opponent.

He is still the guest of the National Teacher and the only guest of the National Teacher, Yin Tianhuo!

Seeing that Lin Zhen had drawn this lottery, the entire shore of Falling Star Lake erupted with a loud cry!

The Qin people used high-five, flicked the crown, hugs, met, and etiquette from countless places at this moment, venting their excitement.

What kind of person is Yin Tianhuo?

That is the super master recommended by the national teacher, and people even recognize him as one of the contenders for the Tianban!

The most concerned about this battle is the sixteen members of the team, and people have listed many seed players based on their performance in previous battles.

There are so many more than 20 people, it is considered that it is very likely to enter the sky shift.

For example, the fallen angel Michel, such as Dongfang Yu, the great Han warrior, such as Sun Yidao of Dimensional Universe Company, such as Nanliang Zhao Lihua, or Yin Tianhuo recommended by the national teacher, these people have great hopes for success.

With Yin Tianhuo's strength, it is entirely possible to advance to the Tianban class without any accidents!

And in the face of Lin Zhen, other people might release water, but Yin Tianhuo would definitely not. Not only would he not release water, he would even kill Lin Zhen with his life. Needless to say, just look at the face of the national teacher.

Lin Zhen's luck was too good to be able to meet Yin Tianhuo. He would definitely not be able to enter the Xuanban, and he might even lose his life.

It's time for the noon break Two hours later, the last three games will begin.

Sitting in the camp of supporters, Lin is truly resting.

Being able to get to this point, Lin Zhen has basically completed the task.

As long as he can enter the Holy Land, even if he is successful and possesses the skills of black bones, Lin Zhen can slowly upgrade to the Tianban even in the deserted squad.

It's just that there is only one chance to upgrade each year. Lin Zhen doesn't want to spend several years to upgrade. He wants to get as high as possible.

"If I defeat Yin Tianhuo, then I will enter the Xuanban, and I will be able to upgrade to the Tianban in two years, so I definitely can't lose this game."

"Being a student in the first four classes, and learning a lot, there is no problem in slowly revealing the martial arts of the Holy Land in the future."

Thinking inside, Lin Zhen cast his eyes on the blue whale.

He wanted to advance, undoubtedly offending the national teacher Qian Tongqi miserably, I believe the national teacher would like to kill himself.