Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 660: Planet fall

There were too many people, mixed breath, and the little boy's harmless appearance, Ning Qingxuan didn't notice it for a while.

But now everyone else is gone, and the little boy kissed himself, Ning Qingxuan suddenly felt that something was wrong.

This little boy is obviously made by other people.

Transformation is not a great skill. Even most people are unwilling to learn. Ning Qingxuan usually stays in her boudoir and has relatively little contact with people. At first, she didn't expect this at all.

When I feel my breath now, it's too late for anything!

She was kissed! Kissed by a thief he hates most!

This was Ning Qingxuan's first kiss in her life, and she lost it in a silly manner, and it was given to the most annoying person.

The princess who has always felt that she can control her emotions, her eyes are full of tears of grievance.

"Lin Zhen! Liang Chen really did not say wrong about you. It doesn't matter whether you are too old or not, die!"

Feeling the aura of going violently behind him, Lin Zhen just took advantage and ran away.

He was also a little anxious to be chased by Ning Qingxuan, and came up with such a retaliatory move. He didn't expect it to go smoothly. After successfully stealing the incense, he found that the matter was serious.

This woman is going to lose her mind, and his life is in danger.

When Ning Qingxuan came just now, Lin Zhen hadn't felt that she had too much killing intent, but now it is different. Her killing intent has already hit the sky, and she will be finished if she doesn't leave!

"Don't sleep! It's time for you to come in handy!"

In the dark star space, Lin Zhen had never summoned the double-headed dragon at Huahua Taisui in order to prevent his identity from revealing his identity. Now that it is not working, he immediately summoned the double-headed dragon.

jumped on the double-headed magic dragon, Lin Zhen went straight to the sky!

A sword gang whistling coming from behind, Lin Zhen waved the broken Yue spear to resist it, but at this moment his more than three million star power was almost killed by Ning Qingxuan!

Fortunately, the Devil Dragon was not hit. At this moment, the Devil Dragon didn't need to greet Lin Zhen, and had already started to flee desperately.

Back when it was Huahua Taisui’s mount, it had an experience of being chased by Ning Qingxuan. The fear of this woman has penetrated into his bones. Now that it has just come out, it has been chased and killed by Ning Qingxuan again, a double-headed magic dragon. Even the strength of the milk was used, and he fled straight into the stars.

"It really is you! I recognize this dragon, Lin Zhen, you are dead!"

Ning Qingxuan also summoned her mount at this time. It was a five-color sika deer. It ran and stepped on the Nebula at high speed, and immediately followed Lin Zhen to catch up.

Lin really knew that he might not be able to escape from the ground of his metaworld, and his goal was the vast starry sky.

Although the land of the Metaverse is vast, the starry sky is actually even broader.

is like an egg. Although the shell is wrapped with the egg white and the yolk, the mass volume of the egg white and the yolk is actually much larger than the egg shell.

The double-headed magic dragon turned into a black light, and instantly disappeared into the depths of the starry sky.

Ning Qingxuan rode a five-color deer and disappeared behind.

The starry sky of the Metaverse has a collective name, called the endless star sea.

This is not a casual call, the endless star sea really seems to have no end, because no one can pass from one end of the endless star sea to the other in the ancient records.

The starry sky that surrounds the entire Metaverse is, according to people's estimates, about one-third larger than the entire New Territory.

There is an unwritten rule in Metaverse, that is, people must live honestly on the ground, and don't venture into the endless sea of ​​stars, because that is the most dangerous place.

There are several forbidden places in the Metaverse, which are basically in the endless sea of ​​stars. In addition, countless murderers in the Metaverse, felons wanted by various countries, etc., have also hid in the endless sea of ​​stars.

Even if you are a strong longevity, entering the endless sea of ​​stars is extremely dangerous. There are too many dangers and unknowns.

But Lin Zhen couldn't care about it. If he didn't rush in here, he might die immediately. Once he entered, he still had a chance to survive.

Fortunately, although this guy with two heads is ugly, he really doesn’t run away, saying that when Huahua Tai Sui was able to escape from Ning Qingxuan's life, the two-headed dragon made great contributions.

Although the five-color deer is fast enough, it is a bit slower than the double-headed dragon. The two people are running continuously, but the distance is gradually increasing.

Lin was really hit by Ning Qingxuan, and his consciousness was a little vague, and he could only crawl on the back of the double-headed devil dragon, let the star power and radiant power in his body heal his body, and it would count wherever he went.

Ning Qingxuan is even more persevering. She has secretly decided that if she doesn't kill Lin Zhen this time, she will never return to the Metaverse.

In the Metaverse, each empire has a special department for monitoring celestial phenomena to prevent meteors, meteorites, asteroid belts and other things from rushing out of the endless sea of ​​stars and impacting the ground.

This kind of thing often happened before in the Metaverse, but now the defense methods are getting more and more advanced. Few wandering planets can drop from the sky and attack the ground.

But in Metaverse, people are still accustomed to watching the sky frequently, watching the dynamics of meteors and meteorites, just like people on Earth are used to watching weather forecasts.

In a small pub, people are drinking and looking at the starry sky picture on the big screen.

The report sent back by the 87469 probe of the Nanliang Empire.

"Please note, please note that a constant crystal planet was found in a distant starry sky 1.2 billion kilometers away from the ground. It is falling at a high speed. It is expected to fall near Nanliang Capital in seven days. Please be prepared. Extremely dangerous! Extremely dangerous!"

This news immediately caused an uproar.

Heng Crystal is still an expensive luxury in some places in the New Territories, but in Metaverse, this thing has no use.

There are many more precious and beautiful things than constant crystals. Apart from being hard, this thing has no other use.

Constant crystal meteorites and asteroids are even more dangerous things. Because of their hardness, they are hard to be destroyed, only forcibly changing directions.

But no matter how you change its direction, it will fall to the ground. Once it falls, it will be a disaster.

The fall of this kind of planet can even tear the space and create powerful dimensional cracks.

Therefore, in the face of the falling of the constant crystal planet, people do not have any good solutions. They usually send super strong people in advance to control the planet's landing point with continuous bombardment. Then the people on the ground evacuate and migrate, and try to lead them to it. Desolate area.

So when the permanent crystal planet appeared, the Nanliang imperial family was always a headache.

The person who has the most headache is the Crown Prince Liang Zhihuan, who temporarily manages the government.

"Everyone, everyone has seen the fall of Constant Crystal Planet. It may even be in the capital city of Nanliang. Once this thing falls, hundreds of billions of people will be displaced. We must have a solution. ."

Below his group of counsellors, look at me and I look at you. The last weak scribe stood up: "Your Majesty, the best way to deal with the fall of the Constant Crystal Planet is to send the strong to the starry sky as soon as possible, and change its trajectory early. As the saying goes, the farther away it is changed, the more it will fall, so that our capital will be safe and sound."

"Yes, we should be able to dispatch manpower in time now."

Liang Zhihuan rubbed his eyebrows: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. If you want to change the trajectory of the constant crystal planet, you must be the strong longevity player, and the general longevity strong player is not very useful, only those super masters can do it. Moreover, our early warning system is still a bit backward. Other countries can provide early warning from 3 billion kilometers away. We can only provide early warning when we reach 1.2 billion. Now even if we send people over, we still have to be on that planet three to four billion kilometers away from the ground. Only to meet, the changed line will not be too big."

"His Royal Highness, even if this is the case, we can't just sit idly by. Let's send someone as soon as possible. I will also arrange for evacuation immediately to minimize casualties."

"Yes, Your Highness, you should arrange for the master to go as soon as possible. If you delay for a second, thousands of people may die."

Liang Zhihuan nodded: "I have sent someone to invite the princess."

Among the Nanliang imperial family, there are several immortal warriors. Except for the old emperor, the strongest is the crown prince. Ning Qingxuan is an immortal realm that has tempered the divine body, which is not comparable to ordinary immortal warriors.

Although Liang Zhihuan rarely meets with the princess because of the Huahua Tai Sui event many years ago, he still trusts the princess in his heart. Especially for such dangerous things, others dare not go and do not want to, but Ning Qingxuan can't help but define it.

"Report~! Report to His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness replied that the Crown Princess has been fighting with others and chasing down the enemy for three days. The Dimensional Universe is in a closed state, and there is currently no news."

"What! Did she fight someone? With whom?"

"According to His Royal Highness it seems to be... Huahua Tai Sui... For details, His Royal Highness can ask His Royal Highness."

Hearing this, Liang Zhihuan sat down. If this is the case, that would be a good thing.

Killing Huahua Tai Sui, Ning Qingxuan's knot will be opened, maybe she can consider other things, and maybe she will figure out how to marry herself.

It’s just that although it’s important to chase Huahua Taisui, the landing of this constant crystal planet is not waiting for anyone. Time is urgent. Since the prince is not there, then the prince Liang Zhihuan has to go out in person.

Although his strength is still slightly inferior to that of the prince, if he takes someone to bombard, he can save many lives, although the loss is inevitable.

But if it can be reduced, let's reduce it.

"Notify me that all the longevity realm warriors will gather, put down all the work at hand, follow me to the starry sky, and forcefully change the landing place of the constant crystal planet, lest my Nanliang creatures will be charred."

"Yes! Your Royal Highness!"

Some longevity fighters accepted the dispatch and set off with Liang Zhihuan.

The landing of the constant crystal planet is still shown on the big screen, but no one noticed. In the vast starry sky, the probe photographed two almost insignificant small spots, passing quickly in the universe. . ) Download the free reader!!