Empress Of Business World

Chapter 37 - Fight with me

Next day Mr. Xia called someone and asked to dig complete details about his daughter. A part of him didn't want to believe these things.

He thought his daughter is innocent like a flower. But he didn't expected that his daughter is a flower with full of thorns.

He cannot believe outsider claims on his daughter. So he asked a person to investigate about her.

If they are true he will help her in hiding them from law. That to if she change her character. If they exposed out he won't hesitate to handover her to law.

But at the end of the day she is still his daughter.

He thought by sending her overseas everything will be fine but he never expected that things will be turned like this.

But he hoped that everything will go good.

He kept his thoughts aside and he prepared for his daily routine.

_ _ _ _

Meanwhile Yan shu is lazing on her bed like a lazy cat. Because today is a Saturday it is a holiday for them. So she is lazing like a cat.

She didn't have much to do.She wanted to laze on her bed for some more time but her stomach didn't allowed her. So she gave up as her growling stomach won.She got up and freshened up . She ordered a pick up for both of them.

She thought of waking song yun after setting the dining table. But when the pickup arrived song yun already was wide awake . By the time she set the dining table song yun came all freshened up. Then they both started digging in their food as they are very hungry.

After that they watched some dramas together. And soon enough it's lunch time. So they went near a grocery shop and bought some groceries. After returning home they cooked food and ate. Yan shu got ready and left to tutor Hao Ren.

After tutoring him she left to Chen groups directly. After she finished her work she left the Chen groups.

_ _ _ _

She took a bus and went to downtown of the city.

In downtown not many people lived. So it is not crowded.It is even time so there is still few number of people wandering here and there.

It is said that down town is a place where hooligans and criminals are staying. so normal people will not dare to live there.

Yan shu got off the bus went to the main rroad in downtown. She reached the end of the road. When she reached the end She saw a door. She opened it. When she opened it a small road is revealed.

She entered inside the door and closed the door. She walked in to the road. After walking for 2 minutes .She saw a house it is completely painted in black. There is a iron Gate to it. It is rusted. She opened it and entered inside. After entering She didn't go to the main door.

Instead she went backside of the house and said " hey raven it's me open the door " .

Inside the house when everyone are chatting the heard" Raven reporting boss is back. Boss is entering now. Kai be prepared.Mom boss seemed weak prepare food. Dad don't her mind with your words"

Yan shu created a virtual software for her and for Kai family. She named it as Raven . And she created Raven as her replica. Raven speaks just like her. He had a glib tongue her. Whenever she is not around Raven will listen to Kai and his family. But just like Yan shu Raven always despise Kai family. But he is very polite to Kai parents.

After informing them raven opened the door. He started " Boss you are back. See this stupid guy kai. He said that he will teach you lesson it sims. He said that your stealing the his parents affection from him. He also said he beat you blue and black. Now beat him I want to watch his pitiful state"

" Raven log off now. Yan shu he is telling lies don't believe him. "kai said

" Since when my computer system started telling lies kai" Yan shu said.

" Yan shu you and that your silly Computer that Raven are such a bullies. haa. Seriously I would have betrayed a country in my last life. That's why I am facing your wrath. "Kai said with a pout.

" Kai you indeed betrayed someone. Feel hounerable to meet my boss. "Raven sound was heard from the speaker again.

" Yan shu first ask him to log off please. " lai pleaded.

" ok but I need something in return. "Yan shu said with a smirk.

" No " Kai said

"yes" renji said

Both said at a time. Kai father Renji loves Yan shu. He didn't have a daughter but when he met Yan shu one year back. He treated her like his own daughter. Yan shu will not ask for anything that easily. She asks only when it is important.

So he agreed to it. He turned a deaf ear to his son who is sulking at side. When she got th approvel from renji she gave a provocative smirk to Kai.

" Raven now don't talk about Kai and turn on the computer in the base. " Yan shu said to Raven.

" I asked him to be logged out. Not to shut his mouth. "

But Yan shu ignored him and made her way to the base. And she asked him to follow to follow her.

They entered the base where the place is completely filled with computers. There are 5 computers in that room. And there is a main system which connected all the systems together.

All the wire are scattered over the floor messily. Yan shu throwed a death glare to Kai. Kai scared like a cat at her glare.

She said " Kai fight with me now " Most likely her words sounded like an order to him.

He know if he did something wrongshe did not he has to fight with her. But he know at the end he will be left in the pitiful state. Even though Yan shu is younger than him. She is stronger than him physically.

His mind exploded when he heard her words.

Fight! ! ?? with her?? ? hell no? ? he roared in his mind.