Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 696: Crazy 3 minutes!

Stomping Qin Dong to death, the boy's body flattened and recovered, and then he was wrapped in blue light and flew out of the Star of God's Punishment.

In the blue light, Qin Dong looked at Lin Zhen's eyes again with horror, it was fear from the depths of his soul.

Lin Zhen transformed into a human form again and drew out the two Qin Dong swords from his shoulders.

Blood came out from the wound, and Lin Zhen was also injured.

But he doesn't care. It's only a few minutes now, and he still has more than 20 minutes before the magical effect and star power transfer of the Shenli Pill will pass. During this time, Lin Zhen is not afraid of anyone!

The gaze swept across the crowd, and the warriors immediately fled.

More than 20 hero flags were slaughtered, and they, who are not cannon fodder, still stay here to do.

I haven't read it until now, hasn't the prompt message about Lin Zhen's elimination of XX in the dimensional universe stopped?

Twenty seconds later, the last reminder about Lin Zhen's elimination of Qin Dong sounded, and this wave of crazy killings came to an end.

After eliminating more than 20 hero flags in a row, Lin Zhen's hero flag has reached level four and six stars!

And his total ranking points, even reached the top 50 in one fell swoop!

In the current overall ranking, Lin Zhen has reached 45th place!

The rankings of these hero flags are not too high, and the highest Yuan Kui has just entered the top 100. It is very difficult for Lin Zhen to enter the top 50 in one fell swoop.

"There are currently three hero flags in this 39th theater. One of them is in the nearby tower, and the other two are in the teleportation array. The two of the teleportation array should have come with Ke Xiangdong and the others. Packed up together."

Lin really was about to take a step forward, when suddenly two more news popped up in the dimension universe.

"Yang Guang, the owner of the No. 9 Hero Banner in Area 61 of the Eastern Continent, was eliminated by Qiu Shuihan, the owner of the No. 1 Banner of Heroes in Area 10 of the Eastern Continent! Hereby!

"Li Bing, the owner of the No. 10 Hero Banner in Area 90 of the Eastern Continent, was eliminated by Zhao Qingshan, the owner of the No. 1 Hero Banner, Area 22, in the Eastern Continent! Hereby!"

Then Lin Zhen saw on the map that the previous two hero flags had been destroyed, and then four hero flags appeared instead, and the hero flag on the tower soon came to them.

"The people who eliminated the two hero banners are all the owners of the No. 1 banner in their area, and they are all real powerhouses. They are definitely not comparable to Ke Xiangdong's group of middle and lower-level hero banners. I don't know who they are?"

Lin Zhen quickly inquired the ranking list, and quickly found the clues.

Autumn is cold! Ranked 41st in the overall rankings, the No. 10 war zone in the Eastern Continent, a secret warrior!

Zhao Qingshan, ranked 56th in the overall ranking, 22 war zones in the Eastern Continent, a secret warrior.

These two people are secret doors, so Lin Zhen can almost think of who the other three hero banners are.

The person on the tower must be Ye Changtian, the owner of the No. 1 Hero Banner in the 39th War Zone, ranking 61 in the overall ranking, and also a secret warrior.

There is also a man named Chen Fengxiao, the owner of the No. 1 Hero Banner of the 71st Theater in the Eastern Continent, ranking 28th in the overall list.

Chen Fengxiao, Ye Changtian, Zhao Qingshan, and Qiu Shuihan also have a collective name called the Four Gods of the Secret Door.

As for their leader, he is currently ranked fourth in the overall ranking, and the Holy Word of the Young Master of the Secret Door.

"Unexpectedly, the young master of the secret door came with his four gods, this time it is a bit dangerous."

Lin Zhen just finished transforming the Black Hole Beast. This transformation is not unlimited and requires a lot of energy. Therefore, facing the people in the secret door, he can only use his current star power to contend.

However, at this moment, Lin Zhen’s 14 million star power is really not afraid of anyone. First, he took a healing pill, and coupled with its strong resilience, the sword injury behind him was nothing. He waited in place. The doorman's arrival.

After a while, the secret group of five arrived.

Chen Fengxiao is a gray-haired old man with a serious face and no anger.

Ye Changtian is a middle-aged man, with a gloomy face and a bit penetrating eyes.

Zhao Qingshan is a brawny man, really as his name suggests, with double hammers on his back, as unshakable as a mountain.

Qiu Shuihan is a flower letter young woman with a long sword on her back. She is very popular throughout and is quite a fan of female heroes.

But the light of the four of them was concealed by the central word.

Shengyan is a handsome guy full of sunshine, tall and handsome, his whole person seems to exude the brilliance of the sun, dazzling and dazzling.

The top four of the entire God Punishment Star, such strength makes people a little scary.

Even if Lin Zhen's star power is now 14 million, he still feels that he can't take advantage of the Holy Word.

After all, the opponent is the top realm king of the Metaverse, which is not comparable to ordinary people. Lin Zhen is a big difference from the opponent, and being able to achieve this level is already very remarkable.

The Holy Word came to Lin Zhen, and first showed a smile.

"This is really beyond my expectation, Lin Zhen, you are amazing."

"Young Master Holy Word praised, and you are also amazing."

"No, no, no! I didn't compliment, I just seek truth from facts. Anyone who knows me knows that I never lie or speak big words. When I was in your state, I was far behind you.

Lin Zhen had no interface, and wanted to hear what else the Holy Word had to say.

Sure enough, the words of the Holy Word changed: "However, you can only stop here. Since you have reached the top fifty of the stars of God's Punishment, it is worth my move to harvest your life, but I can give you One suggestion is that you behave well and don't move, let me pat it lightly and it will end up for you. This will save you a lot of pain."

Hearing this, Lin Zhen laughed: "It seems that you are still very kind, but I am a person who is always hard and soft. Either you defeat me or I defeat you. There is no third way to go."

"Haha! I know you would say that, but I still have to insist on explaining my point of view, because it represents a kind of compassion. Seriously, I don't really like fighting, especially this kind of unsuspecting fight. "

After speaking, the holy words took a step back: "The four of you, although the children in front of you are not very old, but your hands are hard enough, you must not capsize in the gutter."

The secret door four gods nodded, ready to take action.

But Lin Zhen didn't want to give them such a chance. The time for his divine power pill and star power to transfer was over ten minutes, and he didn't want to waste time on meaningless battles.

Before the period of weakness, he must resolve the battle here, and at least find a relatively safe place to stay.

So when the secret gate four gods were about to do it, Lin Zhen broke out first!

This time, Lin Zhen decided to go all out!

The Qixing Knife rose into the sky at the same time, and attacked from all directions, not only attacking the four secret gate gods, but also bringing the holy words into the attack range!

Various energy elements rushed in the air, and no one dared to underestimate Lin Zhen's current Seven Star Sword.

The phantom light sword is on the left and right, the yin and yang spear is taken out in the right hand, and the Taiyuan sword and the shaking mountain spear are simultaneously used to directly attack the four gods!

Time accelerates! Time accelerates!

Sometimes a space slash was waved, and a satellite fell from time to time, Lin Zhen alone fought the four gods alone!

Lin Zhen didn't let go of the holy words over there. This person is super strong, and Lin Zhen is not sure to defeat him, but Lin Zhen has a **** infant!

The God Infant of the Holy Word should have reached the Dark Gold level, but Lin Zhen’s God Infant is armed with a gun. No matter how strong the Holy Word is, he must be careful to deal with it, otherwise it is very likely that the God Infant will be defeated and be eliminated. The end!

The star power exploded throughout the body, the dark clouds in the sky rolled, and a whirlwind blew on the ground. In the 39th district, under Lin Zhen's full burst, it was instantly like **** on earth!

The strength of the secret gate four gods is indeed strong enough, advancing and retreating in a degree, and recruiting and killing lives, but facing Lin Zhen, they can't take advantage!

The five-member group of the secret door, plus Lin Zhen's six people, launched a fierce fight in the sky and underground!

Rumble~~! !

The earthquake trembled, the building collapsed, and the surrounding warriors ran and fled. No one dared to watch the excitement here anymore.

"I wipe it! This kid is crazy!"

"If we go on like this, even if we win, we will be laughed out of!"

The eyes of the few people in the secret gate were red, the surrounding elements were surging, flying knives surrounded, and there was Lin Zhen’s frantic fighting on the front. Although they firmly believed that they were the ones who won the battle to the end, but the four of them plus the holy It was said that the five people couldn't take Lin Zhen for a while, and this alone made them lose face.

Several people went crazy, got beaten up and stood up again, knocked down and rolled around a few times before getting up and fighting.

The four gods are like this, so is Lin Zhen!

The Holy Words pressed his lips tightly and his face turned blue. Lin Zhen's god-baby was too difficult to deal with. With a colorful element spear in his hand, his god-baby was a little unstoppable, if not for his spiritual strength. Support, I'm afraid I will really suffer today.

But as long as the four gods hold on for a while, he will be able to destroy Lin Zhen's God Infant, and then Lin Zhen will be finished!

But the people in the dimensional universe didn't think so. What they saw was that Lin Zhen fought **** like a god, with his left hand gun and right hand sword, and his wind-like attacks had the upper hand!

What about the four gods, when everyone faced Lin Zhen alone, they weren't being crushed and beaten!

What about the holy words, facing Lin Zhen's flying sword and the **** infant attack, it is not impossible to get out of it!

If this goes on, maybe Lin Zhen will really win!

If Lin Zhen wins, it will be the biggest dark horse and the biggest miracle of God's Punishment Star!

All the Nanliang people, at this moment, tightly squeezed their fists, pursed their lips, their eyes never blinked, and they said nothing!

They didn't even dare to breathe. The tense battle scene held everyone's heart tightly. They were afraid that if they breathed a little bit, this scene would collapse and Lin Zhen would fail!

"Lin Zhen, we must create miracles!"

Ning Qingxuan stood in front of the screen, her eyes twinkling.

Liang Zhihuan stood in front of the screen, his face pale.

The battle scene as if the sky was torn apart lasted for three minutes!

The five members of the secret gate battled Lin Zhen. In these three minutes, the entire Metaverse had known this super warrior from Nanliang, and even the person named the first domain king, Lin Zhen!

Even if Lin Zhen lost in this battle, he would have won! 10