Enchanting Alchemist

Chapter 482

Tuo Ba Rui went to the street and bought a lot of small bags. He handed them to two bodyguards and said, "send the things to her and ask her what is missing."

Two bodyguards nodded: "yes, your highness."

Tuo Ba Rui turns around and goes back to the mansion. He is still unhappy.

He was wondering if there were a little more things that he had sent. She would not wait to eat up before coming back, would she?

He thought about it and finally decided that as long as she came back, he would never let her go again.

When huaruge arrived at the college in the afternoon, it still looked like a barren mountain. Show your jade card. When the border is opened, it will be a different view.

Academicians bow slightly to show respect when they see the black sign on Hua Ruge's waist.

Hua Ruge nodded back, not to see Su Nianxia, but directly to the core area.

On the way, she was very worried. After all, she promised to go early and return as soon as possible, but the delay lasted for half a year, and there must be some scolding.

Before she got to Danyang peak, she saw a lot of people gathered at the foot of the mountain. They were academicians, like followers of some people.

Who went to Danyang peak?

She walked forward strangely, and the academicians were shocked at her sight. Obviously, they didn't expect to come back suddenly.

"It seems that everyone knows who I am. I won't say more. I'll go up. Please let me go." She said it politely, but kept on walking, straight up the steps.

When the academicians saw that she was not good-looking, they made way one after another.

At one glance, Hua Ruge saw the emptiness of heart from these people's eyes, and her intuition was that something bad had happened.

Her tiptoe is light, climb very fast, half sweet time arrived peak.

When she stepped on the last step, people on Danyang peak turned their heads and looked at her face a little surprised.

Hua Ruge glanced at them and roughly estimated that there were twenty or thirty people, some old and some young. Looking at the standing posture of these people, they were all surrounded in front of the main hall of Danyang peak.

"Dear Sirs, what can I do for Danyang peak?" Hua Ruge walked ahead as she opened her mouth, with a cold light in her eyes.

Among them, a middle-aged man glanced at the black jade card on her waist and said scornfully, "I've heard of the first apprentice of Danyang peak for a long time. I'm really disappointed to see him today. What can a suckling baby do?"

Hua Yuege raised his eyebrows slightly and continued, "how can I not judge you? Now tell me what you are doing here?"

People didn't expect Hua Ruge to be so calm when he was young. For a while, no one answered.

Hua Ruge feels more and more wrong. If it's a positive thing, how can no one say.

She also noticed that the people who came here were all Dan teachers, and another one was meditating, with a layer of snow on his body.

They are all the same blood of Dan division, and it's not a short time.

What is the purpose?

She simply did not ask, to the hall shouted: "I beg to see the master."

As soon as she spoke, everyone stared at the door of the hall. With a look of inquiry.

"Ruge, you come in alone." Gumer's voice sounded in the sky, and I could feel a little weak when I listened.

"Yes, sir." China is like a song.

"Boom." The main hall door opens slowly.

Hua rushes forward like a song, and everyone comes after him.

Hua Yuege raised his eyebrows: "gentlemen, did you hear what master said?"

"Everyone heard that the first one was in bad health, so we came here to visit. We are all kind-hearted, and the girl shouldn't embarrass us." One of the middle-aged people spoke.

His voice fell, and no voice came out of the palace.

Hua Ruge's pupil shrank, and he guessed that Gumo was really not well, and none of these people wanted to take this opportunity to enter the room and win the first place.

"I'll just say it once." Hua, like a song, said in a cold voice, "roll away!"

These people didn't pay attention to Hua Ruge, a little girl. One of them stepped forward and said, "I said..."



Two fire dragons appeared out of the sky and rushed out to all of them.

Her own strength is extraordinary. There is also a little power of extinction attached to the fire dragon. Once it is released, the heat of terror forces people to step back. At last, the fire dragon's power is consumed only after it has sent several bonds in succession.

When they looked up, they found that the main hall door in front of them had been closed, and where could they see the shadow of Hua Ruge.

Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't seem to respond.

Standing here are all the leaders of Danshi of Tianfu University, the mainstay of the existence. Unexpectedly, they were defeated by a little girl doll.

"Tell the owner that the first one is really not long."

Several people in the crowd sent their younger generation to send letters. Obviously, their role was only to spy.

In the hall, Hua Yuege closed the door and looked at the golden seat in the main hall.

At this glance, her heart was half cold, because gumer did not sit on it with his knees crossed as before, but lay there.

He was thinner, with a wide gray robe wrapped around him and looked like it was covered.

"Master, the strange disciple is late." Hua rushes forward, kneels under the seat, and looks at Gumo above.

She didn't expect such a big thing.

Gumer opened his eyelids weakly, looked at her face close to his eyes, smiled happily and said: "good boy, I will wait until you come back finally."

"Master, I'm not a good disciple." Hua Ruge looked at the old man in front of him, who was struggling and full of joy. His nose was sour and sour.

"Ruge, listen to me. Shouyuan has dried up several decades ago, but I'm unwilling to find a successor. So I've been taking miraculous medicine for many years to maintain my life, so I'll meet you in my lifetime."

Hua Ruge shook his head and said, "master, there must be a way."

"Don't talk. Listen to me. I haven't taught you anything before. That's because I know you are unique in alchemy. You can't teach with me. But today, I want to teach you the most important thing."

"You must be curious why the purity of the pill is easy to improve, but the spirit is very difficult. The secret is the Dan array," said gumer, handing out a piece of jade slips

He said that he called the jade slips into the hands of Daohua Ruge and said with relief: "as a teacher, I can't see the wrong person. Your physical savvy opportunities are too much better than mine. You will carry forward the Dandao line."

"Master, I'm still young and can't resist such a heavy burden. You have to teach my disciples for a few years. You can't do anything." Hua Ruge held his hand and said eagerly.

She could see that gumer had to hold on to the present. If he really had no worries, he would be really dangerous.

Goomer smiled happily and said, "reach out."

Hua Ruge opened his hand obediently, and gumer would have prepared it for a long time