Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 691: Win the first hero flag!

When Lin Zhen met Liang Chen, there was silence on the Nanliang Forum.

To be honest, if Lin Zhen was not born this time, Liang Chen's results would be pretty good.

He is also ranked in the top 100 in the Eastern Continent's 39th theater. If he is not eliminated later, he is also hopeful of gaining a spirit of transformation.

Even Liang Chen made another breakthrough in the Star of God's Punishment and became the third-level domain king.

This cultivation speed is already very fast, his star power is also close to three million, and he is definitely a genius among geniuses in the domain king.

But compared with Lin Zhen, it was not enough.

What's more, in folklore, Lin Zhen and Liang Chen had some feasts. People in other countries may not know this, but it is rumored to have a nose and eye on the Nanliang forum.

Especially just now, an article appeared suddenly.

The content of the article is called: "Hero or scum? On Lin Zhen's character, the first character of Nanliang Hero Banner."

Obviously, this article was made by someone with a heart. Not only is it automatically placed on the top of the forum after it appears, but the content is also extremely detailed.

The approximate meaning is that Lin Zhen is a warrior who came from the New Territories. Since arriving in the Metaverse, he has acted shamelessly, exhausted his organs, harmed people, and committed many evils.

The person who posted did not list all the evidence at once, but only sent one first.

The first one is the matter between Lin Zhen and Liang Chen.

Lin Zhenli was superb, but he deliberately showed weakness and tricked the current prince Liang Chen to challenge his ring again and again, causing the prince to lose in debt. It is said that the prince Ning Qingxuan also lost 30 billion because of this!

The evidence is sufficient, and there are even Ning Qingxuan's transfer records to Liang Chen, as well as Liang Chen's challenge records. After they sorted out, it was obvious that Lin Zhen tricked Liang Chen into losing money.

This piece of news confirmed the folk legend that Lin Zhen and Liang Chen really had an enmity!

And now that Lin Zhen met Liang Chen at the Star of God's Punishment, he would definitely knock Liang Chen out without hesitation.

Someone left a message at that time: "If Lin Zhen eliminates Liang Chen, it means that this person's disposition is extremely despicable. Liang Chen is the prince of the court and the pride of our Nanliang people. Moreover, his strength does not affect Lin Zhen at all. If Lin Zhen does something to him, even if he gets the best results, I won't admire him!"

"Yes! I'm upstairs, Lin Zhen, there are countless opponents of the Star of Punishment, are you really going to attack Liang Chen?"

"It's upstairs!"

"Stop BB, just look at the situation, maybe Lin Zhen won't do it."

"No matter whether he does it or not, I can't forgive him for the princess he harmed the princess lose money, woooo~~! My goddess is so pitiful.

Although there are many people discussing, more people still focus on Lin Zhen, wanting to see what choice he makes.

Lin Zhen didn't expect Liang Chen to be the first person he met in District 39.

With a long sword in his hand, this kid is rushing in one direction, and that direction should be the teleportation array in the center of the city.

When Lin Zhen appeared, Liang Chen almost hit Lin Zhen with his head.

An abrupt brake stopped. Liang Chen saw Lin Zhen and almost dropped his chin.

"Lin...Lin Zhen!"

Lin Zhen frowned slightly when he saw Liang Chen. If he did it before, there was nothing to worry about, but Ning Qingxuan asked him to take good care of Liang Chen. Of course Lin Zhen didn't want to do it to him.

Besides, for Liang Chen, Lin Zhen still feels a little bit guilty in his heart, but his own ring has pitted this kid.

Moreover, Lin Zhen now looks at Liang Chen's mentality, he really feels a little bit of a younger generation, Xuan'er's adopted son.

"What are you running in a hurry? You don't have to work so hard to go to other war zones."

When Liang Chen saw Lin Zhen, his eyes couldn't help but breathe out fire: "Lin Zhen! Why did you **** come here? Did you come here to kill me? I knew that your kid didn't have a good heart. You said you got it now. After such a good ranking, I actually came all the way to deal with me, really using your little master as a soft persimmon? I fought with you today!"

After speaking, Liang Chen viciously rushed towards Lin Zhen, attacking quickly with a long sword in his hand.

Lin Zhenyi frowned, Liang Chen's current star power is not weak, it has exceeded two million, but of course it is nothing in front of his seven million star power.

If the power gap is too large, there is a lot of suppressing power, not to mention that Lin Zhen still has many methods.

Directly slow down for a time, making Liang Chen's movements as slow as a snail.

Lin Zhenfei kicked him on his **** and kicked Liang Chen directly into a big horse party: "You still want to do it with me now. Do you think you have the qualifications?"

Liang Chen's fall was extremely ugly, and he ate a mouthful of dirt, but he still jumped up and down: "I will fight with you..."


Lin Zhen passed by like lightning and kicked Liang Chen to the ground again, "You better be honest with me!"

Unexpectedly, Liang Chen appeared on the ground with a look of enlightenment: "Okay, Lin Zhen, I see, you want to abuse me, tell you not to succeed, I won't give you this opportunity when I die, and when I go out , I will tell my mother, let my mother give me revenge!"

"Tell your mother.... Do you think I want to abuse you?" Lin Zhen's face was a little uncertain, this kid seemed to have a pit in his head.

"You don't want to succeed, anyway, I am now blocked by you, and there is a hero flag behind to chase me down. I can't live, even if I die, I will throw your nose!"

With that said, Liang Chen seemed to really want to throw Lin Zhen's snot, Lin Zhen looked nauseous, and kicked the kid far away again.

This kick strengthened Liang Chen's determination that Lin Zhen would torture him, and put on a posture of seeing death as his home, with a tragic face.

But I didn't expect that Lin Zhen didn't pay attention to him at all, but turned to face the direction Liang Chen ran from.

Now that you don't get points for killing the same battle zone, there is a hero flag to kill him, then there is no doubt that there is an enemy.

Since they met, Lin Zhen couldn't ignore it.

Sure enough, a figure came over there quickly.

This person is also a spiritual teacher, with a flying sword under his feet, and the speed is very fast, and a stream of light flies over.

When he was approaching, Lin Zhen saw his chest.

East 39, a red hero flag.

Although I don't know where this person ranks in the 39th war zone, it doesn't matter. Since I met him, Lin Zhen couldn't keep his hands.

After three steps and two steps, Lin Zhen quickly greeted him.

This hero banner originally chased Liang Chen, but when he saw Lin Zhen, his eyes lit up.

"Ahahaha! I didn't expect that there is a Hero Banner intruder here, which is really great, but you haven't even dealt with Liang Chen's trash now, and you dare to challenge me. Sure enough, Area 68 is a rubbish. District, go to hell!"

With a thought of this warrior, three flying knives attacked first.

Lin Zhen snorted coldly, turned on time acceleration, and rushed to the spiritual teacher almost instantly.

The magic light sword in his hand appeared, Taiyuan!

There is no need to use mental power, and no other assistance is needed. Time acceleration plus Taiyuan sword technique is already extremely powerful!

An electric light tore through the sky, and a long space crack appeared in Area 39. The sky cracked like the earth, and this hero banner was the first!


The body of the spiritual teacher continued to fly forward for a while, and then a blood line soared, and then the blue light rose, and the person who wrapped him left the star of punishment.

After Yijian killed this spiritual teacher, Lin Zhen's points jumped again, from more than 1,700 to more than 1,600.

"It's just a normal hero flag, not enough points!"

At the same time, a message was broadcast in the dimensional universe.

"In the Eastern Continent 39th theater, Lin Erhu, the owner of the No. 9 Hero Banner, was killed by Lin Zhen, the No. 3 heroic banner owner from the Eastern Continent 68 Theater!"

"Congratulations to Lin Zhen for becoming the first warrior of the Star of Punishment to kill the Hero Banner. After the Star of Punishment is over, he will receive a separate reward."

This message was broadcast three times in a row, and Lin Zhen was shocked.

This is the number one!

It was a bit lucky to say that he was located in the swimming pool, first left by the teleportation array, and when he came here, he met Liang Chen, but this hero flag chased Liang Chen and he met him.

There is a lot of luck in this matter, and Lin Zhen is also very happy, which shows that God still favors him, and Liang Chen is also pleasing to the eye a lot.

Lin Zhen’s play just ended, and the second play came: "Qiu Yueshan, the owner of the 1st Hero Banner of the 19th Theater in the Western Continent, was killed by Qin Jianfeng, the owner of the 1st Hero Banner from the 6th Theater of the Western Continent!"

The message was only played once and it was over. It can be seen that except for Lin Zhen's first kill, all the others were repeated.

But the actual gold content, Lin Zhen couldn't compare with Qin Jianfeng. He killed No.1 in the past, and he killed a No.9 along the way. The difference was too far.

"I took Qin Jianfeng the first place, maybe this guy will hate me for that."

Then there was news that the third person killed was Boston.

The fourth person to be killed was actually Feng Qingluan, which made Lin Zhen really happy. Did Little Phoenix respond to himself in this way?

The fifth person to kill was Jun Mo, who Lin Zhen knew was the young patriarch of the Phoenix clan.

Then came a series of news hero flag was eliminated constantly.

Even the guy Qin Jianfeng quickly killed the second banner of heroes, demonstrating his powerful strength.

Lin Zhen watched for a while, then suddenly turned around and kicked Liang Chen somersault again with a kick: "You have been sneaky and endless? Tell you stinky boy, if you do these little moves, I will really I abused you."

Liang Chen couldn't see the enemy, and immediately repeated the same tricks: "Lin Zhen, you dare to do this to me, I want to tell my mother!"

Lin Zhen walked to Liang Chen's side and knelt down and looked into his eyes and said, "Why didn't you tell your father? Isn't your father the emperor?"

"Uh... they are a husband and wife, is there any difference?" Liang Chen felt that Lin Zhen couldn't grasp the point of his words. Could he not tell that he was threatening him?

Lin Zhen showed a smile that puzzled the entire Nanliang people: "Then if one day your father and your mother divorce, who would you choose to tell? Huh...?"

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