Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 699: Winter of Pure Land

The Star of God's Punishment has four continents and oceans surrounding the continents, but it also has north and south poles.

When the planet was not punished by the gods, there was a legend that there was a pure land on this planet, without sorrow or joy, without birth and death.

This piece of pure land is now under Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen slowly woke up from the coma with the fragrance of the soil under him.

Or he hasn't woken up yet, and is now half-dreaming and half-awake.

"Where am I? Am I still in the Star of Punishment? Have I been eliminated? Did the final teleportation succeed? But I don't remember that I locked a certain continent or a certain area, so where did I go?"

A burst of chaotic thoughts struck Lin Zhen's head, but he couldn't open his eyes.

"No way, I was hit by the Holy Words, and now I have lost all my star power, and my spiritual power has also declined extremely. Now I am no different from ordinary people."

Lin Zhen felt a chill in his heart and lost his strength. What hope does he have.

There was a trance in his mind.

"Lin Zhen!"

An ethereal and distant voice sounded, as if it came from the horizon, and it seemed to be in the ear.

This voice seemed to have a certain magical power, which instantly calmed down his impetuous heart.

"Lin Zhen, why are you so sad?"

The voice couldn't even distinguish the male and female, and couldn't find the direction. Lin Zhen had no ability to find the source of the voice, but he was willing to talk to this voice.

"I... I lost my strength." His voice was not from his mouth, but from his thoughts, but everything was so natural and harmonious.

"Where does the power come from?" The voice continued to ask.

"Strength comes from cultivation."

"Then why don't you complain about your lack of cultivation, but grieve that your strength will be lost?"

Lin Zhen was stunned for a moment. He found this question very difficult to answer.

He wanted to say that he had wasted 700 years, but then he thought about it and said that it was useless. If he had the ability, he would not be trapped for 700 years.

"You are sad because of your lack of strength, because of your wasted time, you feel that you worked hard enough, but the final result is not satisfactory..."

"But do you know how many people are envious of your achievements? How many people are still struggling to survive? How many people think you are above and beyond reach..."

"Give you a perspective, maybe it will calm you down this time."

The light and shadow flickered in front of him, and Lin Zhen suddenly realized that he could see it.

He has no entity, but his eyes can travel through time and space and see pictures that were impossible to see before.

A piece of sky blue!

The white clouds are floating, the blue waves are rippling, the breeze is fading slowly, and the birds and flowers are scented.

The sweet breath in the air seems to be within reach, the fragrance of the earth, the familiar mountains and rivers, and the warm sunshine all tell Lin Zhen that this is the New Territories, this is the Milky Way, and this is the earth!

Beijing base city!

Before a huge sinkhole, a group of adventurers had just finished fighting.

This team is led by a ninth-level general, and there are several low-level generals beside him.

Several people leaned on the edge of the pit, gnawing hard with dry food in their hands.

The situation is not optimistic, there are mutant beasts wandering in the distance, and a few of them are still injured, and they may be wiped out here at any time.

But Lin Zhen couldn't see the disappointment, pain and sadness in their eyes.

Everyone's eyes are firm, and the captain is still cheering up the players.

"Everyone will work harder for a while and try to get rid of the mutant wolf king. As long as this mutant beast is killed, we will be able to rush out of here and get a lot of money. I have all planned. Once the money is available, we will Follow in the footsteps of Lord Lin Zhen and go to the Tianhe Empire to develop."

"Well! We all think so too."

"Yes, Captain, we all target the lord."

The captain nodded in relief: "Everyone is right. The lord is the hero of our galaxy. He has been guiding us in the direction of progress. Before I fall asleep, I pray devoutly, praying that I will one day jump over the dragon gate and go to Yuanjie with my own eyes. Take a look at this legend."

"Come on, Captain, you are about to be promoted to the God of War. After you are promoted to the God of War, the star realm is not far away. There must be a chance!"

Looking at these warriors at the general level, Lin Zhen wanted to laugh, but he couldn't laugh.

The warlord is followed by the God of War, and then the star, stream, comet, satellite, travel, sidereal, black hole, galaxy, star field, star boundary, and longevity.

They want to come to the Metaverse, only after waiting for the Tianmen, and the Tianmen will not be over until soon, unless they have the opportunity to cultivate to the peak of the realm king and live forever, otherwise they will not see the day when the Tianmen appears.

Lin Zhen's heart palpitates thinking about such a long and long path of cultivation, but these warriors are not afraid of them. Lin Zhen can say that they are not afraid of tigers, but they also particularly appreciate this courage.

As the picture turns, the next moment is a strange planet.

In a tree house, a beautiful elven girl came in with the medicine, and slowly fed the injured male elves on the bed.

"Brother Tia, you have to be stronger. The temporary disintegration of star power is not a dead end. You are still young and have a future."

The male elf nodded: "Yes, I am not discouraged. I want to wait for my health to get better. I will go to the Fire Unicorn Empire to see Lin Zhen's hometown. Then I will go to the Sagittarius constellation to see where he is trapped. Space, a person can persevere in the long seven hundred years. His steadfast mind is an example for me to learn from, and the universe is so big that I will always find a way to heal me. I firmly believe this!"

The elf girl threw on the man with excitement, and the two kissed.

The angle of view changed a bit, Lin Zhen saw a full-length portrait of him on the wall!

This elf is actually his admirer.

The next picture shows a young man on the planet Bihai, who is in the solar collar, practicing guns.

Sandbags are tied to the yard, wooden figures stand, and there are even plum blossom piles on the ground.

The boy stepped on the plum pile, dancing with his spear, and shot out a bunch of spears.

It danced to a certain extent, and there was already a shot of guns around.

Another person came over and raised a basin of water.

The long spear in the young man's hand rotated like a windmill, isolating most of the water droplets directly from the spear.

But there was another drop of water falling on his chest. Lin Zhen could see that he was still comprehending, but he failed.

However, the boy was not depressed at all. Instead, he said with excitement: "Success! I only missed a drop of water this time. I believe it will not be long before I will be able to learn the master's stunts. He was like a mountain back then. With this trick, countless enemies killed are frightened!"

Lin Zhen knows that not moving like a mountain is the last step to comprehend, and there is still a long way to go for a young man.

But looking at this youthful face, Lin Zhen sincerely hoped that he would succeed.

The next picture is in the Metaverse, where an alchemist is working hard to study the ingredients and techniques of the pill.

That pill Lin really knew, it was actually his Ju Yuan San.

"Master! I really am a master. I'm afraid I won't be able to refine such a pill for the rest of my life."

"But I won't give up, Master Lin Zhen, one day, I hope to worship you as a teacher."

The next picture is Nanliang Guodu, a group of young people praying for Lin Zhen in the Temple of Longevity.

They prayed that the heroes of Nanliang would return safely, even if Lin Zhen had no chance to win the top few stars of God's Punishment.

As long as he is safe, that's enough.

Lin Zhen didn't know how to express his feelings about the young faces that he didn't know at all.

The pictures jumped one after another, Lin Zhen almost watched the world, seeing all kinds of people, men and women, the New Territories Metaverse, the elderly and children. Too many people target him, become idols, or learn from him. Alchemy, or learn his battle video.

There are countless admirers and countless supporters!

There are people in desperate situations, but because of Lin Zhen's existence, they support hope.

Seeing such scenes through God's perspective, Lin Zhen suddenly felt a little ashamed.

Before he knew it, he had already reached such a height.

"Lin Zhen, do you still feel sad?"

That voice appeared again.

Lin Zhen was silent for a moment: "No! I am not sad, I had some mood swings before, but now I am much calmer."

"That's best. When you really let go of these negative emotions in your heart, you can wake up."

"wake up.....?"

Lin Zhen was stunned, then closed his eyes slightly, it turned out that he had been in a coma.

In just an instant, Lin Zhen's consciousness returned to his body, his eyelids moved, and he was about to wake up!

"Huh! So fast?" The voice had mood swings for the first time.

"Why slow? This is the star of God's Punishment. Even if I lose, my strength will not really be lost. The most lost is ranking and points. If I can't even break these things, I am not qualified to continue. Go on."

After Lin really opened his eyes fiercely!

A blast of cold wind blew his mind more sober.

The location he is now in is a cave, dark and deep.

Reluctantly standing up, regardless of his physical weakness, Lin Zhen walked out of the cave step by step.

Outside the entrance of the cave, there was a vast expanse of whiteness between the heaven and the earth, and the heavy snow of goose feathers seemed to envelope the world. Looking around, there was no end in sight, as if between the heaven and the earth, he was the only living person.

"where is this place?"

"This is the pure land of the star of God's Punishment, Lin Zhen, congratulations on seeing the winter of the star of God's Punishment that no one has ever visited! Are you willing to accept my test and survive this winter safely?"

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