Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King's Wife (Phoenix Cry Firmament)

~: 56. The situation is dark (7)

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After the trial, Li Lu went back to his son to give him a slap in the face, but Li Lu has already decided that the husband will say a word, and he must do it if he says it. He is almost angry with his sword and cuts him. Legs.

In the end, the general’s wife who heard the news stopped the general. She said that if she dared to beat her son, she would kill her first. The general who had always feared had the courage to cut off Li’s leg. I can only let him go.

Who knows that after the end of the event, Mu Ruyue disappeared. For this reason, Li Lu did not tell his friends to help him find a person. If it wasn’t for Mu Ruyue’s house, he could not let Li Lu’s people find her.

"I almost forgot about it," Mu Ruyue stood up from the chaise longue and moved to the lower shoulder and said, "Li Lu, help me to call some strong."

“Hey?” Li Luyi squinted his eyes. “What do you want to do?”

Mu Ruyue glanced at him and said: "Of course, in order to expand the power, I have limited ability after all. If you want to survive, you need a party."

Having said that, Mu Ruyue patted him on the shoulder: "So, this matter is handed over to you, I believe you can do it well."

When I heard that Mu Ruyue said this, Li Lu was embarrassed to touch the back of his head: "The master, you believe me so much, I will not let you down, not just call the strong, I have a set of methods. Guarantee to call you a lot of strong people within three months, of course, hehe, the master must have enough gold coins to make the strong man work."

"You can rest assured," Mu Ruyue smiled slightly. "In addition, I will go out and be willing to be loyal to me. Everyone will get a marrow wash. Of course, these things must be done in secret. Don't let the palace Those inside know."

Li Lu’s eyes are bright, and the washing of the marrow is a good thing, at least the talent can be made stronger.

"Master, what is the name of our power?"

“Well?” Mu Ruyue touched his chin, silent and half-sounding, and said, “It’s called Haotianmen.”

弑天门, even if the day is to be right with them, it must be correct.

"弑天门, this name is good, haha, the master, then we will follow you and this day as an enemy, and this place is against, not just the sky, if the day is not fair, why not?"

Li Lu laughed. Today, he still doesn't know. On this day, he did the most correct thing in his life. After many years, he was thankful for the original decision...


The night was dusty and laughed when no one noticed. This domineering name is really suitable for her...

Mu Ruyue did not think that the name had anything, but only reflected her innermost desire.

Formerly, Grandpa violated Heaven in order to save his father's life, leading to the birth of the thunder, after all, it was destroyed in the day to annihilate.

Since Heaven is so ruthless, why not destroy it?

"Li Lu, since you have become my subordinate now, then I will introduce you to a person," Mu Ruyue turned to look at the handsome young man beside him, smiling. "This is the ghost king, no dust at night." ”

Li Lu almost jumped up, and his eyes widened and looked at the beautiful and unparalleled face of the night, and then looked at Mu Ruyue, and he swallowed.

"The master, have you made a mistake? Is the ghost king not ugly? How can it be so beautiful? Even Huawang is not as good as his one."