Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 749: Game start!

Finally came the day when the ring competition began.

As expected by the Holy Land, the next day a larger crowd swarmed.

If it hadn’t been prepared in advance, I’m afraid that this arena competition would die before it started and the venue would be overwhelmed by crowds.

On the shore of Falling Star Lake, tens of thousands of arenas have been set up.

It’s just that the arenas in other places are sparsely populated, and not many people see it. Only some well-known master martial artists will have a certain popularity.

But no matter which arena, it can't be compared with Lin Zhen.

The area closer to the ring has even been fired at a very high price. Many of them came to occupy positions in advance and even made a fortune.

The ring began at nine o'clock in the morning, and it is now eight thirty.

Each contestant has already been in place, ready to make achievements in this highly anticipated event.

"Look! The people from Falling Star Lake are here, it's about to start!"

I saw a water tumbling over the lake in the distance, and white waves rose into the sky, as if something huge had emerged from the water.

"Wow! It's the holy whale of Starfall Lake!"

People looked here one after another, and saw that under the spray, like an island rising from the water, the water waves were tumbling, and the part exposed to the water surface was getting bigger and bigger.

This is a huge whale that is a kilometer long, and its blue skin is like a huge sapphire.

After the whale came out of the water, the frame of the car was empty in the sky, and a dragon and a phoenix arrived on the back of the whale.

A group of disciples in the Holy Land in white clothes placed tables and chairs on the backs of the whales to eat, and even laid a large screen for guests to watch.

These frames are all invited by the Holy Land to watch, and all the people who come are big people.

"The Emperor of the Great Qin Empire, Your Majesty Zhu Ziheng and the Queen are here!"

With the long sound of singing, nine flying dragons pulled a cart and landed on the back of the whale.

Today, His Majesty Zhu Ziheng took his queen, got off the dragon cart, and kept beckoning to those shots.

The emperor Zhu Ziheng was far less prestigious than Qin Wushang at that time. Although he was the emperor, most people in Da Qin did not think Zhu Ziheng was the most noble in Da Qin.

This person can be the national teacher Qiantong, the owner of Starfall Lake, the boss of the Dimension Universe Company, or the boss of the First Bank of the Universe, but it will definitely not be Zhu Ziheng.

But anyway, Zhu Ziheng is the Emperor of Qin, and he must still be in the first place on this occasion.

The Daqin people also gave Zhu Ziheng applause.

"The living legend of Da Qin, the only holy alchemist, the national teacher Qiantong arrived!"

There was another blast of drum music, and a huge crane flew up from the sky, on which sat an old man in a robe of an alchemist.

The person who came is the national teacher Qiantong. Although Qiantong’s influence is very large, he has not done anything to show off. This person is still very cautious. He does not want others to make irresponsible remarks in this regard. It's coming.

Qiantong landed on the blue whale's back, haha ​​smiled and gave Zhu Ziheng a salute, Zhu Ziheng also hurried over to help, the two sat down talking and laughing, a scene of harmony.

The applause from the people of Qin State to Qian Tong is even more enthusiastic than Zhu Ziheng. This Qian Tong can be said to represent the face of Qin State to a large extent. Since the Qin State's imperial family changed, there are not many things Qin State can handle. Now, Qian Tong is definitely Qin's business card.

His identity as a holy alchemist alone is enough to be worshipped by other countries in the mainland.

After Qian Tong sat down, the big figures showed up one after another.

For example, the vice president of the Dimension Universe Company, the vice president of the Dimension Arena, the vice president of the First Bank of the Universe, as well as the more famous civil and military ministers of the State of Qin, the prince, the people of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance, the Alchemist Guild, and the refiner The guild, the people of the big sect family, the business celebrities...

The number of people increased, and soon hundreds of people sat on the back of the blue whale.

Lin Zhen even saw Ronge and Sakya in it.

Long Geer is here on behalf of the Alchemist Guild, and Sakya is a member of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance team.

After these people arrived, a golden warrior appeared in the Holy Land.

In the holy land, the handymen are dressed in Tsing Yi, the formal disciples are all white, while the Jin Yi has a different identity.

Jinyi warriors appeared, including Qian Tong Zhu Ziheng and others all stood up to show respect.

This face is for the owner of Falling Star Lake, even if Zhu Ziheng is the Emperor of Qin, he still can’t be compared with the owner of Falling Star Lake. The master of the Four Great Sacred Lands is absolutely unattainable. The martial artist in golden clothes is Falling Star Lake. Of course, the master's disciple must give full face.

Other martial artists, even if they are students of the Tianban, can only be regarded as a holy land martial artist, not a disciple of the Master of Falling Star Lake. It is definitely not a simple matter to become the master of this great god.

The golden-robed warrior is gentle and elegant, with a strong bookish air.

After he appeared on the stage, Zhu Ziheng and others said: "Good young master five!" "Good young master Jinnuo!"

This person is the fifth disciple of the owner of Falling Star Lake, named Jinnuo. He usually presides over the activities at the Holy Land in normal times. Everyone is familiar with it.

"His Majesty, hello everyone!" Jin Nuo greeted Zhu Ziheng alone. As for the national teacher, he did not deliberately greet the emperor.

"Today the selection of the Holy Land begins, and your Majesty Lao and all of you are here to testify to help the Holy Land select talents. Thank you!"

"Hahaha! No hard work, no hard work! What kind of hard work is this, I will say hello to the teacher, and if I can return to the country and the people in a hundred years after my ascension to the throne, I will definitely lead the civil and military officials to visit the Star Island in person!"

Jinnuo nodded slightly, then greeted the Tsing Yi handymen in the Holy Land, asked them to take care of the VIPs, and then personally came to the head of the whale.

When Jinnuo volley stopped, the head of the whale began to spray a huge water column!

The water jet sprayed directly above the height of a thousand meters, and Jing Lu stood at the top of the water jet, like a divine mansion above the clouds, looking down.

The sound does not seem to be loud, but it can reach everyone's ears clearly.

"The Holy Land recruits once every ten years and selects talents to enter the Falling Star Lake. The purpose is to improve the overall strength of the martial artist, fight against the enemies in the endless star sea, and ensure the safety of our Metaverse."

"The Holy Land is prospering, and Metaverse Security will be safe, so the recruitment of the Holy Land must be the top talent."

"The rules have been issued for a long time, and everyone should be aware that the selection of the Holy Land will take the form of elimination rounds. Everyone will be automatically sent to the game to save time to the greatest extent. The estimated time for the selection of the Holy Land is three days."

"All the contestants below are ready. The staff has already sent your amulet and number plates in advance. Take the number plates and prepare to start."

All the contestants had their amulets and put on the number plates.

The number plate is used for transmission, and it is immediately transmitted to the ring by the number plate at the time of the game.

The amulet is one shot at a time. You can hold it in your hand or tuck it between your teeth. It can be crushed or crushed to generate a shield at the critical moment, which is enough to resist the attack of the warriors in the peak of Sanhua, and even the spirit of the peak of diamond. Shock.

When all these things were ready, Jin Nuo turned around and said to Zhu Ziheng: "Your Majesty, you can announce the start of the game."

Zhu Ziheng nodded, stood up from the crowd, and said loudly to the camera: "I hope you can play the spirit of fair competition, contribute to the prosperity of the Qin Dynasty, and inject fresh blood into the Holy Land. I now announce the start of the competition!"

There was a roar of salute, resounding through the sky, the scene was full of flowers and people, and the selection of the Holy Land was about to begin!

People began to boil over, shouting the names of their supporters.

Soon, figures began to appear in each arena, and the competition officially began!

The first round of knockouts took longer, because there were a total of 10,000 arenas set up here, and the first round was to eliminate more than 500,000 people.

This means that each arena must be played at least fifty times before the first round can be eliminated.

After the first round, it was easy. In the second round, more than 250,000 people were eliminated. In the third round, there were only more than 120,000. In the fourth round, it was only more than 60,000.

The more you go back, the easier it is. When you get to the back, you won’t even be able to use 10,000 rings.

Each arena is protected by a huge energy shield, and the warriors inside will never break the shield because of an overly strong attack and hurt people outside.

Even people outside who want to attack the warrior inside can't do it. The competition is still very fair.

There are no restrictions on the ring, as long as you can win in the ring, those who lose will either die in battle or smash the talisman to quit.

If there is a game where two people die in a then their opponents in the next game will be bye.

The rules are simple, and the battle is very hot!

Lin Zhen's ring is not just his exclusive, it can also be temporarily used by other people in the early stage. It's just that all Lin Zhen's games will be played on this ring.

Now the pair of martial artists in the arena is fighting fiercely. The fighting is turned upside down. They are all longevity fighters. They are fighting in the small arena. It is difficult to think whether it is fierce or not.

But what people look forward to more is the duel between Lin Zhen and Jiao Xi.

"Look! I see Jiaoxi!"

"Where is it?"

"Over there, the one in white clothes flying with swords!"

I saw a figure in the distance stepping on a flying sword, white clothes fluttering, slowly flying at a very slow speed!

Jiao Xi has been planning for this appearance for a long time. Now his popularity in Qin is very popular. Everyone hopes that he can kill Lin Zhen in the first game and give everyone a good breath.

Jiao Xi, of course, also wants to use this opportunity to show her face well and thoroughly gain popularity.

So he designed such an appearance, the young man in white flew with a sword, and then floated away after defeating Lin Zhen, the public enemy of the State of Qin. This will dump the hearts of many girls in the world!

He wanted to come out after Lin Zhen, but the guy Lin Zhen hasn't seen anyone for a long time. He really couldn't help it, and took the lead. )!!