Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 690: The border is open!

After Lin Zhen beheaded Luo Fei with a sword, his points jumped up.

He was already ranked fourth, even if the points did not increase, he is now in the top three.

But Lin Zhen didn't stop, his figure flickered, and he went straight to the tens of thousands of people and rushed over!

"Lin Zhen, you are so crazy! The time is coming, isn't it okay to advance together?"

"Haha! The opening of the border is not the end, and there will be points ranking afterwards, can I see that the points are not taken?"

Cang~~! !

Cut it down with a single sword, and the tens of thousands of people slugged back. When Lin Zhen used the Taiyuan sword technique, even if he took the medicine, he couldn't resist it.

"Lin Zhen, it would be a shame if there are fewer masters in our district after the border is opened!"

The tens of thousands of people screamed loudly, but Lin Zhen turned a deaf ear and waved his sword again.

"Lin Zhen stop!"

Chen Tianpeng shot again over there, a dozen long swords rolled, forming a mad dragon, greeted Lin Zhen's sword head-on!

The two sword lights met in the air. Chen Tianpeng’s long sword was beaten everywhere, but the massacre saved his life. There was a faint blood mark on his chest. If Chen Tianpeng hadn’t saved him, he would have died at the moment. .

By the time Lin Zhen was about to make another move, Chen Tianpeng had already volleyed up with Ten Thousand Thousands of People and drew back.

"Lin Zhen, I'm not afraid of you! But the border is about to open. We don't have to fight to the end. It's enough for you to get third!"

The countdown to the opening of the border was less than five seconds, and Lin Zhen finally closed his sword.

There is not enough time to continue chasing and killing Chen Tianpeng, and since they got the top three, there is no need to kill them all.


In the Nanliang Palace, the glass in Liang Zhihuan's hand was crushed to pieces by him!


It's all over!

He never dreamed that Lin Zhen actually killed the second ranked Luo Fei at the last moment and entered the top three strongly. As long as he did not die, no one could catch up with him.

Winning the top three at this time means that he has entered a hundred thousand.

The National Transmission Array is free, and the medicinal material library is open at half price to let Lin Zhen purchase it.

None of this made him the most bloody, and what made him most uncomfortable was the proud smile on Ning Qingxuan's face.

The sweetheart cheers for others, which makes the emperor's heart furious!

"Xuan'er, don't think that even if you win this way, with your Ning Qingxuan's personality, if you can only choose a man who has won the top 100,000 in the star of God's Punishment, then I really want to say that you have too much vision. Worse!"

"The Star of God's Punishment is not over yet." Ning Qingxuan said lightly.

"Okay! Then let's see who can have the last laugh? It's nothing more than some medicinal materials and money. I actually didn't see it at all, but I was upset for Lin Zhen. Since you like that kid, I don't mean it. Make him feel better!"

With a flick of his robe sleeves, Liang Zhihuan got up and left. Now that it was for this purpose, he didn't want Lin really to get along.

"Shi Xiaomao, come over to me, immediately contact the warrior of the Kanon tribe, prepare to kill Lin Zhen, and collect all the information about Lin Zhen for me, just in case, if it really can't stop him, I will also get him involved. smelly!"

Shi Xiaomao immediately agreed, and when he started contacting, he was also collecting information about Lin Zhen.

There are not many clean under Wu Zhe's buttocks, and Shi Xiaomao believes that Lin Zhen is no exception.

Soon, various information about Lin Zhen was sent to Liang Zhihuan.

When Liang Zhihuan saw the wanted order about Lin Zhen, his heart burst into joy.

Unexpectedly, there is still this thing, maybe one day it can come in handy.


Above the star of God's Punishment, a white light swept the entire planet!

Everyone's body was wrapped in this white light, and all the previous pain and fatigue disappeared at this moment.

A voice rang out in the ears of everyone who was still alive.

"The border is open. From now on, there will be an extra teleportation array in the center of each city. The user can use the teleportation array to travel to other theaters or other continents. Teleportation to other theaters costs one-tenth of the points, and teleportation to other continents costs half. integral."

"Killing personnel in this theater will no longer earn points. Killing personnel in other theaters will get half of the opponent's points, and killing other mainland personnel will get all the opponent's points."

"Go out, warriors, glory and rewards await you!"

When the news sounded, Lin Zhen and Chen Tianpeng, who were still arrogant, were immediately shocked.

You won't score any points for killing this battle zone!

At this time, their chests flashed, and each of them had more patterns on their breastplates.

East 68!

East is the Eastern Continent, 68 is the name of the war zone, and there is an extra red flag on Lin Zhen's bodies.

This flag is called the Hero Flag, which represents the top ten in this district.

Whenever a hero flag owner is killed and eliminated, the entire dimensional universe will be automatically played. This is also an honor and a famous way.

Four continents, four hundred theaters, ten people in each theater, a total of four thousand hero flag owners.

And after the hero flag owner is eliminated, there will be no new substitutes to follow up to obtain the flag, killing one and one less.

After eliminating a hero flag, if the killer has a flag, then his flag will be added a star.

If the victim already has two stars, then the murderer also adds two stars.

The seven-star banner can be upgraded. Now everyone is the first-level banner, and the highest level can be upgraded to ten-star ten-star.

This banner was not given for nothing. When the Star of Punishment is over, these flags can be exchanged for rewards in the final stage of Star of Punishment. The prizes are extremely rich. Now everyone can see the list of prizes in the dimensional universe.

And in the dimensional universe, the general rankings finally appeared.

At present, Qin Jianfeng from the Western Continent ranks first in the entire Star of Punishment.

Boston, the southern continent, ranks 2.

Latimo, the northern continent, ranked 3.

Holy Word, Western Continent, ranked 4.


Jun Mo, the Eastern Continent, ranked 25th.


Chen Tianpeng, Eastern Mainland, ranked 532.

Thousands of people slaughtered, the Eastern Continent, ranked 1215.

Lin Zhen, the Eastern Continent, ranked 1530.

Among the string of names, Lin Zhen saw a name that made him feel excited.

Feng Qingluan, Southern Mainland, ranked 118!

"Little Phoenix! Qingluan actually participated in this battle of the Star of God's Punishment, and she was also ranked at 118, which is really amazing! I will enter the Dongyang Island in a while, I don't know if I can meet her there."

At this time, Chen Tianpeng walked over with 10,000 people.

"Lin Zhen, I think our battle can come to an end."

Now that he won't score points in killing the same battle zone, Lin Zhen didn't want to continue fighting with them, and simply nodded: "Of course, I don't want to fight meaningless battles."

"Okay, but I guess you are not willing to cooperate with us. We decided to go to other theaters to see. It would be better to kill a few hero flag owners. Lin Zhen, you can also take a look. If there are any enemies nearby In the war zone, you can also go to him to take revenge. It would be nice to knock him out."

Lin Zhen nodded, he had actually targeted a target.

Ke Xiangnan, the fire unicorn family, is also in the Eastern Continent, currently in the 39th war zone, ranking more than 160,000 on the overall list.

The ranking of more than 160,000 is actually not too low. The most important thing is that this person Lin Zhen wants to teach him a lesson.

Now every hero flag owner has a map, which can clearly mark the location of other hero flag warriors.

This is for the convenience of fighting. The Star of God's Punishment is so cruel. The gods try their best to let the masters fight each other. Only the truly strong have the final chance to temper the divine body.

The teleportation array is in the city center, in fact, behind the swimming pool, here is the city center.

Some warriors have decided to go to other war zones, and many people come to the teleportation array to prepare to set off.

But their speed was not as fast as Lin Zhen's. Because of the short distance, Lin Zhen came to the teleportation formation for the first time. Standing on this huge teleportation formation, a row of numbers appeared in the dimensional universe.

Lin Zhen directly clicked the 39th battle zone, a white light flashed on his body, and he lost a tenth of his points.

His ranking dropped from 1530 to 1719.

But the next moment, he appeared in another war zone.

The change in the points rules symbolizes that the battle of the Star of Punishment has entered a brand new stage.

There is no doubt that this time the elimination speed will be accelerated. Now the number of God Punishment Stars is less than one billion. After the melee, a large number of warriors will definitely be eliminated on the first day.

And people are more concerned about those warriors with hero flags.

Ten heroes in each battle zone, these people are all focused on.

It can be said that they all enjoy great prestige and popularity in their own country. Everyone hopes that their own heroes can eliminate warriors from other countries, and they don't want to be eliminated.

Waves of cheering and cheering sounded on the Internet, and people cheered for the heroes of their country.

In Nanliang, this situation is unprecedented.

Because Nanliang, a country that is not ranked at all in the entire Metaverse, actually has a hero flag owner.

In particular, Lin Zhen still won the top three in the small battle zone, and had already locked a spirit of transformation in advance, which was a success for the people of Nanliang.

And now there is another feature, that is, the situation of the owner of the hero flag of the country will be automatically broadcast in front of the people across the country, except for the practice of the personal privacy of the warrior, all other situations are broadcast!

And the warrior himself didn't know this situation. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

This is supposed to be the evil taste of the gods. It's a spoof of these heroes, but it has been strongly welcomed by the people.

Not only can you see their heroic warriors fighting, but you can also see some privacy and hear some gossip!

At this moment, almost everyone in Nanliang focused on Lin Zhen.

So Lin Zhen teleported the situation to the 39th theater, and almost everyone saw it.

"Come on Lin Zhen! Strive to be the first to kill the owner of the hero banner!" Almost everyone shouted like this.

Soon, they saw a person appearing in Lin Zhen's vision.

This person does not have a hero flag, but he is actually an acquaintance of the people of Nanliang, the current prince Liang Chen!

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