Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 740: Above the Dragon

There is a mountain range in the Yuanjie called Tianling, which spans hundreds of countries including Qin, Jin, Zhao, Xia, and is an endless mountain that stretches for billions of light years.

The highest place of this mountain, even surpassing some planets, truly extends beyond the sky, and Tianling gets its name.

This mountain is not affiliated to any country, and no country can form absolute rule over this mountain.

This is a paradise for stowaways and criminals. Many people cannot go to other countries and will enter Tianling.

Of course, you can also go to the endless star sea, but there are emperor clan in the endless star sea, and there are some races that depend on the emperor clan. Those races are opposite to the metaworld ground races, and going to the endless star sea is very dangerous.

There is a very famous city in Tianling called Liberty City.

People used to say that the most powerful country in the Metaverse is Qin, but if you talk about the most famous city, it is definitely not the capital of Qin, but the Free City.

Here is the most developed business and the most chaotic order. No matter what your status, no one will take care of you in Liberty City. People who have the ability can survive here.

Liberty City has a radius of thousands of kilometers, but this is not the real Liberty City.

The real Liberty City is located on the absolute peak of Tianling Mountain, where the lord of Liberty City is located.

It is said that the absolute peak of Tianling Mountain is as high as one million kilometers, and the top of the absolute peak is a small planet!

There is a castle on the planet. There is the real Liberty City. The huge city below can only be regarded as a derivative appendage of Liberty City.

Generally speaking, the location of Liberty City is called Sky Liberty City, and Tianling is called Earth Liberty City.

Liberty City has a city lord, people only know that he is called Liberty City lord, because of his existence, the independence of Tianling area is guaranteed, and it has not been conquered by any country.

But this city lord can't manage chores, and he won't care about what happens in Freedom City, but as long as he exists, Freedom City will exist.

This is a great **** in the Metaworld, just like the owner of Lake Falling Star Lake where stars automatically fall into it every day, mysterious and high above.

And here is a martial arts holy land.

Tianling Free City, Daqin Fallen Star Lake, Fairy Island Double Tree Garden, and Desert Locking Platform, these are the four great martial arts sacred sites in the Metaverse, and there are too many thunderous figures in the Metaverse from these four places.

The warriors who came out of these four places are called holy land warriors.

There is a saying in Metaverse that there are two types of warriors, one is ordinary warriors and the other is holy land warriors.

The reason why Daqin is the strongest empire is because of the falling star lake. The warriors who came out of falling star lake are all strong enough!

No one will check your identity here, and you can go anywhere through here as long as you pay the fee.

As long as you board the transportation to other places in Liberty City, Liberty City will ensure your safety before leaving the transportation.

There used to be a country called Meng that hijacked Liberty City’s transportation, but Liberty City’s lord sent a disciple, a holy land warrior, to kill all the royal family of the Great Meng Empire and change the country.

You know, the emperor of Dameng is a warrior in the realm of Sanhua!

A three-flower, countless longevity, all those who have participated in this matter, one will not stay!

And no one dared to find trouble and revenge, this is the deterrent of Liberty City Lord.


A dragon cart headed to the Great Qin Empire in Liberty City was already full of dozens of passengers.

This kind of dragon cart only has a driver and a white dragon. The speed of the white dragon is the limit of sub-light speed, and it can pass through all the teleportation arrays with priority. There is no need to queue and wait. It can be described as one of the fastest means of transportation.

From Liberty City to the Great Qin Empire tens of millions of light years, it only takes half a month to arrive.

The white dragon lifted off and disappeared into the sky.

There is no sense of weightlessness in the dragon car. The passengers left Liberty City with a hint of excitement on their faces.

Dong Xiaoqi looked a little enviously at the young couple sitting opposite him.

To be precise, he envied that man.

This pair of men and women are both dressed in coarse linen. The man is handsome and handsome, and the woman is of national beauty, and the coarse cloth can not hide her Tsinghua, the head lightly leaned on the man’s shoulder, occasionally the beautiful eyes flowed. , Can almost hook people's souls away.

A man is a fifth-level realm king, while a woman is just a realm king.

Dong Xiaoqi squinted slightly, listening to the conversation of the young couple.

"My husband.....every time I call you that, I feel weird, you are not old."

There was a smile on the man’s face that was difficult to hide: “It’s nothing, it just means kindness. This is the same as Lao Zhang Lao Li.”

The woman nodded slightly: "Husband, how long will it take us to reach Daqin?"

Dong Xiaoqi thought to himself that this man was surnamed Gong.

The man whispered, "Soon, it only takes half a month, why? I'm a little tired from staying in Liberty City?"

"Well, I have been here for three years, when do you think my illness will get better?"

"Your treatment this time was relatively smooth. It was expected that it would be better in ten years, but now it seems that it will be almost three or four years later."

said, the man fondly touched the woman's hair, "how many do you remember?"

The woman gave him a blank look at this time: "I remembered the time I took the bath, but things after that are still very fuzzy."

"Take it slowly, and in more than a year, I will almost remember what happened to me. When the medicine is completely resolved, your realm will be restored."

"Huh!" The woman looked very well-behaved, and the people who listened to her softly were itchy.

"In this period of time in Liberty City, we had a relatively difficult life. Now your situation is stable. By the time Daqin, I will definitely make a lot of money and everything will be fine."

The woman raised her head: "You know I don't care about that."

The two people looked at each other affectionately, which made Dong Xiaoqi's heart quite uncomfortable.

With a woman of this level, he is still living a hard life. This man surnamed Gong is really bad.

If you show your strength a little bit, maybe this beauty will take a high look at herself, who doesn’t like money? Besides, that man seems to have nothing but a good skin, maybe he really has a chance to hug a beautiful woman.

coughed and attracted the attention of the two in front, Dong Xiaoqi said: "Hello, brother."

The man raised his head and said lightly: "Hello."

"Meeting means fate. Let me introduce myself first. I am Dong Xiaoqi of the Daqin Medicinal Materials Chamber of Commerce. I am responsible for the purchase of medicinal materials from the National Alchemist Association."

The man was stunned, and then showed some interesting expressions: "Oh! That's a coincidence, I am also an alchemist."

Hearing that the other party was an alchemist, Dong Xiaoqi immediately became energetic.

Since he is an alchemist, he should know that his medicinal material procurement is a very important position. In fact, many alchemists contact Dong Xiaoqi privately, wanting to get medicinal materials cheaply from him.

After all, those alchemists who have discount rights are all senior alchemists. The surname in front of him seems to be in his early a thousand years. He may be a first-grade apprentice. It's a swollen face and a fat man calling himself a alchemist.

"How should I call you? Do I call you the old palace like this beautiful girl?" Dong Xiaoqi asked.

The man on the other side suddenly coughed violently, and waved his hands again and again: "No, no, no, if you are older than me, you should be called Xiaogong."

"Well, Xiao Gong, since my brother is how old are you, then I will ask you to say something about it."

The man and woman looked at each other and both looked at him, wanting to hear what he was going to say.

"This is your younger brother and sister, right?"

Xiao Gong nodded slightly, and held the woman tighter with one hand.

"I just heard that my younger siblings seem to be ill. This matter cannot be delayed. If you are ill, you must be treated in time. Don't be reluctant to spend money on medicine, and don't be reluctant to invite a good alchemist. You just Say you are an alchemist, right, but it seems that you are struggling to treat your younger siblings' diseases."

"It's okay, not too hard."

"Hey~! Don't tell lies in front of Brother Dong. It seems that your lives are a little bit tight. That's good. After arriving in Daqin, my brother will take you to the Alchemist Guild to find alchemists, buy pills, and the cost of treatment. It's all wrapped up!"

Xiaogong's eyes narrowed slightly: "This doesn't seem appropriate, it takes a lot of money to treat Xuan'er's disease in my family."

"That's your opinion, what is more? In your opinion, hundreds of thousands are a lot, but in the eyes of Brother Dong, millions are just drizzle, as long as the younger brothers and sisters...oh! Xuan'er, it's a beautiful name. As long as Xuan'er's disease can be cured, it will cost nothing!"

Dong Xiaoqi slapped the mountain on his chest, looking like a big deal.

Xiaogong smiled suddenly, "If this is the case, then you may really have to trouble Brother Dong when you arrive at Daqin."

"No trouble, no trouble, I have a house on the outskirts of Guodu, you can visit my house then."

Xiao Gong nodded: " Then Brother Dong, add a dimension universe."

The two people added the dimensional universe number to each other. Originally, Dong Xiaoqi also wanted to add that Xuan'er’s dimensional universe number, but the beauty was very cold towards him. There is no difference between looking at him and looking at a stone, without appreciation. It didn't take it seriously, which made him feel a little discouraged.

chatted a few more words, before Dong Xiaoqi showed how rich she was, Xuan'er was already a little tired and leaned on Xiaogong’s shoulder: "My husband, I'm tired."

"Okay, let's rest when we are tired. You need a long rest during this period. Don't worry, I will always be by your side."

Xuan'er nodded slightly, and then took the initiative to rely on his arms. Although she has not recovered her memory, this warm embrace is the place she loves most.

Dong Xiaoqi looked enviously at Xiaogong holding the beauty, and the beauty really quickly fell asleep, making him want to replace the other party and hug the woman.

Xiaogong glanced over with a faint look, and the divine light in the eyes flickered, making people shudder!

Dong Xiaoqi was shocked. He is also a fourth-level realm king, and he has seen many masters, but Xiaogong, the fifth-level realm king, actually made him feel fearful.

"This kid is very strong, but it doesn't matter, you two outsiders, after you arrive in Daqin, you can only let me do it!"

Days passed, the young men and women spent most of their time practicing, and Dong Xiaoqi had no chance to talk. ) Download the free reader!!