Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 715: Meteor sets 9 days!

Within a ray of sky, it was like a nuclear bomb exploding, and the violent shaking made people watching it feel unstable.

Lin Zhen shot out the Destroy God Thunder with one move and slowly withdrew his hand. He knew that this move did not kill Qin Jianfeng.

Because Qin Jianfeng is still ranked first, he is still second.

But Qin Jianfeng was not well, Lin Zhen saw him in the smoke.

Qin Jianfeng's whole person is inferior to a beggar at this moment. He is completely inlaid in a rock. The clothes all over his body have become rags. The whole body is pitch black. There is a huge hole between his waist and abdomen. It was blasted out by the Destruction God Thunder.

Shen Lei blasted his body, but he was not dead, and golden blood came out of his abdomen!

Everyone was stunned when they saw the blood flowing like gold with a little bit of starlight!


It turns out that Qin Jianfeng is an emperor, no wonder the strength is so strong!

People are afraid to enter the endless star sea because there are emperors in the endless star sea.

Legend has it that the imperial warriors are a more distant and ancient race than the humans. The ancestors of the imperial people have appeared since the birth of life.

The emperors have a natural talent for cultivation, and their aptitude, physical fitness, etc. are far above the human race. They were once the strongest race in the Metaverse.

After the birth of each imperial clan, they will have their own unique talents and martial arts, with great power, which can be said to be blessed and far superior to other races.

So they are called emperors, which means born emperors.

But the imperial clan also has a huge drawback, that is, it is difficult to reproduce, and the number is scarce. When the imperial clan ruled the land, the human and other intelligent races set off a war against the imperial clan.

Facing the endless crowds in the Metaverse, the Emperor Clan was finally defeated, and after losing a lot of vital power, the remaining Emperor Clan were finally driven out of the earth and retreated into the endless sea of ​​stars.

Although leaving the ground, in the starry sky with constant traffic, it has become the world of the imperial family.

For countless years, many countries on the ground of the Metaverse have eroded the starry sky little by little, bringing the starry sky into the surveillance range, but the endless star sea is too big.

The emperor people have always lived in the endless sea of ​​stars, and once a warrior of other races is discovered by them, they often end up not very well.

If you compare why other races are unwilling to enter the endless sea of ​​stars, then the reason for having imperial warriors is definitely among the best.

Now check the history of the information, there are still many legends about the imperial clan. Every imperial martial artist is a legend. Although they are the common enemies of the Metaverse people, in fact, many of them are the Emperors. Fans.

They crazily worship the imperial warriors, and even hope to have a little imperial blood, because in their eyes, this is a noble race.

But most people still reject the imperial clan, because people are always unwilling to be enslaved.

The imperial family can't see any difference from humans from the outside, but there is one characteristic, that is, the blood is golden.

The emperors are very good at disguising, especially later, the emperors have mastered a method, which is to make the blood appear red, but if they are seriously injured, golden blood will still flow out!

Now Qin Jianfeng was seriously injured by Lin Zhen, his disguise had been broken, and the golden blood that belonged to him flowed out of his body.

The entire Metaverse was in an uproar at this moment.

"It turns out that Qin Jianfeng is an emperor. It's no wonder that this guy is different from the time he was born."

"I am also from the Qin country, so I have been living under the rule of the emperor for so many years, it is terrible!"

"Imperial people are all demons, take other races improperly, Lin Zhen, kill him!"

"It's over. It's over. Lin Zhen's powerful attack hasn't eliminated Qin Jianfeng. This time, the number one of the Star of Divine Punishment will be taken away by the emperor. The emperor who has obtained the super divine body will be his. Opponent?"

"Qin Jianfeng is an emperor, and Qin Wushang must also be an emperor. No, no, go and arrest Qin Wushang!"

The two imperial warriors hidden in the human world were exposed, because Lin Zhen destroyed the divine thunder together.

Lin Zhen looked at the seriously injured Qin Jianfeng, knowing that this guy might be going away.

Sure enough, Qin Jianfeng opened his eyes in the smoke and stared at Lin Zhen with hatred.

"Lin Zhen! You are really good, you can actually hurt me to this point, but it is still a pity, my talented magical sword body saved me, otherwise it may be killed by your thunder."

His wound was quickly recovering, and Qin Jianfeng stood up.

"Since it has been exposed, then I won't say anything, Lin Zhen, goodbye!"


The sword in Qin Jianfeng's hand is no longer where it is gone, instead it is a one-meter-long sword gun sprayed from his hands!

The sword gang hummed and continued to grow, and soon reached two meters...three meters...five meters!

When Jian Gang reached ten meters in length, Qin Jianfeng roared and waved his arms, and everything around him was destroyed!

The long sword gang is like two crisscrossing cutting knives, and Yixiantian is a huge tofu. The cutting knives cleave like crazy back and forth, and all the densely packed space around the cutting are cracks!

According to Lin Zhen's Taiyuan power, every blow of Qin Jianfeng's Jian Gang is Taiyuan!

And the speed is fast, waving frantically, as if a fishing net is directly covering it, making people unable to avoid it.

Lin Zhen was also approaching his limit at this time. He was eroding his stamina with repeated injuries, and Qin Jianfeng at this moment had no power to fight again.

"My black hole can't swallow Qin Jianfeng. Destroying the God Thunder can only be used once, and I can't use it again when I'm not completely sure. I want to avoid it temporarily."

Facing the opponent's fierce attack, Lin Zhen performed a satellite landing.

When the satellite fell, it was cut and shattered by the sword aura, but it gave Lin Zhen some time, driven by his mental power, he stepped on the lotus flower and rose into the sky!

Even if Qin Jianfeng has a talented spirit sword body, Lin Zhen can still come and go freely in the sky of the star of punishment!

A series of creepy sword auras passed behind him, and the lotus blossoms opened up and were cut down. Lin Zhen evaded Qin Jianfeng's attack dangerously and dangerously, and finally went to the sky successfully!

At this time, a reminder sound came from the Star of God's Punishment.

"There are three minutes before the end of the Star of Punishment, the countdown...179, 178, 177...!"

Qin Jianfeng watched Lin Zhen leave and laughed: "Lin Zhen, you run! I'm not afraid of you running. After three minutes, the battle is over. I am still number one. You can only be number two. In the top ten, the most tragic thing is Second one."

"The first will always belong to the emperor!"

Qin Jianfeng raised a hand high, the sword light flashed on it, and the wound on his body had healed a lot. Although the clothes were not covering his body, his awe-inspiring momentum was enough to shock the crowd!

For example, Boston and others were not convinced that Qin Jianfeng won the first place before, but now that they look at it, they no longer have the desire to compete.

The imperial family is blessed, and the others are far from it!


Lin Zhen climbed all the way and once again returned to the top of the sky.

When I came back this time, my mentality was different.

Lin Zhen didn't care whether he was an emperor or not, but Qin Jianfeng's current strength really surpassed him, which made Lin Zhen a little unhappy.

When he came to the top of the mountain and sat down, Lin Zhen thought about a question.

It is not impossible to defeat Qin Jianfeng now, that is, Lin Zhen broke through on the spot and directly entered the realm of the realm king.

At the stage of the Realm King, Lin Zhen would never fear Qin Jianfeng anymore, and believed that he would be able to win the first place.

But Lin Zhen was unwilling. He hadn't reached the point where he could break through the realm king. Once he broke through, there would be no turning back. This made it difficult for Lin Zhen to make a choice, who was always breaking through the limit.

Realm King, Super Divine Body, how to choose?

When he was tangled, he felt a little numb in his scalp.

"Above..... It seems that there is pressure coming?"

With doubts in his heart, Lin Zhen raised his head.

Ning Qingxuan's star power was fully utilized, and a pair of white and tender jade hands pushed on the asteroid.

One thing she was doing was relying on her own strength to make this asteroid deviate from its orbit and smash into the barrier arranged by the gods outside the star of punishment.

Strands of fragrant sweat fell from the top of his head, and his feminine figure was already tightly wrapped in the wet clothes.

The star power urged it to its limit, and the asteroid was forced to deviate by the force of Ning Qingxuan.

"Moved! As long as you move, it will be easier to handle later."

The star power within the pubic area rushed outwards like money, and the speed of the asteroid gradually accelerated.

Gradually, under Ning Qingxuan's unremitting efforts to adjust, this asteroid turned into a huge meteor, flying towards the star of God's punishment!

"The mass of this asteroid is not small. As long as it can hit the weakest place, it may be able to break the barrier. As long as a little gap, a little bit is enough!"

As the asteroid flew, it got closer and closer to the star of punishment.

But at this moment, a terrible ringtone rang again!

"Uh... my head!"

Ning Qingxuan screamed, holding her head in her hands, almost instantly lying on the asteroid.

The third soul chasing bell still did not ring as she expected, almost every second, it rang immediately after twenty minutes.

"Master...I don't want it! I don't want to go back! Can't go back at this point!"

The brain seemed to be engulfed alive. The pain caused the muscles of this peerless beauty to spasm, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of her I bit my lips.

Without Ning Qingxuan's push, the asteroid's speed gradually slowed down, and it was about to lose its impact.

"No! I don't! I don't want it!"

Ning Qingxuan yelled loudly, stretched out her hands with strong perseverance, and pushed onto the asteroid again.

"When Lin was in a real crisis, his clone was still sealed by Silver Needle. I will save him, I will save him! Lin Zhen! You must succeed and reach the top!"

Beautiful big eyes are full of red blood, black hair is dancing wildly in the air, Ning Qingxuan endures the greatest pain in the world, pushing the asteroid again and accelerating! accelerate! Speed ​​up!

The asteroid finally turned into a meteor, quickly rushing into the isolated atmosphere of the star of God's Punishment, emitting dazzling light and heat, coming from nine days!

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