Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 512: Plant the plane tree, but no phoenix will come

The huge star power enveloped him, Ye Hua only felt comfortable all over, and his pores were cheering!

The golden dragon tattoo on his body began to shine. Feng Qingluan's star power was helpful to him, and it could be temporarily absorbed for him to use. This is the power of blood!

"Great! Great! I simulate the teleportation of the planet, and my strength is always worse. With the help of Qingluan's power, I must be able to succeed!"

Immediately perform the simulation in the dimensional space, and after a while, Ye Hua emerged from the dimensional space.

"Ahaha! Hahahaha! It's done!"

"Thank you Luan'er, I will marry you as my wife, Lin Zhen, now you know the gap with me?"

As Ye Hua said, he didn't forget that Lin Zhen, who was sitting on the sidelines, was promoted, defeated opponents, and won the beauties. All the good things happened at the same time. He was the happiest person in the world right now.

After tidying up his clothes, the barrier blocking him is about to break open, and Ye Hua is about to board the tenth row.

But at this moment, a figure flashed in front of him, and someone stepped up to the tenth row faster than him.

It's Lin Zhen!

The world is quiet at this moment!

Ye Hua's raised foot just hung in the air, neither stepping out nor retracting it.

He could hardly believe his eyes, Lin Zhen actually came to a lore, and at the moment he was about to advance, he was one second ahead of him to complete, completely blasting him from heaven into the abyss!

This is not an illusion, Lin Zhen completed it earlier than himself, but... it was obvious that he had gained Luaner's power and completed the enlightenment promotion, but Lin Zhen still completed it one second earlier than himself. Is this a coincidence? ?

"I don't believe it! This is not true! This is not true!"

Ye Hua lost his attitude. He lost his attitude for the first time and roared loudly.

The thundercloud in the sky made up for it, and a golden thunder was brewing.

The sound of muffled thunder rolling made Ye Hua had to calm down. There was countless anger in his heart, but he did not dare to show it at all.

It has been eleven months, and nearly a year of hard work has been so wasted. It is almost the first one at hand. After Lin Zhen arrived, he changed his fate.

He lost, the most outstanding genius of the Fire Kylin Empire, just lost completely.

He didn't even dare to look up at Feng Qingluan. Mingming Feng Qingluan helped him, but he still lost. He felt very ashamed.

He felt that the people below the fire unicorn looked at his eyes, full of pity, sympathy, contempt, ridicule, gloat, etc. In short, none of them were positive, they were all watching their own jokes!

The raging anger burned in Ye Hua's heart. He raised his head and looked at Lin Zhen, who had already reached the tenth floor.

"Lin Zhen! You won! But once you win, it doesn’t mean you will win forever. When we come to Chaotic Star River, we compare the number of kills. Even if you succeed in enlightenment on the floating island, you will still lose in other aspects I."

"What a beautiful Jedi counterattack, a perfect interception, Lin Zhen, you taught me a lesson today, but I will return this lesson soon."

Ye Hua flicked his clothes fiercely, got down the stone pillar, and quickly left the Hanging Island.

The position on the tenth floor was already occupied by Lin Zhen, and it made no sense for him to stay.

Ye Hua left, and most of Huo Qilin's warriors also left.

No one thought it would be such a result. Ye Hua, who was helped by Feng Qingluan, would actually lose to Lin Zhen, and it was only a second away from the coincidence, and the loss was extremely depressed.

On the other hand, Feng Qingluan, after seeing this result, still sat there calmly and continued to comprehend the cultivation, not being affected by this incident at all, leaving people confused.

Only Lan Yu'er stayed, but he was also cultivating far away, and only Lin Zhen and Feng Qingluan remained in the entire Tianbei.

Lin Zhen opened his eyes and looked at Feng Qingluan on the other side.

"Thank you, your power seems to have helped Ye Hua, but in fact, it is me who has received greater help, allowing me to make a breakthrough first."

Feng Qingluan's brow moved slightly, but he did not open it and did not respond, as if he did not want to see Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen didn't say more, closed his eyes and continued to comprehend.

On the tenth floor, everything that I had learned before suddenly became clear and integrated. All Lin Zhen needed was some time to thoroughly master planet teleport and space slash.

It is now the eleventh month since the opening of the Hanging Island, and it has only been less than two months since the meteorite belt outside has resumed operation, and there is not much time left for Lin Zhen.

"Chrissy, does my current star power exceed a thousand?"

"Yes, Master, I just got the help of Feng Qingluan's power to stimulate your star power to grow, so that your star power has just reached one thousand."

"So, I can use World Teleport?"


Lin Zhen nodded, being able to use the world teleportation means that he can enter the inner world of other realm kings through the dark star world in his body. Of course, the realm king should open his inner world to him.

This kind of world teleportation can also use the body and the clone.

"Connected to the Dimensional Universe Company that provided the plane tree seedlings."

It was quickly connected, and Lin Zhen spoke with the person who communicated last time.

"Hello sir, have you decided to buy saplings of plane trees?"

"Yes, but the price of 10 billion Universe Crystals is too high, can it be cheaper?"

"I'm very sorry, the price of this tens of billions of cosmic crystals is mainly to bear the risk of the world king masters opening up the inner world. You think, those who can use the world teleport are all the world king level masters. When another realm king comes in, he has to take a huge risk. The value of every realm king master is immeasurable. Ten billion cosmic crystals are just a basic guarantee."

"Then it can't be cheap at all?"

"If you are sure to buy, we can give you five hundred Kylin coins for the plane tree saplings for free."

Lin Zhen was speechless for a while, 10 billion cosmic crystals were spent, who would care about the five hundred Kylin coins.

"I'll buy it now. Let your realm king open up the inner world."

"Okay, our world king is ready. His world coordinate is XXXXX.XXXX."

Every realm king's internal world has its own unique coordinates. When he opens, he can teleport and enter according to this coordinates.

Lin Zhen cloned himself in the dark star space and locked this coordinate position with star power.

"World Teleport!"

The dark star stopped abruptly, and the huge star power output instantly broke the space barrier, and a whole new corner of the world appeared in front of Lin Zhen!

As soon as his body moved, the next moment Lin Zhen's clone had entered a new world.

This is a barren world, with a vast expanse of wilderness in the eye. Only below the place where Lin Zhen entered, there was a white-haired old man standing there, with a small tree in his hand.

When he saw Lin Zhen coming in, the old man was stunned.

"Are you the one who wants to buy a plane tree?"

"Yes, what do you call it?"

"People call me Moon Sovereign Realm King, why didn't the Realm King on your side come over? Instead, you came here as a little fellow?"

"Uh... the world king is busy now, so he can only send me over. Okay, we can trade now."

This month, the Realm King did not ask much, but handed the phoenix tree to Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen collected the plane tree, and transferred the 10 billion Universe Crystals plus 500 Kylin Coins. The original net worth of 30 billion Universe Crystals has shrunk by two-thirds.

After getting the sapling of the plane tree, Lin Zhen left this world immediately. After all, the opponent was a master of the realm king, and Lin Zhen still felt a little unsafe facing him.

He broke through the barriers of the world again and returned to the dark star space.

The plane tree sapling in his hand was full of vitality, but it was still not big enough. Lin Zhen placed the plane tree sapling next to the star fruit tree.

This is the place where the heart of grass and trees was originally placed. It is full of energy. Although the power of the heart of grass and trees has been basically exhausted now, there is still surging vitality at this initial location, which is enough to make this sycamore tree grow up quickly.

"Here, it won't take long for the plane tree to grow into a big tree, and then I can remove the plane tree."

"The phoenix tree is here, but I don't know if I have a chance to see my little After all this, Lin Zhen's eyes fell on Feng Qingluan again.

Feng Qingluan was cultivating without distraction, and the mental power of the green light flashed occasionally, making Lin Zhen feel the slightest pressure.

"Feng Qingluan is almost considered to be Luan Xinghe's number one master now. Whether Yehua or the mantis commander, she is probably not her opponent alone."

"I also have to hurry up to practice. There is still more than a month. I believe that people from the Zerg race outside, or Yehua, will not give up. Once I leave here, there may be a fierce battle!"

Lin Zhen closed his eyes and started a new round of cultivation.

On the tenth floor, Oyilin, who has learned about the profound meaning of space slash and planet teleport, has learned about it. His focus is on practice, practicing again and again in the dimensional arena.

Space slash is a powerful move, one shot is endless space cracks flying, extremely difficult to resist, but this move is powerful, and the star power is extremely huge.

This move is divided into ten consecutive cuts, 100 consecutive cuts, thousand consecutive cuts, and ten thousand consecutive cuts.

Lin Zhen is currently able to achieve ten consecutive cuts and is working hard to practice 100 consecutive cuts.

On the contrary, planet teleportation is easier to learn. After learning the last profound meaning, although Lin Zhen can't move the distance between the two planets instantaneously, there is no problem moving tens of thousands of kilometers.

In the final analysis, it is the star power factor. These two tricks are prepared for the galaxy stage masters, especially Space Slash. Lin Zhen's current level of star power is thousands of stars, at most, the strength of the galaxy level three, so naturally he can't play the maximum The power of.

For more than a month, Lin Zhen practiced Space Slash, and was also constantly absorbing the stellar crystals in the star fruit tree, allowing his realm to continue to progress from the initial stage of the star's ninth level to the peak of the star's ninth level.

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