Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 677: 7 star swordsman

When the walking corpses saw the man using the Daguan knife, they roared and rushed up.

The man sneered, and with a movement of mental power, a white rope flew out and directly **** a few walking corpses, no matter how hard they struggled and roared, they couldn't break free.

"It's okay, kill an opponent and get five hundred and twenty points."

At this time, several warriors appeared next to him, and they gave Shi Xiaomao thumbs up.

"Boss, you deserve to be our number one master at Canglan Street. This bait is really 666, and that SB is just seconds away from your move."

"Yes, the boss's knife skills are really amazing. I think this time the star of God's Punishment, the boss has the hope of winning the top 100,000."

Facing the flattery of several younger brothers, Shi Xiaomao's mouth twitched: "The top 100,000 are so easy to get? This requires not only strength, but also luck. Maybe some people are superior and have the strength to win the top 10,000. , But he was killed when he met someone who was stronger than him. Maybe some people shrank and hid, and ended up with a good ranking. Who can tell?"

A man with a xuanhuaxe next to him said: "Boss, the cowering, mouse-like guy you said is Lin Zhen, this kid is in the same war zone as us, but it's almost a month since his The points are still zero, and I don’t know which mouse hole I went into."

"Yes, this kid didn't show his head, and we have been inquiring about him during this period of time, and we haven't found him. How can we complete your entrustment?"

"Or we won't find him for the time being, let's continue to earn points."

Crazy Dao Shi Xiaomao shook his head slightly: "No, this Lin really must be found. I am your majesty's chief guard, and I can't violate your majesty's order!"

"Boss, why is your Majesty so persistent to weed out Lin Zhen? Although that person is an alchemist, he is only a domain king, so it's nothing."

Crazy Blade hesitated: "I am not very clear about this, but there is a legend, I believe you may also have heard of it."

A martial artist suddenly said: "I've heard of it, it seems that Lin Zhen has a leg with the queen empress!"

This sentence was like a drop of water in a pan, and the warriors suddenly exploded.

"What! Lin Zhen, the calf dare to defile the empress!?"

"No way, the empress can run him to death with a finger!"

"I think it's possible, otherwise, why does your Majesty insist on eliminating him? This kind of thing between men and women is the most difficult to say.

Mad Knife waved his hand to stop their discussion: "These are not things that we should worry about. You should think about how to find Lin Zhen, otherwise I don't have any extra thoughts to mix in this northwestern city."

"Boss, otherwise we go to the werewolf boss, he has so many people, he must know so many things, maybe we can find Lin Zhen."

Werewolf is the number one master in the entire northwestern city and one of the ten masters in the 68th theater.

After a lot of testing, the warriors can no longer see the ranking of the general ranking. All they can see is the small ranking of the 68th theater.

Because even if there are masters in each battle zone, they may not be able to make any difference with the masters of other theaters. The first places are staggered, so the gods chose to temporarily close the overall list.

Only when the battle zone opens up at the boundary between the battle zones, can you see the overall list.

At present, Crazy Knife has led dozens of people and occupied Canglan Street. He is regarded as a small leader, but he also has to recognize the werewolf as the boss, otherwise he would never want to survive in the northwest city.

"Well, I will contact the werewolf boss now."

The Star of God's Punishment also prohibits communication in the Dimensional Universe, preventing people inside from communicating with people outside, but these warriors came here and found some mobile phones and other communication equipment, and temporarily used them.

Crazy Knife took out the phone and dialed the phone number of the werewolf.

"Werewolf boss, it's me... that's it. I asked you about someone called Lin Zhen, about 1.9 meters tall and a little white face... Uh-huh! Yes, Check it out for me, but someone has seen him...well, I’m waiting for your news, thank you boss."

hung up, and after a while, the werewolf's message came.

"On the first day in the city, someone saw Lin Zhen heading to the wilderness to the northwest."

Crazy Knife put away the phone, with a cold smile on his face: "Sure enough, it is a mouse-like thing. It really hid. When I find your mouse hole, I see where you can hide!"

whistling in his mouth, one by one silhouettes leapt out from the buildings on both sides of the street.

"Boss! You call us!"

"Boss, what can I do with us?"

"Is there any prey we need to do?"

These are the people who have been conquered by the mad knife during this period of time. Today's martial arts group is half powerful and half of the lone rangers. The life of the lone rangers is not easy. More and more people choose to join the forces. There are eighteen people in total.

"Come on, brothers, target the wilderness in the northwest. Follow me to find a nasty mouse. This deal is done. I promise that everyone will not do it for nothing, because you know who my identity represents, hahaha !"

"It turned out to be for the Nanliang Emperor, so there is nothing to say. I believe that there is no one in the hundreds of millions, and as an emperor, I can't get it."

"Go around! My steel knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

Crazy Knife took the lead, and quickly headed northwest with 18 of his men.

When    was leaving, his mental energy moved and the rope that bound the walking corpses was taken back. At the same time, he swung a knife backwards, a sharp knife pierced the space, and directly cut several walking corpses that he used as bait!

The knife light did not stop, but directly hit a three-story building behind, and the small building collapsed in the knife light.

was suppressed by a hundred times the star power, and there was such a power in a casual blow that made the warriors secretly speechless.

The house where Lin Zhen is now is like a magical house, with colors constantly changing.

"Blue ice! The sword is made!"

The icy air that Lin Zhen stripped from the space turbulence was injected into a knife, and then a purple air was directly taken out of the dark star space, and into the knife.

There was a flash on the body of the knife, and the half-foot-long hidden weapon was thrown into it!

Picking up the flying knife, looking up and down, Lin Zhen nodded in satisfaction: "Sure enough, it is forged by the turbulent energy of space. This knife has actually reached the level of the ultimate heavenly weapon. If this knife is alive, it will Licheng Lingbao!"

Put down the ice knives, Lin Zhen already had six flying knives by his side.

Red fire, blue ice, cyan wind, purple light, yellow soil, orange gold, and only a thunder knife, Lin Zhen has practiced the Seven Star Sword.

Strike while the iron is hot, Lin Zhen puts the last seven-star knife mold into the furnace, then strips the thunder light from the space turbulence and pours it into the knife.

About three hours later, thunder fell from the sky, and a thunder light fell on the roof, directly piercing the roof, forming a thunder knife!

Lin Zhen closed his eyes tightly, his long hair flying, and the Seven Star Knives lingered around him, making a clear buzzing sound.

It is as if seven planets are circling the sun, they are fast, but they do not touch each other.

With Lin Zhen's current mental power, manipulating this new Seven-Star Sword has been extremely easy.

The mental power of the golden early stage began to spread out, and the surrounding space was enveloped like a drop of mercury.

The surrounding wind and grass are moving, everything is under Lin Zhen's control.

"Well...someone came over, it seems that the person who came is not good."

Lin Shinichi raised his hand, put the Seven Star Sword away, stood up and came to the window.

I only saw a group of warriors approaching quickly in the distant wilderness, and targeted Lin Zhen’s house.

"I've stayed here all the time, without fighting with the world. There are so many people who come to surround me and suppress me. It seems that I have come prepared."

Seeing the words "Nan Liang" on the sleeves of the warriors who took the lead, Lin Zhen could probably guess why these people came.

His Ning Qingxuan's affairs, I believe it is impossible to hide Liang Zhihuan’s eyes and ears completely. In Lin Zhen’s opinion, Ning Qingxuan’s girl is superb, but she is too straightforward and will not act, she will not hide her from the sky, absolutely will. Perceivable.

Besides, he and Ning Qingxuan returned to the Metaworld on the same day. Liang Zhihuan can definitely find out about this. Liang Zhihuan is not suspicious when he has been alone for more than two years.

But no matter what the other party considers, since he wants to make trouble for himself, Lin Zhen will never back down, no matter if he is the emperor or whoever.

"Since you don't want me to be good, then I will give you a meeting gift first!"

"One, two, three, four... There are nineteen people, eleven realm kings, and eight realm kings. I will clean up these miscellaneous soldiers first and get rid of these realm kings."


In the Southern Liang Palace, Liang Zhihuan is banning the emperors of two neighboring countries.

One is an emperor from the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the other is an emperor from the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Big Liang, Big Wei, Big Wednesday are allies, and their national strength is similar to each other. They rely on each other to survive among the powerful nations of the Metaverse.

The three vassal states of the Southern Liang, the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the Western Zhou Dynasty are adjacent to each other.

This time the Northern Wei emperor and the Western Zhou emperor came together to celebrate Liang Zhihuan taking over as the Emperor of Nanliang. Liang Zhihuan naturally gave a banquet and gave a warm welcome.

During the banquet, Ning Qingxuan, who is the queen, naturally also attended.

The Queen of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Queen of the Western Zhou Dynasty also The eyes of the two women looked at Ning Qingxuan from time to time, showing a look of jealousy.

How can this woman be so eye-catching? The emperor's husband who provoked them was so disgusting.

And the Emperors of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty were even more envious of Liang Zhihuan, let alone their two countries, even in the entire Wei Dynasty and the Great Zhou Dynasty, there would be no more beautiful women than Ning Qingxuan. Liang Zhihuan was really a blessing.

Liang Zhihuan has a sweet wife on his side, comparing the limelight of other women, and he is also in a good mood, can't help but dance with joy, and frequently toast.

Seeing that Liang Zhihuan was so arrogant, the Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty looked at each other, and they felt that his arrogance should be hit.

Can't find anyone who can surpass Ning Qingxuan than a woman, but what is the hottest now?

is naturally the star of God's punishment!

They investigated. There is a warrior in Nanliang who has zero points until now. This is the only part of the entire God Punishment Star, so let's start from this place. )!!