Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 674: Start!

During this period of time Lin Zhen returned to the Alchemy Masters Guild, and his martial arts training had temporarily reached a bottleneck, and there was nothing to grow. Lin Zhen used this time to refine alchemy.

His current pill reserve can support him to upgrade to the realm king, but the demand for the medicinal pill above the realm king is too large and expensive, and Lin Zhen, who is a little shy in his pocket, can't afford it for the time being.

What he is currently researching is about a new type of pill, a spiritual potion!

Once this medicine is successful, Lin Zhen's mental power will increase rapidly.

After nearly a month of experimentation, the research on the medicament has made some progress.

"It is said that in the Star of Punishment, Star Power will be suppressed, so it seems that mental power is very useful there, but I am still short of the three medicinal materials. I have already purchased it and are delivering it here, but From the time point of view, it seems a little too late. It can be there before entering the Star of God's Punishment, but there is no time to study it carefully."

"With the psychic potion, my **** infant can quickly break through to the silver period, and even advance to the golden period within a month, because I have the characteristics of a black hole beast."

"The golden age **** infant with a gun will also be a big killer for me in the star of punishment."

Lin Zhen stretched his muscles and bones, recalling the scene of meeting Ning Qingxuan in the dimensional universe last night.

Beautiful people are like jade, but unfortunately they still can't let go, otherwise they can solve their greed in the dimensional universe.

But Lin Zhen is not in a hurry. Since he loves her, he must respect her. He even hopes that everything will come naturally.


It wasn't until one hour before the opening of God's Punishment Star that everyone's registration was over.

This is a great event in the Metaverse, and broadcasts have been set up in almost all places so that they can see the situation of God's Punishment Star.

This time the rules also came out.

The number of participants in the Star of God's Punishment is 10 billion, ranked according to points, and the top 100,000 people are rewarded.

The first to the hundredth place can obtain the opportunity to refine the divine body, and the one hundred and one-hundredth to the 100,000th place can obtain the spirit of transformation, which can be used to break through the realm of the realm king and enter longevity.

The location of the Star of God's Punishment is located in the endless sea of ​​stars. Here is a planet larger than the Earth. This planet has been punished by God, and all the creatures have been turned into dead spirits.

The dead people on the planet become skeletons, the living people become walking corpses, and the animals become zombie animals. On the contrary, their abilities are more powerful than before they were alive, a bit similar to mutant beasts in the earth period.

Because the martial artists participating in this competition are very strong, in order to balance the strength of the undead creatures, the gods lower their power to suppress the strength of all martial artists to one percent.

Otherwise, these realm kings really start their hands, I'm afraid they can destroy the planet.

You can get points for killing various undead creatures, and different undead creatures have different points. The stronger the creature, the more points.

And killing the warrior can also get half of the opponent's points, which is even a faster way to earn points in the later stage than killing the undead.

At the beginning, everyone's points are zero, and they are all on the same starting line.

According to the ratio, the total number of undead creatures on the Star of Punishment is one to one hundred compared with humans, the total number of warriors is 10 billion, and the total number of undead creatures is one trillion.

When the number of undead creatures on the planet is lower than that of warriors, the test of the star of God's punishment is over.

At that time, the rewards will be decided based on the martial artist's ranking.

And all the warriors participating in the star of punishment will also be protected. The gods will give everyone a chance to avoid death. When you are fatally injured in the star of punishment, the divine power will protect your life from damage, but you But without the qualifications to continue participating in the war, they will be eliminated.

This is also the reason why the warriors flock to it. If they get killed inside, I am afraid not many people dare to try.

All countries in the entire Metaverse have attached great importance to this battle.

The people of the Metaverse have faith, and can enter the ranks of the longevity warriors. In fact, in the eyes of others, they are immortal gods.

And every longevity warrior knows that there are some supreme existences in the metaworld, and the test opportunities given by the gods. If the country's performance is good, then this country may have entered the eyes of the gods.

Therefore, in order to get good results, contestants in every country will make complete preparations before the game to ensure that they shine in the star of the gods.

First of all, every country will require their contestants to strive for a top 100,000 ranking.

Even if you can’t get the top 100,000 rankings, the top one million or even the five million must have their contestants, because the Metaverse has only five million countries, if you can’t even get one of the five million Ranking, the emperor of this country can't stand up in front of the emperors of other countries.

Such countries will certainly not be few, because some big empires will even get a lot of top rankings, so there must be many countries that can't even get the top five million.

Therefore, many countries will produce a few seeded players, and these people will participate in order not to be too embarrassed by the country.

In order to stimulate the warriors to move forward, many countries have even set up huge bonuses. When you enter 10 million, you will start to receive a prize, you will receive a reward for five million, and you will receive a reward for two million or one million!

The same is true for Nan Liang. Among the contestants this time, Liang Chen is not a seed. The real first few seeds are the kings carefully selected by Liang Zhihuan.

When the Star of Punishment was about to open, Liang Zhihuan also specially cheered up the contestants and said that he would pay attention to the situation of all contestants in Nanliang throughout the process.

Flipping the list in his hand, Liang Zhihuan suddenly saw a name.

Lin Zhen!

Liang Zhihuan was taken aback for a moment, Lin Zhen, wasn't this the person who fell into the crack of space with the queen? Will it be the same name?

But looking at Lin Zhen's information carefully, Liang Zhihuan couldn't help frowning slightly. This Lin Zhen is actually that Lin Zhen.

My wife, I haven’t even touched her hand until now, but she was hugged by this kid, and Liang Zhihuan also had a guess in her heart. The two fell into a space crack together. I am afraid that Ning Qingxuan has been with him in the past two years. together.

Ning Qingxuan didn't kill him, proving that they had resolved their grievances, and Liang Zhihuan couldn't stop the acid water in his heart when he thought of them being together for two years.

"Lin Zhen, sixth-rank alchemist, eighth-level domain king..."

"An eighth-level domain king, presumably, it is impossible to get any ranking in the star of God's Punishment. You must know that among the tens of billions of contestants, half of them are realm kings, and he is not a domain king at all."

Liang Zhihuan told himself this in his heart, but still felt uneasy, and called the waiter: "Go and send some dinner to the queen, just say that I will be busy with business affairs, and then let the queen's lady in charge, Xiaoya, come over. I have something to ask. she was?"

The servant agreed, took the order and left, and after a while brought a court lady back.

The palace lady Xiaoya is his own person. In fact, the palace lady belongs to her, but this palace lady is his trust.

"How is the queen's situation recently?" Liang Zhihuan said straightforwardly.

"Your Majesty, the old slave has also heard some rumors outside recently that the empress has a bad relationship, but your Majesty don’t believe those who chew your tongue. If you follow the slave’s opinion, the empress is just not good at expressing, she actually likes it. The emperor is here."

"Oh, what do you say?"

"Hehe, the slaves and maidservants don’t rub the sand with these eyes. Sometimes the empress and the empress smile suddenly when sitting alone. The smile is called sweet, and sometimes the old slave and others can’t look away. If it were not for a woman in love, that would not have laughed like this."

Liang Zhihuan did not say anything, but he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"In addition, the slave and maid made a surprise discovery. The queen began to pay attention to the situation of Nanliang. Recently, she has been paying attention to the news of the dimensional universe, the star of God's punishment."

"What? She cares about God's Punishment Star?"

Liang Zhihuan's face suddenly turned black. You must know that he didn't even have Ning Qingxuan's Dimensional Universe number. In his impression, Ning Qingxuan never looked at Dimensional Universe. He didn't think the queen would suddenly pay attention to a certain player.

Now she suddenly paid attention, why? why?

Are you following Liang Chen? It stands to reason that this should be the case, but Liang Zhihuan instinctively felt that it was wrong.

An ominous premonition surged in his heart, and coupled with the Queen's actions that would not let him close at all during this period, Liang Zhihuan felt that the crown on his head seemed to be green, instead of golden.

After thinking about it for a while, Liang Zhihuan summoned a few seed players who were about to enter the Star of Punishment, and explained that, in any case, Lin Zhen could not be ranked in the Star of Punishment!

Regardless of the relationship between the queen and Lin Zhen, Liang Zhihuan decided to destroy this relationship in the bud!


The much-anticipated God Punishment Star is about to open The eyes of the entire Metaverse are focused here. People in every country and region are supporting local players, and all kinds of support in the dimensional universe Posts are also wave after wave.

But Lin Zhen didn't pay attention to these, he just received the last three medicinal materials needed for alchemy.

"Sure enough, the inner star power of the Star of Punishment was suppressed a hundred times. Thanks to my preparation in advance, the medicinal materials were finally available! With these three medicinal materials, in the dimensional universe, I have an extra guarantee, but It takes a while to refine alchemy!"

In my mind, a countdown suddenly appeared in the dimensional universe.

This time it was a **** teleportation until the star of the **** of punishment in the depths of the endless star sea.

"10, 9, 8, 7....."

Lin Zhen got everything ready and closed his eyes slightly.

"3, 2, 1, 0.... The star of God's Punishment is on, and the teleportation begins!"

I only felt that a white light flashed before my eyes, and the next moment Lin Zhen had disappeared in the inn.

Time and space flow around him, and the next second when Lin Zhen opened his eyes, he had already arrived on a strange planet.

In the sky is a mysterious red cloud layer, a layer of yellow mist shrouded in the air, this is a forbidden zone for creatures, the domain of the dead!

And the surrounding starlight flickered, and countless warriors entered.

Bringing together the talented warriors from all countries in the entire Metaverse, a cruel killing and elimination match begins!