Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 675: At the time of war

Entering the Star of God's Punishment, Lin Zhen immediately felt that his star power had been greatly weakened.

An irresistible pressure directly compressed Lin Zhen's star power by a hundred times, turning it into 40,000.

But Lin Zhen didn't worry, this was not aimed at him alone. Every warrior who entered the Star of God's Punishment had a hundredfold weakened his star power, and everyone was still on the same starting line.

As his body fell on the ground, Lin Zhen immediately looked at the surrounding environment.

The place where Lin Zhen landed was a wilderness. Ten billion warriors arrived on this planet on average, so that the population of this planet was similar to that of the earth in the AD.

Lin Zhen had just landed, and a white light flashed across him not far from him, and another warrior appeared.

This man is two meters tall, a burly stature, and an eighth-level king.

"Ah! God's Punishment Star, Lao Tzu has finally come in. The spot spent 120 billion to photograph this spot will be my first step in Zhang Tianba's rise!"

With that said, this warrior looked at Lin Zhen with a cold look.

"Tsk tusk! An eighth-level domain king, such a strength came to the star of God's Punishment, it is simply to die, although there are still no points, but I don't mind using you to practice."

Lin Zhen saw the word Northern Wei on the shoulder of this warrior.

The Northern Wei Dynasty is the name of the country, it is a vassal state of the Great Wei Kingdom, and it is also adjacent to the Southern Liang. This is also a coincidence.

Lin Zhen also has the word Nanliang on his shoulders, which represents his identity.

"Hey, little guy, you don’t have any points now. The Northern Wei Dynasty and Nanliang are still neighbors. I should let you go, but I can’t help it. This is the real killing field. Remember to tell others to eliminate you after going out. It is Fengbiao of the Northern Wei Dynasty!"


The earth trembled, and this Fengbiao pulled out a halberd and killed Lin Zhen.

Everyone's star power has been suppressed a hundred times, and many tactics and styles of play will have to be changed. The scene of going up to the earth and overwhelming will no longer appear.

Lin Zhen has fought in the arena for countless battles and has extremely rich combat experience. He stepped on the long-lost quincunx footwork under his feet, avoided the opponent's halberd, shot with the yin and yang spear, and made a point kill!

The shooting angle is extremely tricky, and there is a faint sound of wind and thunder!

Feng Biao blocked with a halberd, but Lin Zhen suddenly issued a mental shock. Although Feng Biao's strength was good, his mental strength was completely defeated by Lin Zhen.

After a little stunned effort, Lin Zhenshi's powerful shot has arrived, and the yin and yang spear succeeded!


The blood flew quickly, Feng Biao looked dead, and a flash of blue light on his body directly healed his wound.

Qingguang wrapped his body and went away, and Feng Biao was eliminated!

There was a deep unwillingness in his eyes, which was even more incredible.

An eighth-level realm king can't do anything in front of an eighth-level realm king. What kind of pervert is this realm king?

"It's a pity that everyone's points are zero now, and you won't get points for killing enemies. It's better to go to town as soon as possible to find undead creatures to kill.

"Chrissy, analyze where I am now?"

"Yes, master, there are four continents on this planet. You are currently landing on the Eastern Continent of the Star of God's Punishment. War zones have been isolated from the continents. War zones are temporarily closed between war zones. The theater boundary will not be opened until all the undead creatures have been wiped out to less than 100 billion. Each continent has 100 theaters. This is the 68th theater of the Eastern Continent. There are two thousand in each area. Five million warriors."

"Oh! Evenly distributed."

"Yes, every battle zone has a city. The city is where mutant beasts and walking corpses run rampant. In the wilderness area, there is nothing to gain, so the owner must enter the city as soon as possible if he wants to earn points."

"Going into the city..... Don't be so impatient. Now everyone's points are very low. Going into the city is nothing more than fighting undead creatures everywhere to get some trivial points."

"Where is the master going?"

"First help me find a safe place. I want to rest and wait for a while before I come out."

Chris immediately searched for it: "Master, there is an abandoned house 100 kilometers away from here. There is not even a single undead creature nearby. You can go there."

"Okay, I'll go over." Lin Zhen wanted to summon the double-headed magic dragon, but found that he couldn't do it.

"Master, there is divine coercion here, you must rely on your own strength, and you can't use it with pets.

"Well, no one is there anyway, fair and reasonable."

Lin Zhen spread his legs, his body turned into a streamer, and went straight to the direction Chris pointed.

In the wilderness, a series of afterimages flicked past, and the warriors all began to march towards the city.

Some warriors saw Lin Zhen flying in the direction and wanted to stop, but when they thought that everyone had no points now, they just flew past.

The more you go forward, the fewer the number of people, and gradually Lin Zhen can no longer see other people.

On the way, Chrissy was still reminding Lin Zhen: "Master, the ranking has come out. You can watch it in the dimensional universe at any time."

A golden bulletin appeared in Lin Zhen's vision.

The first place in the ranking, the Western Jin Empire, Ruan Qijue, the fifth battle zone of the Southern Continent, points 105!

Second place, South China Sea Empire, Xie Tianxing, Eastern Continent No. 36 Theater, 73 points.

The third place, Daijin Empire, Situ Lang, Western Continental War Zone 91, score 72.

fourth place.....

Many seeded players that I saw did not make the list. Now it is the beginning stage. The points are very accidental, and the temporary rankings do not represent much.

There are so many warriors with zero points, and after more than a thousand, all of them are zero!

"Hehe, one person was killed, but the points are zero. I don't know if this situation will be discovered by others."

"But this is all temporary. Soon they will know that the Star of God's Punishment is a powerful spiritual teacher's world!"

After running for a while, finally came to the house Chris said.

There is no one in a radius of tens of miles here, just a forgotten area.

"Great, there is no one around here, just in time for me to get the potion of mental power."

After the battle just now, Lin Zhen felt the importance of mental power in this divine punishment star, because everyone’s star power was very low, and some powerful ultimate moves could not be used, and mental power would be of great use. .

When he came to the room, he arranged and disguised his surroundings to prevent being disturbed by other people or undead creatures. Then Lin Zhen took out the pill furnace and opened the furnace for alchemy directly.


In various places in Metaverse, the rankings were paid attention to for the first time, and they were simultaneously broadcast in the dimensional universe.

The same is true for Nanliang. The names of all one thousand contestants are listed, and they all have detailed introductions.

Inside the palace, Liang Zhihuan hosted a banquet for civil and military officials, while also paying attention to the situation on the first day of the star of punishment.

Next to his throne, Ning Qingxuan sat on another chair in a splendid palace costume. Liang Zhihuan, who looked at her pure and feminine face, would be distracted from time to time.

Originally, he thought that Ning Qingxuan might not attend this banquet because she likes Jing, but he did not expect that Ning Qingxuan actually agreed under the invitation, which made Liang Zhihuan's heart some bad guesses.

At the banquet, civil and military officials sang praises to Liang Zhihuan and praised the love of the empress and his wife.

"This time the battle of the Star of God's Punishment, I believe that Nanliang will be able to achieve excellent results. Now the situation of the 1,000 contestants has been listed. Please watch your Majesty and Queen."

Everyone's eyes fell on Nanliang's personnel list.

The first thing that came into view was the current prince Liang Chen!

I have to say that Liang Chen's strength is also good, and his luck is also very good. It has been two hours since the Star of Punishment, and his points are actually in the forefront of everyone.

"Haha! Queen, look, Chen'er's points are our Nanliang's first, and in the entire list, it actually ranked in the top billion!"

Liang Zhihuan immediately offered a treasure to Ning Qingxuan, and he saw a gratified smile on Ning Qingxuan's face.

"Chen'er is very upbeat, and it's not in vain of my years of teaching."

"Haha! The queen has worked hard, I know this."

Liang Zhihuan motioned to continue scrolling the screen to see the situation of other warriors.

One thousand warriors, now three people have been eliminated, after nearly an hour, almost everyone has more or less points.

Every warrior was introduced to the emperor and empress. Liang Zhihuan looked at Ning Qingxuan's expression while listening to and found that the empress was noncommittal and seemed not very interested.

Waving his hand to indicate that the reporting person is faster.

Soon, the screens of more than 900 people scrolled to the bottom, and the people at the end had very few points, basically in single digits.

But when I reached the bottom, I actually saw a zero!

Liang Zhihuan glanced at this person's name, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then his face became serious: "Why is there still someone with zero points? Look at who this person is, it's a shame to Nan Liang!"

"Your Majesty, this person is called Lin Zhen, a great elder of the Alchemist Guild."

"Lin Zhen... seems to have heard of this name somewhere, what realm?"

"The eighth level domain king!"

"It's no wonder that the eighth-level domain king can also enter the star of God's punishment. It seems that the alchemist has money. This must be the one who spends money to enter. Putting it here really reduces the overall level of our Nanliang. , Go back to the top quickly, don't let this scum dirty the queen's eyes."

While speaking, he sneaked a glance at Ning Qingxuan's face, thinking of temptation.

Ning Qingxuan waited until Liang Zhihuan finished speaking, and then slowly said: "Although I have never participated in the battle of the Star of Punishment, everyone can kill undead creatures. Only when you can kill the enemy inside can you have the last laugh. I see the last one. Lin Zhen also killed an enemy. Although others have a lot of points, they rarely kill them."

People looked behind Lin Zhen all together, only to realize that even though Lin Zhen had zero points, he had a kill number, +1.