Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 616: 1 way forward

The entrance and exit of the first floor are diagonally, and the straight-line distance is about 10,000 kilometers.

At this moment, Lin Zhen's star power exploded, resisting the powerful world gravity, and speeding up to a hundred times the speed of sound under a straight line!

One hundred times the speed of sound, thirty-four kilometers in one second!

Without the strong star power, it is impossible to withstand the strong gravity here to reach such a high speed. When Lin Zhen ran for a hundred seconds, he had already ran for more than 3,000 kilometers. At this time, he also caught up with the ranking. A group of people before him.

Lin Zhen was deliberately calculated, and his group were people who had arranged to snipe him a long time ago, and the ones in front of him were the real hapless ones. They were running hard, but saw someone behind them catching up.

Some warriors even wanted to snipe Lin Zhen, but Lin Zhen's speed was too fast, like a cannonball, banging, a cloud of smoke flashed in front of his eyes, and it had disappeared from the end of his sight.

These warriors with only tens of thousands of stars couldn't stop Lin Zhen from advancing at all, and couldn't even stop them.

After surpassing this group of people, Lin Zhen's ranking has reached more than ninety ninety thousand, and he is still improving.

The grassland is the best place to run wild, without obstruction, this is the best time for Lin Zhen to speed up.

The only thing to worry about was whether the galaxy beasts that appeared on the first to third floors were on this floor.

But obviously, there are no galaxies on the first floor.

Lin Zhen quickly passed the first floor, jumped from the light gate at the entrance, and appeared on the second floor.

The second layer is not so good to run, because this layer is a forest.

Lin Zhen took a look at the rankings. He is currently ranked more than 960,000. The first place is named Mu Huaiyu, and he has reached the fifth level.

"I don't know if there are galaxy beasts on this floor, let's hurry up."

After running for two steps, the forest really stopped. Running in the forest was very difficult. There were trees everywhere, and the speed could not be raised.

"I have a strong star power, so I don't have to walk around the trees like ordinary people, just crush it!"

Lin Zhen raised his hand, with the Yin-Yang spear in his hand, facing the forest in front, a thunderbolt blasted out!

The light thunder power turned into an energy beam, which was emitted with Lin Zhen's more than 700,000 star power, just like a powerful laser, which directly blasted a channel for hundreds of miles in the forest!

Accelerating under his feet, Lin Zhen ran along the passage!

The reflections of countless trees flew past, only a blur of color could be seen.

When it was about to run to the end, Lin Zhen once again shot a thunder kill, and another tree was cleared out of a passage. Before the tree fell down, Lin Zhen had already turned into a streamer!

The ranking is like a jumping water meter, soaring all the way up, and soon entered the 900,000!

Because not only Lin Zhen himself surpassed a group of people, there are also other warriors fighting on the road, and people are constantly being eliminated, so his ranking will rise so fast.

"Accelerate! Strive to enter 850,000 at this level."


"What? Then Lin really ranked 880,000?"

Inside Muwangfu, Mu En looked at Lin Zhen's soaring ranking, and his teeth tickled with hatred.

"The people you arranged were all wine bags and rice bags, and they were actually destroyed by Lin Zhenquan, Mu En, I have to remind you in advance that the first place this time, the son must win."

Inside the palace, Mu Jingshan in a brocade robe held a glass of wine.

"Yes, yes, you can rest assured, Lord, this Lin Zhen is currently only the second-tier, ranking more than 800,000. It is absolutely impossible for him to threaten the son. I just didn't expect him to act so decisively, in order not to be Entanglement, directly killed three thousand people."

"Huh! This is your negligence, thinking that arranging the poor galaxy period to delay him later, but I didn't expect people to not eat this set, but being able to kill three thousand people in one move, this Lin is really a big threat, you think Think of a way, absolutely can't let him run to the front."

"The prince can rest assured. After the second level, there is a galaxy beast in the third level. When Lin Zhen arrives there, most of the people should have passed. Lin Zhen faces the galaxy beast alone and wants to get there. The four layers are more difficult."

"That's good. Anyway, I don't want to see any accidents happen. Ke Qing is the first one, he must be the son! This time I violated the rules and let the son participate, so much manpower and material resources. If I can't win the first place, this plan will be ruined. ."

When Lin Zhen ran in the forest for more than half of the time, he discovered that other warriors appeared on the passage he had punched, rushing ahead of him.

Lin Zhen's face became cold, and he waved his spear without hesitation, and the second thunder kill continued forward!

Where the light passed, the large group of warriors were directly vaporized, and Lin Zhen's passage continued to flow unimpeded.

Some warriors who had escaped the catastrophe screamed, Lin Zhen didn't move at all. Not to mention that this is just a virtual world, it is a real world, and people who block their way must never stay.

At the end of the second layer, Lin Zhen ranked 830,000.

"Go on, third floor!"

Lin Zhen once again entered the third floor through the light gate. The terrain on this floor was swamp.

The speed of the warriors here finally slowed down, because there are many dangers on the swamp.

The giant pythons were tumbling in the mud. Although these pythons were not galaxy beasts, they were equivalent to monster beasts at the peak of the galaxy, posing a great threat to the advancing warriors.

"There is no doubt that the galaxy beasts on the first to third floors are on this floor, and I have to be more careful."

The softness of the mud is beyond imagination, as long as the foot is on it, there will be a strong pulling force to drag the warrior into the quagmire, not to mention the big python that has heard the news.

The warriors through this quagmire can be described as the Eight Immortals crossing the sea to show their magical powers. Some people have huge wooden boards tied to their feet, some jump like monkeys, and some use two long poles to support them.

Lin Zhen stood on the edge of the quagmire, and when he raised his hand, a chill came out!

Although Lin Zhen's cold air is not as powerful as his firepower, after all he has mastered the true meaning of ice-cold power, and when the cold air blows out, a ten-mile-long frost road is immediately paved on the mud!

With the yin and yang spear in his hand as the pole, he slammed forward, and his body slid out with a "swish!"

This frost is not very stable, and is constantly being destroyed by those giant pythons.

And Lin Zhen is like a brave surfing forward, constantly advancing between the rumble of frost.

With one hand supporting the spear, a cloud of cold air is always brewing on one hand, and when there is no road or danger in front of him, it is a cloud of cold air blowing out.


A huge python broke through the ice on the front and opened its mouth wide.

Lin Zhen's cold air smashed over, and he directly froze the tens of meters long monster into a popsicle, and then skated on his back, like riding a roller coaster, going up and down, faster than anyone!

Seeing his acrobatic advancement speed, the martial artists who were advancing like a snail opened their mouths wide, and I didn't expect to be able to play like this on this quagmire.

One by one martial artist was left behind by him, his ranking soared from 830,000, and when he was halfway through the trip, he entered the 600,000.

"If this goes on, maybe I can enter within half a million at this level."

Just as Lin Zhen was thinking, a cloud of black air rose in front of him.

A group of warriors were trekking, suddenly a series of bubbles burst out of the swamp, and then a huge python that was hundreds of meters long appeared suddenly!

The big mouth opened, and a huge suction force swallowed the surrounding warriors instantly like a long whale sucking water!

A star river beast of the realm king level!

Lin Zhen smashed the ground with one hand, and a large pile of sturdy ice directly froze a frozen layer up to ten meters thick, and the surrounding snakes could not be destroyed. He stood on the ice and observed carefully.

Although there are boundary king-level galaxy beasts blocking the way, they can't stop the warriors from charging forward.

This big snake was doing everything possible to kill, devouring, crushing, and spraying venom, and batches of warriors fell.

But the warriors were not given for nothing. They tried not to gather together and went around from all directions. Although the serpent quickly culled from left and right, some warriors still fled.

After watching for a minute, Lin Zhen acted decisively, taking advantage of the big snake culling several other warriors in the distance, accelerating forward from another direction.

Unexpectedly, the big snake actually abandoned other warriors and rushed towards Lin Zhen.

Because in his eyes, Lin is really a guy with very strong star power, and eating is a great tonic.

Lin Zhen also frowned secretly, hitting the ice one after another, paved a long road, and moved ahead at high speed.

The big snake opened his mouth, and was only ten meters away from Lin Zhen, breaking the ice to pursue.

Pieces of broken ice flew around Lin Zhen, and he could even feel the stench in the snake's mouth.

"No, you can't get rid of it if you continue."

As his mind turned, Lin Zhen threw the Yin-Yang spear to the ground, shaking his body and becoming a beast!

A huge black unicorn appeared, and Lin Zhen entered the fifth level of the galaxy. He had already taken one step closer to becoming a unicorn. Now it seems that it is difficult to find the characteristics of a human being, almost a unicorn.

After the body of the galaxy beast appeared, Lin Zhen turned around and immediately sent a black hole storm at the big snake!

The suction power of the big snake cannot be compared with the black hole storm, but it is at the level of the world king after all, and it can struggle hard to resist the pulling force of the black hole.

The star power of this big snake absolutely exceeded 1.42 million, even more than a lot.

It can move forward with the power of the black hole storm, and it is difficult to advance towards Lin Zhen's black hole beast, with saliva flowing in its mouth. If it swallows such a big unicorn, it will definitely be a big supplement.

It's just that it's not easy to resist the black hole storm. The muscles all over are trembling and twitching, making it quite difficult to get close.

Even when a daring warrior was passing by, he slashed the big snake with a knife, and the big snake was indifferent. It could no longer take care of other people.

Two huge galaxy beasts are at each After all, the snake is stronger, and it is almost close to Lin Zhen.

Its green eyes were gleaming cruelly, and it was about to bite down!

At the moment of the moment, the black hole beast suddenly retreated!

The big snake immediately pursued swiftly, passing the distance of several hundred meters in an instant!

Lin Zhen glided along the ice layer under his feet, and the big snake chased him. This section of the ice layer was less than a kilometer.

When Lin Zhen retreated to the end of the ice layer, all the martial artists passing by knew that the unicorn was going to die.

But when the snake's mouth was about to bite Lin Zhen, his body suddenly fell limp.

The head of the huge snake hit the ice hard, cracking the ice.

Then, bright red blood spread out from under the snake's abdomen, sprinkled with ice.

A star river beast of the realm king level actually died like this!