Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 611: The first alchemy

There are dozens of people in the yard, and they are basically in the galaxy and star field period.

After Lin Zhen came in, there were very few people who responded to Ge Yunjie's words, and most people still looked at Lin Zhen with probing and indifferent eyes.

Ge Yunjie was a little embarrassed: "What? Don’t everyone know Lin Zhen? People here came here this time, right? Everyone should know that Lin Zhen competed with Ke Jianglong 700 years ago. It should be the first person in the black hole period."

At this time, a voice interface said: "The hero doesn't mention Yong, Ge Yunjie, you also said that it was at the beginning, but now it is not seven hundred years ago."

"Huang Yong, what do you mean?" Ge Yunjie looked at the person who spoke. He was a thin man, but he felt very sharp and tough.

"The meaning is very simple. Since you are from the New Territories, you are welcome to join our New Territories Association, but don’t talk about the first person not the first person. Those are things from the past. People always have to face it. realistic."

"Said it right!"

Just as Ge Yunjie was about to say something, he was interrupted by Lin Zhen.

Walking to the wine table, Lin Zhen automatically found a place next to Ge Yunjie and sat down.

"This old man Huang Yong is right. The past events are over. I am just an ordinary galaxy martial artist. I never thought about playing the first person. After all, that person is not me. "

Ge Yunjie's expression was not very good. He approached Lin Zhen, but he didn't expect that these New Territories fellow villagers would not give face, making his face a little uncontrollable.

Huang Yong was proud of his face. In his opinion, he succeeded in giving Lin Zhen a disarm.

But Lin Zhen changed his words: "Although the past has become history, the person is still that person. I, Lin Zhen, had the ability to win the first place, and I wouldn't be persuaded just because 700 years have passed. If you take me seriously and try to provoke me, I will definitely make him regret saying that!"

Huang Yong's expression changed. He thought Lin Zhen had fallen, so he made a mockery, but he didn't expect Lin Zhen to be so arrogant.

Just about to have an attack, the man on the theme spoke.

"Okay, okay! Everyone comes from the New Territories. They belong to the weakest group at the bottom of this metaworld. Don't argue with each other. Everyone should give me the president a face. This is over. ."

The talking man is the pinnacle of the ninth level of the star field. There are many such people in the meta realm. In fact, within each realm, the largest number is not the first level, but is often the ninth level.

Because with the passage of time, everyone can cultivate to level 9 without any accident, but it is not that simple to cross a great realm to advance. Most martial artists are stuck at level 9.

Huang Yong glanced at the man who was talking, and sat down angrily, but still snorted coldly: "President, I admire you, but you'd better not show favor to this guy. This is Metaverse, it's not the same year! "

When this kind of remarks are said, there seems to be no surprise to those present. The chairman himself is not angry, but faces Lin Zhen: "Lin Zhen, we all know you, you are a genius warrior, I believe you are not It will be wasted because of the 700-year delay. The New Territories fellows in the Muwangfu will welcome you."

At this time, Ge Yunjie was also next to Lin Zhen and said: "This is our president Xu Xingyao. He is the first New Territory warrior who came to the King’s Mansion below the Realm King. He is also the New Territory Fellowship Association he established. Even if Master Wang arrives in the Metaverse, he still has a place. Only those of us who need to help each other can stand firm."

"Thank you, President Xu! Thank you for establishing a hometown association for giving us these newcomers a place to stay." Lin Zhen salutes Xu Xingyao. Although this chairman looks a little cowardly and looks like a good old man, he can establish a hometown association. , Is worthy of Lin Zhen's respect.

"Hehe, I don't have much ability. I just came a little earlier. When I came to Tianmen, I was at the ninth level of the domain king. It has been more than 900 years now, and I am still at the ninth level of the domain king. Whether the association can flourish, it still depends on you young people."

The martial artist is very accurate in judging the age from the bone age. This Xu Xingyao seems to be at least four thousand years old. It is true that Lin Zhen and the others are young.

At this time, Ge Yunjie said: "President, your energy is spent on the study of alchemy. Some delays in your cultivation, otherwise I believe you can be promoted to the world king."

"Hey! If you don’t study the way of alchemy, we may not have the money to gain a foothold in the Yuanjie from our fellow villagers. I don’t have any extravagant expectations for the realm king. I am more than 4,900 years old this year. For thousands of years, I thought that before my deadline is up, I can leave you a little fortune so that the association can continue, and I can close my eyes."

Many warriors present here were a little moved, and they started to persuade the chairman, saying that he would definitely be able to make a breakthrough at the last moment and successfully promoted to the world king.

Lin Zhen even saw some people's eyes were moist, obviously the president is very popular.

The domain king over 4,900 years old, this is a dying old domain king, who may die at any time.

However, Lin Zhen still admired the character of the president. As a newcomer, he specially offered Xu Xingyao a glass of wine.

After drinking two glasses, Xu Xingyao got up and left.

"You young people go ahead, I will visit the Temple of Longevity tomorrow, so I won't go crazy with you."

Everyone got up to send Xu Xingyao away.

Ge Yunjie sat down and said to Lin Zhen: "Hey, a good person like the president, I really hope he can break through to the realm king and extend his life span for another five thousand years. It's a pity... his deadline is coming soon. It seems that it hasn't been a few years, it's too difficult to break through."

"The president is studying Dan Dao?"

"Yes, the president is still an alchemist. You don’t know. He started practicing pill medicine in the New Territories. He didn’t know where to get some metaworld pill prescriptions. He started studying it when he was in the New Territories. Although the realm of the Yuan Realm has not improved, the research on the medicine is very powerful, and he is now a fourth-rank alchemist."

"Four Pinnacle?" Lin Zhen didn't quite understand it yet.

"You don't understand, alchemists are divided into seven ranks, from one to seven, the higher the level, the more powerful. Let me tell you this, a realm king is worthless in the metaverse, but a fourth rank alchemist is in the eyes of those big people The value here is equal to the realm king. If you are promoted to the fifth rank, then if you want to kill a realm king, just talk to any big person. Do you say it is amazing?"

Lin Zhen nodded silently. It turned out that the value of alchemists was so high that he hadn't felt it before.

"If you can become a sixth-rank alchemist, then it will be difficult for you to die. The value of a sixth-rank alchemist is comparable to a great **** of longevity!"

Lin Zhen was even more shocked. The sixth rank can be compared to the longevity god, so what about the seventh rank?

Ge Yunjie continued: "We people are incapable. When we came to Metaverse, we had a lot of ambitions, but only when we got here did we realize that these people in the New Territories are just ants-like things here, let alone grand plans. Hegemony, it’s even a problem to support yourself. If it weren’t for the president to make alchemy to support it, most of us would have to go to the streets to beg for food.”

"It's your kind of rice bucket to beg for dinner, uncle, I will never have that day!"

At this time, Huang Yong passed by them and directly refuted Ge Yunjie.

Ge Yunjie frowned slightly, and Lin Zhen gave him a hand when he wanted to move.

Huang Yong saw the two of them not moving, snorted proudly, and said to Lin Zhen again: "Boy, I still said that. This is the New Territories. You are not the Lin Zhen of the year. You'd better keep your eyes open. Click!"

After finishing speaking, he took a few younger brothers and left with a swagger.

"Brother Ge, don't be impulsive, it's not worth it with this kind of person."

Ge Yunjie spit in the direction where Huang Yong had left: "What, if it wasn't for the fact that several strong people in the star field period in the previous meeting had somehow disappeared, and it would be this guy's turn? Now he is the number one below the president. Master, too arrogant."

Hearing Ge Yunjie's words, Lin Zhen looked at Huang Yong's back, thoughtfully.

Under the dual urging of the empty mountain spirit spring and the planet's heart of vegetation, the medicinal materials on the dark star grew rapidly.

After half a month, the first batch of medicinal materials had matured.

Lin Zhen sprinkled some of the seeds again, forming a virtuous circle, and then harvested some of the medicinal materials, ready to try alchemy.

He held a book in his hand called the Essentials of Alchemy.

This was purchased in the Dimensional Universe, a mass product, only a few hundred yuan.

Lin Zhen couldn't afford too expensive. Ten thousand yuan now only has one thousand yuan left. If the pill is unsuccessful, he may have to move out of the hotel and sleep on the street.

The essence of alchemy was about to be rotten by Lin Zhen these days, and the content in it was already thoroughly familiar.

A simple pill furnace was taken out by Lin Zhen. It was made by himself with the materials he bought online. It can be said to be the worst pill furnace in history.

However, Lin Zhen also has an advantage, that is, his deep blue flame, which is the most important thing for a alchemy color.

Lin Zhen's flame is a flame that combines the dual power of a phoenix and a unicorn, and it was obtained by continuous coincidence.

Even an alchemist at the Realm King level, there is rarely such a powerful firepower as Lin Zhen.

"It's the first time to refine Juyuansan, and I hope it will succeed."

Lin Zhen prepared all the herbs he needed, and then took out some materials.

"Pill powder, the basis for alchemy, I have a small amount here, only enough to refine it twice."

"Elixir is also a basic substance, but it has mild side effects."

"These two things plus my medicine can make Juyuansan."

Lin Zhen had experience in refining tools, and after reading a book of Pill Refining Essentials, he felt that he was almost ready to try, and immediately started to do it.

The pill furnace he made was set up, and Lin Zhen heated the pill furnace first.

A group of deep blue flames blasted out and burned in the pill furnace.

When the temperature in the pill furnace was enough, Lin Zhen put in the prepared medicine.

Increase firepower!


A crack suddenly appeared on the pill furnace, and then the fire spread along the crack, and the metal pill furnace showed signs of melting!

Lin Zhen hurriedly retracted the flames, and looking at the pill furnace he had modified, it was completely abandoned.

He didn't know whether the theory was successful in his first alchemy, and it just failed.