Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 695: Come to fight!

Three consecutive reminders of the dimensional universe silenced the entire planet of punishment.

"It's him again..." Qin Jianfeng stopped the sword.

"A funny kid." Boston looked east.

"Lin Zhen, my love! Good job!" A touch of tenderness flashed in Feng Qingluan's beautiful eyes.

"It's Lin Zhen again, it seems that I should find a chance to clean up him." Jun Mo also stopped.

Lin Zhen succeeded in one move, without stopping at all, leaning forward and quickly rushing straight to this group of hero flag owners!

"What a crazy kid!"

"Everyone is on alert! This kid is taking medicine, and the star power is outrageous now!"

"Disperse, don't head-on!"

These hero flags were not given in vain, and they scattered with a bang, preparing to attack Lin Zhen from all directions.

But they still underestimated Lin Zhen's speed. With one sword, Xie Wenqi, Lin Zhen rushed to the front of the crowd almost instantly. The two hero flags still had no time to dodge, and Lin Zhen quickly got close, bowing left and right with the magic light sword in his hand!

Taishi! Too empty!

The two swords were slashed in succession, spurred by the 14 million star power, these two swords exerted great power.

The original strength of these two hero banners was a little bit weaker, and Lin Zhen caught up with them, and there was no resistance at all, so they were killed and eliminated on the spot!

After killing the two, Lin Zhen didn't even stop, and staggered past, facing a warrior who was flying out, before he had time to turn around, he sent out a continuous flash of sword energy.

"Puff puff puff~!"

Several sword auras erupted, and this warrior was shot down in the air. Lin Zhen raised his hand, and a golden seven-star knife slashed through his throat, and another one came out.

At this time, a warrior who was closest to Lin Zhen suddenly turned around and stab Lin Zhen with a carbine.

"Just because you deserve to play a gun in front of me!"

Lin Zhen waved his sword and the satellite fell!

Xingli head-to-head, without any fancy, this warrior only felt a surge of force, his whole person seemed to be hit by a meteor, and he died on the spot!

Huhuhuhu~~! !

A swarm of attacks smashed over, and Lin Zhen's body moved spookyly, and time suddenly accelerated and decelerated. He shuttled through countless attacks, and suddenly came to a warrior.

This warrior brandished a long knife and slashed towards Lin Zhen. Lin Zhenyi leaned over and suddenly slipped down from his armpit, and instantly came to another warrior, waving the sword with one hand, Taiyuan came again!


There is no one to stop the sword of the thunderbolt in the blue sky, and another hero's flag is killed by the sword.

The warrior who had been missed by Lin Zhen roared and turned around, but Lin Zhen turned around at a faster speed than him, and the two of them instantly formed a close face-to-face.

Spiritual evil spirit shock!

The spirit power rushed into the opponent's mind, this hero flag also made resistance, but under the spiritual power of Lin Zhen's golden peak, it was not worth mentioning, it was instantly crushed and scattered, and the whole human brain died!

Huh huh ~~! !

Continuous attacks came like raindrops, Lin Zhen suddenly jumped up and avoided attacks from three or four people in a row. With the help of mental power to control the shield to draw an arc, he saw that the positions of these warriors were just right. Baby out of the body!

The **** infant wielded a spear like a bullet passing through a row of wooden boards, passing through the minds of three hero flags in succession!

The Golden God Infant ignores physical attacks and physical defenses, and all the opponent's resistance is in vain. Even if he has the God Infant, it is difficult to stop Lin Zhen's Infant from shooting!

After a few consecutive muffled hums, the three hero flags fell to the ground one after another and died on the spot!


The entire dimensional universe is crazy!

Because at this moment the news starts to jump out one by one!

"Chen Zhihuan, the owner of the No. 6 Hero Banner in Area 77 of the Eastern Continent, was eliminated by Lin Zhen, the owner of the No. 3 Hero Banner in Area 68 of the Eastern Continent! Hereby!"

"Zhang Fei, the owner of the No. 5 Hero Banner in Area 12, Eastern Continent, was eliminated by Lin Zhen, the owner of the No. 3 Hero Banner in Area 68, Eastern Continent! Hereby!"

"Dongmenqing, the owner of the No. 10 Hero Banner in Area 35 of the Eastern Continent, was eliminated by Lin Zhen, the owner of the No. 3 Hero Banner in Area 68 of the Eastern Continent! Hereby!"

"Eastern Continent..."

With more than a dozen messages in a row, Lin Zhen has already killed twelve hero flags in such a short instant!

Especially the people in Nanliang, it is like watching a blockbuster action movie. They watched from Lin Zhen's perspective, and they can clearly see the tragic deaths and elimination of heroes and warriors! The picture of blood flying!

The scene is simply not too shocking!

"Oh oh oh oh oh! Lin Zhen, super god!"

"Handsome! I'm going to fucking! Lin Zhen, even if you put a green hat on the emperor, I will forgive you today!"

"Just do it! Just kill! Boss Lin Zhen, you are my idol!"

"Who would dare to say that our Nanliang is a low-level country, and who would dare to say that we have no one in Nanliang? Look at who this is, this is Lin Zhen! This is a special Lin Zhen! Lin Zhen is invincible in the world!"

"The domain king! I admit that you are the number one domain king in the world, and any realm king is scumbag in front of you!"

Not only people in Nanliang can watch, but you must know that these dead hero flags also come from various countries, and there are people in their countries who support them and watch their battles.

But the martial artist they supported was killed by Lin Zhen like a chicken. They were angry and annoyed, but at the same time they had to admire Lin Zhen's super strength.

A hero flag of the domain king level can actually be invincible in front of a group of hero flags of the world king. This alone is worthy of admiration by all warriors.

What's more, people from Nanliang spread the battle video to the dimensional universe over and over again, which caused an uproar for a while.

Liang Zhihuan, as the emperor of Nanliang, received countless messages of congratulations at this moment.

Without exception, these messages are all congratulations on Nanliang who has produced a super power. If Lin Zhen is promoted to the world king, it will definitely be amazing!

Regarding these information, Liang Zhihuan could not say anything to refute except for a bitter smile.

"Lin Zhen..... If you are really an obedient subject, how good would it be, but unfortunately, you just seduce my wife. Based on this, no matter how strong you are, I won't tolerate you!"


Ke Xiangdong found a total of 23 hero flags, but within a minute of fighting Lin Zhen, he actually lost twelve!

Twelve heroes and warriors, everyone is a star, and they were slaughtered by Lin Zhen in less than a minute. This made Lin Zhen's God Punishment Star ranking soar to 102!

And Lin Zhen's chest has become a second-level three-star hero flag!

This was not here to torture Lin Zhen, but to give Lin Zhen away.

Seeing that Lin Zhen would continue to hunt down, fortunately, at this time, Qin Dong and Yuan Kui both shot!

As the strongest among the twenty-odd people, Qin Dong and Yuan Kui originally wanted to be steady before playing again, but they didn’t expect Lin Zhen to be so vigorous that they would cut melons and vegetables here like the flag of killing heroes. All panicked.

The two of them could no longer behave like a master, and immediately rushed out of the crowd and rushed towards Lin Zhen!

The weapon in Qin Dong's hand was a double sword, and the weapon in Yuan Kui's hand was a golden long stick, and the two men killed one by one.

Lin Zhen stepped on the plum blossom pile, swinging the phantom light sword in his hand, too empty!

A sword light hit Yuan Kui directly!

Yuan Kui roared: "Lin Zhen, kid, don't show off your grandfather's tricks, grandpa is not just the rubbish!"

The golden long stick in his hand turned around fiercely and collided with Lin Zhen's sword!

Lin Zhen's body shook, although he didn't back up, but his arms were slightly numb!

"This Yuan Kui has a lot of strength. Among the super galaxy beasts, if you simply pay attention to the talent of hand-to-hand combat, the violent ape is definitely the strong one, and this Yuan Kui is the strong one among the violent apes. It is really not good. withstand!"

Lin really wanted to use spiritual power, and Qin Dong's double swords had already attacked like a ghost.

The opponent's speed is surprisingly fast!

Lin Zhen turned around and fought a series of long swords. The two played fast, and the fierce collision was like firecrackers.

After Yuan Kui's long stick attacked again, Lin Zhen could only be distracted, with a phantom light sword against two!

Both of them fought against Lin Zhen, both of them used the strength of milking, and absolutely did not give Lin Zhen a chance to breathe and adjust, but they couldn't take Lin Zhen, and even some were at a disadvantage!

There is no other reason, Lin Zhen's star power is too strong, 14 million, if it is alone, the two of them are dead!

"Give me all!"

Ke Xiangdong saw this scene and knew that if he couldn't take Lin Zhen now, he would never be able to take it. With a roar, the nine hero flags behind him, including him, immediately swarmed!

Looking at the group of people in front of him, Lin Zhen gritted his teeth fiercely. Good job! Exactly!

With a sword in his hand to block Yuan Kui's attack, Lin Zhen sold a flaw, letting Qin Dong's two swords stabbed behind him, his arms were pierced, and his armor turned!

"Puff puff~!!!"

The two long swords went straight into the body, but Lin Zhenkai's body was extremely tough after being transformed, and the two swords were not fatal.

Black hole beast transformed!

Qin Dong's body was taken up by Lin Zhen at once, and he crawled onto the back of the huge black hole beast.

The clothes on his body were violent, Lin Zhen yelled up to the sky, and in front of him were Yuan Kui, who was waving the long stick, and all the hero flags including Ke Xiangdong.

"Besiege Lao Tzu! Are you conscious of death?"


A loud roar made the earth tremble, and the warriors in the 39th district of the Eastern Continent who were watching in the distance fled in embarrassment, but Yuan Kui and Ke Xiangdong and others could not escape. They had only that huge black hole in front of them!

A black hole with 14 million star power A star power of less than 28 million cannot be resisted!

Including Yuan Kui and Ke Xiangdong, they did not have the slightest resistance. They screamed and fell into the black hole. When they were about to be decomposed into components, they were wrapped in blue light and eliminated.

Being swallowed by a black hole, directly judged to die!

Lin Zhen swallowed ten hero flags in one bite, ignoring the series of dimensional universe prompts, shaking his body directly, and shook Qin Dong off his back.

"Don't kill me! My father is the elder Qin of the Fire Qilin clan!" Qin Dong was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Lin Zhen to be so strong and immediately raised his hand to surrender.

"Elder Qin... That's right! Go back and say hello to your father, and say that Lin Zhen trampled you to death!"

Lin Zhen thought of Elder Qin, who had trapped him for 700 years, and felt angry. If it weren't for the mirrored space, he would probably be promoted to longevity today.

Apart from anything else, he lifted the huge soles of his feet and stomped Qin Dong directly into the mud with a bang! 10