Enchanting Alchemist

Chapter 483

On behalf of the first throne, the black jade ring finger was placed in the palm of Hua Ruge by Gumo.

"Ruge, you are the first Danyang peak from now on. You must keep this position and carry forward Dandao." Gumer said.

Hua Ruge still shakes his head: "Sir, I will treat you, you and so on."

"I've done my best to teach you. Don't waste your time." Gumer took Hua Yuege's fingers and held them in his palm. He said:

"you can see that those people outside are covetous. When I leave, they will surely deceive you when you are young. You should be more careful."

"Master Don't say... " Hua Ruge wiped his tears and said, "I remember all of them. I'll treat you now."

Hua rugo said, closing her eyes and using her mental power to detect gumer's body. At this time, she suddenly found that there was no vitality in gumer's body.

He can survive until now, relying entirely on the elixir in his body, and it is likely that he prepared it in advance.

Don't say it's her. Even if childe Wuchen is here, I'm afraid she can't save such a lifeless shell.

Big drops of tears burst out of her eyes, and she stood still.

Since she came to this strange world, gumer is the only elder who has given her warmth and care. She respects him very much in her heart and regards him as her family member. The sudden change in front of her really caught her off guard.

"Ruge, good luck." Gumer said this sentence, full of wrinkled eyelids slowly closed.

"Master." Hua shouted loudly like a song, trying to wake him up.

But gummer was too tired. After his eyes were closed, the drugs in his body began to decompose, and suddenly he gave off huge heat.

"No." As soon as Hua Ruge came out, Gumo's body lit up a burning flame, which disappeared for a moment. There was no powder left on the chair.

Hua Ruge looks at the empty chair and takes two steps back.

This was a strong sense of powerlessness that rose in her heart for a few times. She always thought that as long as she worked hard enough, she would be strong enough to do nothing.

But at this moment, she suddenly realized that she was just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who would be sad, cry and helpless.

Tears rustled down, she took a long time to wipe her face hard, fell back three steps and knelt under the chair, firmly saying:

"master, I just forgot to say, I promise you, I must keep Danyang peak, and I will certainly carry forward Dandao."

As she spoke, she bent down and kowtowed.

When she got up again, she had already put her finger on her left thumb. She was firm and resolute, but she was also murderous.


The gate of the main hall opened again, and all the people in front of the gate looked eagerly inside, but only saw Hua Ruge standing in front of the gate.

At this time, Hua Ruge seems to be different from just now.

Before her although strong, but the gas field has not been so cold, not so, terror.

Hua Ruge stepped out, and the sharp eyed man saw the finger on Hua Ruge's singer and pointed out: "that..."

When they looked in that direction and saw the wrench on her hand, they all looked unbelievable.

Everyone knows that the first birthday is near, but it's unexpected.

So many people have been guarding here for nearly a month, and at last they fell on Hua Ru singer like this?

What does this mean? No one here doesn't know, and no one isn't surprised.

Hua Ruge, facing the crowd, raises his left hand, and the black jade ring finger flashes a light black light in the moonlight.

"From now on, this tower is the first one of Danyang peak. All Danshi must obey the orders of this tower. Those who resist will be killed without forgiveness!"

"Shizunxian, I will be filial for three days. No one is allowed to step on Danyang peak in these three days. Anyone who does not comply will be killed without forgiveness!"

"Three days later, we will hold a reception ceremony on the peak. All the disciples of Tianfu university must be present. Those who don't see us will be regarded as disrespectful to us and will not be forgiven for killing us!"

There is no pardon for killing!

There is no pardon for killing!

There is no pardon for killing!

Three sentences in a row were uttered from Hua Ruge's mouth, and each sentence's murderous spirit increased a little, which made people shudder.

A group of elites were shocked by this powerful killing intention, and their faces were white.

"Pass on the words of this seat to the disciples of each peak. Now, you can roll away." The voice of Hua Ruge is cold and solemn. It is powerful and shows the power of the superior.

When you look at me and I look at you, you dare not speak first.

Suddenly a man came out and said, "you say you are the first, how can we know the truth?"

Hua Yuege looks at him with cold eyes.

The middle-aged man subconsciously fought a cold war.

"This is the truth. You only need to comply with it. You are not qualified to question it." Hua is like a cold song.

The man thought it was too humiliating to be frightened by her, so he stuck his neck and said: "why?"

Hua Ruge did not speak, but held out his hand to him.

The man only felt a huge suction in front of him, and his body moved forward passively. When he relaxed, his neck had been pinched by Hua Ruge.

Hua Ruge's cold eyes hit him in the face, and his red lips opened softly. "I can crush you easily."

The man's face was red and frightened.

He is just a soul master. How can he stand the power of Hua Ruge.


A crisp sound sounded in the ear of Hua Ruge. At the next moment, the man's eyes widened and his hands drooped powerless.

Hua Ruge gently let go of his hand, and the man was thrown on the ground like a broken sack.

One by one, the dans retreated in fear.

They didn't expect Hua rugo to dare to kill people, and they didn't blink.

"Who else questions this seat? Bring it up." Hua Ruge glanced at all the people for a while, cold and thin in his indifferent voice.

No one in the crowd dared to look at her.

When we meet people whose strength is stronger than ourselves and whose means are more ruthless than ourselves, most people will give up because of fear.

"No one doubts, just do as this seat says." Hua Yuege said a word and turned to walk into the main hall.

As soon as they saw Hua Ruge turning around, they ran down the steps, afraid that they would be killed by Hua Ruge as an example.

"Wait." Hua Ruge's voice sounded over the crowd.

The backs of all the people were taut and straight, so they listened to Hua Ruge again and said, "take the body down for me."

When she had finished, she turned and left, as easily as helping to bring a box of rice.

All the people were tense and relaxed, and suddenly they were sweating.

Hua Yuege enters the hall and says in a faint voice, "Xiao Jin."

A golden light flashed, and the small golden version appeared on the shoulder of Hua Ruge.

Hua rugo took him down and put him in his palm and said, "please do something. Keep this mountain for three days. Just step on the steps and kill. Don't let people see you."

"OK, master," little Kim replied, and then flew out.

Hua Ruge sits on the ground, rubs his brow and heart, and sighs.

Just now, those scouts, at best, are still behind.

The contest officially began three days later.