Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 741: Alchemist Association

Young men and women are naturally Lin Zhen and Ning Qingxuan.

After leaving Nanliang, the two travelled all the way to Liberty City.

In Liberty City, Lin Zhen started to treat Ning Qingxuan.

Ning Qingxuan’s amnesia is not a simple amnesia, it is caused by the Qingye School of Soul Chasing Bell. The only treatment is to refine the soul nourishing pill to warm her slowly and expel the remaining power of the Soul Chasing Bell.

This is a long treatment process, and the cost is extremely huge. Lin Zhentang, the seven-rank alchemist, can earn an astronomical figure by selling the elixirs every day, and it is just a worthy cost of maintaining Ning Qingxuan's treatment drugs.

Moreover, soul healing will directly affect most of the human strength, Ning Qingxuan's strength was directly suppressed to the domain king stage.

After three years in Liberty City, it was considered that the treatment stabilized, and Lin Zhen wanted to go to Daqin.

There are two things to go to Daqin, one is to go to the Phoenix clan to find Feng Qingluan, and the other is Lin Zhen is going to the Qilin clan.

The identity of the wanted criminal is still very troublesome. Lin Zhen needs to solve this matter. If he can obtain the identity of the Kylin clan, he will have two identities and it will be much easier to do things.


The dragon hovered in the air and slowly descended. People began to approach the window and watch the scene outside.

"Wow! This is Daqin, it is the strongest empire, I have seen a lot of space surveillance, so dense."

"Look at that, look at that, that Jin Pengluan is so gorgeous, but we don't have such a beautiful car in the Eastern Jin Dynasty."

"The floating city over there is so big, it should be such a beautiful city before Qindu has arrived."

"What city? That's just the private manor of the great Qin tyrant."

Most of the people on this dragon cart are foreigners. They came to Daqin for the first time. At this time, as a local, Dong Xiaoqi became active, and his tone was full of superiority.

eyes fell on Ning Qingxuan from time to time, but Ning Qingxuan would not even give him a look.

In the distance, a meteor fell from the sky, and a line of fire could be vaguely seen.

"Look! There are shooting stars over there!"

People focused their gazes over, and one of them said: "Daqin is also inferior to our Xiliang. If our country has such a falling meteor, I am afraid it would have been destroyed long ago, and it will be allowed to fall to the ground."

Dong Xiaoqi snorted, "What do you buns know? That's the Chuoxing Lake area. When the meteor falls, it also falls into the lake. This is the unique landscape of Daqin. People who don't know anything should not come out ashamed. Up."

Sure enough, when the dragon cart continued to drive for a while, there really was a huge lake on the ground.

is not so much a lake, it is more appropriate to the vast ocean.

Because the lake has no borders at all, the lake is surging and the sky is changing, and the emptying waves even easily set off a wave of 100 meters. In this section of the dragon cart driving, the buffer zone on the lake shore is thousands of kilometers.

"How big is this Starfall Lake?"

"How old? Tell you, it's almost as big as half of your country! How old do you say?"

People can't help but talk secretly, half a country is so big, even the smallest country, that span is more than hundreds of millions of light years!

The driver of the dragon cart said at this time: "Everyone, please be careful. The weather on the other channel today is a bit abnormal. The dragon cart cannot take the normal road. We passed by the edge of Starfall Lake, as long as it is not bad luck to encounter a lake monster. Everyone will see Qin Capital soon."

People are consciously holding on and holding them firmly. Even the stars can be swallowed easily in Falling Star Lake. The lake monsters that can survive here are definitely not small things, and they cannot be buried here.

I am afraid of what is coming. At this time, from the Falling Star Lake, the waves rise like a mountain, and a huge octopus appears!

The tentacles of the octopus were thousands of feet long, and they shot out from the lake, and they went straight to the distant dragon cart and caught it.

"Oh my God~!"

The driver drove the dragon cart urgently to escape, but in such a short period of time, how could he escape.

Lin Zhen frowned, and wanted to send Ning Qingxuan into the body world, and then teleported away.


The lake water in the distance set off waves again, and a sword gas flew against the lake surface, catching up with the octopus between lightning and fire.

The long sword splits into two, splits into three, and transforms into ten million on the way to Mercedes-Benz. A blade of sword light passes by, dismembering the octopus whose strength is comparable to the longevity fighter.

The huge octopus sank to the bottom of the lake, and its blood stained the lake water.

Lin really looked at the lake, and saw a white-clothed warrior standing on the lake, taking his sword into the water, to collect the dead octopus monster.

As the car continued to move forward, Dong Xiaoqi said, "Look, this is the white-clothed warrior in the Falling Star Lake Holy Land. All the strengths are outrageous. If it weren't for the four great holy places, the holy land warriors are not allowed to participate in various martial arts competitions organized by non-holy land. All the competition champions were rounded up by the Holy Land."

Many people beckoned and saluted at the holy land warriors to express their gratitude.

Ning Qingxuan took a look, and then said to Lin Zhen: "This is a longevity realm with very strong strength."

Lin Zhen nodded: "His spiritual power control has reached a superb state, the Holy Land should really go and see."


The dragon cart passed the Chuoxing Lake, and Qin Du gradually appeared in front of him.

This is a much larger and more prosperous city than Nanliang, and it can be said to be the core area of ​​the entire Metaverse.

The First Bank of the Universe, the headquarters of the Dimension Universe Company, the headquarters of the Dimension Arena, the Alchemist General Association, the Refiner General Association, the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance headquarters, and many other giants are located in this city.

The dragon cart enters Qindu, just like an ant crawling into the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, instantly being overwhelmed by the huge city.

Everyone left the dragon cart, and a warm breath came over them. The climate here is also very good.

"Brother Gong, brother and sister Xuan'er, just go with me, let's go directly to the Alchemist Association, just in time for you to recognize the door."

"Then trouble Brother Dong."

"What are you polite? When you arrive in Qin, you will feel like you are at my house. Let me arrange everything."

Dong Xiaoqi swept his hands, waved his hand to call a Pegasus car, and went straight to the Alchemist Association.

even walked two teleportation formations in the city, paid 5,000 yuan for the car fare, and it took nearly an hour before he arrived at the door of the Alchemist Association.

Lin Zhen This is also the first time I have seen the Alchemist Association.

Seeing the gate of the general meeting, Lin Zhen was also a little excited.

This is the highest palace of the metaworld alchemist.

As far as Lin Zhen knows, the president of the Alchemist Guild is called Minos, but this person is basically a nickname and rarely appears. The last time he appeared was three thousand years ago, and now I don't know where he went.

The work of the Alchemist Guild is usually handed over to several vice-chairmen to manage.

Before Lin Zhen came here, he had added the dimensional universe number of Vice President Longger. Vice President Longger was actually Nalan Chenxi's teacher.

Among people's concepts, the seventh-rank alchemist is the highest, and the vice presidents of the general association are all seventh-ranks, but they are already at the peak of the seventh-rank.

Seven-Rank Pinnacle refers to those who create more than five ancient alchemy recipes before they can be called the Seven-Rank Pinnacle.

There are no eighth ranks above the seventh-rank pinnacle. When the seventh-rank pinnacle alchemist creates a holy pill one day, they will be honored as saint masters.

Chairman Minos was the pinnacle of the seventh stage, but later disappeared. It is said that he was on the path of following the saint master.

Long Geer once explained to Lin Zhen that when he arrived at the Alchemist Association, he must go to him, he would arrange everything.

Lin really thought to himself, following Dong Xiaoqi's footsteps all the way into the general meeting.

The magnificent palace is even more luxurious than the imperial palace, and the well-dressed people shuttle through it, and the usually murderous warriors also behave here.

There are three statues erected in the main hall.

Daqin is the seat of the Alchemist Association. There have been three saints throughout the ages, and these are the three statues here.

Dan Shenshui Wuhen, Dan Saint Hillman, Dan King Qiantong.

Shui Wuhen and Hillman are both ancient characters, and now no one knows whether they are alive or dead, while Dan Wang Qiantong is a living legend.

Qian Tong himself is a warrior in the Sanhua realm. He was promoted to a saint master three thousand years ago, and now he is also the national master of the Great Qin Empire.

"Brother Gong, take a look, these three are the legends of the Qin Kingdom, the highest achievers in the alchemy world."

Dong Xiaoqi introduced Lin Zhen one by one, and then he went to the statue of King Dan Qiantong and worshipped him respectfully.

"Those who seek life in the alchemy world of the Qin Kingdom must respect the senior Pill King. Although he does not serve as the president of the General Assembly, he controls the lifeline of the medicine market of the Great Qin Empire. This is our ancestor!"

Lin Zhen also followed for a few, my heart was very hot.

This is one of his goals, the holy pill, it is said that it can bring back the dead, or break the barrier of realm, these people are still worthy of respect.

followed Dong Xiaoqi to the front of the general meeting counter. Dong Xiaoqi seemed to be familiar with the reception inside, and chatted for a while.

"Xiaogong, you can buy any medicinal materials your younger siblings need here. Brother I said just now. I will pay for the drugs for younger siblings. Don't be polite with your brother."

Dong Xiaoqi said, showing a flattering smile to Ning Qingxuan, Ning Qingxuan silently turned her head, looked at Lin Zhen, the boredom in her eyes was already beyond control.

Lin was really calm, first greeted the receptionist, and quietly reported his name.

The reception wasn't too serious at the beginning, but after entering Lin Zhen's identity, his eyes suddenly showed shock!

Your sister! This young man is actually a Seventh-Rank Alchemist who has already registered in the Association!

was about to stand up and salute, but Lin Zhen blinked at him: "Hello, my big brother wants to pay for the medicine for my girlfriend, then I will show you the prescription."

After speaking, Lin Zhen handed Ning Qingxuan's treatment pharmacy to the receptionist.

Soul nourishing drugs, everything is of great value. Ning Qingxuan takes the drugs twice a month, and the cost of the drugs alone is two billion each time!

If it weren't for Lin Zhen to make alchemy by himself, the price would at least double! )!!