Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 701: Wait for the flowers to bloom

Dragging the corpse of a wild wolf, Lin Zhen returned to the cave.

Cut off a little bit of meat, while it's still not completely frozen, licking the hair and drinking blood, it's so raw.

In order to live, this bit of suffering is really too trivial for the warrior.

But Lin Zhen's heart became heavier and heavier, the wolf meat gnawed in his mouth, and he didn't even feel the smell.

His pressure did not come from the unpalatability of these things, not from the cold and scars, but from loneliness.

If this continues, his body will not last long, but Lin Zhen has not yet found a power to support him to continue.

It is impossible for him to find a fire here, and it is impossible for him to have a warm place to heal himself. Chrissy analyzed that he can only live less than a month, and if he wants to sustain it, he must stimulate the potential of life.

The potential of life is not so good to stimulate, there must be something, something that gives him strength, Lin Zhen knows this very well in his heart.

As night fell, the sound of wolf howling came from the snowy field in the distance.

This time, the night time was so long that Lin Zhen had even ate away the blood of this wolf, but it was still night outside.

In addition to wolves and bears on the snowy field, there are deer running fast, but Lin Zhen can't catch them. Only wolves such as actively attacking beasts can become his food.

In the past nights, the snowy field in the dark was screaming and heavy snow was flying. It was an extremely cold place, and Lin Zhen could only curl up in the cave and shiver.

But this time, Lin Zhen didn't want to stay in the cave anymore.

He wants to go out and see in the dark, staying here can only be lingering and waiting for death. Since he is dying, he might as well go and see places he hasn’t seen before. This time the long night is coming, if the expectation is not bad, It should be the polar night.

The polar night is the coldest period in the polar region, which may last for several months, and he cannot wait to die here.

"Since that voice told me that this place is located at the far north of the Star of God's Punishment, it should be similar to the North Pole above the earth, and there is a North Pole."

"Go to the North Pole instead of staying in a sheltered cave!"

This is an extremely difficult decision. Few people dared to walk out of the relatively warm cave, into the dark and snowy night, to find an unknown hope.

With the wolf skin wrapped tightly around him, Lin Zhen did not go to the snowy field in front of the cave this time. He saw that the snow wolves and other animals were walking behind the cave, so the side of the mountain should be farther north.

The cold stone in his hand gave him a little strength, dragging his bruised body, Lin Zhen began to climb the mountain.


"What are you talking about? The queen is missing?" Liang Zhihuan was shocked when he heard Shi Xiaomao's return.

"Your Majesty, it's not gone. The empress left the palace three months ago, but we have been kept in the dark, no one knows."

With that, Shi Xiaomao took out a video file three months ago. It was the day after Lin Zhen disappeared. Ning Qingxuan closed the palace gate and said that she was going to cultivate and saw no one. Liang Zhihuan was also notified at that time.

Liang Zhihuan didn't say much, as long as Ning Qingxuan was still alive.

Unexpectedly, Ning Qingxuan left the palace on the same day, and the guard was stopped by her at a distance. Only one corner of the high-power camera surveillance captured Ning Qingxuan's departure.

A person rode her five-colored deer and left the palace.

Later, Ning Qingxuan appeared in another scene, which was taken by a planet explorer. Ning Qingxuan rode a deer across the starry sky and went straight to the depths of the galaxy. No one knew what she was doing.

"Endless Xinghai, she went to Endless Xinghai?"

Liang Zhihuan did not speak for a while. Although the endless sea of ​​stars is also a metaworld, in the consciousness of the people of the metaverse, the endless sea is another world, which is full of risks and unknowns. There are even alien tribes, people living on the ground, Some fear for the endless sea of ​​stars.

The place is too big and vast, what is Ning Qingxuan doing there?

After thinking for a while, Liang Zhihuan asked Shi Xiaomao, "Have you ever investigated any clues?"

"Your Majesty, the day before the mother left, she seemed to have looked up a lot of materials. She even borrowed books from the Royal Library. They were all star maps. They seemed to be looking for a planet, but the subordinates really couldn't find which planet to look for. guess."

Liang Zhihuan's expression became uglier as he listened, and finally he snorted coldly: "No need to guess, she is looking for the star of God's punishment!"

"What? How could the Star of God's Punishment be found?" Shi Xiaomao was shocked.

"There is nothing difficult in the world, I am afraid that there are people with a heart. Since she dared to go out, maybe she has found some clues, but I don't understand, what if she goes out, even if she finds the star of God's punishment? Can she still find the missing person? Lin Zhen can't make it?"

Shi Xiaomao didn't say anything. It's really difficult to answer this topic. Is the empress going to get out of the wall?

"The queen must be retrieved."

Liang Zhihuan said decisively, and then closed his eyes: "This is something that ordinary people can't do. You go to the Qingye School and invite the Queen's mother's master Tie Auntie over. Today's queens are only her masters. I found her and shook her."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Another month has passed since the battle of God's Punishment Star.

Of the 100 million people a month ago, now there are only more than 30 million left.

Evenly allocated to four hundred small theaters, each theater has less than 100,000 people, which is a huge difference compared with the number of people in the original theater with hundreds of millions.

Lord Lord, who had just killed a few undead knights, answered the phone.

"I am Qin Jianfeng!"

"Ah! It turned out to be the Prince of Da Qin, hello, I wonder what you are looking for?"

"Lord, the territory of your Fire Phoenix clan borders my Daqin, and they are adjacent to each other. They are also neighbors. I did not take the initiative to kill your Phoenix clan in this battle of the Star of God's Punishment, but you better restraint. About your saint, I don't care how she is presumptuous, but she can't use my Daqin martial artist to operate.

"Ah! Qing Luan actually moved Da Qin martial artist?"

"Yes, just now, she ambushed one of our team and killed hundreds of people, Lord Grim, I don’t like killing women, but if there is another time, I hope you can make a decision. You Phoenix clan take trouble!"

After the call was hung up, Lord Grim's expression was uncertain. He liked Feng Qingluan, yes, but he was also the young master of the Phoenix clan. He had to consider the interests of the whole clan and could not let her continue like this.


The strip of rock in his hand pierced into the ice and snow fiercely. Using this as a leverage point, Lin Zhen finally climbed the last mountain.

Lin Zhen showed his head with his hands on the edge of the mountain.

Night, still night!

But the night at this moment is different from before.

At the horizon ahead, green, blue, and cyan skylights shed from the sky and fell on the ground in the distance.

aurora! This is the northern lights!

Unlike the aurora on the earth, these rays of light seem to fall at the same point, no matter how twisted in the sky, they will eventually fall on the same point.

"What is that? What is attracting Aurora?"

Lin Zhen grabbed a mouthful of ice and snow from the ground and put it in his mouth. The cold numbs his lips. All of his hands and mouth are covered with cracked frostbite and suppurative wounds, which proves that his physical condition is extremely low. .

His skin was glowing with an unhealthy blue color, and it was almost frozen stiff, Lin Zhen could not even feel his blood flowing.

But he persisted. Kris said he could only persist for twenty-five days, but he persisted for a month, a month, he walked out of the vast snow-capped mountains and saw the northern lights.

Below the northern lights, there may be some surprises waiting for him.

Stumbled forward, the ground was no longer snow, but thick ice. When pedaling, a toe broke easily, making a crisp fracture sound.

Lin Zhen didn't feel the same at all, and moved on blankly. He suffered too many injuries and didn't care whether it was more or less.

This road took more than ten days.

When the scene where the northern lights fell in front of him, Lin Zhen couldn't even blink his eyes.

There is a thick layer of frost all over the body, and it even makes a robot's click when walking.

Bathed in the aurora, Lin Zhen looked at the extremely beautiful flowers on the ground.

That is a snow lotus!

The beauty of this flower is beyond the concept of a normal flower. The whole body is made of ice and snow, with traces of light flowing on it. Although it has not yet bloomed, it is already beautiful and suffocating.

"Ice! Light! These two elemental energies have the ultimate expression on this flower."

When he reached the flower, Lin Zhen felt extremely cold, and his internal organs were freezing at this moment.

The aurora flowed slowly over the flower bones, and the pure light element made Lin Zhen throb.

"It's so beautiful. This flower is simply a collection of the spirits of heaven and earth. Extreme and cold, combined with this pure light element, represents the ultimate of two powers."

"One is the speed of light, the other is absolute zero!"

"Since I'm here, I must ensure that this flower opens smoothly. As for whether or not I can comprehend the power of the ice and light, it's up to my fate."

Lin Zhen quickly found an excuse for himself. He must see the day when this magical snow lotus opens. If he doesn't see that scene, he won't die.

A crack was opened on the ice surface, and a twisted ice silkworm appeared.

Its goal is Snow to climb over quickly.

As it approached, an ice sculpture suddenly moved beside the snow lotus, and a rock smashed the ice silkworm on the ice!

When the ice silkworm was dying, he bit the man severely, and the powerful toxin was injected, but the ice sculpture-like man remained motionless.

Breathing and breathing, this skill that was only used by warriors who were beginners in martial arts, has now become Lin Zhen's life-saving method.

Protecting his heart with one breath, Lin Zhen didn't care about other physical pains.

He is waiting here, guarding, and waiting for the moment the flowers bloom!


In a blink of an eye, it has been more than nine months since Lin Zhen went missing!

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