Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 700: Hard to survive


"Yes, it's a test, Lin Zhen, if it wasn't for you to teleport to the Pure Land, I'm afraid you have been eliminated by now. In fact, the test has already begun when you came here."

Lin Zhen looked at the boundless Feixue outside and nodded gently.

"If you can't calm down in the test this time, you won't be able to pass it at all. I have already tested you just now. Your performance is very satisfactory to me, but the next test will not be that simple."

"What is the test?"

"The Pure Land is located in the northernmost part of the Star of God's Punishment. It is extremely cold here. The winter time of a year has reached ten months. The three seasons of spring, summer and autumn are only two months. Now the winter here has just begun. If you can survive After this long winter, even if you pass the test."

Lin Zhen was taken aback for a moment. Is it that simple?

If he just spends a winter, he will pass through one practice.

"Don’t think it’s simple. Don’t forget your current state. You are cursed by Holy Word. Unless you are eliminated from the game, it’s hard to unlock this Holy Word in the Star of Punishment. Now you are just a Ordinary people, you can’t use star power, you can’t use mental power, the weapon you used at the beginning, now you may not be able to hold it."

Lin Zhen secretly used the star power, and found that he couldn't use it anymore.

In the dantian, the dark star space is full of lifelessness, and no power can be mobilized.

Even his spiritual power can no longer be used, the **** infant is curled up in the sea of ​​spiritual knowledge, as if falling asleep, and those spiritual powers are not under his control.

There is also his elemental power, which can't be controlled now. Originally, he wanted to use a fire to keep out the cold, but now he can't do it.

"It's a terrible curse, and my body is also weakened a lot, and the black hole beast can't be used anymore. Now I don't talk about warriors. I am probably not much stronger than ordinary people. At most, I can only be regarded as a strong man. Han's nothing."

Even his space ring can't be opened now, and the food inside can't be taken out.

"Look at it clearly. Everything about you has been sealed and is temporarily unavailable. What you need to do now is to rely on yourself, rely on your body and wisdom to spend the long winter here."

"Please remember that the Pure Land is not necessarily safe. There is no human intrigue, but there is natural selection. Cold and wild beasts are your deadly enemies."

"I'm leaving Lin Zhen, if I can see you in ten months, then even if you pass the test, good luck!"

The voice was about to disappear, Lin Zhen hurriedly said, "What if I pass the test? Is there any reward?"

"At that time, you will know, and passing is the biggest reward!"

The voice disappeared, and no matter what Lin Zhen asked, he would never reappear.

"This time things are a little difficult!"

Lin Zhen stood at the entrance of the cave. The cave he was in was on a mountainside. The entire mountain peak was covered with snow. Only a little bit of rock and soil could be seen here, which was a bit of comfort.


There was a sound of howling wolves in the distance, and Lin Zhen could even see a string of black spots. There were hundreds of snow wolves coming through the wind and snow.

There was no food, no fire, no weapons, only severe cold, hunger, and beasts. His first night in the Pure Land was probably a difficult night.


The Star of God's Punishment has changed a lot since Lin Zhen disappeared.

After Ramotti and Holy Word were struck by the Destruction God Thunder, they also suffered a lot. The power of destruction invaded their bodies. Now they dare not even fight easily. They can only fight against the power of destruction in their bodies. This force expelled a little bit.

As a result, their points have come to a standstill. Fortunately, both of them have strong means of concealment, otherwise they may be hunted down.

They gave up the third and fourth positions, but were replaced by others.

The current ranking is like this.

First place, Qin Jianfeng from the Western Mainland.

The second place is Boston on the southern continent.

The third place is Lord of the West.

The fourth place is Feng Qingluan of the Northern Mainland.

the fifth place......

Ramotti and the Holy Word had fallen outside fifty after three months.

With the passage of time, there are fewer and fewer people on the Star of God's Punishment, from 10 billion at the beginning to only 100 million now! And it's still declining.

For the Star of God's Punishment to end, a condition needs to be fulfilled, that is, the number of undead creatures needs to be less than that of humans.

As it became more and more difficult to find people, the fighting among the warriors gradually became less, and the focus of the warriors turned to the undead creatures, especially those warriors who ranked high, almost hunting the undead everywhere.

As long as the undead creatures are killed less than the humans, their position will be firm, and when the **** of punishment is over, they will be able to get the quota for tempering the gods.

But there are some exceptions, such as Feng Qingluan, the saint of the Phoenix family who has been killed all the way from more than a hundred.


Between the broken walls, Feng Qingluan gently stroked the long sword in his hand, and a long, fire-like dress was particularly eye-catching in this place of death.

There was still a **** smell beside her. Just now, she found a warrior team and eliminated all the more than 20 people in this team.

These people don't have many points, and the highest ranked person is outside a million. In fact, it is not worth killing. The points gained by killing a group of people are not as small as her own points.

"Tingling bell~~!!!"

Feng Qingluan picked up the phone and glanced at the sound of the phone. The caller was Jun Mo.

"Young Master! Is something wrong?"

"Qingluan, what are you doing?"

"The battle just ended."

"Qingluan, several old friends have called me just now, what you have done recently is a bit overwhelming, those warriors who are ranked lower, what are you doing to kill them all? The points of those warriors are not even as good as killing a senior There are so many undead coming. Over the past three months, too many people have expressed anger at me. You must know that you represent not only yourself, but you also represent the Phoenix family!"

"Young Master, I don’t understand this. Now that I have come to the Star of God’s Punishment, don’t be afraid to fight. If you’re afraid of being eliminated, it’s better to commit suicide early. If anyone else is chirping with you. Yes, you can directly transfer the responsibility to me and let them come to me for revenge. You don't need to bear any burden for this."

"You.... Why don't you listen to persuasion? You are not afraid of ordinary people, but are the people of the secret door so active? Don't look at the holy words temporarily, but if he comes out, you are definitely not an opponent, although you are ranked Fourth, but this ranking is obtained by killing too many low-level warriors, it does not mean that your strength can really be ranked fourth."

"Then let him come, I just want to meet him too."

"Luan'er~! What are you doing?" Jun Mo was already a little angry.

"Why not, just want to kill, and don't call me Luan'er, so let's find someone else to call the young master so intimately!"

Feng Qingluan hung up the phone directly, and then touched the sword in his hand.

"Killing...continue on, as long as the number of undead creatures is not lower than human beings, then the star of punishment will not end, Lin Zhen, I hope you can come back soon, I'm afraid I can't hold on for too long... ."



The neck bone of a snow wolf was raw and twisted by Lin Zhen, and blood leaked from the fur and hit the snow, leaving a little red plum.

Sitting in the wind and snow, Lin Zhen gasped for breath.

On the ground, more than a dozen snow wolves have fallen down in random.

These wolves are as big as calves and their teeth are extremely sharp. Lin Zhen's fight with them lasted for more than ten minutes, and his body was bitten all over.

Fortunately, his combat consciousness is very good, and he has never been attacked to the point by the snow wolf. This is a self-protection consciousness honed through hundreds of millions of battles.

As an ordinary person, even if he was physically strong, he couldn't kill a dozen snow wolves.

Lin Zhen held a stone in his hand. The polished stone was sharper. He found it from the cave and used it as a temporary weapon.

Cut open the skin of a snow wolf with the edge of a rock. It was freezing in this cold weather. Within five minutes, the corpses of these snow wolves would become stiff, and he had to drink blood and eat meat while it was hot.


After pouring a few mouthfuls of warm blood, Lin Zhen felt that there was a flow of heat surging in his extremely exhausted body, which made him feel a little better, who was already covered in bruises.

He tore his clothes apart and bandaged the wound hastily. Lin Zhen was already covered with a coat of wolf skin. This was a coat he made for himself.

He has spent three months in the Pure Land.

In the past three months, Lin Zhen has had thousands of scars on his body, almost covered by layers of scars.

Without medicine for recovery, without timely food supply, and without that powerful recovery ability, these wounds would not heal at all in severe cold weather.

Being able to persist for three months is almost a miracle of life.

At the beginning, Lin Zhen thought that for ten months, relying on his combat experience, he could hunt prey to maintain his life, and he should be able to survive it, but he later found out that he was too naive.

In this place without fire, it is impossible for humans to survive for a long time.

Raising his arm, many wounds were dripping with pus and blood, and the severe pain always invaded his nerves.

"Christ, can you still calculate?" This is Lin Zhen's only comfort. Chris can also accompany him through this long winter with him.

"Master, I currently lack energy and motivation. If I don't replenish it, I will automatically shut down after five minutes. The calculation also consumes electricity, and can only last for three minutes."

"There is no energy to supply you for the time minutes is fine, so let me calculate how long it can last in my state."

"Well, the only sources of food here are arctic wolves and polar bears. Master, your speed of obtaining food is getting slower and slower, and the wound continues to be infected. If the current rate is decreasing, you will die in about twenty-five days."

"Can it only last for twenty-five days?"

"Yes, and this is still in the case of my company with you. You must know that sometimes loneliness can also deprive people of their lives. Master, my battery is about to run out. Before that, I will give you one last piece of advice. After these ten months, you must find a hope, a motivation that can support you to live, so maybe you can hold on for a little longer..."


The radio wave disappeared, the dimensional universe automatically shut down, and Lin Zhen's world lost the last sound.

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