Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 686: Sorry to lose!

Two butcher knives attacked from side to side. Ten thousand people were not killing the enemy. He wanted Lin Zhen to retreat. As long as he escaped this shot, he was confident that he would be able to fight back and win.

But Lin Zhen didn't move at all, the seven-star knives circled out and turned into seven flashes, repeatedly attacking the opponent's two butcher knives.

A series of metal collision sounds exploded in the air, and the two butcher knives killed by thousands of people could not enter Lin Zhen's body.

However, Lin Zhen's spear still dashed forward firmly, his star power was bulging, his hair was flying, and the veins on his forehead began to violently.

Thousands of people saw that the butcher knife couldn't make merits. At this time, he didn't dare to say anything about killing Lin Zhen in 20 seconds. It was a blessing to be able to guarantee that Lin Zhen would not be defeated in 20 seconds.

"Wow! Lin Zhen, you give me back!"

A series of mental shocks blasted towards Lin Zhen fiercely.

The two were close at hand, and Lin Zhen could clearly feel the other's star power fluctuations. When he exerted a mental shock, Lin Zhen also sent out a series of mental shocks, and he did not hesitate to blast each other!

The colorless and invisible mental impact formed ripples in the air, like a stone entering the water, ripples spread out in circles, mixed with the turbulence of energy, showing the intensity of this confrontation!

Time passed every second, and seven or eight seconds passed in a blink of an eye, and the energy ball in Ten Thousand Tu’s hand had been pierced into a thin layer!

In three or two seconds, he will be defeated!

Thousands of people will regret their intestines at this moment, and he promised that if there is another chance, he will definitely not let it go, giving the opponent such a good opportunity to attack.

The mental shock didn't work, and the last move of 10,000 people was used.

God baby out of the body!

The **** infant is a double-edged sword, which has great lethal power to the enemy, but it is also easy to be hurt. Once the **** infant is damaged, the warrior will basically lose its combat effectiveness.

But at this moment, tens of thousands of people can't care about the massacre. If the **** infant does not get out of his body, he will be eliminated!

A figure with mostly golden color appeared and pounced on Lin Zhen!

"Does the dog jump over the wall in a hurry, but it's a pity, you're done today!"

A golden light flashed, and Lin Zhen was also out of the body!

Two golden **** infants met in the air. Under normal circumstances, the battle between **** infants of the same level is not so easy to tell the victory or defeat, but these two **** infants can tell the winner in almost a second!

Lin Zhen's figure assumed a posture exactly like Lin Zhen's, and his spear pierced the chest of the Ten Thousand Thousands of God Infants!

The battle of the body, the battle of the gods, and the massacre are absolutely at a disadvantage!

He and his **** infant screamed desperately and unwillingly at the same time, and they could not help Lin Zhen with all the means, he had no chance!

Just as Lin Zhen was about to pierce a spear into the chest of Ten Thousand Thousands of People, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart!

A great sense of crisis came, and Lin Zhen took back the **** baby immediately!

A sword gang swept past the place where Lin Zhen Shen Ying had just stayed. This invisible sword gang was not a physical attack. If Lin Zhen Shen Ying does not withdraw, it is very likely to be cut down by this Gang Qi!

Behind the massacre of thousands of people, Chen Tianpeng tapped his fingers several times in the void, and every time he lit a flying sword, he went straight to Lin Zhen with a whistling buzzing!

"Junior devil, dare to run wild in front of the old man!"

As soon as the expert took action, he knew if there was any. Faced with the attack of the number one expert, Lin Zhen hurriedly backed away, dancing with the yin and yang spear in his hand, sprinkling a forest of spears in front of him.

Not moving like a mountain~!

Before and after, the sky and the ground were covered by the monstrous sword aura in an instant, and his mouthful of flying swords looked like a hovering dragon, looking for Lin Zhen's flaws, and wanted to give him a fatal blow!

The 10,000 people took two steps back, and actually sat down on the ground, the big drops of sweat on his forehead have already rolled off.

The moment just now made him feel like he had gone around the ghost gate and returned. If Chen Tianpeng didn't make a move, he would definitely be eliminated by Lin Zhen at this moment.

Now that Lin Zhen was suppressed by Chen Tianpeng's stormy sword rain, Wantu's face went red, and he felt ashamed in front of many warriors.

If you can't find this place back, others will say that he is the third place in this theater of war.

With a howl, two butcher knives came directly into his hands, and the whole person was killing Lin Zhen like a tiger!

"Lin Zhen! I was attacked by you just now, now let you taste the power of Grandpa!"

Lin Zhen was already struggling to resist Chen Tianpeng's dozens of flying swords in turn. With the addition of tens of thousands of people, he knew that today's things would definitely be of no benefit.

First of all, he didn't expect that the other party was two people, and he didn't expect Chen Tianpeng to be so strong. Although he still had the means to suppress the bottom of the box, it was obvious that Chen Tianpeng did not give his best.

You have to leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood, you must withdraw!

After continuously knocking away Chen Tianpeng's flying swords, Lin Zhen swallowed a divine power pill in one bite.


Shaking Mountain Spear Technique!

The 7 million star power increased by 40% again, and it soared to 9.8 million in an instant. A hit to meet, just hit the tens of thousands who rushed!

Lin Zhen’s huge body was shot directly into the air by Lin Zhen, and he crashed into the wall of the swimming pool, knocking out a big hole in the wall!

"It's a pity! Still didn't kill this old boy!"

Lin Zhen danced with his spear, taking advantage of the skyrocketing star power, once again shot Chen Tianpeng's sword flying, and then pulled away and retreated!

Chen Tianpeng didn't expect Lin Zhen's power to skyrocket again. A dozen flying swords failed to keep Lin Zhen behind, and Lin Zhen was smashed into a **** road and walked away!

Chen Tianpeng did not chase it out, and slowly pressed down with both hands, and the rotating flying swords returned to their respective positions.

"Lin Zhen! This time I just teach you a lesson. If you dare to act rashly, you will kill it!"

The onlookers didn't even dare to breathe the atmosphere here. At this time, people also discovered that Chen Tianpeng was actually a warrior with no feet!

The area close to the knee has been chopped off!

Broken hands and feet are not a great thing for warriors. Many medicines for limb regeneration can be restored, but I don't know why Chen Tianpeng did not restore his feet.

Even so, no one dared to make trouble in front of him. The 4,900 flying swords here always reminded them of what a terrifying existence this disabled person with no feet is.

People started to leave the swimming pool quickly.

After everyone left, Wan Tu crawled in the big hole with a face of shame.

"Brother..... I am ashamed of you."

"It's okay, take a ditch and gain your wisdom. Your initial failure was due to Tuo Da. Then Lin Zhen relied on the power of medicine to defeat you at the last moment. Next time, he won't have such a chance."

"Yes, I understand, I will practice honestly in the future."

"Well! Don't focus on the present. The open border is our stage, Lin Zhen, at that time, there will be nothing but everyone, you will have a chance to defeat him."

"I understand, brother, let me carry you on my back."

"Also, move your muscles and bones."

Chen Tianpeng slapped the ground with both hands, jumped to the back of Wantu, and walked slowly in the swimming pool.

"Today's defeat, we must use future victories to heal injuries. For example, if I don't defeat that person, I would rather never recover..."

Ten Thousand Thousand Tuss of people was also stunned secretly. He really couldn't think that Chen Tianpeng, who was like a **** in his heart, would be defeated by anyone.

Lin Zhen broke through the wall of the swimming pool and rushed out. When he got outside, his body was staggered.

Just now holding a sigh of relief against Chen Tianpeng's and Wan Tu's attack, he almost caused Lin Zhen internal injuries, especially Chen Tianpeng's flying sword, which is simply pervasive. If he hadn't swallowed the magic pill, Lin Zhen might have been eliminated.

"Good risk! I am still a little careless, and some underestimate the strength of the first in the theater, but fortunately, it is not too ugly to lose. It is better to go back and practice and try again."

Just as Lin Zhen wanted to return to the convenience store, a person in front of him suddenly stopped his way.

"Lin Zhen! Lost to the people inside, just want to leave like this?"

Lin Zhen looked at this person and knew that Zhou Xinghai was the fifth person in the theater.

Lin Zhen didn't expect the other party to intercept him suddenly, but he didn't even ask about his purpose. He wanted to take advantage of him, and he wanted to beat the dog.

Secondly, he is the sixth in the theater, and he is fifth. If he is eliminated, Zhou Xinghai will become fourth, and even his points are close to ten thousand people. There is a good chance that he will become the third in the theater.

But for such a person, Lin Zhen has always had no good impressions. At this moment, he is in the peak state of Star Power Transfer plus Divine Power Pill. Even if Chen Tianpeng comes out, he is confident to escape.

It came just right, just in time that Lin Zhen had a place to breathe in his heart.

"what are you going to do?"

"Hey! Asking knowingly, Lin Zhen, your arrogant days are over!"

Seeing Lin Zhen's defeat, Zhou Xinghai didn't take Lin Zhen too seriously, so he had to draw his sword.


Lin Zhen used Zhou Xinghai's trick to deal with the massacre.

The spear is invincible!

Zhou Xinghai only had time to swing a knife, but he didn't stop Lin Zhen's long spear at all, and was penetrated by this spear!

"This.... You are only the sixth.... This is not... impossible!"

Qingguang appeared to recover his dying body, wrapped him away from the Star of God's Punishment.

The fifth-ranked warrior was stabbed to death by the sixth-ranked man, and he didn't even have the power to fight back!

After eliminating Zhou Xinghai, Lin Zhen's points have reached more than 90,000, and he has returned to the fourth position from sixth, and this time it is difficult to be shaken!

Even if the gap with the massacre of ten thousand people is not very big.

Without taking this matter to heart at all, Lin Zhen took advantage of the effect of the divine power pill to leave the swimming pool immediately.

There are still thirty-one days before the border is open. Lin Zhen absolutely can't have any accidents before that, he needs to find a safe place.

Looking back at the swimming pool, Lin Zhen silently turned his head and accelerated his departure.

Chen Tianpeng, thousands of people slaughtered, today's things are not over!