Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 511: Stellar level 9, with the help of breakthrough!

With his huge financial resources, Lin Zhen abruptly shortened the gap with Ye Hua.

There is one last item. The winner wins and the loser is eliminated.

This is the fiercest and most cruel competition. The proud boy of the fire unicorn has been challenged by a boy who has not even reached the black hole period.

But in people's eyes, the Yehua, who is as high as a divine mansion, and completely not like a mortal, is panicked!

He has never lost, which is not necessarily a good thing, because he has not suffered setbacks, and has always been smooth. Although he has strength, once he encounters strong challenges, his mental endurance is not as good as those who have been tempered. Of tenacity.

When he was in the lead, Ye Hua could still perform normally, but now he and Lin Zhen are on the same starting line, Ye Hua himself is a little impetuous.

Even some warriors around could see that Ye Hua's situation was not good.

"Yehua! What are you doing? If you don't concentrate at this time, you will lose!"

"Forget what you are called the first fire unicorn, now you are an ordinary competitor, a competitor who will lose the game if you don't work hard, throw away your stinky airs!"

Nan Lie's curse made Ye Hua sober a lot in an instant, and he realized that his heart was impetuous.

His talent is also very good. After realizing the problem, he forced himself to calm down. After doing the exercises for a few weeks, he no longer looked at Lin Zhen, but instead focused his attention on the monument.

The fierce competition began again.

There are only six people who are still comprehending the Tianbei. In addition to Lin Zhen and Yehua, there are Feng Qingluan and Lanka, as well as Jinnaruo and the Zerg commander.

In the tenth month, the first person to reach the summit was born!

At the spiritual power monument, Feng Qingluan stood up, leaped up lightly, and went directly to the only stone pillar in the tenth row!

She made it!

Before her, there were only seventy-nine people on the entire Xuankong Island who successfully boarded the tenth row, and Feng Qingluan was the eighty. Her name will be remembered here forever for future generations to admire.

After Feng Qingluan succeeded, Lanka sighed slightly, and took the initiative to jump off the ninth row of stone pillars. He was unable to advance, and it made no sense for him to stay.

The people of the Lantis Empire wanted to leave, but they were stopped by the people of the Zerg Empire over there, not knowing what they were communicating with.

After Feng Qingluan, the time Tianbei also changed.

The mantis commander and Jinnaruo also boarded the ninth row almost at the same time, but within two minutes they also gave up.

The enlightenment on the ninth row of the Time Tianbei was too difficult for them. It was so difficult that they had no hope of completion. The pressure made them unable to bear it, and they had to give up enlightenment.

As a result, there are only three people on the entire sky stele, Feng Qingluan in the tenth row of spiritual power, and Lin Zhen and Ye Hua in the ninth row of Space.

In Lin Zhen's mind, all that reverberated was the technique of planetary teleportation.

"The method of teleportation, I have already mastered before the star realm, but the method of teleportation is completely different from that of planetary teleportation."

"If you want to practice this technique quickly, I am afraid that I will not have any advantage compared to Ye Hua. After all, he is in the late stage of the galaxy, and I am only a stellar level seven. His star power surpasses me too much. He also has an advantage over me in teleporting simulation training."

"My only advantage may be that I have dark star space. Compared with him, I have a better training venue."

"I just want to get in and out of the dark star space. I need my star power to reach a thousand. Maybe I should be promoted."

It has been nine months since Lin Zhen came to the Hanging Island. He has always been at Level 7 of the Star and has no time to advance. Now that the critical moment is reached, Lin Zhen immediately began to break through.

Just above the stone pillars in the ninth row, Lin Zhen absorbed a batch of Thunder Crystals and broke through to the star level eight on the spot!

Lin Zhen’s on-the-spot breakthrough made Yehua very surprised. He didn’t expect Lin Zhen to be able to break through at this time, but in his opinion, whether the star is at level 7 or level 8, the realm is too low for him. Worth mentioning.

It wasn't until eleven months before Lin Zhen broke through for the second time, when he reached the ninth level of the star, he really made Ye Hua pay attention.

This last planetary teleportation enlightenment made Ye Hua also scratched his brains. He was always unable to achieve true planetary teleportation. He clearly felt that he had mastered some methods, but it was something wrong. , Even wanted to leave the stone pillars to experiment in the stars.

In the past month, he has not improved, and Lin Zhen has not made any progress either. Instead, he has been upgraded all the way from Stellar Level 7 to Level 9.

"How does this guy achieve continuous promotion? One promotion is normal. It may happen to have reached the breakthrough threshold, but what is the situation of continuous promotion?"

Ye Hua secretly felt bad in his heart. He had a feeling that if he didn't make any more actions, he would lose in this competition.

"I will not lose, I will never lose!"

"I have the blood of the super galaxy beast Golden Dragon, so I should soar to the sky, how can I lose to an opponent who has not reached the black hole period!"

"I still need a little help...that is!"

Ye Hua’s gaze fell on Feng Qingluan. Feng Qingluan had already boarded the tenth row, and even Ye Hua felt that Feng Qingluan’s mental power seemed to be promoted, and he had to break through the sky blue level and move on. High level.

Ye Hua knew that if he wanted to quickly defeat Lin Zhen, he had to use a little external force, and the source of this external force was Feng Qingluan.

He fixed his gaze on Feng Qingluan firmly, waiting for the moment when she succeeded.

Lin Zhen is adapting to his brand new star power. After two consecutive promotion breakthroughs, Lin Zhen's star power has reached 999!

The thousand mark is only one step away.

At this time, Lin Zhen also knew that he had the opportunity to master the planetary teleportation, that is, the star power reached one thousand. With this opportunity to break through the dark star space, so that the body could enter and exit the dark star space, the initial stage of the planetary teleportation was completed.

At that time, he will be able to board the tenth row and learn to teleport all the planets, but he is currently weak.

He is currently in the early stage of the ninth level of the star. As long as he is given time to continue practicing for ten days and eight days and absorb a little stellar crystal, the star power will definitely exceed one thousand, but I am afraid it is too late.

Ye Hua seemed to have found a trick over there too, I am afraid that the breakthrough will only be in these two days.

While seizing all the time to cultivate, Lin Zhen also kept an eye on Feng Qingluan's movements. He felt that the key to success or failure of the matter seemed to lie in the talented gang boss.

At this time, on the entire Hanging Island, the warriors of the Zerg, the Raksha Empire, and the Landis Empire had already left, and all the rest were people from the Fire Qilin.

They also wanted to see who would win the final competition, so they didn't leave.

Three more days passed.

The sky was densely covered with dark clouds and lightning and thunder. Although the Hanging Island has always been like this, the celestial phenomenon today is even more violent, as if something unusual is about to happen.

"Lin Zhen! Success or failure is today!"

Ye Hua, who had been practising quietly there, suddenly said this to Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen raised his head, his eyes fell on Feng Qingluan in the tenth row opposite.

I saw the colorful light on Feng Qingluan's body, and the huge mountain of spiritual power spewed out with a tsunami, her spiritual power was promoted!

This is no longer the category of azure spiritual power, the original cyan light becomes brighter and brighter, as if there is life, it becomes green!

The emerald green breath flickered with a little bit of stars, and the power of mental power alone made people feel infinite pressure.

Above the sky cyan, is the mental power of the Cuimang level!

"It's now....."

Ye Hua suddenly threw off his clothes, and a golden dragon hovered behind him, lifelike.

"I have the blood of the super galaxy beast Golden Dragon. I was born a king. I have said that there are two things I want to pursue. One is the pinnacle of martial arts and the other is Feng Qingluan, because only she has the blood of Phoenix. This is my best match!"

Ye Hua looked at Lin Zhen with embarrassed eyes: "Lin Zhen, I have to admire you for pushing me to this point. Maybe now you are just one step away and you are about to make a breakthrough, but unfortunately, you lose. deal!"

"Because Qingluan is here, the true dragon bloodline and the phoenix bloodline have mysterious communication. Qingluan is now in the spiritual as long as she passes on me a little strength, I can break the bottleneck, and you. ...No one will help you!"

Having said that, Ye Hua looked at Feng Qingluan and shouted: "Qingluan, help me!"

He had no time to rely on Sen Enlightenment to defeat Lin Zhen, he had to rely on external forces.

In the distance, Feng Qingluan slowly opened her eyes, divine light loomed in her eyes, and the promotion of her mental power was extremely great for her strength improvement.

Seeing that Ye Hua was topless, revealing the power of the golden dragon, and when he asked for help, Feng Qingluan bit his lip.

"Qingluan! What are you thinking about? Don't forget the agreement between our master, you must help me at this time!"

Ye Hua was a little anxious. Without Feng Qingluan's help, he would have no way to defeat Lin Zhen. He felt that Lin Zhen could break through on his own within these few days, and he still had no clue about the final insights. It.

Lin Zhen also opened his eyes and looked at Feng Qingluan, wanting to see what this super tough woman would do.

Feng Qingluan stood up, raised a plain hand, and waved in the direction of Ye Hua and Lin Zhen.

A surging star power, like a spring breeze and rain, is coming!

"It's over! It's over! Lin Zhen lost."

"There is no way, who would let Ye Hua have a strong woman like Feng Qingluan."

"They have a marriage contract? Otherwise, how could Feng Qingluan listen to Ye Hua?"

"It seems to be, but I think Feng Qingluan's aptitude may be higher than Yehua!"

"In short, Lin really lost. The dragon and phoenix bloodlines are naturally connected. As long as Ye Hua draws on Feng Qingluan's power, he will be able to make a breakthrough and reach the tenth floor. Lin really has no hope."

The people who watched the fire unicorn stood up one after another, and the competition was over, although Ye Hua couldn't win.

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