Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 748: Lin Zhen supporter

Lin Zhen's things have been brewing and fermenting for the past two days. By the day before the game really started, the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake was already full of people.

There were countless people here in the selection of the Holy Land in the past, but not as many as this time.

The Dimensional Universe Company is a great invention that allows people in the entire universe to have a communication platform, and people can see the entire universe at home.

But this time was different. After Lin Zhen appeared, various forces from the Qin State contributed to the flames. In addition, the people of the Qin State were also more clingy. As soon as the same hatred of the enemy came out, it actually made a grand scene.

According to statistics, this time the number of people who came to watch the martial arts competition in Shuixing Lake is higher than ever, and even more than doubled!

Assuming that there are a hundred people in the whole Holy Land to watch, then there are sixty people to see how Lin Zhen failed, and the remaining forty people are watching other warriors.

Lin Zhen brought humiliation to the State of Qin before and caused losses to many forces. Too many rich people even volunteered money. As long as you look at them, then they will give you money. As long as you scold Lin Zhen, it will also give you. money!

There are too many people who don't need money because of the greatness of Yuanjie and Qin.

The game hasn't started yet, and the theater at the beginning of the word 7 is already overcrowded.

This is really overcrowded. Tomorrow is the day to start the game. Today is already too crowded. People gather here, forming a terrifying crowd.

At the beginning of the Holy Land, the lakeshore of Falling Star Lake was a racing field for several thousand kilometers, but I didn't expect that the situation here was so crowded that the Holy Land had to temporarily change the ring, and even set up a rule specifically for Lin Zhen's situation.

A huge ring was built, which was specially built for Lin Zhen.

If Lin Zhen is eliminated in one game, it's okay to say, if there is a second and third game, this will be his exclusive arena, and there is no need to change places, just play here.

In order to consider the surrounding audience, let everyone have an optimal viewing environment.

No matter how big the ring is, it is impossible to accommodate these audiences. Around the ring, huge screens are installed every one kilometer.

The screen can be watched from all sides and broadcast at the same time, so that the audience can see the situation on the ring from any angle, and feel the warm atmosphere of the scene immersively.

Countless slogans have been erected, and new slogans are constantly being erected.

"The scumbag Lin died here!"

"The scumbag who specializes in seducing other people's wives, Qin State is your burial place!"

"Emperor Liang Zhihuan of Nanliang, Young Master Phoenix Lord, are all cuckolded by Lin Zhen, this character of Lin Zhen is extremely lacking!"

"Qin State Jiaoxi, invincible!"

"The national teacher is mighty, and his disciples must avenge the people of the whole country!"

Before the start of the game, the number of people who came to occupy the place has exceeded 10 billion!

According to estimates from the Holy Land, by tomorrow, there will probably be more than 50 billion people watching Lin Zhen fight!

The people of Qin people spontaneously formed a wave of people, arm in arm, wave after wave of ups and downs, and the people's scalp numb.

If ordinary people are targeted in this way, they might feel weak before the fight begins.

And the people of Qin said that if Lin Zhen refused to surrender, he must die to redeem the crime he committed!


In the floating villa of the Association, Lin Zhen was practicing for the last time.

In the Dimensional Arena, Lin really was fighting a warrior at the pinnacle of the longevity realm.

The warrior is a virtual character, the pinnacle of longevity, an advanced divine body, and the star power is even tens of millions higher than Lin Zhen now.

The most important thing is that this warrior is proficient in the martial arts of the Holy Land, and it takes hundreds of millions of dollars to simulate each time.

Lin Zhen tried his best this time, and time speeded up and slowed down! Zhankong Divine Sword, Sword Ring, Sword Gang Qi are all in battle!

At the end of the battle, Lin Zhen finally seized an opportunity to cause harm to the opponent, and then was eliminated.

But Lin Zhen didn’t feel frustrated. On the contrary, he was very excited. Only by constantly challenging the peak would his strength improve. This was the first time he killed and injured the holy land warrior at the peak of longevity. This was a huge improvement. .

Leaving the Dimensional Arena, Lin Zhen saw Ning Qingxuan by his side, looking at him beautifully with a worried look.

"Xuan'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Lin Zhen, now there are voices against you everywhere, I am very worried."

"Oh! I really didn't expect that I would have such a high popularity in the Qin State. Throughout the Metaverse countries, only Nan Liang can compare with Qin State, but Nan Liang is too small and still far behind Da Qin. Up."

Ning Qingxuan gave him a light punch: "You still have the mind to laugh."

"Hehe! Xuan'er, warriors rely on their own strength in fighting, and never rely on supporters outside the court to decide victory or defeat. Since the people of Qin want me to die, then I have to live well and kill all the way. Annoy them!"

Seeing that Lin Zhen was so optimistic, Ning Qingxuan was relieved: "You don't have to worry about anything. Although the people of Qin can't wait for you to die, you still have many supporters outside of Qin. I heard that this time there was even a group of you. Fans of has come from afar and come to Qin to support you."

"Really? Where are the fans so powerful?"

"You can go to the Dimensional Universe. Now those fans have occupied a corner of the ring, slogans supporting you."

Lin Zhen immediately logged into the Dimensional Universe, and now the Internet is full of holy land selections, and Lin Zhen's situation is still dominating the headlines.

There are even many media reporters who have already started interviews and reports on the scene. This is the case with reporters. They will appear wherever people pay attention.

Lin Zhen casually found a media outlet and reported on the events near the ring where he was.

"Hello everyone! I'm Han Du, a reporter from XX TV. I am sending you a report on the shore of Falling Star Lake."

"As we all know, the selection of the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake is a great event in the Metaverse, and it has always attracted attention, especially in Qin. Everyone is a loyal fan of the battle of the Holy Land."

"The people of Qin are warm and hospitable, and the people of Qin are proud! Because we are the strongest country, but we do not discriminate against warriors from other countries, and the arrival of warriors from other countries will also be warmly welcomed."

"But this time there is an exception to the martial arts in Falling Star Lake. There was a martial artist who was collectively rejected by the people of the whole country. Who is this person? I believe everyone already knows that he is Lin Zhen."

"I won't give too much introduction about Lin Zhen's affairs. Our Qin national strength began to decline. It can be said that it was caused by this person alone. Now let's take a look at the situation on the spot."

The camera began to broadcast, and the people who had already prepared saw the camera coming, and they all came to grab the camera and shouted loudly at the camera.

The words they shouted were basically the same, they were all similar to Lin Zhen and Jiao Xi.

"Haha! It seems that everyone's enthusiasm is very high, but today there seems to be a group of people who have different opinions. Let's go and take a look."

The camera continued to advance. When we reached the fringe area of ​​the ring, a group of about tens of thousands of people were arranging the venue and placing slogans. The content of the slogans all supported Lin Zhen.

"Where do you come from?" the host Han Du asked.

The person who was interviewed was a beautiful, very pretty girl, and said to the host: "We are all Lin Zhen fans, from all places. As for me...I came from the New Territories. I knew Big Brother Lin Zhen a long time ago."

"Brother Lin, come on! Sure!" the beauty shouted into the camera.

A group of people crowded around immediately behind him, chanting slogans with signs, expressing their true support for Lin.

In the dimensional universe, Lin Zhen's eyes were a little hot.

That beauty is Zi Qianxia, ​​and among these people, he actually saw several familiar faces.

These people are all from the New Territories, including Zhao Xiaoman, Long Juetian, Qing Xu, Chen Fenglie and others.

Looking at the clothes on their bodies, it was obvious that they were not from the same country at first, and they were all gathered together because of their support for Lin Zhen.

Seeing the news of Lin Zhen's competition, these people came from various places spontaneously.

"It's all old friends!"

The appearance of these former partners gave Lin Zhen the illusion of returning to the New Territories.

These people neatly faced the camera and said, "Lin Zhen, come on! We will always be with I will never leave!"

"Thank you so much, I will never let you down!"

Lin Zhen took a deep breath and hugged Ning Qingxuan next to her: "Xuan'er, when the opportunity is suitable, I will introduce my friends to you. These are all old friends."

"Yeah." Ning Qingxuan nodded obediently. She has now recalled some scenes of the truth about Lin. Although fragmented, she probably has memories.

In her memory, she loved Lin Zhen deeply.

The host looked at the slogans of these people, and felt that the broadcast seemed a little inappropriate, so he simply wanted to change places to interview.

When the camera was switched, two male and female martial artists from the New Territories were talking and vaguely passed in.

The woman said to the man: "Husband, prepare more food. It is estimated that Lin Zhen will have a lot of matches in the ring. We will prepare in advance."

The picture disappeared in an instant, but Ning Qingxuan was shocked.

"She..... The woman is called the husband of a man, Lin Zhen, don't tell me this is just a coincidence."

Lin Zhen's eyes moved, knowing that the bluffing would not pass, he simply said, "Yes, this is not a coincidence. Her husband is the woman's nickname for her husband. Those who can call this name must be a couple."

"Lin badass, lie to me!" Ning Qingxuan's face flushed suddenly, and she raised her fist to beat Lin Zhen a few times.

"I'm thankful for being beaten now. I haven't done what my husband should do to his wife yet, or do it now.

Lin Zhen suddenly threw Ning Qingxuan down, facing the beauty of this country every day, he couldn't help it.

Ning Qingxuan was under Lin Zhen, and the dough was being kneaded by him, and she was panicked. When Lin Zhen's big hands went deep into her clothes and covered her chest, the pretty lady's brain went blank!