Empress Of Business World

Chapter 38 - Flash back (1)

Yan shu dragged Kai to court yard and started Fighting with him Vigoursly. After few rounds she released him. By the time she released him he was sweating profusely. All his energy dried. He didn't even have the energy to move.

When he is about to take a water bottle and drink some water he heard " if you dare to keep the room messy again I will beat you to your death.Got it "

" Now come inside" she said to him.

He walked behind her like a loyal dog. Again they entered their base.

She ordered Raven to merge all the coded files that she wrote previously. Raven merged all the files and presented them as a single file to her. Yan shu said " Good job raven"

Raven is delighted. He is a optical computer. He shows his authority to kai family. But when came to yam shu he become like a little cat wagging it's tail.

Mean while kai is sulking. He digged out whole information about xia her and passed to Mrs. Han and Mr. Xia he only got " not bad" and a good beating. Yan shu noticed it but didn't care about it and continued with her work.

Yan shu is creating a firewall system. So she comes to Kai house once in a week and write the code nonstop for hours. Yan shu completed the coding part last week itself .So this week she wanted to give the finishing touch and develop the software.

Yan shu wanted to set a business. So buy developing the software. After developing she wanted make a deal with the company who buys her software. And then set her business. If she wanted to set a business she can. Kai family will help her. They had resources, power and money everything but she don't want her dream to achiev like this. She wanted to make her dream true by her own hard work.

She completed developing the software. She saved it in a hard drive. She also made another copy of that software for emergency cases.

She came out from the base after she settled everything. She went into the house and started chatting with Renji and his wife sara. While she is chatting her stomach suddenly growled making sara and renji to chuckle.

Sara called everyone for dinner . They ate amidst of chatting, laughing and eating. Renji and sara are very happy as Yan shu came to their house. She will not come home frequently so they try to spend time with her as much as possible when she is there.

After that she noticed that it is getting late. So she bid good byes to them and left to bus station.

When she climbed the bus she cannot help but go back to time when she met the Kai family.

_ _ _ _ _ _

**Flash back **

When Yan shu arrived the country A after escaping from her house. She don't know where to go. She become clumsy.

When she came out of the plane . She looked left and right but she don't know where to go. She thought of checking in to a hotel. So she hailed a taxi and asked him to go for the nearest hotel.

But she is too naive and too innocent .she didn't know that the taxi driver is bad person. She wasn't able to predict his evil intentions.

She thought the taxi driver is taking her to a hotel but even after an half an hour journey they didn't reach the hotel. So she started to ask where they are heading. He said that he is taking her to a cheapest hotel which she can afford and the hotel is little far . so it takes little time to head there.

The innocent Yan shu believed it and didn't ask anymore questions. After few minutes he took her to down town. Then climbed down and asked her to stay inside as he had some errands to do. Yan shu nodded her head and sat inside the taxi obediently.

The taxi driver went inside the building. And spoke to some people. He sold Yan shu to them for one lakh Dollers. After making the deal he said that the party is waiting outside.Yhise people sent Four to five people to get her.

Suddenly When some people opened the door harshly Yan shu heart jumped into her knees. She became scared.

She tried to run away from other side. But was blocked by those people. She shrank in her seat. She tried to resist and stay in the car .She tried very hard not to get down from the car.

But these people are stronger than her. And after all she is a weak female. But these people are bunch of bulky men. She cannot fight against them. They forced her. They dragged her outside. She is trying to free herself from their grip. But cannot break their grip. They harder she tried the harder they forced her.

She is crying, wailing and shouting. But to no Vail. All her wails, cries and shouts are heard by none.

But suddenly three people came. One women and two people.

In them suddenly one of the elder man came forward. He looked like he is in his forties. He spoke " what are you doing to her ? leave her. She is will be taken care by us from now. "His words contains an authority.

When those four man heard his voice a chill ran through their spine. Those people know who he is. So they didn't want offend him so they left her there and ran to the building they came from.

Yan shu frowned and Started wondering who are they.She wanted to who they are and why those people ran by a simple two sentences.But she couldn't believe them just because they saved her. She thought they might be more scary than them. So she kept her guard up.

Now There is only one question in her mind that is