Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 618: Special training places

This scene silly everyone, I don't know how Lin Zhen's trick changed, and he was able to kill the realm king-level star river beast, but he didn't even see him do it.

Lin Zhen's body trembled and he recovered into a human body.

He walked over, came to the tail of the big snake, lifted the huge tail, and drew his yin and yang spear from below.

When he turned into a galaxy beast, the yin and yang spear was under his body, and the tip of the spear was erected for more than a meter. He deliberately confronted the big snake and lured it to chase. When the big snake chased him, the spear was given to him from the head. At the end came a big open!

This kind of natural star river beast has no form, and its spiritual intelligence is not fully civilized. Although its strength is strong, its intelligence is far from being comparable to that of humans.

It's a pity that this is a virtual world, otherwise this long snake of the realm king level can sell for hundreds of millions of dollars!

However, it is said that killing the Galaxy Beast can get rewards from the Dimension Universe Company, and Lin Zhen is still very much looking forward to this.

Maybe there can be any surprises.

In fact, when he saw this big snake, Lin Zhen had already made up his mind. If there was a suitable opportunity, he would kill the galaxy beast and strive for rewards.

Although there are some tricks, no one can deny that Lin Zhen independently killed a realm king-level star river beast!

There are only the three-headed world king-level galaxy beasts. Since the Dimensional Universe Company said it was a reward, the reward must not be too bad.

After pulling out the spear, Lin Zhen speeded up and rushed past the third floor, ignoring the horrified gazes of other people!

After passing the third level, Lin Zhen was ranked 490,000!

Looking at Mu Huaiyu, who ranked first, he has now entered the sixth floor.

The fourth floor is a river, a meandering river goes straight to the exit of the fifth floor, surrounded by cliffs.

Lin Zhen laughed: "Great, this layer is just convenient for me to pursue, I believe there will be no galaxy beasts on this layer."

As soon as he raised his hand, a piece of ice appeared again, and Lin Zhen was skating, much faster than other people who swim or ride a bamboo raft.

The ranking has risen rapidly. At this point, Lin Zhen has caught up with the large group. Before halfway through his journey, he was already within 400,000.

"After passing this level, my ranking will definitely be within 300,000, or even 200,000!"

It should have been a very difficult level to advance, but it became extremely simple under Lin Zhen's freezing air. After passing this level, Lin Zhen was ranked 180,000!

And Mu Huaiyu, who ranked first, had not yet rushed out of the sixth floor.

The fifth floor is a high mountain. If you want to pass, you have to climb the mountain. This is not a test for Lin Zhen, who is super physically strong. Isn't it just a speed test? Come on!

As Lin Zhen's power exploded, his ranking continued to rise, making some people unable to sit still.

"Mu En! See what you did? Lin Zhen has already reached one hundred and fifty thousand. His speed is too fast!"

"Yes, Lord, I must find a way to stop him."

Mu En sweated on his forehead, and then said to King Mu: "Master, but I am just a subordinate and have no rights. Lin's real power is very strong, and everything in the virtual world is not controlled. Do you have to let the son take it? First?"

Mu Jingshan pondered for a moment: "This is necessary. As the prince of the palace, Huaiyu didn't need to participate in the assessment of the guest, but I got the news that if he wins the first place, he will be rewarded by Dimension Universe. Do you know what the reward for this first place is?"

"Cash? Treasure?"

"Neither, I don’t lack these things, but an opportunity for Huaiyu to go to the Alchemist Guild to learn. You know, Huaiyu has been learning alchemy for thousands of years, and now he has reached the level of a third-rank alchemist, but I There is no strong alchemist in his territory. I must send him to Xianle County to learn more advanced alchemy techniques. Only this way can we ensure that our status will not be shaken."

Mu En also nodded frequently. A senior alchemist is too important. The elder son is very talented in alchemy. If he can become a fifth-rank alchemist, then the position of the Muwangfu is undoubtedly more stable.

"If that's the case, it's simple. There are also galaxy beasts on the sixth floor. The prince can let your people help the world pass, and then stay and kill Lin Zhen."

"No, it won't work just to pass. The people in the first group are basically the people I arranged. Although the Galaxy Beast has reached the level of the realm king, it does not have the human IQ. It is not impossible to kill it."

Mu Jingshan thought for a while and decisively issued an order in the dimensional universe.

"Listen to everyone who protects the son. Help the son kill the sixth-level galaxy beast at all costs, but make sure that the son completes the final blow and keeps a record. The remaining people who survived will leave some interceptions. A person named Lin Zhen!"

Mu En was also dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Mu King was so courageous that he actually wanted to kill the realm king level star river beast.

"Mu En, you have to understand that you can't drag things out. If you can't kill the sixth-level galaxy beast, then even if Huaiyu takes the first place, the people of Dimension Universe Company will not think that his ability exceeds Lin Zhen. I don't want to cast a shadow over his victory, do you understand?"

"Understand, if you want to be the first, you must get the overall first!"


The sixth layer is desert landforms, and the speed of running is also very fast.

A white-clothed young man took the lead. Behind him, close to nine thousand elite guards of the ninth level of the galaxy followed him closely, and no one could surpass him.

Whenever there is a danger, the people behind will send out long-range attacks neatly, killing the danger in the bud.

The youth is Mu Huaiyu, the king of Mu, with a ninth-level galaxy and a star power of 620,000!

It is normal for his star power to be high in practicing the secret technique of the Metaverse.

Moreover, the strong men of Metaverse are basically ten times compressed.

Lin Zhen's star power is high because of the dark star space and the evil star map. Among them, the evil star map is actually a metaverse technique.

Mu Huaiyu also has this kind of exercise!

The guards behind him were all the first batch of virtual spaces that followed him and they were all guards arranged by King Mu for him.

With the protection of these guards, nothing in front can stop him, and no one behind can catch him.

Only when thousands of guards were damaged while passing the realm king-level serpent, could Mu Huaiyu pass through the territory of the serpent.

But when they got here, they received an order from King Mu.

"His Royal Highness, the prince said, a warrior named Lin Zhen killed the big snake."

"What? Someone can kill a star river beast of the realm king level?"

"It's true that this virtual space was bought by the prince with money. He has the permission to view it. He also arranged our entry order. That's what he said."

"Damn it! In this way, not all my limelight will be taken away by this guy? What should I do?"

"Second place, stay safe, the prince has already issued an order, let us help you kill another realm king level star river beast here, no matter what the price is paid."

It was an iron-faced warrior who spoke with a star power of more than half a million, and he was his personal guard.

"Okay! Killing the galaxy beasts on the sixth level is definitely better than killing the galaxy beasts on the third level. I just have to make the final blow, but where is the galaxy beast?"

"Here, it's ahead!"

Mu Huaiyu looked up and saw that the sand dune in front had begun to bulge, like a hill rising from the ground.

Amidst the scattered yellow sand, a lizard resembling a fire dragon appeared.

"Fire dragon lizard! Be careful, Shizi, this is an intermediate galaxy beast, extremely cruel!"

The previous big python can only be regarded as a low-level galaxy beast, and its strength is not comparable to this fire dragon lizard.

Mu Huaiyu immediately withdrew and retreated, temporarily giving up the first position, and the iron face behind him waved, the large groups of guards began to attack the dragon lizard.

This is a virtual space, and there is no need to worry about any risks in death. Almost all the guards are not afraid of death, and start to charge.

As soon as the fire dragon appeared, a deep blue flame was ejected from the mouth!

The star river beast of the realm king level can already possess this kind of firepower.

The guards suffered huge losses in the first place. Hundreds of people lost their lives in the flames and disappeared into stars.

However, these well-trained elite guards are not given in vain. Everyone's star power is more than 100,000. They train together all the year round, and they cooperate more tacitly.

Under the command of the iron face, they dispersed into small teams, not giving the fire dragon lizard a chance to massacre, and using the team as the attack point, fought a war of attrition with this fire dragon lizard, which had almost no weakness.

The people here are dead, and fire dragon lizards will be hit in multiple directions.

From energy to fatigue, from fatigue to injury, from injury to serious injury.

Thousands of warriors have given their lives one after another, but the fire dragon lizard is still weaker and weaker by this war of attrition, until it can't move.

After paying dozens of lives to test found that the fire dragon lizard finally had no ability to resist.

"Shizi, it's your turn."

When we set off 10,000 people, now there are less than 2,000 left.

Mu Huaiyu stepped forward, ended the life of the fire dragon lizard with a long sword, and recorded the video.

"Great! I killed the Star River Beast of the Realm King level. This time I can not only win the first place, but also get the reward from the Dimensional Universe Company. I can finally go to the Alchemist Guild for special training! Special training place It must be mine!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, but we'd better hurry up, look at that person named Lin Zhen, he is already within fifty thousand!"

"Half of the people stay here. You must kill Lin Zhen. The others will follow me and **** me through the 9th floor!"


The guards agreed in unison and immediately began to act.