Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 678: Crazy jumping ranking!

The Western Zhou emperor coughed to interrupt Liang Zhihuan’s continuity, and then slowly said: "Brother Liang, this time is also a coincidence. I think the 68th theater of the Eastern Continent, there are many warriors from the three countries there, you What a coincidence?"

Liang Zhihuan frowned slightly. There are thousands of participants from each country. What is the cleverness of being in the same theater? It also specifically mentions the 68th district. Is there anything wrong with the 68th district?

The other two queens are persuading Ning Qingxuan to drink. They want to get the new queen who makes women all over the world drunk. Ning Qingxuan is also not very good at socializing, so she can only deal with it.

But hearing the words of the Western Zhou emperor, Ning Qingxuan couldn't help putting down the wine glass and cast her eyes on him.

Seeing that his topic attracted the attention of this beauty, the Western Zhou emperor was even more proud and said loudly: "Our three countries have similar national strengths and belong to the lower level in the Metaverse. Although our strength is not strong, each of our Western Zhou erlangs is good. , But there has never been a generation who stubbornly steals a life, even a coward who dares not fight, we will never send out!"

The emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty also immediately said: "Brother Zhou is right. We men of the Northern Wei Dynasty are also all in iron bones. Even if we lose, we dare to go out to fight!"

Liang Zhihuan took a sip of the wine: "Two brothers, I don’t understand what you are saying. Isn’t it true that my son Nanliang is a stubborn child?"

"Hehe! Most of you in Nanliang are of course good. For example, Brother Liang and your son are very competitive, but should you pay attention to the selection of personnel? Don't be caught in a pot of soup by a mouse."

The Western Zhou Emperor smiled: "As far as I know, there is still a warrior in Nanliang who still has a zero score now, right? It is very famous in the entire Metaverse."

"Yes, we have all heard about it in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Now even those martial arts coaches say when they teach apprentices, you don’t just know how to practice martial arts, but you have to cultivate your courage, otherwise it’s like the man named Lin Zhen in Nanliang. He didn't even dare to fight, it became a negative teaching material, it really made people laugh, hahaha!"

Liang Zhihuan's face changed for a while, and he looked back at Ning Qingxuan.

Originally thought that through Lin Zhen's matter and Ning Qingxuan's bet, winning can get the heart of beauty, but I didn't expect to lose face and lose face abroad.

But he didn't feel embarrassed. To say embarrassing, it should be Ning Qingxuan.

Compared to this little embarrassment, it is more important to completely blow Lin Zhen and make Ning Qingxuan hate him more and more.

How could he fail to see that Ning Qingxuan’s heart might have been biased, and his wife was partial to other men. This was absolutely unbearable for Liang Zhihuan, but due to Ning Qingxuan’s identity and powerful force, he could only adopt this method. .

While his mind turned, Liang Zhihuan had already made up his mind.

"Hehe! I have to clarify this matter. Lin Zhen's quota is granted directly from the Alchemist Guild. He is the elder of the Alchemist Guild. Although he is still a citizen of Nanliang, he is protected by the Alchemist Guild, so do I. no way."

The Emperors of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty nodded with deep approval, the power of the Alchemist Guild was not inferior to any empire.

"If this person is not from the guild, how can he get a spot based on his ability? I would rather pinch him to death than let him go out ashamed. It's really ridiculous, and made the two men laugh."

At this time, the queen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, a beautiful woman suddenly spoke.

"Emperor Nanliang, this palace has heard a rumor that the empress empress next to you now knows this person named Lin Zhen. It is said that the two of them were swallowed by the space crack together and stayed together for two years. Can this matter?"

Liang Zhihuan's face turned dark immediately, and he thought that good things did not go out, and bad things spread for thousands of miles. Such things were actually known to people in other countries.

I can't wait to tear down the leaker, but now he still has to laugh: "Queen Wei is serious. Speaking of my empress and Lin Zhen, they are still enemies. They are being swallowed together by the situation, and it is impossible to stop them."

"Hehe! It seems to be true, then I would like to ask Queen Ning, this Lin is really such a cowardly person, why didn't you kill him in the space?"

The Queen of the Western Zhou Dynasty also helped: "That's right, what's the use of such a person? Shame, is it because this life is beautiful? Or has a certain aspect of ability that is particularly attractive, and Ning Niangniang is a little reluctant?"

Faced with the troubles of the two queens and Liang Zhihuan’s fall into the ground, Ning Qingxuan slowly spoke.

"Lin Zhen is not my enemy, he is still my benefactor. The matter of spending too much time is not a secret, and you must all know that it was Lin Zhen who killed this person. You said I could avenge my revenge and kill him in space. Is it? Or you are such a person, for the sake of your own reputation, you hurt the killer. If this is the case, I really doubt how you achieved the position of emperor and queen!"

Ning Qingxuan Jiao's beauty, she was so upright that she was a little afraid to look at her. The self-confidence of the strong was vividly manifested at this moment. Wherever they looked, several people did not dare to look at her.

And what she said was right. It was indeed the original intention that did not kill Lin Zhen at the beginning. As for the two people gradually becoming emotional, it was also brought by Lin Zhen's meticulous care during the two years, and the ears and temples that worked together every night.

Ning Qingxuan really felt that Lin Zhen had a good character, and she gradually accepted him.

At this moment, several people who were suspicious of their hearts could not doubt that Ning Qingxuan and Lin were really private.

Only Liang Zhihuan hated in his heart, Ning Qingxuan had completely fallen, and was always defending Lin Zhen.

Fortunately, at this time, the Western Zhou emperor continued: "But Lin Zhen still has a zero score. This is undeniable. After all, he is from your Nanliang. I am afraid Ning Niangniang was a little misleading."

Ning Qingxuan shook her head slightly: "I believe him."

has a sonorous tone and makes a sound when landing, and the others don't know how to interface for a while.

In the end, the Queen of the Western Zhou Dynasty said bitterly: "Niang Niang, if you maintain such a foreign man, this is not in line with your identity, right? Besides, if this person is so unbelievable, you are not afraid that you will not be able to take back the last words you say, and you will not be able to come to Taiwan. ?"

Several other people also agreed, including Liang Zhihuan and said, "Xuan'er, I know you have a different eye for your benefactor, but you have to be rational. This Lin Zhen has no abilities, he is embarrassed. He is also the one who lost the Alchemy Master Guild, so I don’t want to carry this scapegoat."

Listening to the constant mockery of Lin Zhen, Ning Qingxuan lowered her head and said nothing. She was not very good at words at first, not to mention facts are better than eloquence. Now Lin Zhen scores zero and she is unconvinced no matter what. Public.

Seeing that Ning Qingxuan was finally silent, the two queens were even more proud. They finally found a chance to hit Ning Qingxuan, and approached her even more. Barabara kept talking, becoming more and more mean and acrid, making it hard to hear.

"Lin Zhen, what are you doing?"

Ning Qingxuan couldn't make it strong, and there was a mist of grievance rising in her eyes.

On that side, the Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty pointed to a domain king of the Northern Wei Dynasty: This domain king is also in the 68th district, and he is only a seventh-level domain king, but now he has more than 500 points. Although the ranking is not high, he killed two people. , Compared to Lin Zhen, that is simply the difference between heaven and earth. "

said, he also called up the domain king's information, and introduced it while talking.

At this moment, on the scrolling big screen, the domain king's name suddenly turned black!

Black means being eliminated!

The emperor here is introducing, but this side is eliminated. This time the face is not light.

The expression of the emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty made it hard to look like: "Asshole, I really will pick time for Laozi."

After all, he directly connected to the domain king's dimensional universe, because after the warrior is eliminated, he will be automatically transmitted to his country by the divine power, and the dimensional universe can already be connected.

The big screen was directly in front of everyone, and the Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty pointed at the screen and cursed.

"What is your kid doing to me? I've been eliminated at this time? Are you deliberate?"

The domain king had just been eliminated, and he was swearing at him by the emperor. He didn't dare to say anything wronged, so he complained: "Your Majesty, I really don't blame me for this matter. Yeah!"

"Are you miserable? I have heard people who came out before say that in your war zone, you have joined an organization with many people, and you will be killed by a domain king?"

"Yes, that's right, we joined the organization, oh! The leader of the organization is Nanliang's palace guard, Shi Xiaomao. He took us to kill a person today, but just as soon as he showed up, that person violently wounded, I I didn't even see what was going on, so I was beaten in seconds."

"South Liang Chief Guard?" The Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty faced Liang Zhihuan, looking for an answer.

"Shi Xiaomao? Who is he taking you to kill?" Liang Zhihuan asked eagerly, could it be to deal with Lin Zhen? Then Lin Zhen will be eliminated immediately.

"I don't know. He took us and went there. Oh, someone in Nanliang was eliminated, he should know."

Liang Zhihuan hurried to see the situation of the star of punishment. Sure enough, among the Nanliang warriors, two domain king-level warriors were eliminated.

Before he went to ask these two people, she suddenly heard Ning Qingxuan exclaim.

He looked back, and saw Ning Qingxuan's snow-white jade hand covering her bright red mouth, her big beautiful eyes were full of excitement, and the joy of happiness could be felt far away.

there was a hint of ominous premonition in his heart, once again looked at the ranking of the gods of punishment, but saw a row of numbers that surprised him.

Lin Zhen, who had zero points before, now has three thousand five points! Ranked 706885 in the 68th theater!

"This, hasn't waited for Liang Zhihuan to say so, Lin Zhen's ranking skyrocketed again!

points directly from three thousand five to four thousand three, ranking 674598!

From 43 to 6,000, ranking 587901!

From six thousand one is still jumping up, still rising!

is still going up crazy!

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