Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King's Wife (Phoenix Cry Firmament)

~: 57. Love is dark (eight)

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It is really hard for him to believe that this handsome man is a ugly ghost king in the market rumors. This... this **** is two people.

"Do I have to lie to you?" Mu Ruyue shrugged his shoulders and said.

"But..." Li Lu snorted and muttered. "Those rumors came from the palace. I thought it was really like that."

"Miyazaka?" Mu Ruyue picked up his eyes. It seems that it is time to find out the source of rumors. "Now, no matter how much, Li Lu, within three months, how many strong people can you recruit for me?"

"If there is a marrow wash, I can help you to gather a hundred fifth-order to eighth-order powerhouses. If you are on the eighth-order, washing the marrow is not attractive to them."

"Okay, then I will give you three months."

In three months, she also wants to improve her ability as much as possible...

Just as Li Lu turned and left, the people of Mujia came to the door...

Mu Yixue saw the night without the dust of Mu Ruyue, his eyes obsessed with his handsome face, and he could no longer look away.

A hair like ink, the teenager's skin is fair and transparent, and the clean scorpion carries a little bit of ignorance. His thin lips are beautiful, with a slight curvature.

It’s just that the boy’s eyes are always looking at Mu Ruyue. There is deep dependence in the eyes, as if the whole person’s existence is only allowed in the whole eye.

Mu Yi Xue's clenched fist, long nails faintly white, the scene of harmony does not hurt her eyes, so she can not wait to kill Mu Ruyue to replace it.

"This son, who are you, why are you with your big sister?" Mu Yi Xue bit his teeth, squinting his eyes like a moon, then turning to look at the night without dust, madly asked .

The night was dusty and a little scared and looked at her: "Women, this crazy woman is terrible, can she drive her out?"

Crazy woman? Mu Yixue’s pretty face changed slightly. If it wasn’t for her affection, her eyes would stop her impulses. I’m afraid she would step forward to grab this boy to her side.

"This son, I am not a crazy woman, the one next to you is."

"Snow!" Mu Qing looked at her and knew that she was so impulsive that she would not promise to let her come. After all, the purpose of his coming here was to let Mu Ruyue go home.

Mu Yixue is full of anger, but no longer say anything, just looking at Mu Ruyue.

"The woman is a good man, not a crazy woman," the nightless face was red, and the clean and clear throat was full of anger. "You bully my lady, I will kill you."

Mu Ruyue stunned. He looked at the night with no murder in his eyes. He said: "No dust?"

The night in her heart is clean and beautiful, just like a child who has never had a problem, knowing that he will also commit a murder.

"I used to say that as a man, I have to protect my wife. I am a man, so anyone who bullies the woman will kill her. I will kill her!" The night looks at Mui Xue, angry. Said.

If other people say this, perhaps Mu Ruyue can't believe it, but if it's said at night, then she can't help but believe that he will do it even if he can't do it.

Innocent, her heart raised a strange feeling.

"No dust, don't let the blood insult your hands," Mu Ruyue gently held his hand and smiled. "The killing thing, let me come, you are the only clean person in this world." I won't let those blood get your hands dirty."