Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 612: Take home

Looking at the completely destroyed pill furnace, Lin Zhen sat down reluctantly.

He misjudged the strength of his own firepower, the power of the dark blue flame, let alone this kind of homemade simple pill furnace, which is generally sold on the Internet, I am afraid that he can't bear the calcination.

And those good pill furnaces, at every turn, could cost millions, and Lin Zhen couldn't afford it even if his family was bankrupt.

"Does my great cause of alchemy die?"

Lin Zhen put away the abandoned pill furnace, decided to harvest the herbs, and then went out to buy the herbs to make some living expenses.

Lin Zhen didn't want to do this either. This would delay his herbal planting plan. The price of the herbal medicine was incomparable with the price of the pill, but it was always impossible to have no money.

At this time in the dimension universe, Ge Yunjie called Lin Zhen again.

"Brother Lin, tell you good news that is not good news, do you want to listen?"

"Oh! What do you say?"

"Huang Yong from our hometown association is missing, do you think this is good news?"

"Missing? Will you be back in two days?"

"Definitely not. This kind of thing happened in the fellow villagers' association before, and I never came back when I disappeared."

Ge Yunjie was very happy: "Brother, Huang Yong, this guy has always pressed me on his head, holding the title of the top master in the club. He has disappeared. Then the position of the top master in the club will be mine. No one in here will be pressed on your heads anymore."

Being able to say such things to Lin Zhen proved that Ge Yunjie really took him as his own, and Lin Zhen was very happy for him.

"Congratulations to Brother Ge, I'm so good at seeing Yueming."

"Hahaha, I also want to congratulate you, you prepare, the president said that he would take you to the Temple of Longevity."

"Temple of Longevity?"

"Brother, don’t you still know the Temple of Longevity? There are many Temples of Longevity within the Yuanjie. Every owner of the Temple of Longevity is a warrior in the longevity realm. These warriors often explain cultivation knowledge, but not everyone If you are qualified to listen, the president can take you there, but you have to take advantage of the great opportunity."

"when to go?"

"Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning, when the red planet reaches the west of the horizon, you can come here."

After explaining some precautions, Ge Yunjie hung up the Dimensional Universe Communication.

From Ge Yunjie's words, Lin Zhen even heard a trace of jealousy. It was obvious that the opportunity to go to the Temple of Longevity was very rare.

But Lin Zhen didn't feel any joy, stood up and paced the room silently.

After a while, he seemed to figure out something.

With the remaining money, he continued to stay in the hotel for the night. The next morning, Lin Zhen checked out and left and went straight to the hometown association.

After arriving at the hometown association, I waited for Lin Zhen's carriage to be ready, saying that the president was waiting for him at the Temple of Longevity, so I just need to go there by car.

Two dragon horse-drawn carts, this kind of horse has scales on its body, dragon whiskers on its mouth, and some dragon bloodlines. The price in the dimensional universe is also 300,000 horses. It can be seen that the president Xu Xingyao is still relatively rich.

Alchemists are basically rich people, because this profession burns money incomparably, and makes money incomparably, and it is impossible to play without money.

After getting on the carriage, Longma began to accelerate, and it was speeding at sub-light speed, which made Lin Zhen think that he was going to enter a parallel universe.

In less than half an hour, the carriage arrived at the Temple of Longevity outside the city.

The Temple of Longevity is actually the home of the longevity realm warriors. After each warrior reaches the longevity realm, they will choose a place to build their home.

The stronger the warrior, the more exquisite the temple will be built, because this will attract more low-level warriors to come to worship.

Paying a visit also costs money, just like incense in a temple. The more people who visit, the more he earns.

Above the earth, a huge palace with a height of several hundred meters rose from the ground!

In front is a solid lapis lazuli paved road, flowers on both sides of the road, green trees lined up, straight to the gate of the temple.

There is no need for people to maintain order. Everyone here will automatically get off the car and walk along the road without making loud noises, showing respect for the Great God of Longevity.

Lin Zhen followed the flow of people to the gate of the temple. Two humanoid sculptures of unknown style were used as gateposts to support the roof.

The gate that is one hundred meters high is majestic and people are like ants here.

The owner of the Temple of Longevity here is called Shui Jing, and he is the strongest man ever born in the Muwang Mansion. After he enters the longevity realm, he settles in his hometown. Not only ordinary warriors will come to worship, even the Mu King often visits.

In front of the Great God of Longevity, he, the wooden king, is nothing at all.

After arriving here, Lin Zhen received the news that Dimensional Universe had added a friend, it was Xu Xingyao.

"President, I'm here."

"Well, it will take a while for the worship service to begin. You first go to the seventeenth room on the left of the main hall. I will wait for you there and explain the specific matters to you."

Lin Zhen agreed, and then walked along the walls of the hall.

There was a row of guest rooms in the distance. Lin Zhen walked to the seventeenth door and knocked gently.

"come in."

Xu Xingyao's voice looked a little hoarse, and it sounded like a dying person.

Lin Zhen opened the door, and the door closed automatically after entering. This is a large suite.

The first thing that came into Lin Zhen's eyes was a huge pill furnace. The pill furnace had eight legs, and each leg was a golden dragon.

The whole body is made of purple gold essence, and there is still residual temperature inside, it seems that the furnace has been opened for alchemy not long ago.

If this pill furnace is purchased in the Dimensional Universe, it is worth tens of millions at least!

The average little alchemist really can't afford such high-end goods.

There are also rows of red gourds on the wall, which are probably used for pill medicine.

Lin Zhen walked through the pill room and came into the room.

Xu Xingyao was lying on the bed, his body motionless, only his chest was slightly rising and falling. If he hadn't seen this, Lin Zhen would even think he was dead.

"President, what's wrong with you?" Lin Zhen came to the bed.

Xu Xingyao slowly opened his eyes, and showed an ugly smile at Lin Zhen. After a few days of not seeing him, he seemed to be much older again, and the flesh on his face was sunken.

"Help me up."

Lin Zhen helped Xu Xingyao to sit up. He leaned on the head of the bed, took out a pill from a gourd, swallowed it, and after a while, he looked better.

"Oh, it's not working anymore, I'm old, and I'll be alive in a few days."

Lin Zhen didn't take up this topic. When the martial artist Shouyuan was about to die, no one could do anything unless he could break through.

Xu Xingyao looked at Lin Zhen and suddenly said, "Lin Zhen, as a person from the New Territories, what is your attitude towards our New Territories martial artist?"

Lin Zhen pondered for a moment: "You must gain a foothold in the Metaverse, and you can't be bullied."

"Okay! I like to hear such words!"

Xu Xingyao gave a fierce high-five, his complexion flushed: "Lin Zhen, if I hand over the New Territories Fellowship Association to your hands, can you guarantee that we New Territories warriors will eat well and sleep well in the Metaverse, and everyone will be safe? "

"Give me the hometown association? But I just came here!"

Xu Xingyao shook his head: "It doesn't matter if there is more time or one day or less. The key is in other people. I don't see a man's responsibility, and in terms of talents, your talent is the highest. You were able to become a black hole recognized by everyone. The first period is enough to prove everything."

Lin Zhen didn't speak for a while. He didn't want to take over any fellow associations. This was undoubtedly a mess, and managing this would definitely delay cultivation.

And he felt that Ge Yunjie seemed to want to take over the fellow villagers' association, and Lin Zhen didn't want to fight with him.

But Xu Xingyao obviously hasn't been alive for a few days. This kind of solitary method is really not easy for Lin Zhen to refuse.

Xu Xingyao tremblingly took out a token from the space ring, and handed it over in person: "Lin Zhen, the fellow villagers' association will be handed over to you, so that even if my old man dies, he can close his eyes with peace of mind."

"President, I think Ge Yunjie seems to be more suitable for this position."

"He? He's still a little bit hotter, too utilitarian and inappropriate."

Seeing Lin Zhen's delay in answering, Xu Xingyao became anxious: "Lin Zhen, my old man had such a small wish when he died, can't you promise me? Even if you don't want to do it, you can find another one. Is the right person spread out?"

"Well then, I'll take it."

Lin Zhen stretched out his hand to pick up the token.

At the moment when two people touched, the abnormal change suddenly appeared!

The token was not a token at all, but something similar to liquid metal, which instantly became a lock, locking Lin Zhen's hands!

Lin Zhen backed away like lightning, but the handcuffs could no longer be taken off!

"Hahaha! Don't waste your efforts. This is made by Metaverse's soft gold. There is no star power of more than one million that can't be forcibly Zhen, just grab it!"

Just now, Xu Xingyao, who seemed to be dying at any time, was alive and well, his face was full of excitement.

Lin Zhen took the metal handcuffs and stared directly at Xu Xingyao, "Why?"

Xu Xingyao sat up from the bed and looked at Lin Zhen up and down: "Tsk! What a young body, still a galaxy beast of the unicorn family, the first talent in the New Territories black hole stage is really a gem that is hard to find by millions of miles! "

"Why? I didn't seem to offend you."

"Yes, you didn't offend me, but you should know a word, everyone is not guilty, you are guilty of crimes, Lin Zhen, you have such a good talent and talent, this is your sin, my old man is running out of time. There is no hope of being promoted to the Realm King. If you change to another person, you will have to wait for death."

As Xu Xingyao raised his hand, his hair and beard were wide, he said crazy: "Thanks to my learning the great alchemy method and knowing a way to seize the flesh, Lin Zhen, starting today, my soul will occupy you. Your body, I will live on your behalf."