Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 685: Challenger Lin Zhen!

Lin Zhen has cultivated for a month.

Lin Zhen was also injured in the last battle with the werewolf.

After all, after the werewolf swallowed the drug, the star power was already close to seven million. Without the use of black hole swallowing or divine power pills, Lin Zhen wanted to win is not an easy task, especially since the opponent has many helpers. Case.

After training for such a long time, Lin Zhen left the convenience store when he could use Star Power Transfer again.

The first thing he came out was to challenge.

Currently ranked sixth, this ranking still does not satisfy Lin Zhen. Thirty-one days later, when the border opens, Lin Zhen also wants to get a top three position in advance.

Since he wanted to challenge, Lin Zhen wanted to challenge the pinnacle. He even ignored Wantu and Luo Fei and directly challenged Chen Tianpeng!

Walking through the long streets, some warriors hiding in the dark saw that Lin Zhen didn't care about them at all. Instead, they walked directly to the sword mound, and they were immediately interested.

There was even a bold person who ran to a telephone pole close to Lin Zhen and said loudly to Lin Zhen, "Lin Zhen, are you going to challenge Chen Tianpeng?"

Lin Zhen nodded slightly without making a sound, and continued to move forward.

Seeing this situation, the warrior simply jumped off the telephone pole and followed Lin Zhen, wanting to see the excitement.

The news spread from ten to ten, like a bird with wings, more and more warriors gathered on Canglang Street.

Although the challenges have been very frequent in recent times, the challenges among the top ten warriors are still very rare, because the masters have a tacit understanding with each other, try not to fight before the border is opened, and stay vigorous to prepare for the war after the border is opened.

Only Lin Zhen, a dark horse that came out halfway, eliminated the top ten werewolves.

But now this dark horse is dispatched again, and the challenge is to challenge the top master, Chen Tianpeng!

"Who do you think can win?"

"I think it is Chen Tianpeng, his strength is too strong."

"I think so too, but I think Lin Zhen is really handsome and dumb. He passed alone and is a hero even if he loses."

"Yes, the martial artist wants to have this kind of indomitable momentum. I think even if Lin Zhen loses this time, his future achievements will definitely not be lower than Chen Tianpeng."

"Go, go, you won't see the excitement when you are late."

The warriors who huffed were pulled into a long line behind Lin Zhen, and when Lin Zhen came to the front of the sword grave, nearly tens of thousands of people had followed him!

At the beginning, it was 25 million. At present, there are only a hundred thousand left in the entire city. This time there are tens of thousands, which shows that the warriors are concerned about this matter.

Among the crowd, there were even some other top ten great god-level warriors, looking at Lin Zhen with complicated emotions in their eyes.

For example, Zhou Xinghai, ranked fifth, secretly gritted his teeth.

He was sixth before, and he surpassed Lin Zhen to reach fifth. He was very proud of him for a time, and at the same time, he was wary of Lin Zhen might challenge him.

However, he was on guard, but he didn't expect that Lin Zhen didn't take him seriously. He actually skipped the two, three, four and five places and went to the sword to challenge Chen Tianpeng.

"Damn it! I'm so ignorant of me. If you lose, I will definitely step on it!"

Zhou Xinghai also followed the crowd, watching Lin Zhen act.

Coming all the way to the gate of Jianzhong, this former swimming pool has changed beyond recognition, and a fierce sword aura rises into the sky, which makes people can't help but feel frightened.

Lin Zhen sorted out his clothes, carried the Yin-Yang spear, strode up the steps, and directly entered the gate of the Jian Tomb.

Behind him, the warriors filed in, followed by hula la la.

"Zhengzheng Zhengzheng~!!!"

There was wind blowing in from outside the window, and swords with handles hanging upside down from the ceiling collided with each other, making a string of crisp sounds.

The original indoor swimming pool has completely dried up and turned into a big pit, but now in the big pit, two people are sitting opposite each other.

Lin Zhen thought that Chen Tianpeng was the only one here, but he didn't expect to see the second one after coming in.

A warrior is dressed in a blue shirt, and the whole person is like an unsheathed sword. Even if you only see a back, you can clearly feel the person's powerful strength.

Chen Tianpeng!

Another warrior, with a thick beard, and a pair of eyes with fierce light, was placed in front of him with two huge butcher knives.

It was a butcher knife, because this kind of knife looked like it was used to kill pigs, but it was much larger, and it exuded a faint cold light, which made people shudder.

Thousands of people slaughtered!

Chen Tianpeng ranked first, and 10,000 people ranked third. I didn't expect the two to be together.

And they seem to be fighting!

Wan Tu's originally closed eyes opened, and suddenly there was a burst of light, and both knives rose off the ground at the same time!

He is actually a powerful spiritual teacher!

Two butcher knives, one on the left and the other on the right, slashed towards Chen Tianpeng's two sides!

At this time, all the onlookers had entered the arena. They were watching from a distance, but at this moment, they couldn't help covering their faces with their hands to avoid being hurt by the biting sword air.

Lin Zhen's face changed slightly. With this tens of thousands of people slaughtering a strong aura, Lin Zhen could see two ways with this single hand. The star power of the first 10,000 people was definitely higher than when the werewolf was taking medicine. Second, Wantu also has a gold-level **** baby!

Faced with such an attack, Lin Zhen had to deal with it carefully, but Chen Tianpeng over there only flicked his finger.

Om~! With a clear cry, a long sword inserted not far away rose from the ground, and two steel knives met in the front!

After that, there was a series of explosions like firecrackers, like exploding beans, the sound almost became a line, three weapons repeatedly fought in the air, and sparks shot all around!

"Qiang Qiang Qiang Qiang!!!"

After two clangs, the two butcher knives used to kill thousands of people fell on the ground, and a black face turned pale.

Ten Thousand Thousand Tussaus stood up and fisted at Chen Tianpeng: "Brother, I take it! After practicing this way, I have not been able to make you a second sword. It's not your four thousand nine hundred long. Swords are all weapons, what effect will they have if they are used?"

Chen Tianpeng nodded slightly, without turning his head back, swiping his finger, returning the long sword to its place, and continued to practice slowly.

Wantu turned his gaze to Lin Zhen at this time, grinned, it was extremely ugly.

"Hey! I finally came up with a tasteful opponent, Lin Zhen who eliminated the werewolf, brother, since I lost to you today, then I will help you drive out the flies. This Lin Zhen is handed over to me, what do you think? kind?"

At this time, Chen Tianpeng slowly said: "Move fast, drive these annoying guys out, I will give you 30 seconds to solve the problem, is that enough?"

"Brother, you look down on me. You don't have the same hair to deal with this number. You think that if you kill a werewolf, you will have the top three idiots. Twenty seconds is enough!"

Chen Tianpeng nodded slightly, but did not look back.

At this time, Wan Tui waved to Lin Zhen: "Boy! Come here, now the timing starts. I promised my brother that twenty seconds, three seconds have passed, so don't waste your time. Now, if I humiliate Lao Tzu, your ending will be ugly."

The martial artists onlookers all gasped.

Everyone knows that the top three warriors in this area are very powerful, but I didn't expect to be so powerful.

A third-ranked tens of thousands of people actually dared to defeat Lin Zhen within 20 seconds, and he was still in a daunting manner. This clearly did not put Lin Zhen in his eyes, thinking that they were not of the same level.

So how does Lin Zhen who came as a challenger react now?

Many warriors have opened the Dimensional Universe Record. Although the news cannot be delivered now, it is definitely eye-catching to go out and send it out in the future.

Lin Zhen squinted his eyes slightly when he looked at the 10,000 people on the opposite side.

There are still some underestimating the top three warriors, that Chen Tianpeng will not talk about it, the tens of thousands of people in front of him are definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp!

But the other party has already set the rule for twenty seconds, and Lin Zhen is not good at standing here now.

He wants to do it, not only does it do it, but he also fights back fiercely!

"Well said, twenty seconds, then do as you said, but now it is not three seconds, but five seconds!"


The last loud noise and Lin Zhen's last words were transmitted to people's ears at the same time, because Lin Zhen suddenly broke out, and the speed exceeded the speed of sound!

The whole thing was like a cannonball fired. Within 0.1 second, the spear had gathered all the star power of Lin Zhen, and went straight to the throat of the massacre!

Among the various weapons, the strongest is the gun. One shot can concentrate all the power in one point, and the most powerful force can be burst!

Ten Thousand Thousand Thousands of people did not expect that Lin Zhen said he would do it, and so quickly.

This was not a normal speed, it was beyond the normal speed. Lin Zhenren arrived, and the words he said hadn't passed.

How did he know that Lin Zhen's attack had already used time to accelerate!

Turn into electricity! Turn into light! This is the meaning of speed!

Even if the star power of Ten Thousand Tuen is still above Lin Zhen, it is difficult to dodge at this moment. He can only put his hands together, and a ball of energy gathers on his chest, resisting Lin Zhen's direction!

Zi Zi Zi Zi~! !

The shining electric fire light crackled on the wall of the swimming pool The star power of the two people has burst to its limit!

At this moment, Lin Zhen's star power shifted, and his star power reached seven million again. He must kill with one blow!

The tip of the yin and yang spear penetrates into the energy ball of the massacre one inch by inch. As long as the energy ball is pierced, the massacre can be eliminated!

Five seconds passed in the blink of an eye, and it was only ten seconds before the two people's twenty seconds!

According to the progress of Lin Zhen's long spear, within ten seconds, the energy ball must be completely pierced!

Thousands of people were already sweating on their foreheads. He didn't expect that Lin Zhen's star power would increase so much at once, and with a little concentration of power, he could no longer stand it!

"Boy! You never want to succeed!"


Two butcher knives rose into the sky. Driven by his mental power, they slashed towards Lin Zhen from left to right. He must reverse the situation in front of him!